".*■ THE MARINE RECORD.,. ____5. AROUND THE LAKES. '. CLRVItLAKD. . i Captain C. E, Bonhnm, who tins boon sick for a few dhys, Is nrbund ngnln. Tho stoambnrgc Iron Age has gone to De- trolt to liavo sotno repairs mado to hor ma- ' cblnory. . . Frfitght rntca nro'firm at |1.05 to 1.10 from Escnnnba to Lako Erlo portB, and $1.20 from Marquette. Tho stenmor Smith Mooro la credited with a trip from Clovoland to Uarquctto nn'tl re¬ turn In flvo days nnd twenty-two hours, carrying 1.529 tons of ore. Vessel captains complain that In going through tho Welland canal their tsow Vjnos are worn out on tho rough stone ooplng of tho locks. Onk stringers placed along the top of tho maaonry would probahly obvlntc the difficulty. The stoambnrge Win, Edwards took tho schoonere Golden Ago nnd M. W. Page in tow yesterday afternoon. The Golden Ago has on a enrgo of 2,405 tona of conl from Thomas Axworthy's yard, nnd ahows n draft of fourteen feet ton IncheB. Tho tug Aotlvo and consort being cngcrto reach Toledo, naked and received permission to pnaa through the Welland carnil on a Sun¬ day, for which they woro fined four dollars and costs for jjeaocrnttng the Sabbath. The lock tender" wero nlso fined for helping the tug through, The schooner Sea Gull, coal loaded, wna dismasted off the Devil's Nose, Lake Ontario. The/oreuinBt .broke off about twenty feet ^ below'the crosstrccs and the mainmast about half way up. Both topanils, foresail, thrco jibs, and ligglng were blown away. Sho nlto lost her flbboorn. Chicago. s . .vpecfarai Ike Marine.Xecartl . ' The BCliooner I'ersln, Captain J. Peterson, is getting new main rigging. John Stcdinnn, fireman on the tug Thomas Hood, wns found drowned in tho rivet on July 20th. Tho steambargo S. Neff, which arrived at thia port for the first time on Monday last, rail into Wells atrcqt bridgo and oarrled away her mast. The fine schooner yacht Countess hns been purchased by S. C. Griggs, Jr., Esq., of Chicago, who has entered her, nnd Is having her got rendy to compete In tho Chicago Yacht Club race on tlie 3d. Captain Fish Is in command and will do his best to win. Mrs. Captain Young, wife of, the captain ..of tho schooner Japan, jumped overboard andwas drowned nboqt six miles off l.ud- ington, on July Md.' Her husband lowered a bqatjiiid used all tho means in'lils power to save her or find her body, but did not suc¬ ceed. The Dcpetc, wliich'lins boon, fitted into a handsome passenger boat, will now make regular trips between Chicago, Kscnuaba aid Green Bny ports, Ifaving every Satur¬ day and returning every Friday. Captain J. C- Raleigh will cniumnnd her. The celebrated nchoonor Yacht Idler nr- llvexl here on Moiulay'nioriilng from Lake Superior. She will be got ready to com¬ pete in the Chicago Yacht Club nice for schooners on the 'M.. She holds the Chicago challenge cup, ami Captain Colloy will use all the means in his power to keep it. ' T)ic schooner H. R. King,' wiieif attempt- ing to enter the barber on the 21th ol July, without the aid of a tug, ran Into the stern of the cnnnl bon_t 1!. .1. Moore and had her ilbboom carried away, bowsprit sprung nnd port-bow damaged, also doing considerable liiinagc to the canal boat. v The ■schooner K. A. Nicholson, coal laden, Iroin Buffalo to Chicago, went ashore 20 nilbj6 north of tills port on the".!Till of duly in it heavy fog. She was released 1iy the ttiRB Frotactlon and Union after lettlsonlng about 100 tons of her cargo and was towed iti here by the tug Protection. • , 'I'lic new propeller Walter D. Frost, O'ap- •-tin V. Millen, .arrived here July 20th, on her'llist trip. She Wns built by the Detroit Dtvdd'k Company for the OgdensbUrg and Lake' Champ|aln R. It. Co. for freight pur¬ poses. She Is'a". splendid -vepsj^l and pro¬ nounced n great success by hoi" captain and officers. 