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Marine Record, August 2, 1883, p. 4

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MARINE RECORD- v .flfte Marine §Mord. _______KSVARMHllKft IN1H7S. i Entered according to th6 lawn o( Iho Unlttd HtolCB J Pont'Ofllao atClovclnnd an spcond-flnna mnll inntter. ALAH80W WILCOI, Eflltor anfl Proprtetor. I-unHidicd wec*ly at No. 2 boutb. filter street, Cleveland, Ohio. 'BWnoh ofllec, No 2l4V3nut1i Water. Rlrect, CbicnKo TEH Ono yenr, po'l'ia" I™' -,," • .MxjUPJMlM. I'OltlWe |WHl Invarlalily 1" iiiKwi"' EitW Unite rV OF SlUlHfclUPTJONl ... J .00 ADVKKTIHING.HATES Ten cdnts per-line, nonpar* 1 tnewnii-cnront, or 31 20 per Ineh.in It Insertion, lour wi'uUS-I.OQ; with a 111 ksco discount on orders tnnonnttiid to 84(1.00 or.over. Articles, letters and (pierles oisnll HiibjeitH nrc aollcl- TUB PILOTS TREASURE.. Few people nro nwaro of the circuiniocu- lloiis Hint iv little- simplo slip of paper, kuowuliB tlie regulations-governing stenui- fioai pilots', goes through before It renchca Ua "coneplciiouB place" on board Buoh ves- aela where the law siiya it nuiat bo poatcd. New copies, whleh lire constantly In de¬ mand, must first be'carefully revised nml compared with the original, Which ia on file in the Treasury Department, nnd to which the signatures of the euporvlBlng inspectors have already lioou.alHxod, after wlilcli tlicy are, sent to BiVWniore, where they are signed by-the supervising lnapcctor of the third district; to Now York, where they aro signed by the supervising inspector of the second district, and so on to Buffalo, Detroit, St.. Pali), San Francisco, St. LouD, New Or¬ leans, Memphis and Cincinnati. 'At each place they are.sig+ted by the resident super¬ vising Inspector. ' Finally"tiiey are returned address, nnd urileon one moo oi me pnpur THE MAHISi: BEl'OKI) luis'Sii' on the Lukes nnd lllver>(, nud wilt eoirtpuncnlly-ctreii late more or le(* In all of tlium. Ah a medium Tor advertising ll hint no superior, lis iroj^auliitcs union); n tluBBof peo(de that enn lie renfitfprnn no oilier wiiy- ,Ci»-Tn,r, tdlior »»......«'no re.pon.tt.llll J tor the f rr'siionileiit. j J Vising IUS(ieciur. i nmoj ""-j ...-•-...... TolWure'notice, uinirlbutor, mn.t gHtf Mine nn/ t0 Washington, where they are signed by hire*., nud'«riteon ono »lde oMlic paper only. , \,i,c-f|ipervli>liiR Inspector general, and then Jen't l« every portt"ie'6"Pervlr,lug Inspector general, and then. '■'.......-• -ii-1-ii...i...r......mi. Hi,, districts. It ^-V^ ' , . EDITORIAL. XOTES.. - , Tnr Chicago lugs' "ill burn hard coal nf- '•" "' ' tor the Urst ol August. .«,.■■ f .________ Tbe 'lougshoirniei. al Kile are striking V' ■ tut a» advance to 23 i.....t- per hour. Pkancisco Baiika. Spaiti'h Envoy, etc.- lo the United Stan-, committed suicide with n Tcvolvi'i on I he 2l)lh of July. • • Tiihiih- sicnis In lie an Idea that the person who in rived in Moutieal under the name tif O'Neill Is Caiey, lite Iri-lt liilormer. Kxikn-ivf forgeries of Dominion nnies. have eiinie to light. ll is/ald Mint Chicago and Toinnlo sharpi rs ex'culc 1 the wink in - Montreal, nnd ChlcHgo and Moiitrenl detec¬ tives have been employed to investigate. Tun death nl General K. O. Old, has re¬ vived the tonianceof his life, whleh is based upon the f.ictTnjit he was the grandson of Cleoige the Foult.b and Mrs. F1t7.liert.crt, to whom the king was inairled while Pilnec i,f Wiilo, Till- niaiiagi'ineiit 01 [lie Star Line has ' been t'rnnsfcied fioni DelruU to Port II in (mi. We predicted last week that Mi. Moffat would be the u.anngei, which