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Marine Record, July 19, 1883, p. 5

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V THE MARINE RECORD J omotao. Sjmlat It Ike Ma'rjni Reoert. Tho small scow Anthony Buffoll, sprang a loalc and sank In tho lako botweon tho ma¬ rine" liospltal arid Lincoln Park. The cap¬ tain and orow were rosouod by tho tug Flossie Thlelckc. The tug Alpha, Captain Ulko Drlicoll^ towed three No. 8 sohoonors Irom Kenosha to Chicago In 6% hours. -This Is the quick¬ est tlmo on record. Tb.6 Alpha Is tho finest tugboat hero. - Tho "Chioago and Alton ConBumor" whloli has boon Improved upon by tho Inventor, Mr. Thayer, on tho, tug Mary MoLano Is considered a decided succoss, as It now con¬ sumes tho smoko without Impeding the gen¬ eration of stoam. - Tho Smith smoko burner, which has been fitted up on the tug A. G. Van Hhalok Is also regarded as a comploto success. It |s a 4implo devloo consisting or fire brick walls With air openings In them on eaoh sldo of tho flro box Tho vcry'actlvo demand for lumber this week, ought to Improve heights, If tho own¬ ers bf sohoonors and steambargos will only discard competition, freights must go up as vessels nre In good demand. Captain Thomas Fountain and his son Daniel wcro burled at Rose Hill Cemetery on Sunday last. The funeral was in charge of Cleveland lodge R. A, M, of which Cap¬ tain Fountain was a momber, and ofilcor« of that organization acted ns pBll bearers. Tho 'funeral was largely nttendod. Tuesday evening about 7 p. m., as the sohooner Lady Dufferln, of Port Burwoll, Captain John MoPhcrson, was coming up the rlvey with a cargoiof posts in tow or tho tug C. Halllday, Bnd wljen approaching State street bridge, tho stoambnrge Tempest swung across the. river and collided with her breaking sevoralflanks forward, nnd prob¬ ably some frames, which will be ascertained when she la unloaded. The tug Telephone, of Clovoland, arrived here and was put In command of Captain Oscar Grconhalgh, a nephew of Captain KoberfGreenhalglfrof tho Ceiltral Tug Of¬ fice, Cleveland. She commenced harbor towing on'tho Wtb, «nd mado seven towson lior first day. .Shu has good sjJeed and strength for a small boat, and we hope she will continue to succeed as well as she be¬ gan. She |s owned by tlio Williams Broth, «rs,oi-'ClovelBnd, w.lio are here with her. At Mlilor Brothers'drydockf tho schooner Donaldson lias had a leak stopped; tug J. H. Jlart'ln same. Tho tug Prlndivlllo had her shaft straightened. Tho Poshtlgo Compa¬ ny's barge Aotlvehas been recalkod. Tho achoouor M. W. Page had some now planks in her bottom and was rccalked. Sohooner ■earner was rcoalked. Tho scow Moses Gage and tug Monitor had leaks stopped. Tho whooner Jennie Matthews received a now mlzaen mast, the schooners 8. V. Jones and B. Kanters, new foiemasts, and the piopel- ler Tacoma a uew wheel. uSTnorr. jUMifllOlluMdtiMRKOti Schooner Wawanosh finished loading on monday last, oak Umber at $03 per M for Garden Island, winter contract. Going rale •$55 to 80 per M. Grain freights from this port this week so far are dull. There Is plenty of grain In store, but a moderate demand for carrying capacity. Freight to Buffalo 2 cents. Schoon¬ er Atmosphere takes pig Iron at »1.25, free on board, aud staves at |5, f7 and «0 pel M to Buffalo. (Monday) Herbert Dudley is discharging wood at Currle & Bradllos; scow Onward, coal It Vlogers; Thco. Voges coal at Great W B B., Windsor; scow Mary Amolla, uavlni cedar at Detroit; H. P. Murray, load¬ ing wood (owner.' account) at Tryconnel for Detroit. Ganges la discharging ore at Wjandotte. Sho will replaoo her spars etc., lost on Lake Michigan, at Odea yard. Steambargo Fortune Is loading stone and a locomotive at Owen Sound for Algonao mills. The locomotive Is to be used on the •C. P.iR. R- ' , , The steamer Spartan Is now repslrlng. -Sho was pretty well shook up In her war with the elements. She seems to have got tlio worst of the battle. Her Iron ribs are bro- ken ln several places, as Is alsoTior-. kool. a 2«B Inch piece ot solid Iron. Workmen