1 'flit scow Siyihlrd, of t,his pori, is reported loslj, A vessel,.bottom upwards, answering lir-r -description,'has been seen hj^ sovcral vessels oft Milwaukee Shu was owned ami sailed by Cnptnln John C. Hcndorson; of Chicago, whoso wtfo was also on board. Tho namos of tho crow liavo not yel boon nscor- talnedV- Mrs. Conroy and hor child, friends, of (ho captalp nnd'his wlto, woro also on board of the Soablrd. At Miller Brothers' tho. athoonor Annie Tomlnn went Into drydock to have a leak stopped; tho schooner Flcotwlng received some balking; schooner Adirondack rocoived a new pleco of kool and a rcealklng; sehoon-. or Ralph Campbell was recalkcd nil over; tho achoonor It. Canters was supplied with a now foremast and- bowsprit; tho aloop yaclitB Wjisp, Cora nnd Harry Bulk' had their .bottoms cleaned and polished for the Chicago Yaclrt Club races of tho 3d and 4th Of. August. An ofTqrf yyas made by shippers to benr freights, 1% cents for corn to Buflnlo being Irc'cly offcrod. Curriers refused such offers and Woro enabled to hold rates up. Thoy demanded 1%%i cent* for corn, nnd 3@3>4 ecnts for whent to Buffalo, nnd 5 coins for corn to Kingston. Tlie ruling rate on lull cargoes of corn to Buffalo wns 2?,, cents, al¬ though some small lots of rejected corn re¬ quiring sijpnrnte bins were chartered nt 3 cents. At. the Chicago drytlook the schooner yachts Idler and Countess hail their bottoms clonnctl nnd polished rendy for their, race on Frklny, the"3d. The steanibargo Ida M. Torrent received a new 6teri) .post; tlie schooner Minnie Slaiison got u new top¬ mast ; the schooner George Steel hnd her bottom caulked; the echoonor Medintor got a new ilbboom. the schooner R. B. King 2 now mastB, jibboom, knlgj.tliend, stanch¬ ions nnd storu; the schooner tHnckley had n general ovcrliniillng; the schooner Van Vnlkenburg received genoral repairs; the steninbarge White and Friant received new stern bearing. I At tho Chicago Vessel Owners' drydock I'lhe schooner yacht Oriole, of Toronto, Is having some calking, n new ruddes post, and her bottom cleaned and polished; tlnyiutter yacht Eileen, ol Toronto, hadjier bottom cleaned nnd polished; the-^chooner Ellen Hcllenwood was cnJUcffall over; the fl!g J. IJ. Hackley liruHoriie repairs and sonre calk¬ ing; iho tug Protection had a new keel nnd shoe in-d some calking; [lie schooner Blglcr had her deck enlkeil; Ihe schooners Georgo Steel, S. G. Andrews and Jnlpi Keldcrhuuse and the propeller Fred Meicur had.^ftim necessary repairs. . .> Tho Aileen is owned by Win, Goodei'ham, Esq., Imd John Leys, Esq., of Toronto, and sailed by Captalu Alfred Saunders. She was built in 1882 by Simpson, ol Toronto, from a model by G. h. Watson, ol Glasgow, Scotland, who nlso designed the celebrated yachts Madge and Vandiira. She has a atanding keel, a large portion of which Is. formed by the 28 tons of lead Inserted there¬ in, which should make her a very ylff boat when sailing close tothe wind. Following are'her dimensions: Yacht, measurement, 3fi tons; length on the water line, M.5 feet; breadth, 1V.8 Inches; draft. 8.2,") feet. Hoi ownc.s built heron purpose tu prove wheth¬ er deep draught yacliis'with a standing keel would beat light draft yachts with centre board. Tliev will have ni> excellent oppor¬ tunity on Saturday to lest her capabilities against tlie celeliiatcd Wasp, Cora and oth¬ ers, and we wish them success In their new entcrpil-e. The Canadian schooner yacht Oriole and Ihe culler yacht Klloeu arrived.pn Friday last. 'J'bcy will pnr'tidpnte In the races of the Chicago Yaclit t'luB-un tlie Id and 4th. The Oriole Is owned by Go,urge Gooderham, ■Esq., of Toronto, and sailed by Captain Rich¬ ard Fugler. She was built by Shickalunn, nBT.iojT. Sptcial to the MariM JtKqrit. ' Schoonor II, P. 11,111 Is dlsohnrglng coal at Vlegor's.' G. W. R. nro constructing a now trarfifor slip at Wlndiinr. HchoOner Rival londs a cargo of leached aslios for Buffalo, p', t, Steainbnrge Fortuno Is (o bo docked for n now wheel nt Owen Sound, i Tho schoonor-Flcotwlpg takes railroad tlea, Hnckolt's dock to l'ort Huron, nf fie. Grain freights from this port to Buffalo remain quiet. Elites from \% to 2 cents. Lumber freights firm and ndvnnclng nil along the lino. • Schooner Blazing