THE marine record, Tho following woro tho charters reported yesterday: Bohooncr David Vance, ore, Es- ' canabato Clovoland, |l; schooner M. Stalk¬ er, coal, Irorrf Cleveland to Escanabn, 56c; rot urn, ore frorn'Elcanaba to Toledo, $1; sohooner CharlcB Wall, coal from Lorain to Duluth, 05c; schooner Selkirk, coal, from Clovcland to/Green Bay, p. t.; schooner ' llnmllton Mols, coal, from Cloveland to Du - . .k.._„ fl..»n,n nrnri called ■hero on Monday and took on a large amount of freight at the B. & O. docks. She enpro In drawing Infect 0 Inches of water and had not tho least trouble In gotting to the docks although tho west wliuMuu! boon blowing the water out of the bay all day and the water was lower than usual. Messrs. Stnnnard mid Fitzgerald, Govern¬ ment Inspectors came up from Cleveland to luth, OOo, loowo trip '^'^^"T^oon. Huron, now lying'at this port, but the to Ohio ports, liJB, •W two «P ' "™» . „„„„ not uoln)t ,„ , to Unto ports, »i!»u,....-------.... , or Waltor,Sherman, same as the last vessel and same number pf tilps. SAtftJUBKY. ■ Sptclal dlipalck It At Marina Jtxmnf, _ Schooner Emeu clcardd with coal. Brrgo Susan Ward clearod for Au Sable light. Barge Wend-the-Wave cloared light .for Alpena. Schooner Theodore Vogos cleared lor Lo¬ rain light. ( v ' l|Steambarge Good Hit left Marblehoad for Cleveland with stone, Steambaige Yosemlte and hor consort loft hero for Bay City light boiler not being in shape to be tested, nothing was done. mjvWaukkk. .. Grain rates firm, Shippers offering V,6c on wheat to Buffalo. Damage lo thu Columbian Is about $2,000. She will bo repaired Aero. , Thore will be a tug pulling match botweeii the J. L. Minor, and Horctilos at this port. The schooner Mary Lyon bound from Milwaukee to Kingston-with wheat Is In De¬ troit with her foicmust sprung. Milwaukee brldgctondora-go to* sleep at 0 o'clock and only wake when a Bailor goes ashore and shakes them up. The Huntress {lit. BWlUluuu-.......—------- a ___.jpoller S. J. Macey loaded stone at In going out at midnight was an hour nnd u Kolleys Island for Portage. half getting through a few bildges. Sohooner'Julia Wlllard loaded stone at Captain Rounds, of tho Undor" rltcrs' Kolleys Island for Erie. Agency, will make an examination ot the Schooner F.L.Jones loaded stone at Kel- steambarge Mary Jnreckl, ashore on Point lays Island for Dotr/lt. An Sable, to ascertain If It would pay to Slcamburge Schnoor loaded stono at Kgl,- send an expedition to her. leys Island for Cluvelund. The schooner Eveline went ashore on Schooner Isphomlng arrived light and Plum Island Sunday last but gotoffaftc cleared with coal Tor Portage. Steambarge her dcclcload had been jettisoned, bhe utter--] Macy will tow her up. wards sprang a bad leak and tho Two Riv- Barge Emerald cleared with stone for era life Saving crew discovered her Blgnal of distress and remained on hoard of her until she reached Manltowoi 'Say City. Anchor Lino propeller WlBsnhlckon ar rived and cleared with freight for Chicago, Schooner Irene cleared with a cargo of | stono and fish kegs for Port Huron. Schooner J. L. Clark Is duo herfi with a cargo of grain from Chicago. Barge lcsmau cleared from Bay City for this port with 350,000 feet of lumber. Schooner William Young arrived with 330,000 feet of lumber and cleared light H'CINK. The schooner Columbian, damaged in a collision with tho Sophia Miuch, arrlved_oii^ Saturday. She was towed in by the tug Welcome and was leaking badly. On Saturday an unknown three-aud-atter was seen agiound at Mutiltou Islaud, TOHT IIUItOK. The Schooner Elvira ran aground near Tito Times says: Captain Snow of She¬ boygan, who was mnstcr of tho tug Wood when tho towing bill caused tho selzuro of tho schooner Pride of America, Is In town to testify on tho trial now going on before P. W. Culllnan. Yesterday