TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, July 26, 1883, p. 3

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■ ■■ ' The marine record THOSE CANAL TOLLS. > Tnm the AIujiIm, Whig. Tho tolls on the several canals of, tho Doi minion have boon subject to amendment un¬ der specific ordors In council. For greater convenience thoy are to_bo placed In a con¬ solidate form. In resplct of tho Rldoau and Ottawa river canals n readjustment Is advlr- able. Heretofore, under a general order of the 18th of April, 1873, tho dlstanoo between Montreal and Kingston, was "or toll pur¬ poses divided Into two portions, ono tho Ste. Anno Lock, with a sepi rate scalo of charges, and tho other, "The Ottawa and Rldoau Ca¬ nal," divided Into four sections, mimoly: tt Tho Carillon and Grenvlllo. Ottawa, Smith's Falls, Kingston Mills.. The rates payable being-In proportion to tho number of sec¬ tions travorscd In order to bring the classi¬ fication Into line with the returns of-tho In. tornal rovenue department. It is proposed that the Rldeau cannl should be treated as an entirely separate work. All goods bar¬ ing paid full toll through the whole lino of tho tft, Lawrenco canals, or through the La- ohlne canal.-SSrAwie's Lock, or Ottawa and Rldeau canal, shall bo allowed to pass free through tho Welland canal; and If tolls have been paid at tho Cbambly canal, such tolls shall bo refunded at'Montreal or Kingston. Mills. Having paid full tolls through the Welland canal, they shall bo allowed tcpnss freo through the St. Lawrence cannl*, or .through the Ottawa and Rldeau canal, St. Anne's Lock, the Lachlno canal and the Charably canal. Provided always, that the articles to bo entitled to the above exemp¬ tions shall go downward through tho whole . length of the canal to Montreal, or pass up, ward from Montreal through tho whole length of the St. Lawrence ciuinls or tho Ot¬ tawa and Rldeau canals to Lake Ontario. MONEY IN MICHIGAN CEDAR LANDS. /Vwn l»i Bay OUy Preu. Cedar timber which a few years ago was entirely ignored In calculations as to the value of land In the northern portions of , Michigan, has now obtained a rank among the valuable timbers of the State. Thousands of acres of land from which the pine has been cut has been allowed to revert to the State in years past, becauso considered of Insufficient value to admit Of tux paying on which hundreds of thousands of cords of cedar was standing, aud which at the pres¬ ent times Is of Inestimable value, because ot the demand whloli has sprung up for cedar railroad ties, fence posts and feflctng, tele¬ graph poles, paving and Other purposes. The former owners of these lands now com¬ prehend their ehortslghtnest, and realize that other men are reaping fortunes from thst which thoy once possessed In full title, but whloh was discarded by them as worth- - less, because of the then prevalent but foolish Idea that the pine lands of the northwest were valueless except for the standing pine timber, and If that was-onoe removed the most sensible thing the owner could do was to let the 8tate repossess it. Now.however, a thousand acres of land well stocked with cedar, Is a bonanza, and the possessor thereof may be looked upon as a "bloated monopolist land holder." tVYMBLOOD -ACT-AS A HEART COPECTOR EtsSSsk Phffinix Paint Co., lUHUFACTUREnS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Micoip St, CLEVELAND, OHIO. The Nickel Plate! HEW YORK, CniOAOO * RAILWAY. ■T. LOTJM 1 wmjer equipment ot this N«w Trunk Llns •n_n li supplied with the latsit ippUtnMI* ___*»» justatlra, Niakassf! irttlts of Kit. ABa^rbtnDnpooiBTpoATnnf^ _filMiHCii.siwm«,si. toitmiumniM.' wusisura, IruuuyDls. Mis Iplssa, X. V. BOBOXAjr, Proprietor. ■ The Madison, ' (PonuEnLY BtvBiut norjsi) / Detroit, Mich. Meal Centrally Located. Street cars pass the door every few minutes to Depots and all parts of tho City. Three minute's walk to L S & M S, D & M, and 'Wabash Depots. Batss tl-tO, to tS.OO per lay. 8.30 a. 10.65 " 11.00 " 12 OS p. : USB ' A Mom. 4 20 p. m, »'S» " 088 " 8 0S " OOAI,. David BarnblMl.As;t, DOMESTIC * STEAM COAL. Cleveland, ohlo MARINE TiAWYERS. Knelp A Morrlion FltOCrOftS IN ADMIRALTY, 118 Mnnrof gt Room M.CIllrmto BOAT