*t> THE MARINE RECORD. A wrlior to tho Marino Journal, writing 'from Chicago with rogard to our alien laws relating to eommeroo and lake trnfllc, n sub- joot at proBOtit Interesting to all marine men, says: - *> "Thoro |s an old saylpg that/Banco for tho gooBO Is also sauco fot tho^gauder. Now, for Bovoral years tho captain', pilots'and en¬ gineers, since they have become organized along the lakes irnd rlvors bordorlug on tho qhorcs of Canada, havo boon trying to got a HIIIITIIH ,11 V/ll|„,viii, ....T~----------,.---n - — ■law passed to make all persons holding Unl tod Statos licenses and employed on Amerl •can waters to live In tho United Slates. "Tho ronton we asked It Is because wo find , about twenty per cent, of all licensed officers T..flg aro mon that live In Canada. They sail one I ' uo8» season, In any under capacity, on an Ameri¬ can vessel, such ns oiling, llrlng, wheeling, watching, etc. They then doclate their In¬ tention to becomo cttizopB, and got tholr li¬ cense, but thov nover inovo hero or become oltlzoiis. In titer, they live, vote (whon home) mid own property In Canada. They never buy a cent's worth on thla side whon they can help it.. Their taxiw and tholr liv¬ ing onmo cheaper to them than to us. We want thorn on the same piano with ub. "Now, Is there anything unjust lu our de¬ mands? Yet wo were (Wealed, I belluve, three times before Congrest, wl'.h just such a bill. Who dofoated ub? Tho steamboat ownors along tho borders of Canada. But, bohold you, tho tables have turned, Up to the present season it was always supposed a Canada boat could not carry passougers between Amorlcau ports, but our friends on tho other side havo found a weak point In -our law, and do carry paasongerB on certain routes between Ameilcan pons. And what do we see? Why," n number ot the Ameri¬ can steamboat owners set up a teirlble howl, and declaro they can't compete with those boats because everything Is cheaper on the -other side. Their ox is now goieil, not ours, and they will come boforo Congrest at the next aosalon to have the law amended. "I Bay it behooves every captain, pilotand engineer, Unit Holds a license and Uvea on the American Bide, no matter to what part cf tho United States, whother It be Maine or Oregon, or any other point, to see their Con¬ gressmen before thoy leave for Washington noxt fall, and boo that they don't vote for the ownein'bill unless ours is with it Let tho cry bo: 'Holy us and wo will help you.' Thoro Is no injustice In the demand. Both bills should be passed without a dissenting voice. Now., let all seo to It, no matter whcthei organized or not. It is a duty wo owe one another. I would like to hear others spoak on the subject. -Wheie are the fragments of the boy who ^'burst Into learsV"—Aipiti. This accounts for the late wet weathci. Fruits ol the seiis-un—Wrecks. "Cutting up shines"—The woiker In precious stones. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, MSTEUK1, ' - Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting -Screws, &c, •' To be hail on short notice, by mall or lelogrnph. A. O. TVHEELEtt, CHAS. ONEWUCH. Mwviffisr. WrookliiR Muter. f PaporMiUBIt)jt3\orsStEoti,.„». Gasometers ,Sall Fans Smote Stitto M iD Ms of Hesvy Hate & Sk et IwrtVWc Office & Works, I—~------------ M4.2«.|48.250.|52.Aiid.254. , Sto^K^ Perrv St. .mvtv« * OIL STILLS 6c AGITATORS. Repairing Ptnmptly Atterulorlta JAHKS. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN A COMPANY'S 1HAOONAI. LIFE BOAT VAN BE USED IN PLACE OF THE METALLIC LIFE BOAT I If PREFF.RED, HAH BEEN ADOPTED AT WAMII- INGTON BY THE BOARD OF SU¬ PERVISING INSPEC¬ TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand BEHDJOR PRICE LIST. DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, iVllCH. ESTA11L18HE»1830. GLOBE IRON WORKS, Iron Shipbuilders, MacbiDists, Folders anH Boiler Makers, Carrier Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, 0. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium, Sample Copies Free JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St., Now York. N. Y. —^-UAKUFACTUBKaS OP----- CORDAGE * OAKUM. Gsnmrof AMERICAN. RUSSIA mil ITALIAN HEMP of tho Tory boat qutllty made to onlor AT ONE DAY'B NOTICE. MANILA sndBISAL BINDER TWINE. • Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y__________ SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. Tlictw Lan,|is tfh e a more briUunt'llK.it than any Sigrjitl Lnmp now In u>c The) haiohaeu uilopictl bj iho principal Ocean and Lfiku Slcniucrc and Vessels, nnd are for sale In tho principal ports on tho Atlantic coast and IbIcoh Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send for carnlnRua. * Mnnnfactnred