a nnmber of gentlemen of this city, captains, builders and others woro examined as to ilie value of the schooner and their figures lauged from $000 up to $0,000. [I'ho dredge Giant is at work at the X, T. dock. The tug Cumttilngs wont on night watch Instevohtng. ' I The schooner St. Peter Is on Mitchell and | Gallaghers di ydock for minor repairs. The Conqueror arrived Inst night nnd is now being placed 911 the niailne railway. Her dumageB will amount to about (5,000. In her starboard side there are two'.holes, one aft of the wheel und the other woll for¬ ward. Her stein Is bndly broken, so much so that she was towed here with hor forward compartments full of water. Her cabin out- lit Is entirely destroyed, cmtuao. Sjittlul dbpatth lo Ilie Marine Itetord » Harry Newhous, who had 1.1b log crushed op Mny 0th on board the schooner Rouse Simmons, died at tho Marine Hospital from exhaustion. The schoonor Advance arrived on Sunday, she hud lost nearly all her deck loud of telegraph poles In a squall offGiQise Point on Suturduv night. The propellei Tacorua, hud but one bucket to her wheel when she arrived hero on Tues¬ day; she was 111 hours making tho run be-1 Lauding tween Milwaukee und Chicago. I The schooner North Cape which lefthcic 011 Friday might for Sandusky with coin, wnast.uck by a squall and lost her foretop- u.aBt-and wusubllgcd to run back. ■ The bodies of Edward Huiiluu and John White, two ol the crew of the Wells Burt vices have boon' tested at considerable ex- , penta but without success. Mr. Thayer's is * no doubt tho best s'nioko-provontcr, but It alio provents tho tugs holding up suflleleut steam to ennblo them to do their work. The tugmch have dono their best to abate "the nuisance and ought not to be persecuted In this free country. The schooner II. C. Potter of Algonnu Cuptntn James B. Mltchall arrived here on tho 3d. Inst, with lumber from Thompson Michigan, leaking badly, sho sprang u'leak off North Buy* Mlchlgen On the-morning of the 1st, .Tho Captain Innde fot Two Rivers, where some of the, crew of the life saving station, got on board and look charge . of tho pump, and by their kind aid the schooner wiib brought safely to Chicago. Tho captain speaks very highly at the excellunt service rendered to lilu. by the llfo saving crew. EAST SAGINAW, The bnrge McDougulI tinUhcd loading at A. W. Wright's mill. The propeller Bay City, Yosemlte and Blrckliead aro due this port. The tug Moore brought up the barge Wal¬ ton to Jerome's mill where she is now'loud- ing. Propeller JcimcsB vt Ith two barges Wyan¬ dotte, Swctpstakes and Bannei 'came In Tuesday. The propeller Benton and barges Walton, Furgusou and J. b. Austin came in Tuesday noon. Transportation is wanted for 50,000 tons of soft jcoal from Buffalo to 1'riuce Artliur'i 10,000 feet of lumber and cieareu ugui,. — Revenue cutter Commodore Perry arrived Point Edward, at this port from Black-River. • Thore lg tq be a now fog horn at tho Har. - Schooner M. Wilcox cleared for Port Hu- ' "' Ton with 20 cords of stone from John F. DBTIIOIT. The schooner Accusia Is chai tered and is now, loading H»mlock railrqad lies. Fish¬ ing Islands to Chatham freight 10c. on rail. The Captain ot the schooner E. G. Ben¬ edict says. "If you should hear of a jlbtop- sail flying any where arourd the lakes It is :r Verve do. Tu,;ua they were, ours.' Lost „ on the 4th of, Fishing Is.ands wece recovoicu _____,' . .,,„ «„,,_ ,,. ,. .