Star,' at nnchor off Wood ward avenue Sunday, With colorant half mast, In respect to.tho .memory of Mr. Griffin, one of her owners. We hnvo just learned of tho dcntli of Cap¬ tain Bennett, one of our most venerable lake captains., He, of late, has mnde his res¬ idence nt Mackinac, rfud at one time held the position of collector of the pqjt. Slenmbarge Turner and consoi ts chartered Saturday Iroin Tawna to Cleveland at $1.50 per M. Steninbarge Jennie, railroad ties, Pigeon Bay to Port Huron nt 0c on roil Sciidhner E. G. Benedict, coal, Cleveland to Goderich nt GOo free. Schooner New Do¬ minion, Bruce Mines to Windsor, $2 per M. The steanibargo Passaic, with five -vessels in tow, nnchorfd off the ferry whnrX and] blockaded'tho whole front from the^D. G. H. & M. elevator to the fbot of Wayne street for sevcrnl hours, sndly demoralizing the ferryboats', schedule time. The' captain ■ of the Passaic, It is alleged, has done the same thing several times before this season. Schooner Blazing Star nnd barge Plym¬ outh Rock were discharging conl, ami the schooner Adventure, cordwood al Vicget's. Schooner Wanderer Is discharging paving cedar nt Flanlgan's. Freight, $2.25 per tiord from Fishing Islands. Schooner Home is discharging bnrWrit Powell trinncry. The sclioonei Fellowcraft Is discharging conl at Windsor. She Is chartered to carry bass- ■wqod posts from Bell-fllvor.-tajljack^ Rock Pojnt nt $1.00 per cord. SANDUSKY. Sitecml ly the Mm me Jlrconl The Osceola, of Ward's line, arrived here and londed lime and fish kegs for Dulutli. Barge Menrs arrived with iron ore. Propoller. Vnry Mills and barge Georgo Worlhlngtou arrived with lumber ami cleaved lor Huron to load coal for Sheboy¬ gan qt St. Ciifhorliies. from a model by Fish, of New York, In AS72, and wns rebuilt nud sup¬ plied with new canvass two years ago. Fol lowing nro her dimensions: Yacht nietn- ureuiont. 05 tons; 'length oyer all, S2 feet; liieiidth,'lr< lect 4 Inches; depth, ."i feet. IIur mainmast is 115 led lu length and he. miiln- topmast l.'i feet, lorenlast.'ill feet and fore- topmast 11 feel, ninlnbooni, 31 feet; gall', i* feet; hoist, 42 feet; foresail, 111) lect at hot' 'loin; fnregnll, 22 feet; hoist, 42 lect. She ciuiies every sail that can be unoled nnd as muebnl It as any/yacht,of her sl/.e on the 'hike's.' 'She has-hcld ihecliairtplou lln'g.pfj tin' lakes against all comer's lor the pnst clglu years. . •schooners Harvey RichVds and Piitlillnd- ,.,- arrived with grain rrojn'Chicngo and cleared llglit for Toledo io load grain fur Buffalo. Tug Andrews^ of Toledo, towed thtin up. Barge Roberts arrived with lumber lor Hnbbiird & ♦JeHJUid cleared light for Oscoda. Barge Joseph ©Wed wllh lumber from Snelnnw. Sleaiulmrge Wesl ford came III al¬ ter tho barge Monitor, both bound lor Al¬ pena, light- , .. ,., Schooner J. II. Brock cleared lor Kings¬ ton with mumu' Umber loaded here and at Huron. The captain failed to get cleat aliens between here add Huron, and the vessel be¬ ing Canadian bottom, he hnd to have scpa- rate cleat..nces. . Collector Rude, ol this port straightened nislteisiipand tliesehnon- cr went her way rejoicing. Propeller Geo. A. Marsh al lived light fioin Cleveland and denied with ;i."i cords ol stone. Steamer Keeweenaw aruve.l with 500 000 shingles for Hubbard & Son. and cleared light. Propeller Yo«cmlte cleared with 350 tons ol coal for Kay City. Scows Uraef Amelia and Louisa cleared wiih coal for Lake Superior ports, southwest arrived Hit and hw'lcd coal nt the 11. * >■ docks h ge Kineu arrived light Iron, Union and ,olLco,,llml>etroll. Audio. line Al - ,,,'Hved and took on canned^ goods lui ( lu- ms°- ■ ,,-,-u-na. Eight ciii- loads of wood canio in Iron. Moutonitthis morning forshipnientaeast. 'ri.cp.opellerl'eeilcst-arilycdlioint.lii- n,.r„ with a large party ol e^'ursl,»nlil,^iid cinsl.lcniblcjrcueral ipcrchmidlse. - The propel?* St. .Pa«.l.got lu Iroin Uulalo w-ltli seventy-live l»ssoncei» nnd two hun¬ dred tons ol general nior.-hnii.llno. The steamship City $f Rome, the law." wooden vessel on the lakes, arrive, Wo vi.