•THE -JylAiRINE RECORD 3. MAKING L0MBER... Tromlhl Rod York litmlnfi Poti, • Up thu Saginaw In a wide region, readied ollher by the river or its tributaries, the great pine saw-log. ntteil three leot in d - > nmotor, hna Its birih. Pine forest*, now rapidly thlnnifnxi'Ut, once covered several tnntlnuM) tounre Jlillee mound the hend- Wnters. Entering that lumber region Initio Into miluiun, the lumbermen estnbilsli camps, 'round which dn'rlng the whole winter long tho axes resound, the lull Hunks fall, and In sections are rolled to the ajacehi stream- li r tho uprllig'Hoods to bear away.' Filiation down to the main river* the "boom men" pick out each owner'*- logs as lileuillleii Icy the brand,and gather ihciu inside tlic*houui-, i curtly described'as lung iice- d together at Ihe ends; 'iillcn th water surlnce. of ^exei'al coves of the Saginaw—called mrrowed from .1 lit: lecially adapted Jiizalioii of these netiiphor, indeed, lilts peculiar Illness here, for the logs arc mustered side by side in companies, held together by n ropo fastened to-ench log by n device not unlike the domestic clothespin. As theso ldgsdo.v'n strenm nro worked up by the tireless uillls, these upper boauis nro drawn upon lor more, until the freezing river finds them quite empty, and auoiher winter comes on to yield it.a fresh supply. But the saw-log's story becomes must dramatic as It nears the mill and, loosed from Uie restraining rope, is steered Into tlio glade .of open water, that loiicle up to the wooden s'lde. Enter now the great lumber mill, and wo shall bo In at the saw-log's dentil. Down the" slide Ou n wooden rail¬ road a heavy truck, lilted with two cross lines of heavy Iron leeth. Willi n-plmige it dashes below ike1 vnter, still holding its plneo on the mils. Then tlivee giant logs are flouted aliove'lty At n siguiil, the '-statin is let on, tho miichfiiery reversed, tho strong chain holding the, truck tightens, nnd tfie truck itself begins to nsceiid.. The' sharp teeth catch-the logs, which, in a trice, are lifted dripping from tlio water, jvblsked up like twigs 100 feet tH the mill, nnd rolled oil' opposite tho first set ol snws": These snws are two In number; one set below Is of the buzz variety, perhaps six feel In diameter, nnd cutting, therefore, through n three-foot log; but ns this seml-dlaijioter isollen in¬ sufficient for n big log, a second mid smaller •buzz," placed above and In front of the 'first, cuta the slice, which otherwise might still hold fast the .slab. Oilc of the largest logs weighs a number .of tons, and human strength alone would never sulllce to turn It after one of Its sides has been "shipped," Just here. comes in a benutilul piece of fiowcrlul -mechanism. At the touch ol a ever n stout beam, armed with iron teeth, rlsei by the forest Titan's side. It snatches the wood, and in less time than words can tell It the log Is tuiubled.over, and the frame¬ work, rushing back nndyfortlj with amazing 'speed, has driven th»l edgeVpf ihe tree athwart the saws, until the once rough stick stands lorlh a symmetrical square. Then, 11 another