„i,i,« an,mil iin-.vL one or somuthlnc or burled at Calvaiy on Tuesday by tho Sea man's Union. Tho Golden West went ashore on Manltou Island on last Friday night and was obliged to jettison 5.0C0 bUBheUof com. No damage bor of Refuge, a sli en whistle. excopt tno uroaklng ol her shoo. Tlie steamer Mury now gives oxeurslon^ ie,e|l!Joa by Ulc Etcunior Chnmplaln Hudson's. Barge Dolphin arrived from East Saginaw with 515,000 feet of lumber for the I, B. & W. R. K. Schooner E. C. Hutchinson cleared to carry coal fiom here to Green Bay at 60 cents. Giound has been bioken for the erection of tho Polee Club House on Sheridan's Point, Peleo Island. Schooner Sunuyshle lias been chartered to carry coal fiom Black River to Gteen Bay at 05 cents. Tug Cal Davis got out of the channel near Cedar Point 011 Thursday night and stuck lust. The tug Robortson pulled her oft. Barge Foatmla arrived from East SagU naw with 320,030 feet of lumber foi Gilchcc & Schuek. Cleared ljght. Sohooner Corslcun, which was" wrecked off Point au Peleo last spring, was sold at inarshul salo In Wlnds.01, to John cjulnii, the diner, for (H.350. Barge Llllle Mjy an Ivcd from Bay Clly with 375,000 feet of lumbci lor the Plum- mor Lumber Co. denied light Steamer Keweenaw, which wus pulled oft Stavo Island reel by tho tug Castle, arrived at Detroit on Saturday. She was placed in the drydock but was found not to ho leaking The stcamyaoht Leila, formerly owned by tho Toledo Club of Middle Bass, will run this seuson between Toledo & Lakcshle, touching at Put-In-Bay and middle Bass- Steamer Eagle has commented running to.woeu IIuron.-Lakesldo and Put-lu-Bay, making connections at Huron with tho W. *_S. E. R. R. She will leuvo Huron dally, Sundays excepted, at 10:16 a. in., returning 'will leave Put-lu-Bay at 2 p. M. und roach Huron at 4:20 p. ni. Sohooner Laura Belle, Captain Hugh Hastings, master, and Hugh Hasting, and Charles Eldrldge, of Milan, owners, has, boen rebuilt at Huron and gocB to Cleveland | into the drydock to have her bottom over-1 hauled. Four thousand dollars ban thus far tioen expendod on her and she Is now In go >d shape. She will probably re-enter tho iion ore trade. St inmer Philadelphia, of the Anchor Line, trips to Murine City dally Three fishermen wcie found by tho schooii er Chapelle, In a small boat and brought In heco-fiaturday. DULUTH Tho tug Camp now eai.JCs the United States mall to Port Arthur, The tug Nellie Cotton lost a lai go rati 0 1 Hie south Bhore the other/day and she is now engaged In picking It urf. The Duluth Times silis, The tug Agate Pius-been chaiteied by the Omaha loadto tow In barges at Ashland and Baj Held. Luke News. Tho Wocokeu Is said to l.uvc tho'deepcsl sounding whistle on the lakes Joe Lloyd has bought the Kwi Wadswoi th and has put hill on tho le.rj loutc in con¬ nection with the Hatlle Lloyd. Captain Alec. Macdougal has the contract to unload 00,000 tons of rails for'tho Cana- daiau Pacific lalhoid at. Poll Vithui, the flisttwo ungues 01 which have Just heel) shipped limn Bullalo. He has leased a hoisiiug <.»«i'lu fl01" lll° clcv,uor company and will go inei llicic ill a lev, days. A Ptigh, of St. Paul, the gentleman who lias 1 ented the Duluth lioncoinpiruy's dock and niepuieu to slim In the coal basinesB at this porm, in lived In the city Ibis inoiniug tosco what piogicss |s being made In >e- paiiing the dock Mr. Pugh bus extensive coal yards at Minneapolis, St. Paul and othi 1 .points in the and he Intends to make Duluth the chief distributing place. If he can secure a location he will stint a yaid up town foi tl e purpose oft'supplying tlie local demand. oswkoo. The schooner McGee Is In with corn for Klngsford from Chlougo. The Blanche takes coal for Con- secoti, the Cornelia for Ogdensburg, and tl e barge Michigan for Montreal from the .On¬ tario & Western trestles. Captain Walt Colwell of the schoone Caroline Marsh has rotuined from Poit Hope, to which ho was called bv the slck- iicsb ot his wife. The schooner Is receiving extensive repairs and In tho mean time tho crow have hired a house Iti the first Ward and are keeping* house. The Canadian piopellet Prussia, with nassenge.s from Chicago for Cleveland and othei Amclcan polls