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Marine Record, August 2, 1883, p. 1

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RMJ'S : f VOL. V NO 31 rfc ftr£VELAND, O, AUGUST 2, 18857 POWER IX sl'hAJI VKihLLs. ' | From the A<ju> 1 orA Tfnic# I Charles II Haswell, the official nieasiuei of tho Ameilean Yin lit Club, him handed In a report on the subject nl llmo allnwanitB. lie does no(, hnwevei,aiil\eat utiy ditlslnn which wUf establish a sthcdulc, but. huhii mends (he apptftntnient of a committee to consider tho sublect. Ho in gues that the points to bo principally taken Into eonsldei- atlon In making ihnu allowaiucs foi steam yachts Is I lie boiler, that is, tin- nrenot giati. buifiiee, iiml the character of It* construction and combustion, riiedluiciisioiiBOt ihe en¬ gines iiro in bilniry and secondm v. Uo say s "1'Iiub, with like hiiiI utyiiil bullets, tho ut- /tnehed engines nniy he o| (lltlerent (Ihimetci mid Btiolu1, the |iopelleisol dllleicut mens uud pitch ol blades, yet the powei cudei like combustion la voiipttui'. 'Ibe inaiinei.ol utilizing It by high 01 low expansion, by high or low velocity ol piston tind o| pinpel- ler Is iirbllnuy, mill In the iitialiiinent ot tin best resnltH with tlie least nieuns,ls the Held of competition; us in tJio maniiei juI vxt> Sail¬ ing vessels ol like deslgiiB and similar capac¬ ities, one limy*be rigged unit, with light can¬ vas, the othet squino with heavy canvas, tin competition would be In arilvlng at tliul spurring, rip;, and titling which Is tile mom effective. If tho manlier of combustion In itenin boilers was tinlloim, computation m their power as determined by the uieaol their urate would lie \cry simple, but, luas- much as there are four uianneisoi npeiatlug them, It becomes ueoessaiy to assign a spi- clflo rate or factor for each; thus, there Is nnmhmjlon by natural draught, stenin-|el. t.Vti I UR ASVUM SlSOLS lOPJM 6 CKKTf. blast, and Cxhaust, whereby the effect or ca- pai'ity of urate surluce U uinterlally altered, and V rhehyelatlveellectsoau be anlved at with any reasonable accuracy the problem of relative capacities ot steam yachts Is very sallBfactoilly attained. "From etpeiiments lately conducted In England with boilers ot two steamers, to dc termlne the relative ellects of different man ' ners of cotubustlon, the results were n* tol- lows: Natural draught, 1; Jet, 1 25; blast, 1.0. Adopting thi'ie figures as fail expo¬ nents of the case, the grate surface of a ynchi then should bo multiplied by the factor dm to the manner oj tonibiistlon to utilvcaitlu Sower, and the volume of the vessel in tons, elng cukeu 10 icprcsent liei mass, It leinalns then only to reduce these floiueuts ton standard ol comparison In uului to assign a just allowance ol time for the dlllerenie ol the moments, and In ot dei t6~ an ivo lit tills, and assuming a formula hefote given, vl/ that tile speed ot a steam vessel Is as tin cube rootol the quotient ol the pouei ol hei engine, divided by the cube loilt ol tin square o| her displacement In tons, then foi power of engine substitute men ol giati j due to the method ot combustion, anil It rt mains but to tlcilde upon the allowance ot time foi the giiater tapacltyto give the jess in each class, tuur width icsnlt ma> la satis fattoiily aulvoil'atb} 1 summary ol tin tl< inuuts anil spied ot a nnnibti ot visstls Mr lluswtll illm>uaUn bla thioij by turn pining Uno imaghiai 1 \uihts, uni otMOton- with a giili annul 10 squall fut, hltsi draught, and ijii olh|i ol 70 tf>ii'>, vvitli n grate anaot oOsquaii Ittl, natiiialdiaughl and enileavuiH lo show tluil the that should allow the sttoml in i lit! ot oO milch 111 mbuitc. JAY OUl I D's YAl HI" 1U \TICV. rroittltt Vyrnui!