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Marine Record, July 19, 1883, p. 3

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THE .MARINE: RECORD • A LUMBER EMPORIUM. • _^ Corrttpontletw Mm> Yor* Evening Pott, Along while before one roaches Saginaw tho slgnfl of this prevailing Inilustry-beeume nppnreut, The streams ure clogged u lib tlir slabs, browned nnd rotting logs, unit chaotic ' mnsBCB'.of wooden debris from the size ot a match up to tho huge sawn beam which in Borne ancient flood hna escaped Its booth. In the Holds still remain the tree-slumps or - piles of sawdust a dozen feet high, niiiikltig tho old site of n wiiB-mlll now removed be¬ cause'the material, (hat fed It has been cut nway. But all these initial syniptoins of the lumbar region are eclipsed nnd forgotten when the Saginaw river is' reached, and with It tho busy center of tho Industry. For 10 miles down 10 Bay City, near Luke Hn- ■ ron, the stream, Hows between wooden' strands. The eye strains I'soll'ln. vain to seo beyond the lumber horizon that stretches oast and west. Tho yellow w;iters, perhaps 200 foot wide, pass first between continuous - booms,, each enclnslnglts army of giant logs. Thcso boimiB roach tar above Saginaw, and If we Include tributaries of the liver and coutit.bcth sides, make up a reach of'log posts 75 miles long. Next to the logs, and on tlio bank proper, rise, most Impressive of all, tho-tracts ol sawn lumber. File on pile they rise on cither side for 10 miles up and down tlio stream, covering ncre nftor ncro ' until the wooden monotony bceomeB oppres- .•sive/ Now nnd then the wooden strund be¬ comes thinner only to rise ngnln to more Imposing height nnd width nrouuil n now cluster bf.mlllB. Tlieio mills often of grand proportions, spring from their lumber heaps nan giant of fnlry Btory-looms amid the - disintegrated bones of his victims. Their tnll'lrou chimneys bcleh blnck mnokc; tho rnttllng snws cut tho air with their distant rasp, nnd the sense of Industrial actlveness Is tilled out by the hlveB of workmen swarm¬ ing over the lumber hills, nnd loading them, by slow steady (oil. Into barges whose hulls rival the cnpaclly of a Cnnilrder. Along this stretch of 10 inljes of tho Sag¬ inaw river there are cut annually a billion foet of lumber, nnd last yenr the figures went 60 millions higher than that amount, Since, to moat readers those llgures nre n vague Immensity of numbers, let us try to simplify llicm by nil Illustration. A foot of lumber, the unit of broad measure, means a bonrd one foot square nnd one lneli thick; so thnli for example, it plank two inches thick, one foot wide and ten feet long would contain 20 lumber feet. Now apply the measure to the figures of tho annual Sag¬ inaw lunrlier pruduct, us cited above. Wo shall find that the Saginaw mills turu out each-year so much lumber, large and small, that If It were nil cut In Inch-thick bourds, ench of thsrn one foot wide, nnd llicn. these boards were placed cncMo end, they would roach nbntit 200,000 miles nrdund our planet. The product, to put the Illustration n little differently, would supply lumber enough for n fence lour tlmoB around tho world, mndo of BOlId wooden posts, nnd with a ' double row of boards eacli six Inches wide. More roughly I estimate that the yearly Snglnnw lumber product In IngB flouting closely together would cover a water area of considerably more than four square miles. »LL IMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD. constipation. sauLtaSt1-* anaiondcruoMM pit or stomach, denponiloney. LIVER {'""'M't niiiMumi, minriCc I* L *'""' «°"n« lonnul In Uolt "iod ||J«. also bottom of rlba; wesrlnen, Irritability toniuo ooatod.fliln.yollow.hotSiKf cold sen- - «at(on«,eiro«dull,drjr comfMUlcd ind obitract- '--"-------■-- jnfio, bad colored stools. wsTttfi; _______V. l«|Wjr,P»r«lT»l»,dlm - WKIUIin.ujiviuuii! aVopl'ey? «on fusion InHoad, norvoamom, fltuh.cn of llSt K DNEV8, £,lno, *"\m jWitiWd dopo.lt; __ i tooTlng qnlokljr and wjwjjOuofriin 1I1U1 mil of knuh on umion, headache.;;.'