instant it is^slilfted before the "gang," a set of ordinary upright saws placed an Inch apart, and often with thirty or even thirty-five bladcB. Below jni or¬ dinary circular planer revolves In front of the gang and smoothes the lower edges of the boards. The imtnenso piece of timber is run through '" " fow moments, and what was live minutes before a rough tree trunk, baa passed Into the inch bonrds.of commerce. Nor does the work end here; for tlio Blabs are passed to it new machine, which grasps them with almost human Intelligence, and whatever part of them can be mado so be¬ come lath. Other machines lake llui harder woods, nsh, elm; or oak, nnd convert them with equnl apeed Into stnves, barrel heads qr shlngleBj'and llnally the otherwise useless debris passes to the lurimecs to feed the flies of the engine. There Is Been little or no sawdust nrouiid the Saginaw lumber mills for llie reason that It la all mod for the furnace flames; mid, In general, the cycle of utilities by which one hrai|ch of the gient Industry is made to feed or siinplemeiit another teems as rounded as human In¬ genuity (Ian make it. Somotlwes, particularly in the more mod¬ ern iiiilis,|tlie lojitiue ns described Is varied by lirtlngl-ttlTilogs from the river on nn cndlesB clin'n; nnd n number of miner mechanisms till out Ihe devices by which tho lumber is cut and distributed. One in¬ genious machine, working double emery wheels, sharpens the hu/./, saws on holh sides ol thu teeth during a alugle revolution, anil rcqulica no attention beyond simply the fastening of the -saw upon it and the un¬ fastening after tlio work Is done. Another flatten*, out, by" n ojovor mechanical ex¬ pedient, the tceiU/oTthe saw, so as In cut,a wider rent and prevent clogging ns the out becomes deeper; lliially>a system ol elevated railroad takes Hie lumber-laden trucks and distributes Ihe hoanls nt the points III thu yard or oil llie wharf whence they lire lo be shipped. Some additional conception nl llie size mid Importance of tho Industry may be derived from the'fact that the Michigan Central railroad company takes away I'rigu one station here 100 carloads of lumber for ench day of the working season, to say Known rs Mm or hut tao Soibkoe run Reuoviho ALL IMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD. . attaint"i anal, tliuut,uJZfldnt Out f» CONSTIPATION, ffl'^a^,'"^ DYSPEPSIA. IffiP^LKftBBf^ and tondomuM at pit of stomach, dcdnondcncv. LIVER P"1"1*1"* mil<mw«M, M.lirl^ chilli >ni ■ ,*,n llnr, oiallng lonntil In bulc uMTilHt also bottom of ribs; woirlncn, Irritability, tonirno coated, skin yellow, hot nnd cold mi. «atlon«,eyc«diill,ilry cougb.ntlOed and obitruct- ed foollnirJrrciralar puIhi, bad colored Mooh, APOPLEXY KpUepay,P«rnly«l»,dlm ■ V. i i ',l»1"'"m""'Inonn,Rlddlncra, contusion In fiend, ncrvou«ncm, Italics or llimt btfart <tsi. lau of namonr. OImuii of Dlt4dar mi The Nickel Plate! ____. ^UljS'burnlnir.flUngliin.bearlnBclown Htaiktloni, frtqnant doilr* to nrin&U, unaulnei*. InfUmed «rai, dark cirolei, thlnt Dlaeimt) of ■■"'*■"•" Hvart i»Ibi, flulUring 6r wafght near __ baart, mora lo on mOtlpg qnlokly And whan lyincon loftaidai out oMimthon aiartlon. ilbfWWUn&t<Tu or faaadi filntnau, nauiei! Rli«ania* inflamad arai, HEART. IlropVT U caiiMd by waUrr fluid,._________ * **£?