r . 8 THE MARINE RECORD ■ •■" TlieHeTOliitM.3ttt..; , Twenty por cent, mora buoyancy thnrt nny otlior - Life-Preserver In the market. la tho SAFEST and j»nly RELIABLE LIFE PRESERVER In EXISTENCE, ne.proved of t'to Into wreck on the Pacific Const, of the Pnolflc Mail Steamship, .'.'City of San Francisco." KING BUOYS AND FENDERS. > «i w to HI Approved andndopted by the United States Board oT Supervising Inspectors ;nlso by the Principal-Ocean, Lnko imd River Steamer Incs, as the only Rellablo Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for ClrwniirB. _ , „ D. KAHNWEILER140,148 <$; 150 Worth St. Near Center St.. New York. THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN- — MANUFACTURED BY*— AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. r MS. s ■ Center i KATTENSTEIN'B J SELF-ACl'lNO METAL FACKINa ] For Pistok Rods, Valvb 9r*us, Ac. Adapted and In un by the principal Iron Works ana Steamship Compa¬ nies within tho last eight yean in this and Foreign I countries For lull par- \ tttulaii and reforoncce __ address L. KATZENSTEIBf * CO., 169 Cuilatopher Stroot, near Weal Street, N. V. LORD HOWLEB A CO. AGEMT3 FPU CLEVELAND. ROBERT RAE, — Law Office, Room 87, MnrdUiniV building, _______________CHICAGO, ILL. WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N. E. Cor. Colinnhua Aw. * Water at., SANDUSKY. OHIO. PALMER & BENHAM, succeHHors to * J. II. I'ALUEK A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No. 130 Water Street. Ronton 0 A 7. CLEVELAND. ■ OHIO. BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, Vowels chartered, purchased and sold: contracl^mado lor cosine anil liutfy fruighta, Lake Superior iini) Ewaiiabn iron ore chmteni for-sin* kIo trip or neanon a specialty. Office, ffiKMjrA CMniL, 0. 1 r«iniiioii» No. ma. • ' MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers, and Agents, No. 121 SI. Clilr Street, HiHjui27. Cl.EVlil.AND, - OHIO. POWER CAPSTAN. Patented TeorWy 17.187i, and December\ 1878: ■ These capstans are made of heavy costings, with a large shaft, and very utrong gears of the best material and workmanship. Unlike the cheap stylesol cajstans that are put together with a view to sell cheaply, the main object has,Jjpen with this company to make them as perl feet as possible in every detail.. Notwithstanding the fact that the quantity and quality of stock and workmanship in these capstans make them a much more serviceable capstan, and would naturally command a higher price, the universal demand for them has. enabled the Company to ar¬ range special tools for their manufacture, and to keep the eamu men at work year after yenr, until they have become expert, so that the cost is only about the same as the lighter styles in the market, By thus reducing the manufacture to a perfect system, they are enabled to offer to the public a first class-article at 11 moderate price, and the approval of the nautical public is shown beyond question by the large number in use on Nearly all of the firji-elasssteam-andaailingveisels-built during the past few years. In addition to the superiority of workmanship and material of this capstan over other styles in the market, it has been one feature which no other capstan tuts, and it is very important, vir; when using the capstan under a severe strain on the, power 'side, both the outside and inside pawls take thestruin, thus furnishing double security against break, nge nnd relieving the men at the bars from danger. It is estimated that during the pout fcear seven-eighths of all the capstans sold in this coun¬ try were of this company's make. SELLING AGRNTS ON.THE LAKES D. 9. AUSTIN 4 CO........ UPSON, WALTON & CO. - ... - - - M..I. WILCOX........- JAMES. P. DONALDSON & CO. - G. 1). NORMS & CO. - " , - - .- - DUNHAM* HOIT, - - - -. - - - BUFFALO, N. Y. CLEVELAND, O. TOLEDO, O. DETROIT, MICH. . MILWAUKEE, WIS. CHICAGO, ILL. J. W. Grover & Son, Chandlers -AND SAIL MAKEIiS- 1174110 River street • UWilM Dock, Cleveland,O UPSON, WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, H Sail Makers and Riggers- EJTOne of the largest stocks of Wire Rope In the United Stales. CLEVELAND. .... OHIO. TH0S. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vesse) Agent. CLEVELAND, O. HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, * MO So. Witer Street, CHICAGO, ■ HJ.1NOI8. ' ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 USa.Uo Street. CIHCAHO. ■ II.I._____________ A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, I c Exchange M. • Buffalo, N. Y. MriF'YOU DO NOT RECEIVE -T MONTHLY . LIST OF VESSELS *ORb\l.F. SKN-'J FOR IT. "Anchor1,' Snatch Blocks. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. SOLK MANUXACTUltKItB OK THE C^LKUHATED "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED Oil WITH OUR SELF-1DBRICAT1M . PHOBPHOB BRONZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these Bush¬ ings lithecelebrated.Phoa- _phot Bronze) thebest'beor- Rig metal in market and being perfect self-lubrica¬ tors they are fast supersed¬ ing all other styles. For sale by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere, ASK FOR"ANCIIOR BRAND" BLOCKS. Illustrated - Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. SMITH'SPATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATtV TSU BaUBT -A.1WD OaBAFSIBT. SEND FOR PRICES TO SMITH'S BOAT WOIfcKS, 159 Southr Street, New York. - Improved Snatch IIlock ClaBp closed; Ulett imiirovei. cnt. 'arnpib onlcrb kollciuv. STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL & LOUD, , Boston. Mass. Hole Man ufoc tuter* In U.S. A. of our Celebrated, Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush ■ Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gkff Topsail Improved Snatoh Block Clasp Opened CI.KATiC*TO. METALLIC-lift BAFL H.0.&J.H. Oalkinj CoDP&rsmitlis and Ploiliers, Stonm una Qua Fitting, &ALLEY STOVES. ftffO * »8T West St., Cor, Lalghs NEWYOBK- Oiroiilms eant r.p'-r. ijiplta'.Mo;-. 114 42