-THE MARINE RECORD. A NATIONAL QUARANTINE. i"ram f»« Jforl/taw BegUler. *"i Tho lyastwnrd march of Aslatlo oholora Is ■watchrtd with groat unonslnoBB In Europe, it has not yet ouunod niuoli alarm horo. It la supposed that bolo'ro it wilt roach tho At- 'lantlo coast and sorloufllv threaten tblscoiin- try colder weather will hnvo sot In and the danger will hnve pnRsod. This may prove corroot, but it la leaving too much to chance. If It reaoiios Wea|orn Europe there Ib utmost a certainty, owing to the immense passen¬ ger trnfjlc, that Bomo cubcb of oholora will reach our ehoroS. Tho thousands of miles ol ocean may prove a formidable ban lor and tho best dotonce, but eliolern has crossed It na yellow fovor crosses It now. It may bo our fate to cscnpo its visitation, but It la best not to tmltato tho example of tho Turk nnd leave too much to Fnte. A llttlo energy and foresight most frequently Induces Fnte to do •that which we wislu For theso reasons, whethor cholera comes or not, wo should be ipropnrod as far iib'wo can todrlvo it nwnv troinourshoiea. We hnvo alieady dne foe of tins character « ho never aeeins to rest from his attacks, but season after season makes his appearance In greater or Iosb foreo to effect an entrance Into the oountrv. This enemy la vellow lever. How, therefore, to aooure ah clllclciit guard against stieh dl«- ■onsos is a problem which tho National Gi v- criiment will-sooner or inter bo called uron to solve. This la a mutter which cannot bo loft to each poit or State to settle tot ithult. It Ib quite evident that the only 6ound way of settling the mattei 's by establishing u national quarantine system. Whenever this is pipposed objections without number aro made, but these emanate chiefly at tho Noilh. i'he South, as a rule, approves ol the plan, lor tho slmrile reason that it per- -colves that such a system would achieve the nnrposo of quarantine better than that ot any local authoilty. This Is .self-evident. The country, undci Its local B)Btem la no better protoucd against the Importation ot dlsense than tho weakest quarantine regulii- tlonB nftoid. It is to bo reuicmbeied that our ports arc Increasing In numbor nnd that all of them are extending their foreign con- neotlons. Epluemlcs do not reBpeet ot ico- ognizo political boundaries, and they retire before tho vigilant quarantine of one port only to etlect an entrance Into Hie country at a place not ao well guarded. Ab the po¬ litical orator would say, we point with pride to the Now York quarnntino syBtem nun demand to know If a national quarantine ■could be bettci. It certainly could not at New York. New York quarantine, how- over, does not hold juilsdletion over our At¬ lantic coast, let alone tho Gulf and tho Pa¬ cific coasts, and New York Is not tho only port through which contagious dlsosiBes •would attempt to entor tho country. If as excellent a ayatom were maintained at .ill our poits theie would bo nothing more to eay concerning quarantine, But are our rousts bo well pioteoted? II It is found lliut thoy are, then ua far as the const quar¬ antine Is concerned, the people could rest content, but If they aie not, then they should take the 'nta'ter of quarnntino Into then own hands Aa it Is now, the interior bta:os must <le- Dtmd wholly upon tho foresight and good will of the coast States tor quarantine pro¬ tection. Will all these local qiiai untlne sys¬ tems be equally good? Eveiy port and ev¬ ery State bus such entliely different views on this point, and so much ol local atluirs and politics cntei Into thu question, that as far us tliofo who are helpless in the mutter jiro concerned, the situation Is always moio oi less dubious. Quiiinitlno under such olnanntiineiB, Ib nnirow ami sectional and Is legnrdless oi the interest* or w ishes of the neqnle outside of ItB juil-dlctlon. National qniirabllne would be In every way pi etui li¬ bit tor it would at least Insure cquul vlgU lnn'ce ut all exposed points. It ould ussliii- llatc what It found best in local quarantine reculntlons, nnd be no stilcter and no laxor than tho situation of the station demanded. Ail points cuuld thus bo piotccted-wbicli Is not always Insmed undor the present plan —and all the stations on the coast being in close communication and under one niaii- KUement, a better sv stem would b» obtained. 