. - a*, &.'?,':?& asMs8%5ft«S rJ&ifLit Ji?vl" ". ll» mohiGm. rnU'll PIIiUS, or mtti uUon, romom onUrftk •Uhln. ' I___ «WATW» PII,us,brt __________ tho ohm, mtklDi > muni mn. Soil bv moll tot IS anti b»i of » HOii 9 boiu, H.oiT "•- ™" l- MANUFACTUREM 0E ELASTIC/ MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY m St, tJLEVELAUD, OHIO. K. V. B0EOHAR, Proprietor, The Madison, (FOIIMKM.Y -REVERE HOU8E) ' Detroit, Mich. Moat Centrally Located. Street enrs pnss the door every fow minutes to Depots nnd ' nil parts of the City. Three minute's walk to L 9 & M S, D & M, nnd Wabash Depots. Bitss 1180. to tS.OO psr dty. w or so piaii i bnu. tun, <(o po.tui .Ihhi.d. SoldbjDroKuS ^ VhJlMlellitlllk, Pn, CO (I,. FOR SALE. A n lroo oU'iim yacht 39 foot long, 0 foot boom, II foot doop; runo Tory fast,and. well found. Enquire or D.l\ NlcKKnsON. Eucltit Avenue Station. l>nvlil HiirnlttHol, A|tt, nOMKHTM' A HTKA.H COAt. €l«v«lnnil, Ohio MAKINK I.AWYKltS. Kuelp & Mnri-tftoii PnncTOllh-W AhMIKAt-TY, 115 M'Mirfi" HI ttnnm M f'hlnu.n. ' ' ■■ H.l i lieiin dV Co. HOAT 11UII.1IEIW I.AHNliKY-. BUAT WASlllNti and general Laundry in few hours. Ci.kvklanp Stkah I.aun- onv. 33 St. Clair St. Telephone 118. , BILL NYE IN A SAW MILL. From the Jloomerang, I have just returned from a trip up from tlio ji(ortli Wisconsin railway, where I went to ontch n string of codfish nnd' nnythlng else that might bo contnglouB. ' Northern Wlm-onstn is tiie place where they yank n big wet log Into a mill and turn ll Into cash as quick us a railroad man can draw his salary out of the pay car. The log is held on u carriage by means of Iron dogs while it is being worked into luiiiber. These Iron (Jogs are not like those we see on the' front steps of a brown stone front occaslonul- ly. They nre another breed ol dogs. The managing editor of the mill lays out the log In his mind nnd works It into di¬ mension mutt, shingle holts, slabs, edgings, two by fours, t,wo by eights, two bv sixes, etc., bo us tp use the goods to tlio best ad¬ vantage," JiiHt as a woman takes « dreBs pattern and cuts It so sho won't have to piece tile front breadths, and will still have enough left to make a polonaise for the lust summer gown. 1 stood there for a long time' watching the various anws and listening to ihclr monotonous growl, und wishing that I hud .. been horn u successful limber thief instead of n poor boy without a rug to my back. At one of these mills, not long ago, a man backed up to ge,t away from the carriage, nnd thuHghilessly hacked ngaiiiSt li large saw thin was revolving at the rate of about 2(10 tlmus n niiiiuU'. The saw took n Inrgecliew ol tohucLO from the plug he hud In Ills pistol pocket, and then begun on him. But there's no use going Into details. Such things nre not cheerful. They gathered him up out of thv sawdust nnd put him In n iinll- keg and curried him away, but he did not ' speuk iignln. Life was (julto .eitir.et. • Whether It was the nervous shock that killed him or the concussion of the cold saw against Ills liver Jio one ever knew. ' The mill shut down a couplo of hours so. - that the head sawyer could tile his saw, nnd then work wns resumed once more. We should learn from this never .to lonn on H buzz saw when It mnvetli Itself nrlght_ A new crib Is building nt Dunlnp rco' lighthouse. .'•J'er/i«n» tlwmn tt JMlkit.usiy tdlhtl .mug atine In Hit ICoi'M."