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Marine Record, July 7, 1883, p. 7

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y THE MARINE RECORD. ROD AND CANOE. Ono day last weak at Hodus Bay four men taught .90 black baas weighing 200 pounds. A glass ball shoot at Broworstown on the Fourth, also at Oswego Falls, Hanlan, in an Interview, says thnt Teom- or, tho MoKoospqrt oarsmnn, Is a "rattler," nnd will do gent things 16 nothing happens to him, thnt he has stuff in him, but hna lots to loam, and that ho pnlls strongly, but wasted his Btrongtli In laboring unnecessa¬ rily. All in all, 'huwovor, ho la the boat novlco Haitian hna over met. At Clovoland tho fishing Is femnrkably good this summer. Anglers go out every morning nnd como in with lino strings of bluo'plke, snnd pike, perch and bass. SALE OF GOOD WILL, A Bnltimoro judgo hna Just decided thnt tho sale of a good-will without anything more docs not prevent the seller from Betting up a similar business nm door to tho busi¬ ness sold bv him. To prevent thnt tho pur¬ chaser must have an express contract to thnt , client, The law, he said, will not Implv ' such a covenant, becauso It is In restraint of trade, and for tho saino reason tho salo of a sign with a llrm name on it gives no exclu¬ sive right to the purchaser In the absence 6T an agreement loi- tho usopf the flim name. -------- i* < w A STEAMBOAT WITH A WOODEN BOILER. A well-known Patterson, N. J., Mechanic iiamtd William Sutcllflo, Is building a 'steamboat with a wooden boiler, which will "be placed In. the l'acsiilc,river above tho tails lit a lew days. Tho bonHs a propeller sixteen feet long. The boiler Is mado of a new ale cask and Is said to be ablo to stand n prcsBUie of 200 pounds to the squaro Inch. It hnsniicndy been,satisfactorily tested nt lorty pounds pressure, This novel boiler la fitted with flues and tho Are Instead of to- Ing under, Is on top of it, a draft, being sup- piled by a tube from underneath. Mr. Sut- cllfle Is a thorough and piaotical mechanic, holding n responsible position in one of tho Patterson locomotive works. It is the first timo in history that an nttempt wns over made to rniBO steam In a wooden boiler, and tho experiment looks ns If It would prove n tuccoss. _______________ A bright little Bultnlo girl once nskod her -oUier-whpjiuidejhe thunder, nnd. on being told It wns Qod7~rofflarked:-"YesrI"know- Ood made it, but who turns it on and runs It?" Thejinocdolo has a special bearing just now, in view of tho iinlavorable weather various churches have bnd for their lawn fetes.—Buffalo Kxprett. The new tariff act went into effect last Monday morning. Abundant time hns been given In order that merchants nnd manu- Inoturcrs might bo prepared for the change. No more stamps on bank checks nnd drnfta. CANFKLD Wrecking & Towing Line; Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, v Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, &c, • To be had on short notice, by mail or telegrnph. A. O. WIIEXXER, Mnniser. CIIA8. ONEWUCH WrocKhm Muster NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN A COMPANY'S DIAGONAL MFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF TUB METALLIC LIFE BOAT IF PREFEREK. HAN BEEN ADOPTED AT WAMII. s INCITON BY THE HOARD OF Nil. PERVININO INSPEC¬ TORS, Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand, BEND FOE PBICELIBT. D5AN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. Great Indignation Is expressed throughout tho country at tho action of the British au¬ thorities in Bonding pauper crjrfiiunls to this country. If this hi true our government should look to It.__Wo tinve enough pauper criminals of our own. GOT MAD. A Texas man got mad because a waiter handod him a natilcln, tho other day. He said ho "reckoned" ho knovved when to uso a liandkercher without bavin' no hints throvv.'d out." But l leel confident that tho man suffering with itchingpllos will nSt get his buck up when ho learns that Swiiyne's ointment will cure him elleetiiallv It has cured thousands of c ibcs, ind w hat it has done it will do again Ask join iliugglst foi a box, and take no othei. Swiiyne's ointment, remember. Wni propitiations on a gieat sonde nro be¬ ing made 111 China. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ItUJ8T RATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With__Eremium^ Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St.. New Yorll. N. Y. Paper Mill Bloithns & Rotaies. Gisomctos.SiltPins'Smote Stacks M ill Ms of Hcjvyta I Sheet IrnnWork. Office & Works, M4.246.248.250.