/ lit ir ill .lay (jnuhl'i happiness ova tliu spud ol IiIb steiiuiMK lit Utibinl i, in hi r bittslits with Mi. .lulli i\'h bluiiiiviii,ht.Miaiigt'i, liar, been ijuihlinlj iln»ln I llitotliti e\eulug aftoi a haiu <hy's woik, the jaded Jay got on boatd the Aialantt, and began lo shake <Mlt Ills pcu-tcathoiB a Utile. Bel'ote InV boat had gone lui on hei run to Irvlugloii i the lipid pliati ol Wall ttiut mndo out a J trnlt on his matini ipiami that sieuied gilding altii tin) Ai ihinta with intent tu overhaul her. lie, howoer, had a gooil ntiict, «iik1 sang out to the captain to keep Ills eye on the persistent little strangci—jiol >Jtr. Jallray'a however. "Womler What It Is?" said Jay Gould toa (lend beside him. the friend look a good look, and after ',y.. ,- gn/lng in tin* oncniiilug bunt luriitil his ije on .Iii\ an I xiild "In a ilule while weenn till." 1 \\ III »he git ilint chwe?" "I think hhi Mill " Anil It »a< not lung belnie the stTaiiger boat lame Up obieant of the Alaliiitn, ami Jay wiip tin n nhlc In innke nut the in^Hth al numljci ' 10U" on hei Jay Xlonlil nibbed bin I'Jef. It \Mis Hie llguie lie' lhpl long hnpeil lo set nu ihe Iit'ket uller tln\wnnls •'VVestein Union," bin now ilu-y lun) lost theii tlinini loi hhn llelme long he «an not on|v able to sie the bioatlHlile of the "100," "but in a little while lie bail a goful view i f Inn Stein, win icon the tlgu res again appealei>, anil ilier allltlewlilleill-appeaieil, as the "100" leu the Atalantn, width win earningfW'rypounll ol steam thai loubl bit uiriitd without putiiug Ja\ Gould on the sali'tv Milve. Mr Goukl lenclied Irvlngton out of liiimoi tliat evuilng Wliat ol the mystic boat)1 It is the latest piodiiitlon of the Herieshofl MaiiulaoturiirgCompany, mil Is called "100," She Is without doiiht the must wouderliil yatht ol her si/e for apeed In this or any other tniiiiti}. Hei length Is 100 f6etf>w^t|i an cxiremo width of 12}g leet 'I'be niurvel- iOiib thing about her is hei engine, which devrlopcs uuiiK 400 boise power, giving her'a speed ol 1D}(< miles an hour In a recent race with the Mary Powell, she was beaten but four and a ball minutes In a twenty-mile run. She heat the Atalanla eusllj, m m-------'------- USE OK 8IKBI, NAILS. r Mm Ou AMn CMmmial BilUHn. Wlililn the naai six months-fte u«o of ■teel nails has Imreased largely. They cauia, Into ll e market about a >eai ago and found ilu immediate sum. One by one the leading hall companies of this State took up this line df maiiufuetitie until all now prodme steel nulls regularly. No change In innthineiy Is. requlleu. 