—The National, N, Y. Sept. 1882. THE CENTURY FOR 1882-83. The twelfth year of this magazine—the first tinder, the new name, and the most successful in iu history, closed with the October number. The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season, sad The CENTURY begins its thirteenth yenr with an edition of 140,000 COMES. , The following nre the leading features ; A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELL'S, fo sijcceed* this authoi 's -'Modern Instance.' It will bp an international story entitled "A Woman's Reason." LTFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARDEGGLESTON —the leading histor¬ ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of papers, on such topics as '!The Beginning of a Nation," "Social Life in the Colonics," elc, the whole forming a complete history qf early life in the United States. Especial attention will be paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OF MINING LTI'E, BY MARY IIAMLOCK.FOTTE. entitled "TheLed- Horse Claim," to be illustrated by the author THE POINT OV VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters from imag¬ inary persons-of vai iuus nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads e|c. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI¬ CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical co operation In Christian work, showing how a league was forrped in a small town in Connecticut what kind of work it attempted, and how it spread throughout the whole Stnte. "RUDDER GRANGE AHROAD," by Fiank R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stones, the scene being now in Euiope. THE NEW ERA'.IN AMERICAN HOUSE¬ BUILDING, a faeries of four papers, fully illus¬ trated, devoted lo (1) City Horn**,,' (2) Country Houses,, (3) Churches, and (4) Public Buildings. TIIE CREOLES OK LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of '* Old Creole Days," etc. FOR SALE. An Iron yacht 35 foot long very ftnoily finished ana furntihod. Draft 3 1-3. foet runs very (ait, Enquire of D. P. Nickenon ttnrlcnei* Block Undid Ave Station. FOR SALE S'cambarfie, KcelM4 foot, Benin 80 foe?, depth of hold U foul; capacity 400 J^ feet lumber, G30tan»conl beildw her fuel. BullUn 1B82. Addrca<> Mi rink Kkcmid OOloa, BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the ant) Mississippi Rlvere. Ohio THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS,— -. Lenve Clcvolnild with Through Pnlnco Conches nnd Elegnnt Sleeping Cure, for' COLUMBUS. * CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AHD— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. The Nickel Plate! ^ NEW YORK, CHICAGO * HT.'LOUM RAILWAY. Tho puionser equipment of till. No* Trunk Lino Is nil now nml !■ auppllod with tho latest appliances ncei-nnry to safo apowly nnd comfortahlo lr.vral. - At Chicnao, nauunsor trains anlvo nt and leave- from tho Union Ilepot, Van Buron street. Following Is the tlmo In otToct May 14, H88, and un¬ til further notice.- - »,. .OQINQ EAST. I.v. Cirlcngo....'...." 8,16 t ra...........................'....... Arr.Valnaial«l..,.10.05 " ................................ ' " Kort Wayno. M10 p. m................-...............^ 11 Now Haven.. 3.0(1 " .,............j,.........;....... " Wort Lolnilo. i.m " ...............,................. i " ArcudU....,....,B.10 " ...............!.....',.......... " Fottotla......... 8.25 . " ................................. " Oreon Bntlngt 0 12 " .................. ;.............. I' Bollevuo......... 0.40 " "................................. I.v. llollovuo.A......0,W . •' 8 30 a. Art Ctovi'lirad>......O.JO - " 10.5S hi. Clovolnnd..................... 11.00 Arr I'alncnvlllo................... 12-on p. " Aintuliula...................... 