THE MARINE RECORD- mZIm .gbe Marine §ecord. ' : WaBIM»HE«» IN IM". rTau7r.Faccor.lliH.lo th. I.w.ol in. Unite* Suim rbrt Office m wconiMnM mall matlor. ----- at N« 2 r*7"!L Water CloMhWd, Ohio. Branch olBc., No. 2M Wall. Water ilrcrt, Chicago . "THUMB OFSillWCWPTMW" OnWjcnr, nostogc pnl'i ..... Blx'montli«r|ioit»i!o|'aW ........... Inrorlalily In advuuct.L J2.00 .. 1.00 ADVEIlTIHINd RATES. -Ten"cents per lino, nunpcrlel tncii»ureuii.nt, or 91 20 for Inch, ca.h Inurtlon, lour wcoLs S4 00, with a Hboru illicount Co orders amounting Id f id 00 or over Artlclci, letters unit quqrics on airmibjoou arc- aollcl- tc-1 SC^Tho Editor usMiwes no responsibility for thfS opinion! of correspondents. To Inmirc holltc, contributor! must give naruo and addreu, and write on one !ldo of the paper ooly THE MARIS 12 KCCOltD haa an Agent In every port ODtheLaltc!andni\ent,ai)d will consequently dron^l late more or Icbi In all of them, Asa medium forj mlvortUing It hn! no wpirlor, ai It circulate! among a clai! of people thai cao be ronched In no otbor wut„ EDIIOIIIAL NOTES. The w ntcr in the lakes Is reported to ho higher than for jours. The steamei M C. Hun ley tan ashore at Peninsula Point. Not much damage. Re- palied at Green Bay. F. J) Mcrryman has contracted to raise the sunken Bclioonct Sam Cooke fot Hall c Co., of OgdeliBbuig The little- schooner May U,ueen, lost lust fall north of Menominee, has been found by some HBhermen and will be mUed. A REWARD Is oftetcd loi tho discovery of tho bo'dy of Miles McCilskln. lost Juno 25 troin the tug John Navangh, Captain Black- ■bum, Oswego. -------- The Ametbati brig Nettie Is to he sold at Havana t'or violation of the custom laws' at that port The Government lotuses to In¬ terfere its the boiu was plainly in the wrong. The business exhibit for the llrst week In July, as given through the exchanges, In a decidedly favorable one, as compated v<lth that of last week and of the eon expending week last jeni. The captain of the propcllm Boston, who benched h s boat in oidei to avoid a collision with the stcainet Idlewlld, the lattei uury- ing nil excursion pa.:} , showed gicat pres- enteof mind which the exeuislonists seemed to icalUe ami iippieelate. Till' Kingstown Pnllv News s.ijs that the tho con.plctc dcfiliuctloii ot a town In Con- tiecticuf adds anothet to_ the long list ol cn- lau.ttlesduo to the cj Clone this suinmoi This ahmulng phcnomenoti Is not lestrlcted « to nnv piuticular pint of the American le- publlc, but It kindh keeps cleni of Canada, bitch Is oui lewuid for pioduclug a Vcunor and a Wiggins. The funnel's Review publishes an ex¬ haustive ie|iottou the condition of the ci ope, ■■based on munis liom one thousand puluti in the west and northwest. A general change for the bettct has taken place In all the crop prospects, owing to the cessation of rain and tho udyent of hot weather The Boston Daily Advertise! says that It Is qtillo out of the question to say anything ""which will Bet forth tho lolly ol our picscnt silver policy more eloquently than it Is set lorth by the fact that the quantity of silver I dollars In the United States/Tieasuiy In-,1 •creased ftopi $108,800,077 on the (list day ot June, to |1U,0U,01D on tho Orst day of , being an iiddlllon of $3,015,042, or at , million more than the whole A FRESH WATER MONSTER. Tho appoarance at our port of the ship Qoldoh Age carries'out and exemplifies tho idea cxpiesecd In this paper a week or two ago concerning the coming competition of lako and railroad freightage. The vessels capable of carrying the contents of two or three elovators at n single load are tho ones destined,to do the. Iicsh witter business In the future. The Golden Ago III n monster. She w 111. bo nble,U la said, to float 120,000 bushola ol corn, or 3,000 tons of coal on a draft of fourteen and one-half feet of wntci. But for the low stugo of water at certain points she could be loaded four feot decpoi. Her carry¬ ing capacity, therefore Is practically unlim¬ ited. Tills Immense tonnage Is obtained by diraeirfloiis correspondingly great. Her length of kctil Is 278 feet, but