1 lie kliltcs loi tutting the slcil plates dull much quiekeiilbanon lion woik, but otherwise Ihe cost of manufiictuio Is not Increased beyond the llrst cost of the steel bloom as compared with pig or strap iron which Is used in making iron nails At first the extra tost of steel nails was 1',_. cents per pound or f 1.50 per keg, hut has now been reduced to $1 extin, The great advantage ol the steel nails Is that tile) can be ilrl\en into bind wood as easily as ah lion .null, wljl go Into a pine board. Wo have t-ten steel nails driven into a while oak knot, without beipllng Noth¬ ing else is uuw»usei! In laying hardwood llooiB, as tiny requite no boring, but are ill lven leadlly l<'or all kinds ot hard tinlsli they in a espethilly adapted, ami as so much hard Hi ish is now eipploytil theli use must be on the iucicas^ I buy att also u-td hugely by tin biilldi rs, ami box makers an increasing tilth tliinnnd lorthini i itux tnnkcishiitu been using the Uittei guides ol linn mills, as thi't di she Ilu he whlib Jan bt dtawii 'lid redilvtii I he slet' nail intcts this iiqiiiitmi nl belli I than any nihil llli. INtOMl \ Jtilinuoic man who luiu^lil him a (aim Iwooi tliiui iiins ago was ittnitly ap piontbtil b) aliliud w ho ll id somi moiii y to Invi st, and who askid '( in I buy apielty tali larni lor^n,000i"' ' ^ us, about that llgprt " ' Ami 1^11 want lo lay out about $10,000 In Impiotimimls, 1 pitsunier" 'Yts lulh thai" "And I tan Invest anoibu $10,u00 in Jiloiidtd stoi kt" "1 think y mii.au." "And MOW) more In grnillng, lllllng up, creatlug ilsh-iiond<, and so lorlh 1" ' "Well, you may get through with that »um." "That's $10,000: und now let's llgure the Income." , "Oh you don't need penoll or papei," said tbeviiilm, as a shadow ofsonow daikeind Ills fate "Hie liiuune will be tibon $1 loi turnips, %i lor potatoes, fB or ft) loi eoin, and a bull calf oi two Kl(J,a head. I o save time, call ll fin, l'}\ see you again In a day or two. May be I've forgotten something which will add a dollar more. Morning to you." SCIENTIFIC AND INDUt'l'KI W. Mr. John J. Callow, nl Cleviland O , has added another inipmw inent to blspi('vlnn»li palepleil piitiessof wood gialniiig l>v Ilu use nl stemll plntes The Inst | all nl Is dated .lull 8, 18811. 'I lies'ieriil pails nfthe tlguicor panel u are iiiiide ol ililn slnet mati- I lal, sin Ii as sheet In ass m ilu. I liese parts no made in sepaiate pines, nit out with shears; and what is tut awa\ lion, nm panel n may pcii>e as a paltein In aiiotlu r plate Tims ever; pall ol the inaleilal ina\ he useif. I lie seveial parts are then lointid III inly togelhfi by wires ami b\ suitable hiaees, the » bole forming a stem II w hitli is admirably adapted foi gialnlng wood. More than a ilo/,en of ihe njeameis plviug bet net u New Ymk and I.lveipnol me lilted up with eletlllt-llgiillng maehluiiv. Pro bahly time mnis aieiuiinV nieso lilted out on the vailous othei lines ot oceangoing tteamshlps 'Ihe British sleauieis in e lai gi ij supplied wltli the Siemens and Swan appaiatus, but the otbn* sysiem are well representid Ihe ileetilc-llght apparatus ol the AiUona consists ul tnosieintns toiu- poi.ud dynamos, em b snllli lent to snjipH current lo ibne hundieil hlgli-ieslstanu Swan lamps. 'Iney ate diUed by a pair nl 'Oaledonbrii' engines fit nine and a hall Inch oyllndeiB and tourleeu luelit's stiokc ol piston. The two machines me mounlid ripon a common roiimlailun, and ale set ItT such manner that Ihedilvlng-pnlleiB donoi Interfere w lib cat h otht r. I'be bells al e tight eneil by moving the in chines away lioin each othei, ihey nie tunned of one Lonilnnni rope carried around eTitli pulhyten tithes of-steel amr bion/e, lo enable It In resist the piessme whh'li llio watu piiuluies at a depth of 120 ineteis -'I Ills "nhst i vatory unili'i Hie sea" has a hiight nl 8 meteis, and Is dhiilul into ilnee unnpaitniellls. 