1868 " ronno»ut....j........]......... 1.1M " F.rle.............................. 2.28 " Dunkirk........................ 4.21 ■" lutruto......_................... 0.00 OOINO WliST. J.v Butr«lo...........10.16».m. Air Dunkirk..... " F,rlo.....i...... M Conneaur..... " Anhtabuln... 11 I'alnoivillo., " Clovolnnd.... Lv Cleveland... An Bellovue..... tv Bellovue..... Qroon Spring*. 1 Fo'torla.. " Arcndln......... " Wot Lolpilc. " Now Jlavon..... ■ " Fcirt Wnyno. " Valpnilio...:... '• Chlcngo..,:...... Truing run by Coluinlm* tlrao, which la twenty niln* ules faster tlmn Clucagu llmo. flvo mloutoB slowor thnn Cluveland. nnd ilxtcou mlnut»alower th»n Bul- futo time. For Infumiatlon, call on noarost agent of tho Com- p&ny, or addrcan B. K. HOHNEB, " Oon'l Pawionger Agent, LEVIS WII.I.IAMH, Geneml Manager. Cleveland, O. Rocky Itlver Accommndtttton dcparU at 7:50'a lu. I'daliyli 0.10 u. m. [dnllv]: 10:45 a.m. ISundny niilyl; 1 "" [dBllyl: 4.-tt p. in [Sundny only]; 7:00 p. m. iv only], .Uuclldaci-oatUiodatloiidepiiltBut 12-'t5 .. [daily]; 5-45 p. iu. [dally excopt Huudn ]-, 8:36 l4h ■•-■ ■■■ ' ....tl.M . 1.S6 p iu. .................. Leave. .. 2.M ' .............. fl.46 a.m. ..3 25 ' .................. 7.14 " .. 4.10 ' 8.11 " .. 5.25 ' ,...*,-,........... 0.25 " .,5.80 ' 7.15 a. iu. ltm.......wt .755 ' ........... O.ao •■ .... 0.40 " .... 10.07 " .... 10 40 " .... 11.00 " .... 11.58 " .... 2 05 p. m. .... 2 20 " ::E::::::::: .... 0 25 " .... 8.20 "' ............... l.-:i8 p. in. [suiiduy 4tinnduy only J Hew York, PBausylyania &. OMo R. R. (I-'oriuorly A. 4 ll. W. ltujhond.) RKW YORK, BONTON AND TUB EAST. The Nliortfut nml Qnlckc«i Route to I'ltti- bnrs;, WnMltlnKton nntl Hnltlmore ami the Nonthciwt. Tun is tho only itiio making pireot Connection with all the principal Trilnk lines of tho Faitfor'all Hoolhcm, 8outh\vcstolrn/ and WeaU-rn points, oltlior by way of Cincinnati, j/idlunnpolls or at. Loutiand all ftltlway Towns JllSSOUKI, / ' ARKANSAbi, texas,/ kansas, Nebraska/ Colorado new mexico, old mexico AND Til It FIC COAST. Equlpi fresh anil u»r|)liic nnrrntive, rlclily illustrated. MV ADVENTUKKS IN ZUNI, hy, Frank H. Cus,hftiR, government ethnului>i!,t; an ndupted member of the Zum tribe of Indiana. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE N7V. TIONAL CAPITAL, including "The Capitol," "The Supreme Court," "The-White Home/' etc, MISSIONSOF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 4,H. II. "i three oi four papers of an exceed, ingly interesting character, richly illustrated. A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. Avuryluiu yacht for oalo. Loiiirili, 100 hjotj beam, 10 ftflt; UDublo cnBliiL'B; two itilwuliil colur ImiiiIb; ulcu uwiilng; a ■pUiitlld double Vltctii'ii, pun try and two klata rooms; roouu wull (urutaliuU U> «kt)|i 1(1 (luriona; forefault; Upright pittiio, und, In fact, all that can bo . . ij.^ yBcht cat) iK, pualiUkK'd at a-bargain. dualrod Addro ^nt New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. BSjTTU'kists by thin popular route for eulo nt nil regular Tukut Oilier. E.B.THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Mtmigor. 'I mtlic Manauor. A. J.SMITH, (ici.tirnl rustBiiger Agent. OLKVKLANH, OHIO. " ' !i INIU- CIXViaAND, COIAIMHU8, CINCINNATI ANAl'OLlri Comtm'iiftiin Sunday, Jnn« "J-ltli, Irulnsof tho Hop Mm*—Uovelnnd, (Vihiiiitnin, Ciiulniiatl A. lii<llaim|ndU Hull way wlO k-avoaiid arrlvo »t Chn«limd un to'luw- No. I, Cincinnati A Columbun GxproM...... No. 11, Indlnimnnlla >t W la'i'Unw Kxptt'n .. No. 17,8i»w:lal0olumUm& ClncluutitL Ex.. No. :t, H|»ouIh1 Ind A Hu IxiiIh Kxpreitn No. li. (iiL ('In., Ind. \- St. Unlit bxpruHi N<>. 