1 he country would decidedlv object to om coast defences being lett to tne cnie of etu.li port Kor very evident leusons It preleis that the National Government should assume the duties. Koi almost the same reasons tho national Govoiumont should Uiko chaige ot the coast defences against those enemies which local quarantine Is suppose.! to giiaid against. _ A COMMON SENSE VIEW OF THE MATTER An overy day occurrence. Blinker me PlenWns, whose lace Is muffled up like UnlaVidoVs, and the first thing heblu' ouToOet a soft hot. cd< »«"-' ># too hluh, shoultfbo more moderate." FI Knew t«st*»rwell «» Blinker, bat Be wasn't uiorc-mbdorutc and gi eat pimples C out on his rfte like door knobs It wlnddhnve been more chaHt.iblo to have recommended Swayue's ointment .for skin diseases Instead ol volimtoorlng useless ad- vlco. I ___ ___ The schooner Wcstcbestei has been classed by enswmhouse oniclalsBl, which would indicate tl«U^beia-iUmoiili"* good us new. SlflHABD HAMMOND. Iron Shipbuilders, "T"^-------- OILSTIliLScV AGITATORS. Repairing Eroifiptly"Atttirui8dta Verzy 8t*__________i WK3.__________,_____________, ESTABLISHED 1830. -----MANCFACTURRnB Op- CORDAGE & OAKUM. Otnii of AMERICAN, ItUSSIA anil ITAUAN HEMP of the Tory best quality made to otdor Al ONE DAY'S NOl'ICE. MANILA and 8I8AL, BINDER TWINh Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, _____ SIGNAL LAMPS, —with- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. Fonndcrs ai Boiler Makers, Corner Elm and Spruce Ste., Cleveland, 0. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. ThCHC I •uups gi%o n moro brlllnm liRht thnn nn) Signal Ijimp now In tint Thuy have lioen adopted 1>\ tho principal Ocean and I nlo Steamers nnd Vessels, and are for sulo in the principal pm in on tliu \tlantic const and Ukett Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send fur catalogue Manufactured b) FEI.THOUHJN * IIUHSELL, 130 A 141 MAIN ST.. BUFFALO, N. Y. Tugs, Hawsers, < ^ Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, *To \w had on nhort notice, by mail or telegrnph , A. O. WHKEMSR, CHA4. ONEWUCH Manager. WroekiiiR Mister MAIUNE ENGINE WORKS t ■JIA.MJFAQTUUKn OF Marine and Stationary Engines, «> PEOPELIEK WHEEIN, VESBEI P0HP8 & OENEBAL MA0HIHEEY CORI.K8POV di-kce Soi iclTKn. 55, »7 « 0» Mill.!*... St. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps u free from Scale, Mud oi Sediment, Prevent diamine nnd lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves TUEL, LA1IOR and Rt PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving hill Information to HOUGHTON & CO, Sole Proprietor* und Manufacturer* 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, r . NEW YORK. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. l>i>AN * COHPANY'N DIACIONAL LIFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF TIIE METALLIC LIFE IIOAT IF PRF.FF.ItED. MAN REEK ADOPTED AT WASH. IX41TON l»V TIIE HOARD OF HV- PKRVisura INNPEC TORM. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on baud SEND FOB PRICE LIST. DEAN ApiD CO., DETROIT, MICH. THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, Vessel Brokers, nUI.l I'll, MIN'N. F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Manufacturers of Hotel Ranges & Laundry Stows, and Dealer in Sofii.OOD Comp.rr thl. with any other Pump LUt. Wrlla for UliutratLd di.H.ri|illv« licMik «Kll it mIomiiiIiiIh A( ValM nn POWOMETEB STEAM PUMP CO., 8J Jol... St.. Now Turk Utv, I S-A; ri.lUOK-iL. ( I l'\ hi. \\1>, 0 Si Mm \'«, 01iii>. Moiitl>i!liei,Oliln. IIAK l-AC'lOHll-3. k muktmiiiKe. mm. capt. d. S. Webster, ( nnollio.., Mli.li jnimmi njl uuu UAMtACKIRrllh A^D IMI'OUIFHU U)(«V ORDAf, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Pre, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, Russia bolt-rope, flags, cotton l flax ducks, MAHINE HAKDWAKli AND SHIP fiHANdfTEIth' GOODS (iEXERALI.Y \ 1 ~~vl 1 \\|i 1\M K\\< 1 V.l.1 M, Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, 111 HOIliHI 1\H OIIIIMIN LllMMI^SIIIN Ciiartenug. and Freientmg of Canadian Coarse Freights a Specialty. Office Room 32, Second.Floor, Moffat Block, KrTKolI MIOIKt^N 5oi 84 ft SB BOOTH BT.. NEW TORK- THE MARINE LAW BOOK ____Ih Kl)\\ iti:vi>Y — SEND YOUR^ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. MECHANICAL NEWS; f. [ILMIBTIlAThDl $1.00 PER YEAR* With Preipium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. >o 1111 Lllifili HI., Nen \i,rk. N. \. 9977 97 69�4