'i'be uppir apaituient l< lesemil lor the com- uiiindei, tolmalih hliu lodhei t and 'o watch the \»iklogol the ohs(iMitoi\, anil lo glvo i \pliiiuilliiii niies>*iiiy nrfio ihediplh ol tho ile.iinl and what Ibi) will sei in tliedepth ol the sea. Ihe siiiuid apinlinenl, hi the nntei ol the inlithlue. is eoinfortably furnished hn passi ngi *s to the number of i IglH, who me placed «o that they tan see along distance horn Ihe machine. 'Ihey I havi mull I thtir |eel a glass which enables I tlieiu to ix'andni at theii tase I be bottom of ' the sei, ullh lis fishes, ami Its plants, and its toeks. Ihe obseiiiily btlng almost eoin-' pitte nl 70 mi It is ol dt plh, the observatoiy will bt piovlilnl with a ponitlul ilettiit sun, « LUli slitds light to a gicntdistaiite lu lighting Ilu si depth. I he passengers ha\e at tilth disposal a telephone, which allows then) to uniMise with I bill fi lends who ha\u sti pped on the stcimboat whhh rans- purtslhe voyagi i tosuch places as are known HBthe most tin ions In the m Ighbiuhood 'Ihey have also hand) a tthgraph mathine. Iti math the passtugeis in apalluieilt is li'servid for Ihe. mathine, which is con¬ structed on natiiial piluelples, lb it Is to«av, as tile veimie ol a llsh, heeomlng heavier or llghtei at .ciiiniuam). so as to enable Ihe machine in sink or rl-e at the wish of the operator —.Seicati^lc .-luiuicdn. largest Bet above the smaller. The spate hi tweeu the two pistons is undivided, ami Is In communication witli the intoiloi of ilu eugiiii-frame, and Is nevei put hi lonneetion with the hleniu-siipply pipe. The steam fllst enters the small cyllndti, and Is thenii exhausted into the large tyUnder, Ibll- driving the pistons, nhleh are both una single rod. In opposite illieellous by a sj stem of hitermltieil ejipinslou. The engine l~ tlius seen to be ol the 'W'nllf system ' Tin space betweui the iwn pUthinl Is made to comuiunhiite witli the I uger space in tin flame men 1} lo seciirt a leduitd violation ol uiicoiiu ^rhaliiuitd piessme. Nostulllng- hox Is milled In this ingiiie in iiiv In Hensslble pait ot ilm nutibine - 1 lie vittvi- gear is ql the plalni st possible desi rlptlou and tlit wlioli tugliu is built with a view to sliuplli ll) and siiinll i ns( In i onsti in tiou anil opctatlon It [slniiinlid to hi ihlviu up to fotri liuililrid i< \i lutions pti inlniiii — /•iiMihiOhIi liiiluihaII, I \ lulnia tm, Nivalin Is i Unit mo.e than 7 0|I0 hi t ihove si i Ii \i 1, \i t i vi ii til that i nm11 naiivi l\ mod i iii iililtmb ,ust oiii paml wllh solni ol In i hil libit, d ill l.iliini- tin Iioiim »l|e flints somi diUlinll\ In iimk lllglh tioiliu •, Ilu watu billing il loo low if 11 iiipi i at n 11 lo lhoi on,.lily -*ook im il mill Vigil iblis I hi \ nghii l ( ll) 1 im ipil ■'»'"" ' ••! .......