are -stripping off her rook elm sheathing and part of tho Iron plates from her bottom. Llko lior namesake, alio will bo ready for an¬ other tilt as Boon ns her wounds are dresaod. The steamer E. K. Roberts, built for tho Detroit and Duck Island Transportation Co.i Is now receiving her Mulshing tenches. Sho Is to bo employed In the fishing trade principally. Hor run will ho from here to Duck Islands and return. Sho turns up a 7 root wheel with a 15 inch high and a 24x28 low pressure oylindor, Alter attending dlvlno aorvlcon Sunday last, wo took our usual trip to Hog—I should say Belle Islo. We noticed tlui Wm. Home swinging lazily at hor anchors. Sho has boon for several days, Mncniibcr like, "wait¬ ing' for something to turn up." Tho Par¬ sons, fls In duty bound, was remembering the day at Hnmtramick oro dock. At the Island wo noticed a gorgeous flouting palace moored, 'with this enticingadvertlsoment displayed: "Suinmor Drinks." Wo looked wistfully toward Walkervllle, and con¬ cluded wp would tnko ours with a stick, but as luck would have It, our eagle-eyed pilot brpiightuadirectiy back to Ihe lootof Wood- ard and wp had no chance to Indulge. SAKDU8KY. 8p»'iol to the Martin Record Steambargo Good Hit left Kellcys Island for Cleveland/ > Barge Wyoming cleared (or BayCltr with 200 pounds or cement. Sreambnrge Fred McBrlir cleared with coal for Portage. / Schooner Hutchinson arrived light to load coaUor Duluih. Barges Icstnan and Joseph cleared with coal for Bay City. • Barge Fulton cleared for Simlt Ste. Marie with 550 tons of oonl. Barge Fulton airived light from Toledo to load coal for Bay, City. Barge Manltou at rived with lumber from Alpena for Ay res & Co. Scow George Irving arrived light. She will load stone at Marblehend. Barge Roberts arrived with lumber from Oscoda for Lee, Hubert & Co. Sohooner Wntortown anlvodwith grain from Chicago for thq B. 6 0. elevator. Schooners J. L Case, Miner and M. Mulr are due here with eorn from Chicago.' Propcllor Atlantic arrived from Marquette with 1,450 tons of ore. Cleared light, Propeller Osceola, of Wnrd's line, arrived androok on 200 pounds of limo for Diilutb. Propeller C'la.lon, of th« Anchor Line, ar¬ rived and-cleared with freight for Chicago. Schooner Rogers arrived here light and loaded grain for Buftalo at the I. B. & W. elevator. Schooneis L. A. Andrews and J, Clark in rived with grain Irom Chicago lor the B. It 0. elovntor. lArge Tlioo. Perry, light, has been wait¬ ing at Huron foi n week tor a chance to be towed up the lakes. Steambargo Walbrldge and consort arrived with lumber for Ryan, Johnsun & Co. nnd Leo, Bctket & Co. Steamer Ameilain Englo went up to To¬ ledo and ran on the Waite's route, tho latter going to Detroi: with an excursion party. Barge Reindeer was lying oil the passngo oil'Marblehend foi several days whiting lor some passing steambargo to tow her up. Barge lilnwathn nrrlvcd liom Bay City with lumber for Fremont. Sho was towed up Snnd.iBky river by the tug Cal Davis. Tug Sprague left Kelleys Islnml_tpwiug tho barge Pacific nnd schooner Baldwin, stone laden, for Cleveland breakwater. Barge Wend-lhe-Wavo arrived from Al¬ pena with 30UOO0 feet or lumber for Hub¬ bard & Son. She cleared with a dcckload or coal lor Alpena. PropCllor Mary Pringle arrived with 1,000 barrels of salt from Grind Stone City for Ryan Johnson & Co. Sherteaves here for Cleveland light. Barge Josooli arrlveel from Bay City with 400,000 feet or lumber lor the Plnmmer Lumber Co., and cleared with a decklond or coal lor Bay City. Steumbarge Mayflower picked up barges Lillle May light, Emerald loaded w Ith coal from this port, aud Fostorla loaded with •tono from Marblehead. f ohooiior Norway arrived light and toi k on a cargo of square timber for'Klngston. Cargo will bo rafted from there to Quebec, thence by ship to England. Tug Cal. Davis Is engaged regularly In towing lernisrges between Put ln-B»y, and Clevolnnd for the Forest Ice Co., whlen has Ice houses on the above Island. this yoar tlio total Is 085,585 tnns,n falling-' off of 475.503 tons. Only n comparatively