$52.And.254. Pprrv Si OIL STILLS & AGITATORS. Repairing Promptly Attendadta ~i -JUNUPACTURltUS op— CORDAGE & OAKUM. Giimi of AMERICAN, RUSSIA unit ITALIAN HEMP oftlio Tory belt quality made to order AT ONE DAY'SNOUCE. MANII,Aind8I8Al.BINDERTVVINE Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. ________Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, JIAItTNi: ENGINE WOJtKS t) * £&-££ lUNUFACTUUKaOir Marine and Stationary Engines, FB0FBM.EB WHEEtN, VESSEL PUMPS ft GZHZBAL MACHCTEBY- CORIUCHPONDBItCK SOLICITED, fiff, 57 4 AO Mlohlffnn 8UCHICAGO IIX. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary Marine, without HOUGHTON^ BOILER AND TUBE Of Vesselmen SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing nil polnli ol MARINE LAW ai de¬ termined by the United Sutra Courts __ Senmen, Oirneri, Freight* Clinrtem, TowaR«, Refflatr), Colllilona, EiiroUinpnta, Qeneral Average, Common Carriers, Dntlee qf Senmen, Mnttars & Oitneri, IIIU of LndlnK, VVnue., &c. The volumn la hnndsoiuely hound in Btlu" Undid coven, aud line EniOlflh cloth binding Hooka of Llua kind generally coitSJ 00, lint ire will send It to mi) address imstago paid lor 81,25, or rwilli tlie.MAKI.NL RECORD (or ono year, uulh for only ri 00 Acliinin MiRiNt Itieom) Cleveland U IVhlcrrke^rlrfrwirBnT^JierMndT)^ liability of Explosion. It laves FUEL, LABOR and RE¬ PAIRS. It i> PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. POSITIVELY CURED Mactnnists, Fonntes anil Boiler Makers, Corner Elm andSpruoe St.., Cleveland, 0. |T* H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Manuractnrers of Hotel Ranges & Lamntry Stoves, and Dealer lir " All Kiifferuni from till. dlHatii llint arc imixIouh lo Im curid should try DR KIBSNERB tTELEBHAJED '" ~'TION P0WDEB8. riira i I'owdora lire tlie •utlteli Uiiouti tluit will eure rotiiiimrtlon CONSUMPTION P0WDEB6\ onl> nrijmn Ki'atronit laour failli lirfnTIiT7ui rilCirio'ioifvtnte y onl\ pnjmrut. . a all nlneiuKisol ihe THBOAT and LUNQSVIiid' thill the*v aru no humbug, nc_ivlll Jorwaril lo o\"ery n Free Trial Box , iteclly cut- miftcrer, by mall, post pnl------------- Wedo.'twanl sum money unllljiiu are in . lalletl ollliolr curalivi p"»n» ■' ,"i,l"'"'» ""r,1'! millng.iloii'ldilnylimWInillhraopOWDEBS » »t«l "it! 7oX%T8«orl »„.(,, 11000 ?ui. to any imit ot llio Uull.il btulea or Cnuuda, by mall, on retell* ot nrieo Adilrins ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St.. Brooklln. U. Y. FALLING SICKNESS Send for Circular srlrlnff full Information to HOUGHTON & CO, p Sole Proprietor* nnd Manufacturer* 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson NEW YORK. THE MARINE LAW BOOK -IS HOW READY- SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. THE NEW PULSOMETER Tho cheapost, strongest, most simple compact, durable, eflectlve and economical STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for rn'Klnir llqnliU under nml up in too fori. Vi ttnrhlnery, Nn Oil, No Mpeolul Cart. Can be worked Hii>iwnile>l liy it chain Will nn»» trrlt, mud, Rnntl, pulp, etr„ wllhmrr-injurv in li» nnrt» !yrnl» onlj a ulenni pine Irom boiler to run It. I'r i'c. 000 gallon* iwr hour. AftO; 1,200 no. Mlti; tl.nooon #100 IIOOO(In.81511: ia.000cln.Kills i IM.OOOdii. IH2Z& t IS.OUOdo. »1JS ; 45,0011 llo W-IOO; 110 000 do.HSOO; 120,000 Uu. #1 Ono. t'liinpiire IIiIm with an) ntln r I'uiiip !.l»t. VVillo for Ulutilrated doacrljitho book with UflliuoulalH Vc Vailedf ee Pri.-OHETI.lt KTHAVIITHIM >.. Mtl.lnlmM.. New InrU I'll). I I..A. bt Mm)" Jlontpelle Ohio , Ohio. OAK l'A< lOlUI-U llleeki niiil^e^ Mieli ( iiiiolllo.i, Mich. I! DhGrauw, aymaf: & co M INIU ACTURI IIS A\t) IVII'111,11 CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MARINE IIAKDWAKI' VXD hHM' OH WDLKRs.' GOODb Not 34 * 35 SOUTH ST., NEW YOEK- UENURALLY THE CLEVELAND '128 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVLAND, 0. IhZpnwaari. wo ™" gn»»we» K pormanent Cunad ( AiUlreit, b^^y^oin^Jt»,«oVun^^ rooelpt-o! price, or by ox prow C 0. 1) ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklln, N WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. MA.NUFACTUtrilS OF KINDS OF WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST.,, Munllun Ihla P»]or. ALL FOR AIL PURPOSES CLEVELAND, OHIO, S 1547 B99A 4945 2984 39

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