7,0 I.A W ,1 lialllim Ate.................. MAitlNKltKCORu.Cluvijland, O. No. «, VM. A Chi. St IndrExnroM.......... No. 8, (*. L. A W. Ace............................. No la, 81,1,ouU k IndlminpoHs r.\|prt'io No, 0, Col. Cln. A Iti(|lnnai>tMlii Kxnn^iu.. No, 4. Cohimlmi A Clnclnnutl Exnri'tu..., No. 10, Whocllnu KxprcM...................... No. IVInninnailA N. Y. Vnnt Uw „.. ruins mumed Sunday. iiur traiint daily exct3|i ■ Ut'|iart " 7.-10 A M l.'fid V M *a.-i5 i» m "7.10 I'M 4 00 P^l Arrive. ^7.10 AM 10 ift A M ■\l-20 V M 10 00 1> U *3 50 V M 7:IS |»M 1 W A M TT----------- Until further iiotlro tralna will lenvo from the now C*tntrill Ut'pol, bouih Water airoctand-Viaductaa fol- lowa: n nn Q m Atlantic EXpiiK.ss_(i>aiiy) puii- liuU (It ul< niuii olfvplng and liotol com hea from U'avlttat)iirgh 9 05 u. m. to N,ew York, Albany and Host on without chan^ . IMrlor (tir from Clovdand nnd Salnuianca. Arrive at Mead'tlto ut 11:20 a. m. • (dinner) Franklin 12'i»P m , Oil City 1:00 p m.,Cor- ry 1:00 p. in.i Jamuttowii (Luki! Cliuutnuo,(ia) 2.-00 p. m , BuffaloC.-15 p. m ItochtwUT S ao p. in.; llornvll - vlllu 0:40 p in [supper]; Cornlnu 8:J5 p m. Elmlni 8:57 p ui. BlDKlmutun 10:58 p. m., Allmny b-fto a. m. Boktoa '^:45p. iu rarrlvtHK nt Now Vnrkfi-fioa.iu. O'MlTl til UMITi:i) KXPHi;3S-ThrouKlr Pull- uitjU (li Ul. man slvi'iilng courti from Clovolnnd to Now York. Arrives at MeadvllUi at G-ta p. in , Jumps- town 0;i:t p. m., HulnuiAnca 10:10 p. in., New York 10,-25 a. in. 1M1C II m NK1HT EXPUI-SS-(Pally eicopt HiU3 ll< Uli winduy)8oopinRioftcli(romCl«vt'lani! llornelUvllhi Arrivu at Youtigstowu nt l:fi5 n. m.. Moadvlllf:):60a in., Corry 5-*20 n. m. Jamestuwu 618 a. ni. Uuira1o'0:45 a. m., Kothesit-r 1:10 p, m , llomella. Tllk',11:20a m .Corning 12:5a inn, Kliniral:21 p. m., lllnghninptmi 2*B0 p ui,,New York U 26 p in. Arrive nt Phtsbiirah 6:1ft a in , without uhunut'. n,in n m PiTrsuuiwlH KXpitEss - Daily _ ZiDU UiUl. Through without cliaoge, Parlor carat- i tit died Arrives at Voiingitown ,1 00 p ni., Plttahurg 7:48 p. m., WofthlnKitin 7,-0'J n. m , HalllmrvoB 1!) a. in. n MAHONINU A( (OMMOI>ATION - Hi Hjopplng nl all way n aiioim, arrlvlnirat YoungSibwii 7:2^ p. »)., Shamn « JUip m , Bliarpejvillo H40p. in. Ctonui-ctti at U'a\Ht»uurnti With truln No, 20 (or Mniidvlllu nnd inU-rmediiitu jioiuU Airlroaat SlrtdvIHe 11:20p. in. rj.nnn ni PirrHDURdll KXPUI-aS - Dally — I liU U. Illi Through, without chango. Arrive* at Yonngstowii 10 0<\ * iu-, 8liaron-ll 02 n. m., Sliarpi- vlllu-11 10 u. in., PltiHlmrgh 12 4Ap iu , Returning, lL-nve* PltLihurgh at 4 48 u m , 8;i3 a. iu , I;30 p. ni., nnd -l'20 p m nnr n tn YoiiNii&TowN AND piTTsnunuir U3 0. llli A(COMlLO!>.VnnN-.tt<ipplii« nt alt Wnj ntnilniia, arriving at "ioungatown 1 43 p. m.,Pitts¬ burgh, 0 10 p ra. Triilim nrr|v« at Olo'vclnnd, 0-40 a. in., 7-0$ p, nlt| 10-Wiii. in, 1 00 p. nu, and 10-15 p m, mrThiH li tho only i ou e by which tm*si>ngnr» can reach Corry Kliutru, ltlnghampUiii, Now York City ' and lntoriiH-dliiiu iHilutn ulttuuil cliun^u. No ehango to Boston and Now Kuglatid CitluH. ftuggngo t'litfkul through to nil points Kast Thnnigh tickets and Information regurdlug thu nmio can heohtatuod at Iho otllcu U\ llank-Hirout, and ul iu-w Depot of >'. Y , P Al) It K .South Wutorsireol und Viaduct, Clutulnud, U. A. K. CLAllh. Gim'l l*asa'r Ag't Chnuland, O. J. m Fi:uHia, Gou'l Maii'tir, -CI <veland, O, M. L POUTS, . PAiMnger Afrent, 1»1 Bunk St.Clovdatid, O 7:48 p. : 4:351 H. D. UOULUBR. JOHN F. WKI1 * GDULDER & WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, ■ AND • PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 114 10 ATWATEli BWl.MNG, CLEVELaVb, O Our Collocttoii Department Is In chsrgo ol an hx- pcriuncctl Collector.

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