TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, July 7, 1883, p. 3

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/ «t. THE MARINE RECORD A TERRIBLE STORY. . JVom the Houghton Hfinlng (IttuHs. f . ^ " A terrible story of suffering., reached Ircrc by way of Englu Harbor, w'hlch, If trim, shows orlmlnul carelessness or njglect on tho part of the govercmcut authorities. The keoperbf the Passage-Island-lighthouse, ly¬ ing directly northeast nf tlio Islo Roynlc, concluded to winter on tho Island. His family, so report says, consisted of himself, wife, child and father. Sovcral weeks slnco the father was taken sick, provisions began to run short, and tlio son started In a boat for the adjacent island to secure supplies and a doctor, If possible. Gvjir throe weeks have gono by and no tidings have been heard of tho missing man. Several days since a boat passing Iu the vicinity noticed n flag of .dis¬ tress tlyrng from tho lsliindj.aiul upon in¬ spection found that tlio fa1 her hnd died (nun lack of proper medical cure nnd starvation, nnd also the child dead from starvation. The mother-wns also In a pitiable condition, nnd must Inevitably hnve met with a like fate but for the timely arrival Cure was taken of the bodies andsjipplleB left with the wo¬ man, after whlelCtho hunt proceeded on Its Way. Since, that time nothing has been - heard from there, but It Is hoped that some of the steamers arriving nt Houghton, will be able to glvo further particulars. a ■ — ■ Swelled niFi.KiuiiiiKi.s.—A board of offi¬ cers, wfth Captain Greer, ua president, has tested ft lot nf rifles nt the Sp'rlngtlold armo¬ ry to determine the cause of the bulging of tho barrel, which occasionally occurs In practice. They tlnd It duo to tho fact that tho uiuzzlo lins been slopped by sand, caused by resting the muzzle In wet sainl, or In dry Bund nftci the gun litis become fouF from firing. This arrests the passage of the ball, so that the pressure Is Increased at the point of swelling. It is curious that sand pro duced tljls result where wooden plugs drip on hi tightly anUj.welled by steam, tailed to do 80.—Onf. Notes, V. S. A., no. SSS, Teb. I. Diffusion Engine.—At a' recent meeting of the London Physical Society, Mr. Wood¬ ward dcsuilbid an experiment illustrating motion pndiced.by diffusion. A poions reservoir of clay containing nlr wns suspi nil- od from one end nf a weighted balance beam, A glass tube projected from It below mid dipped Into a vessel of water. A jet of hy- drogqn gas was allowed to plav on tho ont- sldi} of the rcervoir, and tho balance beam began to oscillate. This is an adaptation of Graham's .well-knowij experiment, nnd U, In fnct, a diffusion engine —Scieatijk Anicr.'- c«n. - '-r HISTORY REPEA'IS IThELF. Iu tho olden time nny person alllicted with any sort of scroluluus disease was regarded With holy horror and so Intense was the su¬ perstitious dread of such people that they were driien out of the country and made to live nmoiig themselves. Such dlsordeis are as prevalent to-day iib they were llfieeu hun¬ dred years Blnce, hut public feeling Is more charitable. Besides Swnvne's ointment tor skin diseases litis been Introduced anil the alllcted are being healed. M Paint Co,, MANUFACTUKEI1S OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 St, CLEVELAND, OHIO. 11. p. UOU1.UHK. JOHN 1-. WISH G0ULDER & WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 14 £ 10 ATWATIilt BWI.MNCi, CI.EVi:!.AND>, (I Our CotlucttiHi Drpurliiii'itt Is in I IiiU'sd ut un Ux-. liiirii'iiu'il C-tilltTlur. FOR SALE. i vnulit '."