by FKLTHOVHKN «V ItUSSKLL, 130 A Ul MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. ^ •j Vesselmen SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, (QiiialiiltiR-ull point* of MAHINE LAW_4t» de¬ termined by tho United Ht&lea rouita OwiierM, Henmoii, FrelKlitH. Tom litre," Colli "Ion », Geiuft-nl A.ver»«e, Dutlei of Seamen, Chnrtam, ' KiirollinciitH, Common Onrrlertt, MuriU'rn & Ownem, MAIUNK ENGINE WORKS r? % UANUFACTUIIKHOP Marine and Stationary Engines, PROPELLER WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS'* 0E5ERAL MACHINERY- ConnusroxDKM K {Wl Kll Kli. ftA, til & 50 MIolllKKII St. CHICAGO ILL. F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Manufacturers of Hotel Ranges & Laaudry Stoves, ani Dealer in PSE F1N1II GOODS, 128 SUl'KIUOK HT..-CI.KVKI.ANU.O. I BlUof LnillliB, \V«». *»• ' Tha volumn 1» hniuUwuul} IkiuikI In »IIIT Biard cov«n. mi lino n,i«ll»li.t-loili Wn<Hn« I*«ik.uf Um SgESUtW^U lor onu W 0,. thin, Commission. AND Vessel Brokers, OUT.UTH. MINN,__________ Capt. D. 8. Webster, VESSEL AND INSURANCE AUENT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ETC., BOUUIIT AND BOLU ON COMMISSION. ^harterint ui Freighting of Canadian .Offlpe:,Room 32, Seoond Floor, Moffat Blook, DETltUlT, MICIIKIAN. POSITIVELY CURED All aurtori.ro from this iUhu^o that un iinxioiii to It* curiM Hhoitlil try DR KlflSNEE'B CELEBRATED CONSUMPTION POWDEH8. riuw Fundi man tin only nriimrulluti knouu Hint will tun ciuimmi|illi,n and all iiiHeaaud of tU THROAT and LUNGS—IihIu d ho ntroiig U our fnith In thtui un t at-n i» t tinvlnn. \ mi Unit Ihov urn tifi humbiin, no nlll lornird to us'i_i\ aullorwr, by in til, pout p tid, u Free Trial Box Wcdo i't want >otn moiay until \mi arc porftctlj ml- latli'il olilulr curatUo nnwi rit II \our life [h woith na\hm, don't ih lay IukICiiik tin it POWDERS "' li Ul iw thi j'ttlll tmrily curt >ou I'rtu.foi larno Rox & »tMi »r 4 Boxin fur 3.0 00 suit to any purl of tho Unllrd Stmts or Ljiiadu, li) until, on rttulpt of prlLu Addruns ASH & ROBBINS. 3R0 Fulton St.. Brooklln. N. Y. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, ( Which keeps, it free from Scale, Mud or ^eiiimeut, Prevents fmmlng and lessens? the liability of Explosion. It saves I-UEL, LA1IOR ami RE ['AIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE »ml Absolutely Safe. - 8cml for Cili illltl' Klvtnj; full tufurmittlon lo HOUGHTON & CO, -. Noll) rroprletortl mill ^ltinnfuctmt'rH 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson,_______NEW YORK. THE NEW PULSOMETER CHE*PEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DUM3LE, EFFECTIVE i ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, fur rnUlnir IlqiiUU umli-i nm, up l« 100 l.-i-l. Nn lluilitm-rv. \n Oil, No 'till Cure. Can In \\tuk. fl w,it|l, ml. <l ll> u (.liulll. W 111 |>,i^-, [;rH, lillld. H„|itl, |,ill|,, eti- . ulllioul tn|ui> Im 11^ |> >rln Ni-riU «.nl, ,i Kit iiiii pipe from iMiliur to inn It. I'l I, t>. HOf, k.iM«,iih pt-r hoiii, nM), l.sjooii,. »7.1, U.llllll ill,. SMIO 11,(1110 do tl-f, 10.000 ill, ml;: IK,100 tin nfin\ !iJ.poo <i.i.,»a7n, |->,oni,iii, vino, 110,111,0 ,i» »nuo, i4o,o.io 1,0 WI.OOO C. miuiri tills Mill, uliv idlui l'mup Llsl. ;,1, A, Mlll"l I Will. f„r llltiHtrul*., .It ^ ri|»'.v. 1 *m^i. ^\ in-.......,.....,. ... „.......... ^1. M111 \'«, Ohl" Moiitlu-llei.Oliiii. mil I M.H1I.II-1 UK FALLING SICKNESS HTO HUMBUG-by lULARFB Celebnte d .0 convlDcu ittQercri that hivwo.u-,.— ...mo an we claim for them wo mil Mud thorn by ni«ll, ppit uld. a Fraa Trial Box- At Or. Qouiurdu tbeoCly Iltyitrclaii tliut uua ovur made thlidlMMBuavpetlalatudy, uud oh to our kuowledgo thousands havo boen —-— -•.»«♦!« enroll bv ihouno of thaw Powderi. wo cure "»ovtry com c. pohdfld* All nuflurtT tarly trial, nn De & llll'lkl 111 lilfjo, Miuh Cuiuilltu... Mkli. "I \[AM I Ullltl Its AM) IMl-IUtl l.a.S UP CORDAGE, OAKM, Wire Rope. Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA. BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, thousands have buen pflrnunoutly cured by Iho uwj of )Wderi. wo vlli guartiUOQ a pormar ~" ovury crm or rflfdnd your all money ill Hutturvn ihould give those t'owdo tormanent y ox- aii iuui![t'i«muu.u H..v ------ ,_ lurs an .arly tnai, nnd bo convinced ot thulr turntlva pumr 1'rlco for largo Box. 13 00 or 4 Iloxua for 910 00 nt by mall to any part of tho United States or Cnnad on receipt of prlcu, or by oxprou C O. l>. Addrua ASH L ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St.,'Brooklln, N. Y. SIABINE hTadWAM AND SttlP 0HASDI.KR8' GOODS GENERALLY THEMftBiNELAW BOOK _^-lS NOW KKADY.------ SEND YOUR ORDERS -TO THE MARINE RECORD- 0296 2984 5961 D8C