smjill"amount nf work Is now being tlono It} Stcomer Koweenuw arrived Irom MnoURtf,0 Mnrqupttp mines, though aconsldora- nno with 500,000 shingles for Hubbard" & Son, olenred with 300 half-barrels from Hodgman & Co.'sVor Cheboygan. Schooner Acontlns arrived from Detroit light In tow ot the tug Halght. Tlio schoon¬ er floured for Choboygan with 520 tons of conl. Tim tug cloared for Port Samla. Sohooner North Capo arrived from Chlcn- go with grain for tho B. & O. elevator. Shu was delayed on her trip, having curried away her forctopmast in n squall on I/nke Michigan. The statement mado luinfeek as to the stcamyacht Leila's ownership was Incorrect. Sbo has boon purchased by Hugh MuMlllon, of Detroit for »0,600. Sho will run excur¬ sions out of thnt port this season, TngRullcr arrived with a raft In two sec¬ tions from EastTawas, bound tor Tonnwiin- dn. Sho put In hero to repair tho same, ono section having gono ashore on Pclee Island. Hereafter the Roller will tow bargos Icsmnn and Joseph, 'having given up the rafting business; I Propeller Hiawnthn arrived from Erie with 1,385 tons of ore which she had taken to that port from Marquette. On her iirrlv.il at Erie she round 11 large fleet ahead ot her, so she ran back here,-where llie liicllitles for discharging cargoes are unsurpassed on the whole chain or lakes. Tho Sandusky Register publishes two let- tors signed by the respective captains ot the PropellersRepubllo nnd Hinvviitlia in regard to the supei lor advantages offered hero to vessels, nnd ipore especially to tho machin¬ ery used nt this port, and they both state that it Is the most pcrlect arrangement for unloading ore or coal on trcsh water. MILWAUKEE. Thoro Is nothing doing in grain freights on account of the advance li^ tho markets; all the vessels are going for ore. Tho schooner Elbe and the propeller Ly¬ coming collided at the mouth-of tho harbor Satdrdny.. Tho Elbe lost some or hor snlls, nnd a sailor who was in hor trostlo trees was injured some The schooners John B. Morrill, Moonlight nnd Marengo arrived from bolow with coal cargoes in the ordci named. Tho Mei- rill was towed In the harbor about 2 a. in., and was followed about three horns later by the Moonlight, which was closely followed by tho Marengo. The thieo vessels hatHelt Buffalo togethei.'and all being owned here there was a natural curiosity on the part of vcssclmen genu ally to watch their move¬ ments. Tlds they did with considerable in¬ terest, and when it became known thnt Cup- tain Coleman with the Mei rill "carried oil the broom," ho wiib warmly uongintulatcd. The tin ep vessols, as bcloro stated, loft Buf¬ falo toge'liei 011 the gloi Ions Fourth, and went through th; rivets in the same tow. They had head winds lor several days and remained in sight of the otheis until the northeaster spuing up on Thursday, when tin Mcirill, not Intentionally, of lourse1, but netldentallj,slipped away. When the tug was coming about In the bay lor the Mer¬ rill's line, Captain Coleman, from tho Mor¬ rill's quaitci, hailed the tug CHptaln and anxiously lifn\ilred when Sullivan and Roach got In. It requliod an oath to make hlm be- llevo that they were both reported to be off Port Washington about tliut time. Captain Hulllvuii is said to have run back when down the shore to look for Coleman, and that Roach followed hlm, and tho story wits credited by the I rlends of both, ln stealing the march 011 the Mooiillglit, tho Merrill .gained n profitable point, ns she was con¬ signed to tho same yard, the Nortliwee'orn Fuel Company's main yard. The time made In unloading tho Morrill was never accom¬ plished at this port botnro on a vessel of lior sl/e and It Is doubtful If It was ever beaten at any other port. Tho first bucket ol coal was taken outof her shortly after 7 o'clock, and before dark she was unloaded and in tho lake bound for Escanabn..