she measures 205 feet over all, with 30 feet 0 Inches beam and 22 feet depth of hold, Her net tonnage is~l,703-and she draws at picscnt, without her outfit six feet. She has four masts and a capacity of spreading four thousand jurils ofeaiiut«s to the breeze. Notwithstanding this, the will no doubt depend but tittle en¬ tirely to lici sails. A steamer w 111 dance attendance on her, as out of her Immense cargo re elpts she can pay towage bills with but slight elfect on the net profit. Captain drlpk so QJJARTER-SA WED Thorc Is no lumber that wIllsM Utile and hut so long ns yellow plueftiuirtot sawed. This process Is particularly appltcn hie to yellow pine flooring, as such flooring Is genorally told whore It Is subject to heavy wear. A badly sawed bonrtl, no mutter from YELLOW PINE, by lnw are In complcto working order for immediate uso; and tho fact of the exercise of tho crew, as herein contemplated, shall be entered upon the steamer's lug book, Stating the day of tho month and hour wlieil so ex¬ ercised, and any iiogTeet'oX omission in tho part of the oillcer in comrrtand of such steamer to strictly enforce such rule shall ho deemed came fin the rovocmlwiof the II- wi.ur A bndlV RllWeil oonri, no mmiw ,•«■» uecuiuu uiu.« .-.....« .-------m.-w..,^,- ,-__M TV l.„?i „f . imtai- It Is cut will wear eeiiBe of such officer. Upon navigable rivers what kind of Umbei it is cut, nnntiiliia of u I DiiBsenffor steamer,shall rough, niul silver, If It Is In constant use for flooring and driveways. It would bo im¬ possible to conceive of a harder, or more dur¬ able floor Mian yellow pluo would mako if It were quartered. 'Die pitch It contains would give It an advantngo over oak, ash or maple in point of durability for flooring. A few of the snuthorn mill-men are beginning to understand the merits of such flooring! mid lire selecting the fow quartered boiirdB- that every log sawed the old fashioned way Invariably has, and putting them In a grade by themselves. It Is a bad w'ny of doing, as the balance of the flooring is depreciated In value, and, In fact, sometimes almost worth¬ less, for no man who Is acquainted with Its defects would think of making a floor of It. It would, probably, aiiBWor for a floor tllat Is to bo kept carpeted, but usually such a floor Ib mude of softer and chouper wood. The expeiuo of quarter-BiiwIng would be Iconsidciably In excess of the otdlnary way eensu oi unci, umuu,, u^u„ ...»,,H..^.w ...— the captains of nil passenger mourners shall be required to maintain it strict discipline ard organize the officers nnd permanent ciew so as to act with promptness In ex¬ tinguishing lire; and the captain shall cause to be prepared »t least two station bill;, as¬ signing the officers nndi permanent crow to definite places; such bills shall bo conspicu¬ ously placed under glass, near the Inspection certificate. Valentino'Fries, her owner and builder, has of manufacture, but the flooring obtained alrcud;, on more than one occasion, iniide I w6uld be richly worth the difference. Qurtr- the little town ol Milan, Ohuyiiototlptis for tered oak ill large markets is worth on an the building of large ciaft, as several notable ones In this respect hli\ecomc fiom his ship yard. A low yeaisagothc Charles Foster was consldci ed of pretty good size, as wiib tno Atmosphere and others, hut the appear¬ ance of the Page cupped the climax. The lattei, however, Is now oust so far In tho shade b\ the Golden Age thatshe would ap¬ peal Hindi alongside of her. Except that the Golden Age has four masts and rigging tospicud a huge amount of sail, she docs I mutei tally dlller from olhei \ easels, unless, It be in the lact that blip will have an iron balance i uddei. She huks only her outfit, which will include tho-celebrntcd' Provi¬ dence capstan, to'inakc ! ei ready foi work, and it is expected that she will sail on her Hi St voyage in a week oi eight days, she will probably not bo' delaved, us Messrs. Upson & Walton are noted for promptness as well us substantial work, and they had been expecting the vessel some days provl cms to het aiilval. Captain ChurlCB Hub- baul will take chaigo ol the Golden Age, and Messrt. John 'lhompson and Charles Wilson will seive umlei htm ue inulu. l'lio ■.Kan.liaise William Edwuids "ill be hci coueoit. H(,S A.