------ i hji\- lbat llli li Is 11 lutil did i vi l J 11 il III il < tin |u us brought lioin I all'i llilaali I - ll ll il as biiiksluu Ilu iiniibli Is ihat ihe warn dots not littoiui snllli It inly hot lo nsik v.....si"--------- * - --- ill regald to the biisiuiss thus lai son It says "A tomparison of the cotal shipments of liqubei lor this siasoti idjows a iletllne, as innirastcd with the nninbei ol leet leteivcil dining the same pniod list year, of over 200.000,000 feu I'he tailing oil is said to bt dne lo a dlsiigliiiui nl between shlp|ii'rs and tjg'alers in regaul lo )>tlcis, and there is li general In lit I that w'hile ihe shinments have liilleu of the pn iliiitiou has been about tho same, and that gnat Lillth of it ale held at the saw mills loaunlt a favoiiiblt market. In spin, of tin dt i bin in the amount of sliill- im ills, the piliesiimaln iliniit the saiiiu as last yeni, the n i«orf btlng, as given by tho Si'tietnrj ol the i xrluuigi, lint dealeis lldnk the |)iodutiion bus titen ihoiit the same as lust yt at, ami tiilbti. lint tin > tould not nlloiil lo tmnpiii wlib Mlssl-sljipi ilnr pilusil hi^b lilts win in dm lined, Ihe i thu-L ot tin (In Hut in louibti shl|>ini uts lias bt t n lo Ion e a good iniiii) vessilsluto i ui r ing nihil hiigbi--, ind'htie Ii is hei u in Jni itliise'lh [lit liitlplsot si iIh, birk, I ml 11 posis! lailw i\ lie- mi] n b gi iph poh s. Ihiluinbu ii!U|i*n| 1 t-t vt al upio tin Tibol lnl\ wi it mii,ll-niin, ij;aiiisi VMI.SIi'i,- ] llOll tliilliig the «iim thm till- Mini4 leai Ing lu illlltiunn of Jli'l .'Is mill im in lavor nl ilu si,.i»oii nl 1SSJ 1 fn billowing st it* a i ul shows ilu n- ulpls ol ton si pio lei- a ibis [an I, n it. I pi i it il lo tin i us I tun Iiiiii-i irmu I iiinary 1 lli.litll 1, lvsl 1 iMiibti, ili 7'I7 1100 I. lilt in llin whtlliilln i unlit oi vtgttablts ithliurU ^, IdU III i OOP, hull, Ii,7l,"i000 are tiling lonkul by 1ml ling1 thevtsst 1 list 11 nltus, wood, '1,7 II i mils, ml ir poals, 1,1,1.',- should niivt in Ion fining lid In onlii that I |,VJ, uthr rullwaj lii s, nils 7 if, iitlai • lc- the sit mil niav In toiirtnid Time Is, ol ^ii|,lipoliH 78,IH1, bulk, 1,177 mills, slabs, coiiisi, no iinohlt about ina-ilng iiiii|siu ') J70 ieids;splles, 120, luinbei hard woo I), any ibing i l-t, Hn In lug ai hot Inn us In 7111 nun leet , anj oihtr 1 ut ol tin (voild vHillesliaiig-iis I 11„, Hay l Ity 1 ribniit nl tin sunt tl ite ~.miplain niiieb ol tin llilnnt ssol ouratmils )iht it, oltl-t nit is an not miiih ^llstnsstil, and ildl rep born ami 11 ami here seem nut lo iiifli 1 iucuiu'iiliiue in am w ly. ^'lliey race up and down thcsliltsnl ihi> mountains at lull spud withdiit Unding any tlllllenliv lu Ini attiing. Aetoiillng tu ilu I.0111I011 Da Ik News, the lull matIniial C\hllilllon of Nlie Is Vi sei v lug somi wonilus tin tile torilguiis who may propose to pass a portion 01 the wlnlir ol 1HHJ 81 upon the holiltra ot the Mttllli iraiieuu. One ot these winiilei- ' 1 balloon width its inveutoi, M. Toselll. Call "(he obsci vatory uiiilei the sea." It I mail; hns llie lollowliig npiiii tin Mine subjui, I umber fnlglits doug tin Saginaw 1 Iv¬ or are becoming badly demoralized, An- 0 her ihtre.ise ol 23 tents,per 1.000 h K just I'akiui plnee, and now the ltutlaln anil 1 ona. wana rate Is quoted at $1 50. Ohio tliar- U rs huve nut hiCu mado slnto the iheliue, lint Ilu y will iiiiilouhiidly luum up at $1 25. Use rtanoli lor ihethillut Is the itartlly ol tin got s. ami now they nib not any more pleiitllul than before the break. The damage sustained br the steamer Cheboygan by a collision with a bildgeat Milwaukee has been repal'od.

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