—S«nMn«f. MARQUETTE. The Improvement In the volume of 010 shipments continues, the aggregate for tlfs week Just closed being nearly lOO.OW tons. The goneial bollef now Is that tho total out¬ put for the season will exceed 1,000,000 tons. The total of shipments by lake last year, up to this tlmo was I,ftl,148 tons; so far for ble degrco of activity prcvalJaln the lower range. Bxploilngajiilprospcctlngcontinue on a large scalo In tho Menominee range, but there Is 11 marked subsidence In tlio speculative fever there, and It l| difficult to. sell stock in now companies, oven for prom¬ ising Untie. Tno present dullness in tho Marquette region has resulted in nearly stopping tho efforts to open now mines, tho prevailing-reeling being that 1111 Increnao In ' the number or pioduclng points Is not desir¬ able In the present, stnto of trade. In tho Acogeblo region piospectors are busily at vvuik, mid reports of valuable dlicovcrles are received. 1 (^ IIACLNK. James Glnty, keeper of the pier lighthouse, will resign his position, ids resignation to take offeel September 1, Probably L. Eas- 801) will bo appointed to fill Glnlj's place. Tho Inttor has been lighthouse keeper at Racine for ovor sixteen years. The tug Mocking Bird arrived hero on Saturday with tho schooner Alleo B. Norrls, conl laden, which was struck by a squall off Hogg Island reef, e.uly Thursday morning. The damago to tho Norrls is about $2,000, she having lost her main* anAmlzzen sail, fore staysail, and othei light uflpass besides liermlzzeii boom, mnlngiiff, nnti having her mlzzen mast sprung. TOnONTO, Tho yachts Oriole and Eileen, two of tho fastest vessels In the Royal Canadian yucht- ing navy, left heie on the 10th Instant for Chicago, w here they will piutlelpale in the regatta ol the Chicago Yacht Club next irontli. Tho Eileen Is a forty-six ton vessel, and has made the best lime over run on lako Ontario. She was the wlnnei In the races hero Satuiday. Tlio Orlolo Is one of tno trimmest built schooner yachts on the lakes, roni Huron. Tho tug Qunjlo passed up with a tow nnd returned light T5 inke Erie. The Empire State will nrrlvo up on her wny to Lako Supeiloi on Tuesday next. The Japan Is duo on her way irp and the Wlnslow down, at Thompson & Son's-/lock- on Sunday evening. ^ The tug Music with 111 aft In tow, broke down outside Friday night, and the tug J. y, Masters look her raft. The sclipouei John helderhoi.se, and Sunrise and the Mixer weie eha-tered nt Chicago for grain to. the Gland Trunk elcvnloi. The steumbarge Teeuniscb 111 rived down Fiiday night with n load of ties Iron. St. Joseph. She goes toCourtw right to take oil her eleck load and then returns to Fort Gra¬ tiot to unload tlio balance. nun-Aiei. The Chlengo'l lines suys S. A Muipby has made the insuiaute companies an dffer to deliver the Wells Hurt at B11II11I0 for #15,. 000. Conl jihniteift Monday Schooner David Stewart to Green Hay, nt ,")0 cents, propeller Oeeanlcii to Cliltngo, at 50 cents, sthooner Mediterranean to Detroit, nt 25 1 cuts. Buftiilo Courier Most ol the Inree snlllng ^ vessels aie going out ol the gialn trade. Among the latest dinners loi 11 e arc the____ schooners Mooiillglit, J. Ii, Mends, Poiter and Nellie Kudlugtou. Theie Is more money In ore at $1 than in coin at two cents, nnd ore loads are easier to get. A tidal wave struck this |iort yesterday morning. Between live nnd six o'clock the water began rising, and In about nn hour It had risen fully three lect It receded in about tho same time-. There was no wind ot consequence and no ipparent cause or the rise. There were tlilal waves on lakta Michigan nnd Huron last week There seems to be something w.oug under the sun. » ____ ____ TiiE yacht White Wings o| Cleveland owned by V. A- Taylor or Bedlord is being finished rapidly. She la a Sharpie pattorn. Lines and model by TI101, Clapham, Brook¬ lyn N. Y yacht rigged nicely finished up and presents evciy appearance of stability and comfort. Longth over all 00 foot, beam 16 feet, car¬ ries 505 yards of canvas. Mr. Taylor and lamlly nnd a few friends will start on an extondpd cr.ilso Saturday. This Is the only Sharpie yacht on the hikes and will he manngod this season bv Captain R. Mo— Dougal 0' Detroit.

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