The NcversliiH Cork Jacket Twonty per cofit. mpre buoyancy tlinn any other Lflc-PrcBorvci1 In »U« market. Is the SAFEST nnd only RBUAM/E LIP© PBE8KBVEB In liXIHTENCE, n» proved oft'io Into wreolt mi the Pucllle ConM, or the Pnclflc Mnil Stenthslilp, "City of Sun rrUnBIN6BUOYS AND FENDERS. o a > w Approved nnd adopted by the Unltod States Board of Supervising Inspectors ,nlso by tho principal Ocean, Lake nnd Blver Steamer tines, as tlio only SellableiLlfe Preserver VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D. KAHNWEILEB140,148 & 160 Worth St. Near Tenter St.. New York. fcATOENSTEW'S ISELI-ACIING METAL PACKIHG i Fob Pistox Bom, Vaive Stbus &C Adopted nnd In uw by the principal Iron Works, nnd Steamship Compa¬ nies within th| last right year. In this and Torcign rountrlos Foi full par- ulnra land rctoronces _ dress L. KATZEN8TEIM & CO., 160 Christopher Street nenr West Slreot N 1 LORD BOWLEB A CO AGENTS roll CLEVELAND the Marine recoup. r^ THE\J»ROVIDENCE CAPSTAN, ----MANUFACTURED BY— AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO, ■EC, ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 87, Morel)anU* butldlog, CHICAGO, ILL. ____________ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIPBROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E, Cor Columbus Avn * Water 81, BANDUSKY. OHIO. PALMER & BENHAM, Buccefisors to J B PALMER A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Water Street. Booms 6 4 7 CLEVFLAND - OHIO BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, Vessels chirtortd, purchased and sold, contracts made for coarse and heavy freights. Lake Superior 1111O Escannbn Iron ore chatters for sin¬ gle trip or neavon a specialty , Coal&iron Eg Build'g, _ 116761(1011) U, Ex J releiuione No WS MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 81 risir Street, Itoom 27 UtVLI.AND OHIO__________ "~\ POWER CAPSTAN. Patented February 17 1874, and December S, 1S78. These capstans are madeof heavy castings, with a large shaft, and very strong gears of the bat material and workmanship. Unlike the cheap st\ lesol ca] s'ans that are put together with a view to sell cheaply, the main object has been with this company to make them as per¬ fect as possible in every detail. Notwithstanding the fact that the quantity and quality of stock and workmanship in these capstans make them a much more serviceable capstan, and would naturally command a higher price, the universal demand for them has enabled the Company to ar¬ range special tools for their manufacture, and to keep the same men at work year after year, until they have become expert, so that the cost is. only about the same as the lighter styles in the market, By thus reducing the manufacture to a perfect system, they are enabled to offer to the public a first class article at a moderate price, and the approval of the nautical publie is shown beyond question by the large number in use on nearly all of the fust-class steam and niling vessels built during the past few years. In addition to the superiority of workmanship and material of tbu capstan over other styles in the market, it has been one feiiture which no other capstan hu, and it u very important, vir: when using the capstan under a severe stram on the power side, both the outside and inside pawls take the strain, thus furnishing double security against break, age nnd relieving the men at the bars from danger. It is estimated that during the past year seven eighths of all the capstans sold in this coun¬ try were of this company's make. SELLING* AOENTS ON THE LAKES D, 8. AUSTIN * CO.......* BUFFALO, N. T. UPSON, WALTON & CO.......CLEVELAND, O. M. I. WILCOX. - -v.......TOLEDO. 0. JAMES. P. DONALDSON 4 CO.......DETROIT, MICH.. G, D. NORMS & CO........MILWAUKEE, WIS. DUN.HAM& HOIT,........CHICAGO, ILL. J. W. Grover & Son, Ship Chandlers -------AND SAIL MAKERS------- Cleveland,O IWUIMUverabMt IMAIM Dock THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwnrder. Fretght and Vessel Agent ______________CI BVKLAND O______________________ IBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents GB and al)8 Drosdway 114 h» Halle Wren MILWAUKEF, WI8 (HIPAOO ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, . Vessel Owners & Agents, 340 So WaUt Street, qnCAOO, ILLINOIS. ATKINS & BECKW1TH, \fessel Owners & Agents, 127 LaSalle Street. CBIOAOO ■ ILL. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, I c Exchange St. • Buffalo, N. Y. riTIF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LI3T OF VESSELS tfQBSALE, SEJ.D TUB. IX. UPSON, WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers. •JTOneof the largest stocks of Wire Rope In the United StntcB. fLEVELAND. - ■' - - OHIO^ PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. SOLE MANUFACTURKIIS OP THK CELBHItATED "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. "**££* ALL STEEL .ROLLER BUSHED oh wrrn our SELF-LUBRICATING PHOSPHOR BBOXZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these Bash¬ ings is the celebrated Phos phof, Bronte, the best bear¬ ing metal in market and being perfect self lubrica tors they are fast superset! ing all other styles For sale by Ship Cband lers everywhere ASK FOR"ANCHOR BRAND"BLOCKS Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application* j LstBUmjjNTCtcny i-implr orders solicited. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, •Sfjaaa -BXubtf and OBmA.apxMS'r. SEND FOR PBICES TQ>- SMflPH'S BOAT WORKS, 169 South Street, New York. Improved Snatch ZJtocK Clasp ilosed. STAR BRAND TMLE BLOCKS Improved Snatch Block Qasp Opened BAGNALL & LOUD, ^Boston, Mass. Role Mamiflictnreri In V* 8. A. of our Celebrated MetalineV & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail ____ CLEATS, ETC CALKIN'S' PATENT METALLIC DOFF, H.vO,& J. ff, Calkin, Steam and Gns Pitting;"" ' GALLEY STOVES. HBO *»B7 West St., Cor, Lafght NEWYOBK Circulate win upon -ippliciitlor. SKirttfE: