V— J 'THE. MARINE RECORD- 3=5 tub NOTuratnlc Gonr Jacket Twenty per ccht. more buoyancy tlmn nny other LIle-PrcBen or In the innrket, <Js the SAFEHI' mid,only RELIABLE LirE PRESERVER In EXI8TENC E, us proved of t'lo Into w reck nn the Pmifle Count, nl the Pncllli! Mnil Steamship, "City of Sin rnmclsco." __ __ RING BUOYS AND FENDERS > 1 W to B > w ►3 Approved nnd adopted by the United Board of Supervising Inspectors ;nlso by tl, prlnclpnl Ocean, Luke and River Stenm® Lines, ns the only Reliable Life Preserver VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED, Send for Clruilurs __ /] D. KAHNWEILER149,1« & 150 Woi Nonr f en'er St . New York. katienbtein | 8blf-a0tinu met. tacki: | I OB riSTOK BOM, VlL*l Stems Ac. Adopted and In use b j tho principal Iron Works tnd Stesmshlp Compa¬ nies within the last eight yesrs In this aod Foreign i oimtrlcl For full par- jliisn sntl references .dress _ . KATZENSTEIN * CO., J Chrisloplior Stroel, nenr Wnt Street, K y lOttD BOWLER* <5o AOr,NT8F01iCI EVELAND THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. — MANUFACTURED BY------ AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. ■wim: ibis J!"*sr«D wtD. & • £*» ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Itoom 87, MmrcllantV building, CHICAGO, ILL. WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cor Columbus At" A Wsler St, BANPUBIfir. OHIO, PALMER & BENHAM. J H successors to 1'ALUhtt A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 13(1 Writer Street. RoflrosOA 7 CI !■ VI-LAND . DHtO ^ BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, ^t'sieN chartered purchased and mid. contracts madu (or coarau mid limvy freights, ' I flL'e Buperlur mid ttfuniilm iruu oro cbniterB for sin olo trip or muuou a specialty 130 Water Si Itoom U Plovotinil f) , Co.il A iron Ex IlmMg OluYbidUQ, U, mifpliom' No WH MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 SI <"l«ir Street, Itoom 27 UJ- V HANI) OHIO__________ EXHAUST. STEAM CAPSTAN. Patented Ffb. 17, and Oct. IS, 1874, Oct. SO and Nov. SO, 1876, Dec. 18,1876, and Dec. S, 1878. To k«p pace with the march of improvement in labor saving machinery on shipboard, the company have designed a steam capstan. It is driven by a pair of steam cylinders, which nre hang under the deck on which the capstan stands, the wem of-the steam valve protecting- up through the deck so that one man cm give the capstan steam anl attend to the hawser at the same time, nnd exert a force on the rope equal to hundreds of men. The engines drive a worm which in turn drives a itopn-gear oh the capstan shaft, the arrangement being covered by pat¬ ents of the company. Unlike spur or bevel gean, this arrangiimenut runs noiselessly and without jar. These capstans are all made with double- engines, with single or double barrels as required, and are designed to go nft on steamships for docking tie same when backiug into the wharf, or for turning round in a narrow channel, also for Elevator Barges, Steam 1 ugs, and for handling steamers in rapid currents, for drydocks &c. They are highly appreciated by all who have used and tested them, SELLING A OKNTS ON THE LAKES D. 8. AUSTIN 4 CO...... UPSON, WALTON & CO....... M. I. WILCOX .... ... JAMES. P DONALDSON & CO...... G. D. N0RRI8 & CO........ DUNHAM* HOIT, - - ... J. W. Grover & Son, Ship Chandlers --------AND SAIL MAKEItS-------- Cleveland,O H7MI0RlTer street l!U.ll!W Dock UPSON, WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers- WOno of tho largest stocks of Wire Rone In the United Suites CLEVELAND .... OHIO BUFFALO, N. T. CLEVELAND, 0. TOLEDO, 0. DETROIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE, WIS. CHICAGO, ILL. SMITH'S PATLNT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, 3ZIBT u<kJNri3 OSXTJ.A.FXIS'F. SEND FOR PniOES TO SMITH'S BOAT WOHKS, 169 South Street, New Tork. THOS. WILSON UANAGINO OWMKR Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent CLKVK1AWH o, HIBBARD & VANCE, . Vessel, Agents "Anchor" Snatch lllocks. 66 »nd 8W Brosdwsy IK IJlH.lleNlroit. MlLWAUKrE, WIS ( HirAHfl K.I DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 bo Water Htrool I CllICAU.), ILI.INOI8 ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents., 127 LsBallo Street. rHH Add 111. J A. M. BARNUM, ~ Vessel Agent and Broker, ic Exchange at. ■ Buffalo, N. Y. - W-IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE jbTT MONTHLY LI.T1' OF VESSELS PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. 80LK MAMII'ACI UIU'liB OF THK CKLKtlKATEI) NCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OK WITH OUB SELF-LUBRICATING FHOBPHOBBBOHZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these Hush ings is the celebrated l'lios plior Bronze, the best bear ing metal in market and being perfect selfhibrica tors they are fast supersed ing all other styles tor sale by Ship Cband lcrs everywhere. ASK \OR"ANCHOR BRAND" BLOCKS Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. Improved Snaich IIiock Cla*p i losul STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL & LOUD, Boston, Mass. Nolo Mununioturera In V. 8 A. orour Celebrated Metajine & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail CLEATS HO Improved Snatch Block Clasp Opened it lui| roveL ont *smplr order* solicit.-* METALLIC LIFE RAFT, H.O.&J.E Calkin, Cojpersitlis anil Plnmben. Steam and GiurFlttlng, GALLEY STOVES. »00 * 887 Wast St., Cor, LalgM NEW YOEK Ci itilitiss.) . i.p'ji i.iplit.Mo C0C 42