THE MARINE RECORD. PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS. John T,'Smith of 180 South Street, Now York, Is doing a Urge business In furnishing metallic lifeboats to ids many (Hands. H b llfo rafts arc advertised In the Matunk Heo- oud and wo nro glad to note his prosperity'. A recent lesno of the Sunday Tunes, of Now York, contains tho following: Tho tiny cutter Dodge, which for somo ttmo attracted n great deal of attention at the shop of her, builder, John T. Smith, 150 South Btreot, was launched n Bliort time since. She is U% feot over all, H% foot I T|.no beam,!]- feot draught and hits one-halt ton I ' ufl8J ballast. Tho Dodgo was fully rigged, sparred and canvassed, and all sail was made Immediately for l'ottory Beach, Greonpolnt,. whcto ohc came to alongside her larger sis¬ ter cutter the Maun. Since then sho lias mado beveral trips up Long Island Sound, and outside Sandy Hook, giving perfect sat¬ isfaction. She will go to Newport soon in chargo of heron nor, E. M. Pnddclford, who hns had her built principally for gunning j and fishing parlies. Smith liiuNmllt a great many new boats this season foil our crack yachts. The gig for Mr. RooBWelt Schuy¬ ler's new yacht is nn elegant specimen of u ship's boat being llnlshcd in extra style In every respect. Tho metallic liloboat, of the largest size, which Smith is now building lor tho yaoht Three Brothers, of,, N. II , is an extra line specimen of ills pat¬ ent metallic lifeboats. Sho will be completed during tills week. The Bristow Life Raft is ono of the best Inventions yet ottered the soa-golng community for the preservation of life In cases of shipwreck. On Wednes¬ day last ho shipped nn A1 "Bristow" to~the «wner of the handsome steam yacht Mer¬ maid, of Now Haven, Conn. The gig and cutter which are about finished for the steam yacht Theresa, of New York, owned by Mr. Flake, will bear the closest inspection. The enmo remark will applv to tho gig, tendei and barge Intended for—Mr^_Aloxander's •craok Btcnmynoht Vision. The latter craft it may bo temembered was built by Jacob Lorlllard. These boats nre built without regard to cost; all-tho vailotlos of hard woods being used In their finish, and no ex¬ pense being spared In their brass works, up¬ holstery, etc. Tho same description and re- maikB are aptJC&prlate for tho bouts of Mr. Lorlllard's now stcamyacht, as well as to Jiljoso for tho sleaniyncht Stranger. The lat¬ ter ciaft is one of the most elegant stctun- yachtB afloat hi thu waters of tho United States In speed, model and equipment. She ra» built for the late Mr. Osgood, of the iw York Yacht Club, and is tho propei tj' of Mr. Jaffray. _________ It is understood that Chief Engineei Charles II. Lnilng will bo appointed Chief of the Bureau ot Steam Engineering, Navy Department, to succeed Commodore Wlllliilii II. Shock, recentlv retired. J N GIM IRONWORKS, Iron Shipbuilders, Machinists, FoMcrs anil Boiler Makers, CANTIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, ' Lifting Screws, To be lnul on tdiort notice, by mail or klogrnph A. O. WIIEKLKIl, Mntintcr. CIIAS, O^EWUOH W rock in k Mmitcr. 'Paper-Mill HoaduroSLEotarios. GuomctcrjjSaltPans Smote Sticks. WCOMOTIVE And all Ms of EsiyHate & aeetlwnWoric Oitice & Works, 844.345.248.250 252 And.254. oooBbl'" OIL STILLS 8c AGITAJTOR9. Repairing FWmptly Attended to, 11UI^@,,C& ]:staiii.isiii:d irso. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DKAN * COMPANY'S ItlAflOXAIi LIFE HO AT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF THE METALLIC LIFE IIOAT IF PBEFERED. HAD IJKEN ADOPTER AT WASH¬ INGTON JIY THE, BOARD OF MI- PERTIHINU INSPEC¬ TOR). Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand. BEND FOB PEICEHBT. DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILUJBTItATED] <—$1700 PER YEAR r With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL &. CO. No. 110 Liberty St. New York. N. Y. —Manukactukkhr op----- CORDAGE * OAKUM. OiwaHOf AMEWCAN, 1HJSBU mill ITALIAN HCMPof tlio Tcwrlie»t oVhty rande to order ATONE DAY'siKOULE. MANILA nnd SISAL BINDHllTWINK ( >-^ Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y,________ SIGNAL LAMPS, IVT'IMI__ -WITH- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST&AY0ID COLLISIONS, These LnuipH give a more brillnut light thno any Signal Lntuii now In line, Thoy havo been adopted by tho principal Ocean and Lnko Btcamors and Vessel^ and ureforwile in the principal porta on tho Atlantic coiut and lakes Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send for c»lnlos»o» MannfutiiKil by FKLTHOUHKN * IllISSKLL, 130 A 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. Vesselmen drfOULD IIAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing all polnlB of MA1UKE LAW 'nn de¬ termined by the United titatrs OourU Seaman, Ouiinm, FrvlfihU, Clmrt«r», Townffe, IlculHtry, CoUiHlonn, KnroUmentii General Avorntfe, Common Clti-rlom, Dutloi of Sonmen, Mn*I«m St Owner», Will of Lwllnic, Wiiictn, &o. Tim volnuin Is ImmlBomily hound In stiff IUmnl covers, and lino Rn«llnh cloth binding Hooka of tint kind generally cost 9J 01) but >ro will NOnd It to unv nddrcHN |»ataKo paid for * I 25, or with thoMAlUNl, tlUCORD for una jtnr, both tor onl> 8100 Addrcwj Makinl UhCOUD.CIt*oland 0 l. MAUINE ENGINE WORKS MANUFACTURER OF Marine .arid Stationary Engines, PE0PEUEB WHEEL*, VESSEL PUMPS ft OENEBAL MACHDJEBY. CoitRKiroKDENiii Somcitkd. BIS, 57 ft SO Michigan St. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENGINEER " Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it fre; from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents fnamlnr; and lessens the lialnlity of Explosion. It sives 1 Ul.L, LAHUR and KE- FAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Scml lot Clhculuc Rhine full titfnriimtlmi to HOUCHTON & CO, Sole Proprietor* »n«l Mimuliiutui nrn 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, . NEW YORK. y Corner Elm and SpruoeSts, Cleveland, 0. F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. ^ Manufacturers of Hotel Ranges & Laundry Stoves, aii4 Dealer in H0B8B FURBISHING GOODS, 128 SUHS1UOB ST., Ct.T5VI.AND. O. & HOOk BT, Grain. Conn, Vessel Brokers, DULUTH. MINN. POSITIVELY CURED ..M^W™™ 'CELESTES rnHRnMPTIOli POWDEBB. lliui l-owlnranr. p.. SS?»n"rJA"i7ir."«ii "St will urn n.»»umi;ll..j. I Jl ii««" »"' U'« THEOAT and LUNOS-i.i'1. i i L «ln nu™ »ur l»'<l' '" ,llu" "" ' "' " "' t,",,vl,"° >' " riwlov i u no Iiuiuliun. »« »lll I"™,4"1 ,0 ","v "A,"iiiuSi'fci'.'.va„,.».», br«oon h.u. to ,,..y Imllol ilm Unit J M»l» <* <-»"'"'». ^ "'""' "» rtcclpt ol price AilUro.-, ASH 4 ROBBINS. 3H0 Fulton St.. Brooklln. H Y. or ' FALLING SICKNESS HUKBUO-bT HVSV«lebrat«d iHururs that .... wo will Box A« If You Want ihe Best STEAM PUMP ForMln — ------------- "-"»-Mm <i.rmlrnlorGn«\»ork» Tanner tloii«, L...______, Dam, Never, Well Nlnkln* null inner immu..... .._._, ... ___ Water for any kind nt Manufacturing <ir Fire PiirnORe, wrlto for nn illui.. Irutttl ilo«irl|itt\o book on tlio NKW I'l I.MOMETEII, ciiiitulntnit unalh prlceB, uui.ilircriH of IohUiuoiiUIh ole " fr.,« 1'rLit. l(H)p< r <m.t Every pump totted beforo iblpmoat and guaranteed aa represented. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. I'ulsonictcf Steam Pump Co., BS John St., Ti'pit York City, V. 8. A. *i- Hty I'rittt. ntxt Ibhuu of tbla Taper.-frfr mil l tcniim ■,:>', MMK AYMAR & CO MINI llC'll 111 IIS ASH IMl'OIIIIIIH OF t, 0 Ml.h Midi. h one. Infft-- iliew 1 RLiid tliftm by mall, postpaid ft Free «.*... «w. ..- Dr (louluril litthooiil) niyuictun Unit Fhw mur mail is (till tlUoiiflo a hdclIuI mud) Utfliitanda Imvo Im.oi.-----— tiiemi Powden, r« in 11111 IllUt III" "•«• «•««•- d im to our kuowkdgi) oureriioTcrvciiBn or ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklln, N. Y. OAKUM, •Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings miQ«.rMLT-R0PE FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, RU8SlA „ I V.)S" 'rilAMDLKB^ GOODS" GENEKALLY MAKINK UARl)WAKI^M ^ ^ ^^ gT MEW YQEK. THOIftRINfLMBOOK _»_|S M1U HUADY----- SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MURINE RECORD. 3306 2914 9915 4091