*b' QT*0 M.,d ln L>,Md- Bowel Dis¬ order* by oorrapt mtttar. ylthtfc___Cftldi by oboklL. SWATNE'H Pitts, by nantla wtlon, nmom iant oi - - ■ - . -,,'•.—i-v. Wobhim by tha put! toldl^by. choking of tbi honUoos. by ebol liijB, parmaai 25 mU tn of » Hllii 6 bo«a,$UX). (In* j»atk» taSTC L ^^ S?»* "WAYNE .ft'soST *hU*del>fal*, Pa. Sold by Droniita. tba etuaa, miking a, narmaitanl onra. 25 oanta Iwt of 30 Fill " ' Vessel men . SrlOUI.D HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. rrnitniulng nil polnm o( MAIUNK LAW da dts tonnlnod by tho United HtatcaCouitn Renmeti, Owner*, - PreluhtM, Chltrtent, Toivnjre,' IteffUtry, Collin)unit, KitrollmenUt - G<HH*rnl Avernue, Common Cnrrleri, Outlea of Hoamett, Mni*tor» & Owners, milof Liullnir. Wntfua. &C. Tim Tolumn In liunilxmuely ■tound lu allir Bnnrd coven, and Due English cloth liUi'llntf- hooknoftlu» kind gencmlly coat 3H.IH), I'm we will aond It to any Rddrofli, (HMtago pnid Tor $1 23, or with (lie MARINE HECORD for uuo year, l»utli for only S3.0O. 1 Addrata AUftiNR llkcnm*. Clovcl»n<l <>. ' POSITIVELY CURED All iufferon* front this dlaen^e that arc anxious to bo tured should try DHr KISSNEft'S OELKBEATfiD C0N8UUPTI0N POWDEHS, Thes* I'owTorsaro tbo only prenarntlun known Unit will utiru citnunniption and all irtwawbof thoTHEOAT andLTJKQS—indwvt, bo strong la our faith In tliem. nn-1 nL-o tu toiivlnuo you that tlieT nro no humbug, *c will forward to ovary auflerer, by mull, poiUiuUd, a Free Trial Box Wo do I'twnnt your money until you are perfectly snt- lifled oUliulr ruratlvo powurn. If your life Is worth saving, don't delny In giving these POWDERS A trial as they will sutely euro you. Price, for la.ye Box. tit 00 or A Boxes for J10 00, Sent to nny part of the Unlt-d states or Canada, by mall,,on receipt of price, Address. ASH & ROBBINS. MANUPACTUItEKS OP ELASTIC MIXED FAINTS. . Ol'l-ICB AND FACTORY 36 Michigan St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. M V. B0EOMAH, Proprietor. The Madison, (1'OttMlytLY IIBVKIIB HOUSE) Detroit, Mich. Mont Centrnlly' I.oentcm. Strefet enrB'pnaa the door every fow nilmitea 'to Deiiote imjl till pnrta of tlio City. Three minute's walk toL'S & M 3,D^ M,vwd Wiilmsli Depots.' Bataa 1180, to (2.00 par day. FOR SALE. AnlronsU-am vochtMloot long.O font beam, 3 feet deep; runs very fast, and well fmind. Enquire of ^ D.P. NifKKiiJfON.'Enclitl AvcnuoSuiion. ^FOR SALE. An Iron ynclit 35 feet long very nnelfy finished and Illrnlahnl. Drofl 3 1-2. tat runs very (ait, Ennulrp of 1). 1'. NIclH-rnon llurkiics< Block liuclld AviiSlatlon. NEW YOItK, CHIC AGO * RAILWAY. ST.' LOOM Tho nuionnf oqulpnifnt of tlili Now Trunk Lino luill flow itnit In mipptlod wltli tlio Intent ■npllancos neflvMary lo •Rto-ipoody nnd comfortalilo- tr.Svel, At Chtciign?- panncnuer trxfni ariiyu at ami loayt from tho Union Deimt, Vnn Huron itioet. , Following Ih tha tliuo fn ollcct Mny 14.188S, and un¬ til further notice: ' GOING KAST. It. CUUogo.........a.lfl o in. ...'