«terdnv with 2,000 tons of coal tor the St. <m I C nl Co,npan>. She is ,,.,n«gullice„t hoatart.il is attracting grea. al.entlon. . —--------------------------------------,----------------------j-^l MII.WAtlKKE. Grain freights nro dull. > The tug John Gregory ha* been purchased by Rand & Burger of Manitowoc,considera¬ tion $0,000. Tho stoamhnrgo Josephine wns docked nt tlio Milwaukee nhlpynrd Monday for n new wheel, nnd the alcamtn-gc Georgo Burhajn will nlso be docked lit the same yard, Tuos- dnjr(ora,n'e'w wheel,'. • . Ycbbo] masters a-rlvlng report very little • dnmiigo done by the ^quall on the 30th of July. The schooner Richard Mott hnd hoc. mnlti'boom carried iiway off' North-Point, • rind lightening struck the stemnbiiruc Robert Wnllnco iipd the scow J. M. Hill In the ■ hnrbor and botli had their foremast* dam¬ aged. S^-\. • ■ The tug Einma Dwyer, which started out ' Snttirdny morning liiivlng flu bonrd Mr. Chnso, son-ln-law'of Captain Henderson, of the Ill-fated Sea Bird, to look for the wreck, returned at a late hour Saturday night, but fonnd no traces of the wreck, although tho lake dee cast of the port "wns scoui;ed fur miles. But it appears flint'the wreck hits changed her position. Tho middle of last week she was seen ubo.it the thirty miles due east of this port, hi which position tlie Dwyer looked lor her. .Saturday a fishing tug snw the wreck twenty miles northeast of tills port, mid this morning the Dwyer I with Mr. Cluise and Mr. Conroy, whose' wife and daughter were lost on the wreck, will make another search for the wreck where last seen, and if found will tow her to tjhis port.—Sentinel. —TOLEDO. The steanibargo Gretn and consorts will loud coal for Dulutli. Toledo wants another passenger'steamer to run between that city, Detroit and Cleve¬ land. The propeller Morley, with n cargo of wheat from Toledo to Buffalo ran bard aground at the mouth of tlie river, but was released after inoc'n work by tugs Spinney nnd Cleveland. BAY CITY. The barge William Trent has arrived Irpm Detroit, and cleared for the same place with 475,000 leet ol lunibei. Tho • propeller Mayflower cleared lor Tonawnnda with 347,000 leet of lumber, and the barge F. M. Dickinson for Buffalo with 405,000 leet of lumber. ^ 111'FIAI.O. The new Iron revenue steamer had u trial trip yesterday. The PUster, Xewcomb and 11, D. Coffln- bcrry take railroad Iron to Dulutli al $2,25 per ton. J Tlie sale of the Commercial Dine of propellers, which was to hnvo taken place July 30, has been postponed to August ■), by r which lime ii Is expected, that matters will bj! amicably arranged. Cpal shipments' at Buffalo up to tlie end of ' July this year were 544,200 tons, an increase of only 8,000 tons over last season's. Grain if lecelpts by hike were 3,711,200'bushels ahead of last yeni, and canal shipments show nn inciease ol .11.300,21)0 biislrola of grain. colli ill iio.n. , The loruial transitu ol 4hv> shares of Ihe Sun line slock Iroin Detroit parties to A. X. .Moll'at, l liailcs Waul and Henry Howard of l'ort Huron has been unide. It is'the Inteiuloii ol the stai Line Com¬ pany io begin the connrucilon ol a palace slea.nei, lu inn sixteen miles pel hour, Io go on the line in connection with thu Idle- wild nml Kvening sun. AH! 1 A HI I.A. The ni.ooi.ei Chillies Fo-ter Is loading coal here. There Is eon-ideiable iiiipinveiucnl in the mailer ol delivering laiitocs at this harboi. u>\\ I oo. The steamship Anna ^uiltli .Hid schooner .1. (.. King take coal liotn Oauegulo I.akc , Linden at $1,30.. - '-, ,' mamji in IK. * I'l'opulloto J.F. Undue and St. Paul pained . down. Tlie (impeller Sheldon and .1. S. Fay, and sclioonei Rhodes havcai rived, anil (iropellei • Iluoko. HlaiMiIha anil spartan,anil schooner Minnehaha and iMiiuairii denied August 1. hlMiMON. "" The steamboat Davidson arrivvil with (15,- (KHi bushels ol corn from Milwaukee. This ia tin' llrst tunc she has come through the muni. She draws 14 leet loaded and light¬ ened 27,500 bushels at IhceamJ.