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Marine Record, August 2, 1883, p. 8

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8 _z_ THE MARINE RECORD. The HevBTotift Cork Jacket Twenty por cent, more bnoyunoy than any other Wfo-Prcservcr In tlie market- la tht BAPEST-antl only RELIABLE LIFF PRESEBVEB In EXISTENCE, as proven oft'io Into wreck on the Pnuillc.Coast, m the Pacific Mini Steamship, "City of Sa. Francisco." .. „ - RING BUOYS £ND FENDERS. a a B en J Approved and adopted by the United Sti cs Board of supervising Inspectors ;nwo 1» He principal Ocean, Lake and River btcai cr Lines, as the only Reliable I-lfe Pi esei' r. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLI1 D. Send for Clrculiirs. D. KAHNWEILER 148,148 & 150 Worth Si Noat-f'entei St.. New York. KATZENSTEIJTN iBELt-ACUNU META TACKING lonTisTOHRoDs, Vatv SftKua Ac. AHoptod and In use is the principal Iron Work and Steamship Cfflnpa nlei witliln tlio last elgh years In tbli and roraig [ countries Tor lull p« litars and rcferonci __ dixaa L. KATZEN8TEIM 4 CO., 160 Clirlstophor Street, near Weal Street, N Tf LORD BOW1.ERACO AMENTO TORCI EVCLANI) ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Itoom 37, Merchants' building, •CHICAGO, ILL_______________ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N. E Cor Colambos At« * Water St, 8ANDU8ICY, OHIOT PALMER & BENHAM, BucceflBon to J H PALMLH A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No ISO Water Street Rooms 0 4 1. llh.VBl.AHD • UH10n BECKER & KELLY, Vessel .Agents, *re*»wl»cluirti,rcd1 pnrclia^wl ntnl m\A, controctH mud. for co»mti-nnikhuwy (altftita, Lt.koSupi.rUir and LLiiuiiiibn Iron or« (hattcrafor Bin utu trip or BLUHun'a spotialty ijow.iursi it>Hiiui4 Pipvphriri fi , toiil A Iron 1.x Ituild'g bluYuLdUU, U. ' IV.H'honi' No W3 \ MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 St ' luir Stretii, Huom J7 t I t-VI LANt>________QUI"__________ THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. "A ------MANUFACTURED BY------- ' AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO, [ipsa^ijwc^ ma:. MM.m k-*- THQS. WILSON MAN VllINtl OWNKK Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. I orw irikr. 1 might nod Vessel Agent ( 1 K\ MAN!* (» HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents ,^,,!gry WW!,,?1* DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, ^40 t» Water Street C1IUA1IJ. ILLINOIS'________ • ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 LsHatle Street. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, l c Exchange at. - Buffalo, N. Y. rtrlFYOU DO NOT RECEIVE my Monthly lut of vessels A OB SAl.Es-8Ii.SU FUK :T. CRANK CAPSTAN. ' ' * PATENTED SKPTKMDKn 7, 1880. As only a few men can operate a crank capstan, it Is seen at once that It must be veiy powerful to answer the purpose. Tho- company had this fact particularly In view when designing this capstan, and a comparison with any style In the'mnrket will Bhovv lt» superiority In this reBpect. To make the gearing equal to the great strain often put on It, the gears are all made of the South Boston Iron Company's celebrated gun Iron. The same care Is taken In Its manufacture as with the power capstan to make every part m perfect as possible. It U mude to work Power or Speed, according to the direction In which the oranks revolve, without any ojher change. "• * , SELLING AOKffTS ON TBE LAKES D. a. AUSTIN & CO........ UPSON, WALTON & QO. M. I. WILCOX. JAMES. P. DONALDSON tt CO. G. D. NORRIS & CO. ■ DUNHAM* IIOIT, BUFFALO, N, Y. CLEVELAND, 0. TOLEDO, 0. DEI'BOIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE. WIS. OHJCAQO, ILL. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE £0ATS, ipimi BUST AUD OBBAFQBT SEND FOU ritlCES TO SMITH'S BOAT "WOTIKS, 159 South Street, Hew York.' Improved Snaicii XiLOi.K Clasp rhiBt'd STAR BRAND TACKLE PIS, BAGNALL & LOUD, Boston, Mass. Sole Munufaetiirecs in U.S. A. of our Ctdebialid Metaline & Sleeve Roller Rush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail CLKATS, ETC Improved Sna ecu til oik Clasp Opened CALKIN'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BAFT; H.0.&J.H. Ualkin, UPSON, WALTON & GQ, Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers. HTOno of tlio largest stocks of Wire Rope in tlio United States. flLEVELANP^ .... - OHIO.. J.W. Crover & Son, Ship Chandlers -AND SAIL MAK-SOS- 117A110 KiTor struct tm±ia5 Dock Cleveland,O PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookpoft, N, Y. BOI.K IIANI11 aiiukkiis. OP TUB ' CKLKHRATKD . ' "ANCHOR BRAND" Blocks. ALL STEEL Tackle "Anchor" bnatth Blocks and PlumliBrs. Steam and Qns Fitting, GALLEY ST07E8* " SSSO A 8S7 West St., Cor, I.uighl NEW YOKE ROLLER BUSHED Oil WITH OUK SELF-LDBRICATING FHOSFHOB BBONZB BUSHINGS, The jnetal in thcsellush- mgs 1s the celebrated Phos¬ phor Bronze, the best bear¬ ing tnetal in market ami being perfect self lubrica¬ tors they are fast supersed¬ ing all other stylos, For sole by tint) len everywhere/' For sole by tsHb Chand- Oiuuliiie sjpt upon •ipplicatlo I Latest lmi>roTi'L_f nt. USIC FoivaNCBoll BRAND'JTBI,OCK8. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists moiled free upon applieition. Siinpli onion solid, d. X J l-r ft jed

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