................ .'............. Arr. Vnti>niaKi.. 10.0S " ................•. ............... " Fort Wayno. 1.31) p. in..............................„.. " New Hftvon.. 2.03 "................................ " Went I^I|hIo. 4.O0 " ................................. " AraldU......... CIO " •................. v„ „......... " I-'iMturln.........Wib " ................................. ■" Gn-on Hpilngn «12 " .„■.............., „............. " Ilellofim..<.... 0 10 ".................................. I.T. llellovuo........; Ut!i "- 8.30 II. m................ ,Arr CloTi-lnnd...|... 0.20 " 10.55 " Accom. I.T. ClcToinnd..................... 1100 " 4 20 p. m, Arr l'aliunvlllo................... 12 00 p. in. 5-311 " " Anlilalmla.......•............... 12 M " 0 3» " Cunnouut....................... 1.25 " 0.55 ■ " Krlo........ ' ....... '• Dunkirk.. • " Bulfiilo.... FOR SALE Seombiirco. Kcol 141 feet, Benin 30 fool, depth of hold 11 fool: capacity 400 M feci lutuliur, OSOlonnoonl bcnlden hor fuel. Built In 1882. Addren- MAniNlt ItKonltD onto. BEE LINE aeveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. iiotliliusol thu lurgnquantllluaalilnpril from thu river hy-thu Flint & I'eru Mnrqtiptlo railroad line, nnU uvea large jjIiIijiiiciHb by the hike hiirgca. ; 3B0 Fultorj St.. Brookllff. FlfOPILEPSY, Oil FALLING SICKNESS U\ Trial Box-. An nend them iiy rnnli, poat paid, a Fraa Trii_____. Dr. (Joulurd In tho only rTiyolclan lliat hiul eror omde thlntll.edno a npo«-lal nuulv, nod an. lo our knowlrdge thounai ' *' i.-.. thaw oare tttrly Inal. nud bt- wuivlined ot "their curullvo power l'rlra, tor larg.i lloi, $J 00 or 4lloiui tor 110 00. nt by mall lo nny p irl ol tho tin tod SUitua or Cuiiad, on receiptor prli-ci, or by oxprflu O I). D. Addrtu . ASH & ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St.. BrQoklln, N. Y. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with Through Palace Conchea.itiiil Klegiint Sleeping Cars, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —ARD— ST. LOUIS ^VlTIIOUT CHANOK. Thia in the only iiiie linking Dlreot Connection with >li tho prlnclpn.1 Trunk Linen of llie Eant for all S&'ilhero, Bliolliwealero und Wenlcrn pomln. either by wiy oLCli'icinnaU, Indlannnolln or St, Loulliud all Ballway Towol, jllSSOUltl, AKKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS; NEBRASKA, COI.ORAOO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO , ANDTHK PACIFIC COAST. I.T Buffalo... Ait Dunkirk, " Erlo............... " Conncnut........ " Anlltnhuln....... " raliienrltlo...... " CtoTolnnd........ Lt OloTeJaud........ ArrllcllOTUo......... I.T Bellevuo......... " Green tiprlngn. ' Foitorla........... " Arcadia........., " Went U-lp.dc... " Now-Haven.. " F-rt W lyno... " Vnlpralno........ '• Chlcngo.. ................ 2.28 ................ 4.21 ................ 0.00 GOING WEST. .10,15 a. m........... ..11.80." . . . 1.35 p. in........-. . 2.51 "» .......... 3 25 •' .......... , 4.111 " ......... 5.25 " .......... . 