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Marine Record, July 26, 1883, p. 7

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THE MARINE RECORD. LEARNING TO SWIM, Prm tin Ptfuhr Blgfcaw fauUf. The greatest difficulty to the beginner It to learnjto keep the proper position of the body after atnlnlng.lt. Thls;jIirfreulty{6snvo((ly ,be oVercome by using the proper stroke after having plsosd the body In tho oorreot posi¬ tion: In the use of tho arms, tho only direction tbsttlan bo given Is to remembor that, when the arms are thrust forward at the begin¬ ning of tho atio'te, such position of the el¬ bows and hands should bo tsken at will make the least rcslsUnoa to the water. To accom¬ plish Ibis, the hands should be placed palm to palm and tho elbows msde to come olnso together, striking them from under the chest. In making the effective part of the stroke, our object Is to got a forward mo - tlbn only. The arms and hands should bo so placed as to produce tho greatest resist¬ ance upon tho wator. To accomplish this the palms of tho handt thould bo thrown outward and tho place of the direction of tho stroke of the arms mado parallel to the snrfsco of the- water. The moat Important and tho most ofton defective point In swimming la the mode of using tho logs. It would bo well for a be¬ ginner to observe, tjio swimming or a frog, for undoubtedly the same methods of using tho logs thould be adopted by man as Is dis¬ played In the model swimming of that am¬ phibian. In analyzing tho stroko of tho frog, wo notlco that there Is no vertical motion, the whole direction of the force Is In a plane oxsotly horizontal, and Is accomplished by virtually opening and closing tho space be¬ tween tho knees—offering the sole nf the foot a» a resistance whllo kloking. and plac¬ ing the feet In a position of least rosis(anco while recovering. In accompl s ilng the first-of theso condi¬ tions—tho opening and closing or tho spaco between the knees—the knees should be thrown out and tho contraction of the legs made slowly. In order to causo as little re¬ sistance as posslblo to the headway already attained It will bo found that If we alternate tho stroke of the arms and legs by giving propul¬ sion with one while recovering with the other, a far more constant buoyancy will be attained, and, for long swims, It will be •found far less (aligning. — 'The new ateambargo J. M. Allmendlnger, of Benton Harbor, made her first trip to -Chicago on Thursuay, 12th, lumber laden from Ludlugton. She wns built at Benton Harbor by Allmendlnger & Hull, her own¬ ers, and is commanded by Captain Charles Morrison, of St. Joseph. Her longth over all Is 114ii feet; breadth of beam, 24 feet 2 Inchea; depth of hold, 10 feet; tonnage. 207 not tans. Her onginc, 18x20, and boiler fl Indies by 14 feet 2 Inohes was supplied by Anderson it Holmnn, of St. Joseph. CANPKLD Is./ J V_J Wracking & Towing Line, ItOrURB HAMMOND. •OHM 0001b ^ Tugs, A Hawsers, . -- Lighters, Steam Pumps, ' Lifting Screws, To bo hill oa short aoUea, by mall or telegnph A. O. WHEELED CBAS. ONEWUOH MiniMr. Wrooklnu Muter. Paper Kill HsiduM ARotirist. 6tMBtta,SaltE!M SmoMSfcitto -J' « Vj>. ,U*' M«IIrHsrfEeavrHib)&SIi«BtW%k ' Office 8cWorks, M4.Z4e.2-W.eE0.2S2.Aiii.2S4. Party 8b. OIL STILLS Be AfJUTATORS. Repairing Rranpfy.Atonilo&ta, ' To (ro.ooa-B^ 'num.) KSTADUSIIED 18SO. -UAXDrioroaaat or NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. df.ah * coxPArra diaooxal t.ifk BOAT CAN BE UOEB IN PLACE OF THE METALLIC LIFE BOAT IF PBEFEBED, HAS) BEEN ADOPTED AT WAMII- INOTON BT THE BOARD OF NIJ- PERTISINO INSPEC¬ TORS. Tawl & Pleasure Boats on hand, SEXD FOB PHI0E LIST. DEAN AND 00., DETROIT, MICH CORDACE Si OAKUM. Gin ai of AMERICAN, IHI88IA Aid ITALIAV HEUP of tho Tory boat aaality mado to order AT ONE DAY'S NOTICE. MANILA and BIBAL BINDER TWINE Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. GLOBE IRON IRKS Iron Shipbuilders, Machinists, Fonnders anil Boiler Makers, Cornsr Elm and SpruOB 8ts, Cleveland, 0. F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Mannfaetnrers of Hotel Ranges & Lannflry Stoves, and Dealer id 128 SUPERIOR 8T , OIiEVELAND. O 4 CO., US, bOffllilll. AND Vessel Brokers, DULUTH, MINN. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & 00. No. 110 Liberty St. New York. N. T. Capt. D. S. Webster, VESSEL AND HJ8UBANCE AOENT Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ETC BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION Ciartennt and Frelentine of Canadian Coarse-FreittWs a Snectalty. Office. Room 32, Second Floor, Moffst Block DETKUIT, MICHIGAN. Vesselmen SriOUI-D HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all polnu ol MARINE LAW aa de¬ termined by tbe United States Courta ,--------------ON Seamen, Freight., Towage. Colllalona, General Average, Ownera Ohartera, RegiatrT, EnroUmenta, Common Cnrrlera, Outlet of Seamen, Mnatora A Ownera, Bill or Lading, Wagea, 4o, The volllmn la handaomcly bound In stiff Beard covera. aud line Enillab cloth binding Booka ot thu kind irenorallv coat S3 00 but *e will send It to any addreS i«.tagepaid for 11.25, or with the MARIN L RECORD tor one year, both for only J3 00 Addreea lUm»« BaconD, Cleveland O POSITIVELY CURED All lurJorora from thia dlioiuo that ore anilnui to bo cured nhould try DR_KISS? EJ1B CEL^BEAT^D OOrTBUalETIOil JOWDKBB TfRo" «'owdora are the onlv nrenaroilun Snown tlmt will euro consumption and all d\scasosol the THEOAT and MHOS-lndicd so strong l. our faltli In them nnd nlao to convince you that thor are no humbug, wo will Igrward to evory aufloror, by mall po« paid n Prse Trial Box Wo do i't waul your money until you aro porfoctlysnt IsOod oltholr curati'o nowurs. If your life Ja worth saving, don't dolsy In giving thcae POWDERS a trial as thov will suroly euro you rrlce, lor largo Box, JI 00 or 4 Boxes lor $10 00 Sent to any part ol tho Unlttd States or Csnada by mall on receipt of prlco Addrpss ASH 6l ROBBINS. 3R0 Fulton St.. Brooklln. N V ui> FALLING SICKNESS IMwfife? jo mmw-ki yui,ABlVi0jlsbHMd I Vo convince lurierora that mdtroieinwiiiiuwfi claim for them we will aend thorn by mall, poit paid, a ftss Trlsl Box Aa Dr Goulard 1. tho-ouly I'ttyalclan that bus over mado this disease a special study, and as to our knowjedgo thousands have boon permanently cured by tho use of theeoPowdsri, we will gnsnuTMS » If™"""! nnre in every case or refunoV your all nioney ex- Xandid. All auSerera slioutl jive those "Powders an MrTvirlal, and bo convinced of tlwlr curative power *PSce.forlargoIk)X.»OOor4IloxoaforllOOO nt bj m" iQonyWoltl.. United StalcaorCanad on receipt ol prlco, or by oxpresa C O, D Addres ASH & ROBBINS,^ 360 Fulton St., Brooklln, N. Y. SIGNAL LAMPS, -,VITH- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. Theso Lam pi giro ft more brillant light than any Signal pimp" now In uie They havo boen adopted by tho prladpil Ocean and Lnko Steamers and VmmIs, and. are for ulo In the principal porta on the Atlantic coast and lakes Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send for catalogue Manufactured by FKLTIIOUHKN eV HU8SKI.L, 130 * 141 MAIN BT., BUFFALO, N. V. MARINE ENGINE WORKB MAHDfACTURKH 07 Marine and Stationary Engines, PBOPELIEB WHXBTM, VEBBEL PTJHPB ft GEHEBAL KA0HIKBEY CoBRKarOHDENCIt S01.ICITRD 15, «7 * SO Mlohlgun St. CHICAGO 1XL, NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boileivstationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming nnd lessens the liabilily of Explosion It saves FUEL, L«.HOR and RE PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe Bend for Circular giving full Infonnntlon to HOUGHTON & CO, Sole Proprietors and Alanutitaturera 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. If You Want ihe Best STEAM PUMP Few Sllnlnir, Railroad or Steamboat uae, Paper "III, Chemical or Oa« Work. Tannery. Brewery or Intrar Refinery, Braining Quart-lea, Cellars or Planita- tlVum Irrigating or^ llyoraulle Alnlng, nfnUIng Foiindatlona Onfrtr Dam siweir" WellUniting and other jtontractori' Worfr or tM'im - Water for any kind of Manufacturing or Fire Pirn»«e, write for an Illus¬ trated descriptive book on the NEW FIIIXOSIETER, contalnln. greatly reduced Driest ImndredaoftesUtnonlala olo Mailed free Pricoa 100 per cent lower than other ■verrpumD tested before shipment and guaranteed aa represented. ^ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Palssmeter Steam Pump Co., 88 John St, New York City, 0.8. A. »T»- See Pricoa neit lasuo of Ihls Paper t» St. Murj'», Ohio Montpclici.Ohlo OAIt VAC 1 OKU s k HnckuiirlilHe, Mich (.nrrolllon, MU.li I! MANUFAC1UBKU8 AND IMPOnTKltS OF HtnUt AVI U«Eii»o a»»i»* ""' v.....|,u v. CORDAGE, OAKUM, AMORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP OHANDLER8' GOODS GENERALLY ' Koi 84 « 85 BOOTH ST., HEW YOBg- THE MARINE LAW BOOK . -----Ig NOW READY -^ SEND JOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. 6664 175974 76

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