lias proven tiuc, a* he ha» been elected to the position. The 1)ii tilh 'limes ears a jiuii.ul lugs, including millions ol leel, lorced its way down Grand liver on Inst Thursday, de- slio.ylug in Its coiilsc the hiidges ol the Grand Hn|ilds, 11 id in im nnd Chicago, and ■West—-Michigan railroads. - All nddl- llnniil liunihor ol lug* wt-ie caiiied out at (itiitiil Haven, destroying all bridges In their coin-e. Diqinc a heavy storm and cloud burjif.on SsStrriHiay at the head waters of the Al- leulic ly a Mid leu Jise in Tlie 'river \vas piodueed which caused more disaster t.hau any lloiu' since 18U1, Incluiling the destruc¬ tion ol. a licet of rafts eijual to an area of eighteen ncief. t Man'y of the rafts were occupied by the latulliet of tint riUtstneir 'I'liey luafle tlich escape to the shoic , -how «'vcr, beloie the Hues parted. ' • ,- Mai t.uui. litis been ordered Iroin Kiirope I6r tlie construction of two ten-inch Wench loading cannons. They aie to housed lor new naval vessels, as are also the six Inch steel gunk'" no"' being constructed. These jiic the only steel guns whose construction has ever been 'undertaken In this country, . .nnd'when completed they-wll'l be twenty- seven feet long, forty-two Inches in dlnmotor at the breach and will weigh nhout twenty- 'lour tons each. Ihey :ire distributed among tlie districts, costs. 'h!?t ohc hundred dollars to send one thoii-itiul copies Of the piiutrtl iemulations over llue grand circuit. Supervising Inspec¬ tor General Dnuiont hni to spend a good many days in tlie course of the jenr to the utterly useless workol signing these printed copies ol the pilot rules. It ix supposed the object ol the leiioncmcnt that these inles should be signed by the supervising Inspec- tors, wns that of llielr ni.tlientiiaitloii, 'with H view to their u.o as Originals in court. But. as the courts will not accept them as such, demanding n certificate as tu tneir authen¬ ticity from tlie Secretary of the Tieasury under ihc great seal of thu department in every ease/it would seem thai the law ought to be so amended us to permit too signature to lie pinned nidi tlie regulations. The in¬ spector general has tried to have Congress being dhe'not alone to the amount of bual- nosB.or toltb-carley Increnae, but rathor to the gradual wonting out of tlie older engli o , imdi wo-inny say in thi»unnneot|on, and It Is Interesting to know, that tho American built cugliioa may aalcly'eluillengo com¬ parison wjlli those of niy pilrtof the world, and which la also true in respect to nil other kinds of nuichlnery, what ever may be the sei ■ vice required oftliem. How far lids suggiE- tion of driving nil engine to Ita utmost, rc- gardlcaa, In a certain sense, of the rci*"irs It will eventually require, wlll"cointnend Itsolf to the average vessel or mill owner, we can¬ not say, but Hie general principle liaaso often provod true In all llnesol miinufacturo that It cannot prolltubly bo Ignored by any one. Ono other suggestion, based upon actual experience, Is worth noting. S»o>°. ml>' cl|dm that a faster speed will entail so much greater labor on Hie man who looks out lor the working of each'"machln0 lliat he can notkcop all the little lus nnd outs sharp to their work, In" olhef words, he ought to have uioic pay or an additional helper or some kind, lor it Is certainly true, and the statement "ill bear repeating, that iucroaso of producilon.is the chief element in an increase of profit, and .thai, loo, in the face of any. probable increase whatever in the need or cost of repair. • ____ YACHTING. " "XMBIUCAN-YAOIIT' list.' Tlie American "Yncht List for 1883 la ut hand and la replete with valuable Informa¬ tion. It la the work <il Nils Olson, steward of the New York Yacht Club. Itcomprlsos' a Hat of 1,100 yachts of all classes, Including tlie tleets of forty-eight clubs. A list of the nmniinu won by Hie various yachts In 1882 Is given. The Hlgnal code for ocean vessels and (lie flags of tlie'more prominent yachts arc published; • The following list of'.vachls belonging to the cities uf the great lakes Is a. leading fea¬ ture: . - . CHICAOO, _ _^. Toniudje.l Nnnin. !•»< Tonnage. MiHchlel.................... ......., Nameless....... ,.......!«.30 Neb..........., ........SlJO.S-niW.......:.. .......Si 'Nordsn......... ........ I jl'erl............ 1U jqnl V)vo Namo. , Arlol.............. Dentrlco......... Hiolh............ I'om.............. ConnteM....... ((infield ......... Goodotiontill.... ....11.1" Tnion........... H ijll.Vlulug......... . .IV Wasp .......... 1 Wonder........ ^.4 Zephyr....... ..8 llunyllnike. Idler ' ....... Inn.......,...... Ijuira ............ .Mary Jano...... iMIltnon. toko.nto. Alarm.................... IW iKnlo... ........... Ailoen............... 3U P""1 , - nrmiclle.............. 24 Udy Slnnlcy ., 'Lapwiim......... ...20 ... n ...'8 .,.18 ...11 . ...U. ...MM ....0:1.07 ... 41.60 ... i . 7 DVLVlll .CXU M1XXEAP.OLIS. D-ilutlmml Mitiiienpollsarejit hot wsu-fure over the' wheat market question. !p^ late Issue of the Dulutli Tribune makes the assertion of the fact that that city had be¬ come a wheat maikel Unit, will rival the great Minneapolis and eventually take the bu\k of her trade, it says tlie discovery can no longer be kept from the public eye, and alarm is naturally created In the city of the blg'inills. "The new era menus link now a direct. I rude with mills springs up here, separate and apart from the general elevator Hull log.., I'lHIUCllC Com)....... Cnrlcw... , Cygnet....... lllxtc..... Escape .... Cfralrilne.. "ypny ..... (infnorvc . 'lmogcno .. .I.iminrce Alarm . . Arruw...... Coming .. (nrli'W.... KIBIe........ Gannctta Hnntrebs Mnilcnp....... Mndehno .. ■iMIwhlef..... 7 Myslery...... lOilole.......... ll'uct........ Si ngnl........ if-nrnrlw!...... h'lilMlo......, -ITInco A..... Verne ' ... .........20 ..........6 ..■>.....M .'..„.....W ....... 17 .. S ...0(1 -17 IK FtAlX) !ist|Kttlle e 8(12 U lei [Mig .onelle .. I'elrel . l-cnd ........ .Telephone „, Tlllana ,.,.,, , "'*""' I separate nun iipni-i nun, i..*,^.......------- see the matte, in tins light but that nugust |i||0 Cimilll|!l8lmi bamtl!M mii ,llllllll|5 ]a,t ,„ body has not \et been able to_get a focus oti I - . ».■.._,........<„ it. bteaiubontmen sliould guard Mil- paper as soiuclhingiif a unique treasure, consider- Adcle...... Jane Uninldf i - ing Us travels and cost. C1U<:acU iACJIT ClllS REGATTA. The ivgitttji will he held on Ihc lid and 1th ol August. On the Hist day tlicsclrooneu will compete for the Chicago Club challenge cup, Milne 1(71111, and a cash pil/.c ol f200. The lOiirecis 13 miles to windward or to Ice ward and the nice will be sinned at 10:4.") a. in. The yachts Idler and Countess, of Chicago, and Oilole, of Toronto, are entered nolle.. , C. 11 I'nvls ..... Camilla . niiu «.i>iii<............ ----------- Capolttle...... much more to the grain trade. Mlll-rlike ill 1 o' r!