5.30 765 7.15 n. 0110 " „ 0.40 " «■ 10.07 " . 10 40 " . 11.00 " ,. 11.58 " ,. 2 05 p. .. 2 20 " . 0 25 " . 8,20 " fj-ovo. 0.45 a. m. 714 " 8 11 " 0.23 " Traliin run by Coluinbin time, which it twenty mln- ulcu fnnter thnn Chicngn lime, flvo mlnutcn slower than Cleveland, and sixteen minutes slower thin Bui- folotlmu. For iiiformatlon, coll on nearest agout of tlio Com¬ pany, or addruu B. F. HOUNEII, Gen'l ['Unaengcr Agent, LEf'Is WILLIAM", General MnimKCr, Clorcinnd, O. Rocky IUver Accommndalion de|>urtn nt 7.50 a m. |<lally]; 0.10a. m [ilullt]; 10-45 a.m. |Sumlay only]; 1 38 p. in. [ditlljl; 4.2.T p. in [Sunday only]; 7.00 |t. ni. [aunday-oijlj]. Euclid iicco-..uiudutlond«'|»arlnnt 12-15 |>. in Idailyfi 5.-45 p m. [daily exicpl hundn ]; 8.3S p. 111. [Huuday only ] New York, PGunsylyania & Ohio R. R. (Foriuerl) A. A U. W. Railroad.) NEW TOIIli, IIUHTttN ANU TUE EAST, The Shortcut and (InlckjMt Itonte to Pitta- burs, W«ablU|[lon nnd nnltlniork nnd tbo ftontbeiut. I II \l.. - Duvlil Ilnrulil»i'l. A»t, ItODtKNTK) 4 WBA11 .C'O.|0.. 4'l««v«l»nd', MARINE LAWYERS. Kiudp ,t Atorrlnmi I'ltllL-IOIlri IN ADMIRALTY, IT, M-nirii" •-! H'vin ^4 I'lilrnun,. IIII\T filill.liKIO Iiviiu Jb Cu. 110AT HUll.UKin T)TT||HIT LAUNDRY. HL'AT WASlllNO anil nencrnl LUunilry in few hours. Ci.bvi'.i anh Sikam Laiin- i>hy. 33 SL Clair St. - Telephone 118- A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. A very lino yacht f 'r calo. lz-imMi, 100 fcOl; beam, 10 ft't-r double iiUKliu'l; tw" HplendliJ cedar Immisj nice iiwnlug; • M'1 "l"' 'I""11'" kilchcn, piiilry ami iwii slalo roomfll roolilH well furubhed 10 alccli 10 per-onn; (on-iaillo; uiiright piano, and, In fad all lhat i-ao bo dralrwl. Thin >ne1i' can W.purih i;ul at a burgnlu,. Addro a Maiiin" llBl-oun CLuuland, O. Equipment New and Comprising all' Modern Improvements. The Be«t Roadbed'ana the Safest Road in the West tS-Tli-kela by tliin popular route for mile lit iiH-vofipliir Tcltct Ofllcri. ". . E.B.THOMAS, V B. SKINNER, Uenural Mmugor 'Imlllc Manager. A. J. SMITH, II, iiernl rnmenger Agent CI.HVELANB.«illlO. CLEVLLANU.-COLUMIII'H, I lSUINNA'I'l k INIII- ANAl'OMH. Comnionrlnit Sunday, Juno 24th, Iralnnof tho Bo.- Lino—tloveliind, (.Viliiiubun.t'liii-llinall A In ilaiiainilla Uallwaj will leave and «"'v" at flturulmiil an fn'lnw.i No I, rlnclnnatl A rnluuil.in Ktpre™ .. No 11, Imllunuiailla A W he. ling l.i|in-« No.J7 Hpw lul Coluinblli A Clin liimill Lx No. 3, Hun I'd lull A Sl Lnuin Expr""" No, S, lid (.In.. Inil A Hi. '""la l.xpaaa No 7 C I. A W. 4 imlllun Aic................ Col. n Clu. A Ind. I.i|ireaa-.. No. 8, C. I..A W. Aril, No.'J No 12, HI, LoulnA Imllannptilhi ••xpr.'ni... No. 0, Col. Cln. A Inillaiin|«illi Kapiwi.... No, 4, Culuiubun A Cincinnati Exprcu..... No. 10, Wheeling Exprenn ................ Nn. 14.1'lnlnnallA N. Y. Mint Line . T. alnn murked'* daily, ull oilier tra.un dully ex. Holiday. Uepart "SiTmrA jf 7 10 A M I 'ill I' M •2 15 I' M ■>! Ill 1' M 5 110 I' M Arrnu. »lio a'm in.* A M »'..•(> I' M III 00 I' M '7:8 !