\I) * VOICE. The tug men at Chicago have been „ud July ilea* h>lf» coinage, _____, ft„PBRVI8Wa IN8UKC10B GENMil. DO- w meoared a circular to local lo- *° >1 n«STg; them to carry out the ,pccw », ^"f 4M of ti,o Revised Stal- r:Treg^\o the number of passet, "^XcaSonthe regular certlfleate ^nrfn ^Doctor, are required to XmSta to, and any vie¬ wport nejwy_» g.-f-'n, more than the ber allowed. el ill mo experimenting in older to find means by which they may be enabled to consume the smoke on llicli tugs and thus comply with the Chlcugo'iegulations. 'Hie expei liuonts thus lai have not been voi} biillsliiLtoiy. i'ho tug Maty MoLuuo has been fitted out with the Chicago & Al¬ ton H. K. smoke cunsumei at a considerable expense and the appliance tested. It con¬ sumes the smoke, but makes a great noise rendering It u'inost l|iipus«lble tojieur either commands ot bell signals. It was louud impossible to keep up sleuiu even when the boat was without u tow and In the liver. 1 ho officials who wet eon board seemed bcltei pleased than the tug men, with thu resujt of the expcilmcnt. Ithuully seems I Igllt und to the ends ol Justice tlniL theowu oi s ot the 60 lugs of Oliluigo should be put to the expense of titling out their boats w 1th smoke consumers until something Is found which will do this and at the 6ame time enable them to do their oidlnaiy work. To expend the power ot the boats In the consumption of smoke seems foolish. Jt puts a tax upon the commerce of the port which it can ill afford to pay. Tho city may llirtu uu» i......b- - average ten dollars mote than clem onk ,»wed bastard, and there ought to be nearly that difference between the two kindB of yel¬ low pine flooring. A log. If quui tcr-suwed, does not vield as much lumber as if sawed the other way. and sawing that way Is much slow er, Quarteicd flooring ought to be one of the producMlons of the southern mills. Bulldcu, in our opinion, should not object to paying athhd more for It, when they come to Miow that Its beauty and durability arc mote than double as compared with the bastard-sawed. Everv Intelligent builder will soon leain the value of this process of saw lug by experience. LAKE FlbH "' \V. II. Howclls In a late article III the Lake Superior News calls attention to a matter which Is deserving of tho attention ol all. Speaking of the fish In the great lakes, says; Fish are deceasing. The lakes and rivers imvc been ovcr-llshed. Fifteen years ago I could catch more dollars' worth ol lUh with four little uels, close onshore, with piices uttwoandahnlfmid cent, a pound for white nnd hard fish, than I 'can to-day w th titty net., and makefile price four and a half to live i cuts pei pound. Fifteen J cms ngo the flshei men would ask the deulci, How many fl«h can \ou use."' To-day it is the ie\ei»e. His "bend ine nil the llsli you can get " Fishermen had In tho-e daj s to keep tbeli n»u In their nets until a de¬ mand came, now under a decreased supply, and which is constantly giowlt.g less, It is a aeriouaquestion a» to wherclhe Inlure needs of the people aie to come front. Tho only Wlly now to the supply Is by restric tlou b> law and through the hatcheries, and unless we cani«.ss laws and enforce them to guard the 8J.Uu beds of Uke Eileand the ilve-rs c.iierjjng therein, it will bo only a question ol fine when the supply oi fish will be exhausted and this excellent food dlsappiai from the tables ot our people. YACHTfNG. Cleveland imthc Years that ate passer] has not shown as lively aiMuterest In the line of yachting as other cities on the great lakes, but lutcly wo notlco a iiinrkcd-chimgo in tills respect and considerable Interest hi be¬ ing manifested in this dlieotlon. ^ The recent regutta awakened some enthu¬ siasm In tills line and tills together with the growing Interest previously manifested will do miuh toward interesting others in this healthy und pleasure Inspiring amuse¬ ment. There Is something In the Influence of a large body ot water which is at once ex- hllciatlng and at the same time tends to- draw out the tinci feelings of mans jiature which render the intluciico of yachting and boat ridhig tai ahead of horse rucltig, buse ball und othci kinds of ummiisemcnt. It fs with plcasuie theiclore thut we note this growing Interest. ' AROUND THE LAKES. CI tVfLAMJ. The It. P. Kaunv is in with ore. Dredging Is in progress between tho piers. The boplila Miuch injured near Racine will be repaired here. Rates on coal to Chicago arc 70c, to Mar¬ quette, 65, ore back, $1.13. Tho steamc. Saginaw gavo a moonlight ex¬ cursion on the lake last night. The schoonei Laura Bell is at the Globe drydock tohutc hei bottom overhauled. The Globo lion Woiks are pieparlnga spool windlass lor Donaldson A, Co., of Dc- ttolt The schoonei * Emilia C. Hutchinson, C. ('. Bui nes nnd slenmburge Superior arrived - light at l.oraili-. Captain Kobei t Giecnhalgh, George Wai- ner and W. A Scott took a trip to Chicago this week on business. You ought to see the Golden Age. She lies at t)ie whin I ol Upson Walton A Co., to be fitted out. bee description on the edito- ilal page. , The si hooner Helvetia left tor Dtiluth op Wednesday In low of the steambarge Cum- bcilund. she goes lion. Dulnth to Mai- qucUC and loids oie /'The tug6 Pulilek Heuiy nnd James Aniadlus had liaid woikon Wednesday in towing one ilie cribs ol the brcikwatei. The • rib touched bottom occasionally Willi what a look of unutieiable ftlsgust llie noilld-bi: llslii linen turned from the roll- lug sea on Mindiij inoinliigand wended their waj buck home without having violated the hnbbath One ol the roiest Cltv lee Company's b irges w out onto Smith's drvdock yesterduy, but came oil Into last evening and with its Dl^c 1PUNE OF CREWh We give below a copy of a nnicli needed rule which has been approved and lent to local Inspectors foi diminution. A crew, ,„ order to do good woik.ln times ... trial --- --^ ^ fey ^ ^ -~ vi; ulld danger, be tr»^JW " ' ° t0 smuUl8ky for d „„ nlght. 1,1s post, nnd this rule II eairlctl«,m.i A com,lon .Quired on between the propelle. Pjicirio and the schoonei Mag¬ netic at the mouth of the liver. The acci¬ dent was the/result of tho high sea running at the time/ Not much damage was done. CuptaVUeurues, formerly of the J. R. Pel- tou Jewell-known and much respected gen- 'thrum.], has retired Wills farm wliore.he was Drove beneliclal. The following Is the rule Kule 57 It shall be tho duty of the mas- ter of every Inspected steamer earfyhie pus- sencersoi, the ocean, lakes, gulftsyToiTiays, wl en snch steamer is under way to cause Wlioii o"w __4J,i.„ utii f«- Vila nwn fin* ^Tcb it can ill afford to pay. The city may «^T.UtIo»' bill for hi. owu do- ^etoareamiog^ofthlsaftera^ Tile tug owners «ay_y«iat they are aware that the tugs, consuming as they<dpJI30 tons of soft coal per day, make a great -TTraoke which they will do their best to avoid. If this cannot bo done by smoke consumors thwrniirt burn hard coal. About $1,000 Have already been expended on the McLane In experiment The Bpsrtan Is again afloat, repaired at Detroit. .bhe will be SepamSentTn whloTshVll be" assigned a nost or station of duty for every person era- lylma„, ..„. .v,..™»-.....»..,. „,„.«,,„ „„. Kloved on'board such steamer,. In case of-flre found by „ Mabise Record reporter last Sr other dl.«ter; <f "'J0",«» *J' b° evening, drawing In hay on his buggy. P^.>?.^^.T!?!ffJw!*AD3 The seamen's union hold a meeting Tuesday evening In their hall on East River street, Ptcsldont Peter Lynch In the chair. After cqnsldorublo discussion pro and con It was resolved thut thu wages of seaiqen for the leniuindcr of the season should be $1.75 Instead of $1.50 per day. ' __ Kir thTobsr/vailonof tT.eorew. And Kl be the duty of such master, or of the m«e or offioer njxt In commanB, once at %M h> eHoh week, to call all hands W quar- «rs and exercise them in the discipline and u^rHre Are pumps and all other auparatu. K^lstyofllle on board sucn vessel, K.e.&'«'i^e: equipment. 11 vessel, required V^