«n°inrd'iicr .. at Milwaukee are llndliig out thatiheycando I |'il»y ■ . ■ , ■ i , , Humming U.nl. better bv ncgoinllng at once with Dulutli ■■ than to depend upon llie market, buv as they can, or wait fot wheat contracted he- I'l'iirehand, to reach tliein by tlie ldng and slow rail loutcs. Milwaukee, realizes this vital point and stalls the trade by coiningnt once to Dulutli and buying ol her reserve. I.akr lniii»poi inlloii adds a second bciiLlltlo tliu'llrst'advaulageonllv Dulutli wheatmai- ket. It Isimmcdlaie and quick. Dulutli lui- nis|ies the wheat In the llrst place and eveiy day ol the week there are steamers, barges Ida .... t Kiltie WoWh . I. dv Ida Chicago, anil Oinne, in loromu, m■.■<.'„■>■ vu , ,!„,„, UIK „„R for thcabove race. On the second day the ] H11j al.|,0 )|ie|., ,,, ,„M., lemlv I(1 0011Vey It,' as ........".......'•>■'•»'"<• tl... —;,.., ,., „„ ,,,.„„ hi-loaded, to iulllslhii>buj. quickly as it can he loaded, to mills ilml bin D ililth is inure all 1 more extending its pui- cliascs.of wheat in ihe va-t wheal belts In ,he further Xoi'tli.west, gaining stendllv In faellltles lor hoyln^ nni'. hiilidhng and mak¬ ing bettel credit as a "Ileal luaiket. Her advantages aie marked. They are apparent to those who sell to Dulutli and to those who buv ol Dulutli. The truth of this at last strikes home io Minneapolis and site takes alarm. Vcsselmouj while imputing n """"'"...........-• --i just proportion of this talk Io lucid'pride, for invited gnesls will ae-1 ,md [0 ti„, „i„|, n„,i ■fnthera Ihe thought, ~ "'...............l».n in ihi,4 m,nil CousWeriihle miilvli Hnul"-"' *-'ohie610 H,1f ,,oVi in the course of :. season. Tlio.tc.Mi- tofgonthfce-vc^sels with an.agg.'W<> ™5 of 1,850,000 feet, que ol the lour «- I, being itertined for Cleveland. Ihe iTanio, u Match Company's yards, fro... JB1 fleet Wa.l««l«a. «"!>'«• •«»' IrtoIlvcmllUonfeetonh^ a large °otion of which is nn.tch.lul.ibcr,- awaiting K»rtailc.. to their v.riou..««l«>'«»^ ilos below. sloops and cutters will compete for the Klshei clialli'iise cup, value $,"i00, and cash pil/.es of if.'iOO aiUUiljJll l.ii llrst ami second .'hiss yachts and |)ri/.cs of $230 and $123 lor ililrd and fourth class yacl|ts. The course Is 10 miles to windward oi lecwnrH lor llrst, second and third class yachts and .'> miles to windward or leeward for fourth clnso yachts. The nice w^ll be stalled at noon. The yacht* Wasp, Cora. Ailcen, Harry Butk, Atalanta, Heme and Zephyr have already entered and several others are expected io do sd. A special steamer company the lyccs. Great interest is fell ill the- events in consequence ol the competi¬ tion Io be had with Ihc Canadian yachts. ,. THE WEAR OP MACJllXERY. Some men, says a writer in the industrial World, believe, or act as II Ihey believe, I lint'i'io machinery should be run io lis full rapacity, lest it should"lcquiic important repairs after a time. This would be only uiiotliei way ol saying that machinery Is made merely lor the purpose of being kept ull'lhe time in Hue onler, rcgardless--uf any work It may do; whereas, the truer thins; is TO run ft machine lor nil It ia worth, nud when it is worn down orWfn out, to repair It or get a new one. .It may be claimed, and with sonic showing of truth, that a uniform low speed Is tlie most profitable for any mil- •otiliie which is coiislaiilly employed, a -■>»»■ Corsair ( rnlser Na ill " ■ . Alnnrelle Il.innthM lirirc Mibcl No! Illl Sylvia I rlelel K,i(( In ilioii Linru I'lia i torn Kinnlii Moiinald Pcrniella . inc.7 Mll.llAI'KEK hiMMIA | Mnmie . . I.STAIUO, ...... | Whisper.. . I I K\ H (Sll ll.lllll.. Ml-eluel Mini ... Inner. .. ,M|.l....... Slu-ii ...... Mrnnger .. I'l'villillll ... lUnUnown . IWIunlded. lo-rr inn r, j . .. | Signur nn.i i.\ ll i.i I LAInlniitn ... 24 fl.ulil . 10 Kilhli-en I.Vl MlonU A •_»l I Itn i fore . 7 "TZophjI. .. .....in .......B ... » 56 .. 