• M 1.10 AM epi Until furltier notice trains will leavo from the new Central Depot, boulh Water nlreetand Viaduct as fol¬ lows: 1 Ofl n m ATLANTIC EXrltI3S-(Dally) Poll- IttjU Q( lUi man sl.cplng anil hnlel com ties from U'atlltn'iuigli U^ 1 111 to New Wk, Albany and lloilon without Lhang'. I-arlnr Cur from ClfVcliint* uud Halninanca. Arrive al.Mcadiillo nt 11:20 a, m. (dinner) Krauklln 12 33 p 111 , Oil Clly 1.00 p m , Onr^ ry 1.-00p. in., Jamcatowu (Lnko Chuotouqua) 2:00p. m Buffalo 0U5 p. m lldchenter e.30 p. iu ; llornell - vilio 0.-40 p in [suppi r]; Corning 8:'i5 p. m. Elmlni 8:57 p 111. Uliighanloii l') Cl^ p. m., Ailmny 0.50 a m. Boston 5:45 p. iu.l arm lint 11J ^cw YnrkflSII n.tn. n ,1(1 n m .LIMIT ID KXI'REiH-Throimh Putl- L i3U lit IU. man .lii-nttiu c«ach from Cleveland to N«w York. Arrives u Meadville at fl-fi.1 p. m , Jnnica- toM'n U 13 p. in:, Halauiuiien 10:10 p. tu., New York 10.25 a. in. UiflK n m NIGHT EXPBISS-IDally except ,U9 lli ill, Huudaj) Seeping loach from Cleveland lluruellnvflle Arrive at Youugatown lit 1-55 a. in.. Meudvllh- 3:50 a tu , Corry 5.20 a. m. Jamestown 018 a. m, BuQalo0-45 a 111 , Koehes'er 1 10 p, in ,4Ioriiolls. vllle, 11:20 a m,C<ir' ug 12:53 p m. KlmiraJ:21 p. in.,' lilugliamptnn 2.50 p in , New York 0.26 p,m. Arrive, at I'litnbnrgh 0-15 a 111, without change. n.Cft n m I'ITTHIH Will EXl'ltESS - Dally - biOU U.lll, Tlirough wllhuut cliauge, l'arlur cisr at- tticlied Arrlven at Youngalowii 5 00 p in., Pittsburg Wiuhingion 71)0 11. 111 .Ilaltlnio'UB lt) a in. n MAHONING ACtGMMGIlATION - H, Hiii|i|ilng nl nil way 11 allolifl, AXQllnu at Y'ouugMowu "•2.rtii in .-^lin'on 8 :lilp in , bhiUr-ejvllle M40p. ill.' tVonini.lHaflx'avlllnliurgli Willi Irani No. 2tl fur M.'iidville and lifterinedliile. polnla Airtrnaat M.a Tlllell.20p.in. V TiOflo m ITITsntJIKIlI KX I'll I AS - Dally- / iZU d> 111. TiiiiiiirIi without chin.go Arrlvca at Yimng^'owiilOOO a m , Hha on 11 0'-a in., >-har|is- % 111.- II II) a in , I'll nbttrgh U4»|i ni , lMurnlug, leaven I'lrt^burgli at 4 48 a ill , W;i3a lu , l,30pr.m , mid 4 !M n III HflC n m YOtlNtihTOWN AND PITTSUUIMHI U9 d llli Ai COM Ullll ITION-Mopplug sfinlt\ \\ nj nliiiloiin, nrrhtng at \ onngnlown 1 45 p. in.^'llls- 4>urgli. u 10 p ni. ' «. ' 'lnillin nrrlve nt Clcvt'lnnd, It 40 n. m:, 7 05 p in., 10.35 a ill, TOO |lj m . apd I" 15 p in, OSTTliln In llie-only touehv which-pan^iingem can ri-tiih I'uny LI111I111. Blngb inn n n, New Yorb Clly ami Inlorniiilliite polnln without iluuga. No ihange tu lloHlon itl^il New Lii|.'lnii'l ' iluti. Ilngnnge i bi'tlnl tliiougli to all jiolntn runt IhiiuiBli tiikeH unit 4:3(: liiliiriiintliiu regiirillng Ihe .,111. <■ 1.11 Hunk n'rrel, nnd at u » Di put nl N. ^ ,1' .full 11, boulh Wuterntreel mi.l Vluilucl, l.lov land, u. A.' E CLAHK'. Gen'l I'ofM'r Ag'l I lowland, O. .1. M r-EIIKlM, " Oou'l Mao'gr, Cl-velan'1, O, M. L.FUUIH, I'.ifMnu'iorAiri<< I'll Bn"li Si < Irwhvil, o I'.ifnnni:0T II I), tiiil'mil.i; JoiiM'. wt;u G0ULDER & WEH, Attorneys ancl Counsellors, PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 14AI8ATWATEH11IIII.U1NO, CLEVELAND, O Our Collection i>i'|inrtmuii6 In In ohargo of au Ki» perit'ileed Collector.