below, left tho.hnrbnr sattuday. ThcJepa.tment decided that ,he.c was no l»w ..gains' the Canadian steamers cam lug p.»scnge.. Hon. one Vmetlcai. port to another The Intel Ocean speaks of the bpnilan a,1y3theSpu,ta„lsl.ol,.,alodAl'a.andis Milucd at tMOO. She I, Canadian, but Vmerlcau lugs aie good enough to Canudal.i tiMl-whett their own tugs are unable lo do the woik The rescue is t big plume In the cap ot the Captain ol the VMns- '" l'i,o body ol Captain Fountain 01 the Wells iTmt was (nought In on Sunda) by J. s. Dunhuin'stugV Miller, he will be bulled with bis »»" Dan on lundny next, at the U.iucb ol the Vscenslon, under the ausp'ees ol the Cleveland Masonic Lodge, Captain Fountain was a men her. The Allow lug "i" "ie "bipments ot grain by lake l.ortlc Chicago lei the week ending Inly V ltt.-W bushels ol wheat, l.ll.i.ObO 'bus.els 0. coin,'27,010 biHielso. Me, J.-J,- 5,1 bushels ol oats. 17,0-10 bauds ol Aon., j815 battels ol polk, o.ttttU tier*, ol hud, 200 bin 1 els ol lard Vt Miller Blethers Ur)dock L|.e steamci I oul went into d.idock lor a*W holding down bolts The schoonei l' went Into drydock and was calked. The tug A. I . Wind went Into dr.x-dock to get a leak stonpetl The steambarge Annie Laura was ,„ u.ydock 10. a now stem. The propeller 1'acoma went Into d.ydock for anew wheel At tho Chicago Drjdock Company'» jard tho schooner ban Diego wenl Into drydock lor now bottom planking and reclk- L The schooner Red, White and Blue Is getilng an overhauling. The steambarge Monitor was supplied with » new mast. Iho steambarge Queen of the West got some new stanchions and rail. The schooner II C S hud her ceuterbourd box calked and ,omo other .epalrs. The proneller Pec. less Is getting an overhauling. I The so called ."smoke nuisance" not I yet been abated by the tugmen, several do- in a white squall or cyclone or something Of that kind. Tin: yacht Leila wlli probably pass luto the hands of Detiolt patties. There Is likely 10 be a big lawsuit be¬ tween the on ners of tugs, Mocking Bird and Gladiator, which collided neuily a year ago. I1U1-FALO. A lesoliuinn was adopted by the Buffalo Grain shovelcis' Union tlmi 110 union man shall woik on a vessel uheic tho steam- shosclsarc Died between decks unless the men aicpnid the full piice, $1 50 pel 1,000. L0.1l source and freights dull. Iheloie pint 01 ibewcek boats wire beingofleied lor Chicago .it 50l Loal cbaitois— Piupellci Cl)de,sehoohcisMichigiiiii E A. Nicholson, e hic.igo, at aOc, schooueis I". A. Gcoigei, Red Willi;, to Milwaukee nl ollc, sebooiicr V. M. Peteiaon, (»ieen Ha), at 30c , 'ehoon- Moultor, I'lhiee Aitluu's I. Hiding at $1.10, schoonei I'athllmlei'lo Milwaukee at 50e, si hooner Daumless to Kiiieaidiuc, Me. 1 /I Hill Sehooflu C nit hi I10111 here to Kcnosh 1 at r>0 cents. liiotei taktS eolll to Sehooner Vnnn P Oswego id Ie llie United tilatci i'em U In llus pori llie schoonei Red -teainei I oinnioiloii char \ ... « bite and Blue tcjid fiom fc.M.ulia1j,i to litis port at r llie snags In the Ihj haM been leu.oied llu schooner Sea l/ull lias lieen iln.iteied 10 e iru wheat to Ll»un'o it I eiuts. lie \N tllA Oie rates are til in The sleuuiii Mlnniapolls and sehooneib George Woithlngton, J. D. -mwjcr, Sa\e- 1 mil and Laura have anlvid. "LUMBER NOl'Ll Hie destioyed $70,000 worth ol lumbei at CliurehlU's what I, Alpena., |lb,- 000. The lumbei blelpuients from Muskegon lust week amounted 10 17,000,000 feet, und lor tlie seuson 171,-!00,000 leet. * A largo raft for the Cleveland Sawmill! & Lumbei Company was towed In on Friday- morning by the tug BalUe. ------ Eau Ci Alius, Wis., July 7— While enff giged hi sluolng logs on the main dam ol the Noitli Fork of Eau Clalro liver yestei- day, an en.nloyc of the Enu Clair Lumber Company named James La Croix toll intov ihc liver and was diowuod.—Inter Ocwn.