11.71 ....li.ntl ... 2.17 , ..73 43 ::zt .24,10 ... i2.V\ . 12 . 77 ■ IS .10 11 iKIhi. Kntlr (ini> Mnu.l . ». Illhoda......... II 32 "ill at Ihcsnino time precelve in lliis some ailvanliigc to themselves. OHITliAHY. Caplllin John M. Grillin, one ol the oldest nud best known navigators and \csj,cl-owit¬ ers on the lakes, died op Ihe 2IUIi till. Cap- lain Grllllln luiil hivn out lu LeiidvlUc, Col., lor two years up to the present spring, when tailing licnlth compelled him to r.eiuri home to Osweg III ll(K iti run , a r>3 , 37riB'^< Hi The leglstei lor .lay Gould's yacht Ata¬ lanta "as signed at Ihe Treasury Depart¬ ment lasl week aullioililng it IO make a trip nroHlid Ihe world. CouimciClal Adverll-ei . Thek schooner Rival, Captain .lames T. Holling, seems to be nut of luek. she is.ln Jiot water with tlie revenue oflicers at I'uledo about herofllclal measurement, ll appears thai on ai rival nl thai port an ofllcei from the United Stales revenue cutter I'riiy stepped aboard and alter examining Ihe vessel's papers llndlng them all light, he asked as io where the ton¬ nage ol the vessel was cut. He declared Lue which is constanlly employed, a speed ,„ „.,lTO and was an old I me liieud of r,oderatcthat no .epair uccd be niiuh- ,,„„„„, IMtilck I-lnn,o. ,1,1s, ,y, (f.,r„.erl> so moutin i.......... „,.,„„,,. llkelvio1.,, n.„.....,i and of hi. brother, Mchohik L'OlllIieucii linn i" ^. ...... intftv *'• i"^ »>"^.....•" vml. m- He sailed Iroin youth, ilu.t the oillclal ineusuicnient should bo cut vwis snccesslul.auil became a vessel-onuei, | on the forttaid sldeol tbe main beam. Holl- and-tliinlly « large enptmllst. Ol lale yeais | Ing said he had been on vessels several 'lie has lived ashore, looking allci and man-1 jcais, but did not kuott wheie that was airing Ills vessels. He owned an Inleust lu J Jlo had lieaiil ol the n the schooner Mystic Star, and wholly owned [lio lllMlng Star mid other vessels. He *1*0 had mining Interests in Colorado. Deceased was a half brother of M. .I.Oiinining., Esq., ol Oswego, and was an old lime liieud of iron, month ,o month. ' It Is more likely ,o J ,„ \^u,„0)] „,„, ,lf Nicholas bc'mus liowcver, In the inajoiily of cases, j ,,„ K„, j.6w engage 1 In mining interests ihat Hie ureal pro.lt wilj lie lu the the fastest •„, u,1(irBli0. lie had hosls ol l.icn.ls In nil, , s eed tlnil the material under trcntW the lake cities and will be siuceicJy ...oiirned. th„t light w UlpcrhiU. .■cgunllcss ol the icpalr o. the (1iptu|n dallies Hcmel. ol Mackinaw, | .... a 1.1. ry The experience of lending rail- wl,o.c death I. announced this.week, was rd. is quHc to tlie point in this particular, su.,,.k,10wn and respected lor his sterling ,lor there are cases in which the call I'm L»„|itic8 alhdong the hikes. , _ . '„qw locomotives has been equal to one In | weeK j,,.,,,,^. .Very lour or five day., this Icqulien.cnt , « »'d^' iniilu boom. The pa¬ pers of tlie Itlvnl have been taken away nnd have not yet lieen returned. Tho captain says l»j has the olliclnl register Cut In tlie place pointed out to lilni/tind experts to have his papers leliiineil. Captain Hulling told the olllcer that ll the register was on the wrong side he thought ll would lie a good •Idea to tmlfThc vessel mound and It would he all light. The officer did not see It In The Angus smith, has reached bore with ,17,<H)0 bushels of wheat Iruni-Mllwaukcc for Ihe K. A M. Company. She Is Ihe largest sailing vessel that has eorlie lu Kingston this year. Last season she went to Ogdcnsbifrg,'

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