Him.DKKX. Dean A Co. BOAT BUILDERS MlfH. I.AUNDKY. FOR SALE. A it Iron it*am yacht M foot long, 0 feet boinj, 8 foot deep; rum Terr fwf, and vol! found. Enquire of P.P. Nickkiuon, Eucllit ATonueSUMoD. FOR SAUL An Iron yacht 35 foot long very flnelly flniihcd ana furnlined. Draft 81-2. foet runs vary fait, ; Enquire of D. I'. Nlckerum Hurknoa* Bloc! Euclid A«e Station. FOR SALE S.eam berf;e. Keel 144 foet,Betim SO feet, depth othold 11 feol; capacity 400 M foot lumtior, a&Otonsooal bosldea ber fuel. Built In 1882. Addrev M>mne RsoonD Office.' UOAT WASHING and general Laundry In few hours. Cleveland Stkam Laun- ony. 33 St. Clair St. Telephone 118. '•Perhapt the mo <t jvdictouily edited mag tuine in the World."—Tub National, N. T. Sept. 1882. THE CENTURY BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian apolls Railway, The Great Central Trunk Route to the and Mississippi Rivers. Ohio THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with Through Palace Coaohos and Elegant Sleeping Cars, for The vutoni Uell new sa/___.-,.— ....._______.. nmturj to eofe ipeedjr end eomforteble travel, At Chicago,' puienser trelne anifo at end leeve from the Union Depot, Van Buren itroet., , Following le the time In elleot Mar 14. MM. and un- Ul further notice; GOING EAST. Lt. Chicago,........8.15 a m. "................................. Am Velitatatw.. J0.0B " ....................„......... " Fort Wayne. 1.80 p. m................................. " New Haren.. JOB " " Weit lelMlo. 4.00 " ................................. " ArcedlA.........9.10 " ....._.......... „. „........ " Foatorla-......B.SS " ......„........., .....„....... /' Green Bprlnga S IS "................1..........„.. " Bellerue........0.40 ".................. .............. I.t. BelloTUe,..,...., S.SS ArrCleTclend____9.30 Lt. Cleveland....... ..... An Palnenllle........... " Aehtnbuli.............. " Conneaut.............„,....... 1.85 " Erie....................„.___ ias '• Dunkirk,...™................. 4.41 " HuBMo____................... 0.00 GOING WEST. Lt BuMo...........10.15 a. m......... Air Dunkirk.........-ll.sa " Erie.............._1,M p, " Conneaut,....... 2 SI " Aahtabula........8 25 " Palnoirllle......4 19 ' " Cleveland......8 25 ' Lt Cleveland.......5 80 ' ArrUellevue.........765 ' Lv Bellovue............ Green Sprlngi..... Fo.torla.................. Arcadia.....................;. 1100 " Went Lelpilc.;.............11.58 " 11 New Haven *. .....,....... 2 05 p. m................. " Fi.rt Wiiyno................. 2 20 "............. » Valpmlio..................... 0 25 " ............... '•Chicago..............„........ 8 20 " .............. Tralna run by Colmnlmi Ume, which la twenty mln- uloe faator than Chicagu tlmo. (We mlautea nower thnn Cleveland, and ilxtcon minuiee alqwor than Buf¬ falo Ume. For Information, call on nearest agent of the Com* paoy, or addrcas B F. HOnNEIi, Gon'l PflHcngcr Agonf, LEVIS Wll I.IA51", , General Manager. Cleveland, O. BocSy Rlrer Accommodation depart! at 7 50 a m. [dallyJ, 0 10a m [dall,], 10 45 a.m. [Sunday only]; 1 38 p m. [dully], 4 25 p. m [Sunday only]; 7-00 p. pi. [tjunday only]. Euclid uccoaitnodatlon dupartf at 12 IS p m [daily], 5 45 p. t " " ' " ■-■■■ — ji m. [Sunday only J E ::Er < fl 46 a. m. 714 " 8 11 " •• »•• 9.2fi " 7.16 a* m. ..........„.. oao H 0.40 ** 10 07 " 10 40 [dolly eicept Suuda ], 8.35 FOR 1883-83. The twelfth year of this magazine—the fint under the new name, and the most successful in I f\ f\ a a 1 >/■ DUO Its hlitory, dosed with the October number. Tb,e|l*wLUIw1BU*9| circulation bu shown a large gain over that of NEW LIFE BOATS. From the Inter Ocean. The Deputy Minister of Marine and Fish¬ eries, Mr. Smith, has returned to Canada from Buffalo, which place he has been visit lng officially In* connection with the two lifeboats to be placed at Wellington and' Poplar Point, The one last built combines every Invention and patent In connection with lifeboats which has been discovered. She is self-bailing, self-righting, and Insub- mergable. The bottom Is divided Into com¬ partments, which are filled with pieces of cork covered with shelluo, which have the double advantage ot acting as ballast and giving floatation power. It Is almost Impos¬ sible to upset her, and If she Is upset, she rights herself In one quarter of a minute and clears herself of water immediately. She will carry as many persons as will crowd In¬ to her, and would not sink If she had a dozen holes knocked In her bottom. In loot, she is the most wonderful lifeboat Mr. Smith hits ever seen, und If alio had been In Lon¬ don In time for tho exhibition, would cer¬ tainly have taken the prize of £000 sterling. She Is now on her way from Buffalo to her station at Wellington. Sho can curry a crow of six or eight men, and double banked If necessary. SfiV Js 20 feet ion? and ovor 6 feet beam. A DROWNING MAN. It Is said that a drowning man will catch at a straw—but If your system Is all out 11 order and you feel llko going down to tl e river to drown yourself, for Heaven's sake don't do It, but procure a bos of 8want'a Fills, take them according • tp directions and tbey will soon make • new, man of yon, and you will want to live to run a hotel after everybody else Is dead. Price 35 cents. Five boxes $1. to an old, unus ,Wthesj»ut>il^etftlnr«»* throat." JJhnem'ftiftMd 'TjeatWy 'alOkv'afitl vomited up a small; water snake, four ox fU » Inohes In length, after whloh the young mim recovered. The snake came out elite and unhurt. the proceeding season, sad Tint CENTURY begins id thirteenth year with an edition of .^140,000 COPIES. The following are the leading feature!; A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELL'S, lo incceed this suthor'i •'Modern Injtance.' It illl be an International otbry entitled "A Woman's Reason." ,- LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON—the leading histor¬ ical feature of the year; to coniut of a number of Enperi, on inch topics oj <!The Beginning of a fatlon," "Social Life in the Coloniea," etc., the whole forming a complete history of early life in the United Statei. Especial attention will be paid to accuracy of illuitratione, A NOVELETTE OF MINING LIFE, BY MARY HAMLOCK FOTTE, entitled "The Led- Hone Claim," to be illuitrated by the author. THE POINT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., ascrlei of eight letteri from imag¬ inary periom of variout nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads, etc. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF-CONNECTI- CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical co operation In Christian work, showing how a league was formed in a small town lu Connecticut what kind of woik it attempted, aad how it spread throughout the whole State. "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD," by Frank R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stones, the icene being now in- Europe? THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE- BUILDING, a aeries of four" papers, fully illus¬ trated, devoted to (I) City Houses, (3) Country Houses,, (3) Churches, and {4) Public Buildings. THE CREOLES OF LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of " Old Creole Days," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H. Cushing, government ethnologist; an adopted member of the Znnl trlbs of Indians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NA- TIONAL "CAPITAVl«*MiM-'«The Cspltol," CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —ATO— ' ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. M York, FBQnsylrania Si 01R. R. ^(Formerly A. A O. W. Ral.lrood ) NEW TOBK, BOHTOM AND THE EAST. The Nhortmt and QnlekMt BonUOet Wits- bars;, Wublufton ana Baltimore and tha Santhaaaf. Toll Is the only line making DlrSOt COSnSOtlon with el, the principal Trunk Unea of the Eut for ail Southern, Southwestern aad Western points, either hy way of ClndnnaU, Indlanapolla or St. Lonlssnd all BaUwayTowrs MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, . COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO. ANDTHE PACIFIC COAST. -X. Equipment New and Comprising all Improvements. Modern Jhe Best Roadbed and the Safest RoafcintheWest. HTTlckots by this popular route for sale at all regular Tckot Ofllcef. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Truffle Manager. A. J. SMITH, General PtiaoDgar Agent. OLETRLAMD. OHIO. giiEVELANlJ, COLUMDU8. CINCINNATI k INDI- . Commencing SumUy, June 34th. trafmof the Bon Uno—CloveliDd. Columbui CloelDMU A louitnipo.ii ■UUwiy will lew and trmemt ClefnUnd ai followi: Until further notice tralna will Ifiie from tha new Central Depot, South Watir airoet and Viaduct ai fol¬ lower lOfl 0 m ATLANTIC EXritE88-(Dallj) PuU- f,/U Qi ills man ileeplng atid hotel eoatheafrom U-avlUaourgh 0 06 a. m. to Now York, Albany and Boiton without chang". Parlor Car from Cleveland and Salaroapca. Arrive at Head,v We at 11:20 a. ra. (dinner) Franklin 12 8S p m , Oil City 100 p. m., Cor- ry 1:00 p.m., Jameatown (Lake Chautauqua) 2*00 p. m . Bufnlofl 15 p. m Itochetter 8 80 p m.; Horneir- Tilie 6 40 p m [auppf r); Corning 8.26 p m. Dmlra 8JJ7 p m. Blngbaat0n.lu.SB P- m., Albany 6.60 a ro. Boiton 5.45 p.m.; arrlviOR at New York 6'fiO a.m. " ]{• m< LIMITED- EXI'IlEiJS-Through rull- 6 iJU [li llli mao aleeplng coach from Cleveland to New York. Arrlvea at Meadvllle at 6 55 p. m , Jumps- town 9 18 p. m., flolamaoca 10 10 p. m., New-York iO-25 » m. niflJC n m NIQIIT EXPRESS- (Dally except i\Jd Bt -tlh Sunday) Beeping coacb from Cleveland HoroellivlllB. Arrive at Youngatown nt 1 85 a m . Meadvllle 8 CO a m., Carry 5-20 a. m. Jameatown 618 a. m. Buffalo 9 46 a. m , Roche*! er 1.1 Op, m , Hnrnella. Tlilo, 11 20 a ni , Corning 12-68 r> m, Elmira 1:21 p. m., Mnghwaptnn 2.60 p ro„ New York fl 28 p m. Arrive at Piitflburgli 6 in a m . without change. fi,in n rn PITTSBUIUJH EXPHES8 - Dally - UiuU lli Hit Through without cliange»_tajlor c»r at¬ tached Arrive* at Youngitown 6D0 p m , PltUburg 7 48 p m , Waahlngtorr 7-00 a m , Baltimore B 19 a. m, i*% II HI MAIIONINU ACCOMMODATION - 4iUJ lis llli Stopping at all way a auooi, nrtivluirat Youngutown 7-29 p nt , Qliarrm 8 30 p ni, SlarpeiTlllo 8 40p ni. CconnecUat Leavittiburgh wlibJtraiD No. ■20 for Mufldvlllo and Id term opiate polntf Arrive* at McatlvllleU20p tn. 7 'Oil 0 Ttl PITTSBURGH EXPRESS - Dally - I ifiU d* llli Through without change Anivee at Youngitown 1000 a m , Sharon 11 Q2 a tn., Sharpe- vlllo II 10 a in, Plttaunrgh 12 43 p m , Returning, leaves 111tiburgti at 4 48 a m , H; 18 a. m , 1,80 p. m , and 4 20 p, m , UAf n m YOUNtiSTOWN AND PITTSRUROH UJ) Ui llli AfCOMMODATION-Stopplng at all Way atatloDi, arriving at Youngitown 1 43 p. m.,Pitta- burgh, Q 10 p m. Tralna arrive at Oloveland, 0 40 a. 10.66 ». m; 100 p. m , and IDilS p ni, •VThla la the only oute by whjoh reach Oorry Elmira, Blnghampton, *,u and intermediate polnU without cliango I to Boatoo and New England Cltlea, , 705 p m, puaengera can New York City No changa "TheSoprtHtw Omrti'MTlie White Hewe/* etc. MISSJON^OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, '•H. fl, "; three or four ptMW/ifjin exceed¬ ingly intercHittt character, richly llfuitntcd. A FINE YACHT FQR ^LE. j *Tffl'?! 7•!^",,,. "••v l«Bl*»,' lSOfee'tilieaip', <t1St^UaSlsrttMo«! tm tUaalA aslst bo.tr alai iedn». Thla yaekt him purtfcima at ■ Uml.. I AddrM Jli.m Bbcoid, deT^aoS, O. No. 1. <Hndn»atl a Columbus ExDreu„... Ne. 11, IndluapslU a WhMllnn UipreM... No. 17,apeelalColumbui* Cincinnati Cz. Nal 1,-Bnacld tad1 a SI. Eouli Kniren No, 6, C4l. On., Ina. * St. laula ExpreM. No. yet. eVy/. t Oalllon Aoe......."■■■.„, Depart No.», Ori. 4 a», It lad. IipiWT, No. I, Q, I»a W. ii»,,.~.........._______ No, eVCalvOa. 4 <Iadlaaa»olls_Uirme.^i, No, S, Ooluabaa ACtaelQBau Ksr— Ho." No, o, I, Oalumbua k;CtDelniiauExpreai....... o. lit Whuhi*tiprm<ut. '--------. Jruus aouKi Bundar. 4«IAlt 7(10 AH 1S0PII •MSJ'M ♦7,10 PM , IWOPM Arntir1 •T.IS A* l0.4S,Alf w If oso.pl Baggago checked through to .11 point. Fast Through tickets and Information regarding the route cao be obtained at the offloe 131 n«uk street, .nd at now Depot ot N. Y , P * O It. K ,8oulh Walerstreot and Vladuet, Clerelaud, O. A. E.CLABE. w ^v. Oen'lPass'r Ag'tCleMUnd.O. Qen'l Moo'gTi CleTelaad, a PoMtager Agent, 111 Beak St. cle.elsnd, O. JOIIH F. WEU & WEH, B. D. UOULDEB. 60ULDER Attorneys and Counsellors, AMD PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 1441IATWATERl\jn,uINO, CLEVELANp.lo*' Our Collectloa Department Is In ektrfe at as ex¬ perienced Collector.

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