> "'ll1 "ins, u ifi-t iH'iun, .1 lut't last, uml well foil ml Kiniu....." NliKKllViN Kncllil Avi-IIIIB Sullnil. A li Iron sU-nni vimlit »» '™.' )""«\ ° [' tluca; runs T«ry ToSspi ^«^SrS3sr",w It'llknn< HI'S* li'ldld AvoSlullull FOR SALE hwfuel fflltlii 1W duress Mmuk* Iihuuiio OHlc. Slim i .m,,U ininmviicllt or nimougor boat Ifmt will carry M w VOO lJwIwri-U«l'« uTiltl-m"»t not draw oviir („, r (Jot ShlS Urn loan"...!. Addro Mam a" a- lUi- «i,i.. .vfatlmt *l«ie»»loii» «n«l !>»'»>. SIGNAL LAMPS, v ... _WITH- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. .. GET THE BEST&AV0ID COLLISIONS, , Tlu'M11/unpi nlvoa more brlllnnt lltflit than an/Signal LAmp now Inuao, Tilt*)' liiivcliTii ni.Mpteil by tho principal Ocean and Lnko Stoamori nndVMul^ and im* for imte in the principal por^a on tho;Athwrtiooonit ond lakes. Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Sonil f.irriCnlnKii1. JlnnnfacturnMijr • ruLTHOtHEN * HUHSF.IX, 130 * Ml MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y, -r Pius ' Knowh.to Mm of Faue a! ALL IMPURITIES Aititirtti(<iiatud,r C0NSTIPATI01 DYsrepsjiui^^^jarjga. E roll Rtuovmo JE BLOOD. fiJIfflchntOnifjr ■u tt itool, bad brtitfc. II fut, burlaw. COAL. David np.rolilnol.Agt, DOMESTIC A STEAM COAL. Cleveland, Ohio MABINE LAWYERS. Knolp A Atorrlion PROCTOIIS IN ADMIRALTY, lift Mnnron 8t Boom M Clilrfgo. KllAT .ItlMMftiKS. Dean A Co. BOAT HUILDKIIS tf it pit of stomach, despondency, I poapUlayDlllottmBJi, jfalirlfr Chilli ind ~~"~"r' tflTtr, aiuilnf lonneti in buk ud iT3^ also bottom of ribs; weariness, Irritability, tongad coated, skin yellow, hot and cold wii- BAtloni.eyesduU,drycoush,Rtlflcdand-obstruct* od feel) n (Mi-regular pulso, bad colored stools.. HrurLUM,c|-M 80un(t ln eftIli giddiness. oonfiuion-in head, nervousness, flashes of light Jbsfon •?'■, ton of roimorr. Dliemti of OUdcUr and 'VinHFVQ urine dark or light, rod deposit; f\n/iii»iu, burning, stinging, bearing down Mnutlo&s, freqnont dulr* to urinate, nneuintn: ' Influntd •7". dark olrolai, thirtt. DImmm or UpADT Mvar* paitu, fluttori ng or weight nair nCrin 11 haart, mor« 10 on.tnoviDj quickly and m^taljiDran left tide \ oat of breath on •lartion. ' ■""""*" *■■— dnir or iharp Mine Id taroplii, •yil or bead; ralntnaii, naoua. ■ Bbcaios* Bowel Die* Worm* i>j tho nuts — -* "- —UODI when lymr on left ild HEADACHE...........,_ bropar U etuaed by waUrf flald. tl»m, «re.t bj nrlo a«id la blood. ordar* b» oarr * ------- ~~ within. Cold NWATNR'H thi caaao, makina; a wrmamnt enre. Bant by mail fat 25 eenta b«i of 30 Pllli; 6 bo»i. It.00. (In poit»|** •Umni) Addreai, DR. KWAVNE dt SON. K*taUmdeliOilm Pa, Sold bjr Um«liu. Horetioni. n, ramoTH Bant hy mail fof liPerhnps the mu nt aztHC iu the Wurltl,"- Supt. 1>SS2. THE CENTURY ,i ilu-n v?lii tthttd woy iHKN.MfONAl, N. Y.-' FOU 1SS2-S ^il_ Tjie twelfth • year of thU - magiiz.nc—the first under jhe ne^v n imc^jind ilicmost succcbsful in its history, closed with the October number. The circulation has shown a large &iin over that of the proceeding season, and Tin CENTURY begin!* lib thirteenth yW uiih an edition uf 140,000 COl'IKs. The following are the leading features ; A NEW .NOVEL 11Y W. \) IU>WELL'S, lo succeed this, nuthoi ^ -'Modern Instance. ' It will be nn international story entuled "A Woman's Reas m." LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN" COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON—the leading hictor. ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of papers, on such topics as 'iThe Beginning of a Nation," "Social Life 111 the Colonies," etc, the whole forming a complete history 01 early life in the United States. Especial attention will be paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OF MINING LIM2, BY MARY HAM LOCK FOITE. entitled "The Led. Horse Claim," lo be illustrated by the author. THE POINT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a scries of eight letters from imag¬ inary persons of vai inus nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads etc. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI¬ CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladilen. An account of practical co operation in Christian wprk, showing how a league wa? formed in a small town "in Connecticut what kind of work it attempted, and how it spread throughout the whole. Stnte , "KUDOER GRANGE ABROAD," li\- Finnic R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stones, the scene being now in Euiope. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE- BUILDING, a scries of four papers, fully illus¬ trated, duvoted to (I) City Houses, (2) Country Houses,, (3) ChurJies, ami (4) Public Buildings. THE CREOLES Ol' LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of " Old Creole Days," etc, a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank 11. dishing, government ethnologist; an qdoptcd member of the Zuni tribe of Ijidians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NA¬ TIONAL CAPITA!-, including "The Capitol," "The Supreme Cour,i," "The^Vhlle House, etc. MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, "H. II. "; three 01 four papers of anexceed- ingly interesting character, richly illustrated. MIOH. LAUNUJtY. BOAT WASHING and general Laundry in few hours. Clkvkland Stkam Laun¬ dry.' 33 St. Clair St. Telephone' 11 If. M. V. B0EGMAN, Proprietor. ' The Madison, (FOHMKUI.Y RKVKRE llOUBK) Detroit, Mich. Moal Centrally Located. Street curs puss the door every few minuter to Depots and nil purtn of the Citv. • Three minute's walk to L S & M S, D & M, 1111a Wiilinsli Depot*. Eatoi 1150, to'12.00 par day. "Vessel Brokers, DULUTH. II INN. A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. 'Avorjjtliio yacht fur eulu 1>iuiHi, 100 fool; beam, 10 feut; duubli! DiiKinuit, two aiiluiu^U^ uxlur lnmi»; nh-e uwulnn; a Bpli'ii'lltl uoulitc kIIiJr'U, uaiitry nndtno AtuU) ro<lmn; rouiua wc'l furubliiHl lo alt-op 111 pcr^oim, furui'ufltlo; upnttbt pluiio, and, In fact, ull that cun Imi ucnlrud. Tins \aclit can bo pimlu.wd ut n buojnln /dd^ro a M.niiSK !trrni:i> Ch-whind, O. BEE LINE Cleveland, Qolumbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the and Mississippi Rivers. The Nickel PJate! NEW YORK, CniCAflO * ST. I.OCI* RAILWiT. 7).... 8 SO a. 10.99 1100 124X1 p. 12i» •1.25 4.21 0.00 " Aticom, " 9 00 p. m, m. (1.15 " " 7.11 " " 7 40 " •s...........•• u, Tho puionaer oqulpmcnt ot * thli K«w Tmnlc Lin* Ifh oil now nnil li supplied with tlio Inteit ippllancot noot'iiary to info ipeoajr nnd cotnfortablo Invel, At Chlcogo, PMMnitr trilm nnlro at and lone from tlio Union llopot, Vim Buron itroot. Rfllowlng la tfio tlmo In oflbct MaV 14,1(13, and un-v .til furthtir nolle*.* ' * * QOINO EAST. Lt. Chicago.........B.I6 a. in...................'............... Arr. Valiiuialw..., 10.05 " ................................. " Fort Wnyno. 1.00 " V................. i.............. " Kow Havon.. !2.05 p. m. " Went Ulpilo. 4.00 " " Araidla.....r... 8.10 " " FMtbrln...:.....9.45 " . " Uroon Bprlngi 6 f2 " " Bollerilo........ 0.40 " I.r. BelloTllo,........0.65 Arr t'loveliind..'.....0.00 I.v. CtoToland.............., Arr falnnvlllo............ " Aahtnbula............... " Connoaut........,......., " Erlo....................... ■• Dunkirk.................. u Buffiilo.................... 1 OOING WF.BT. Lt BulTnlo...........10.18 >. m............,......._.......... AJr Dunkirk.....:.....11.80 " ............ '.............. " Erlo.........,...... 1.35 p. in................... Leave " Coinicaut........2.8.1 " .................. 0.10 a. nx " Aahtabula.......:< 25 •' .................. 0S3 " » I'alllMvlllo......4.10 " ................. 7 30 " • " CloTeland........5.25 ".................. 8.50 " Lt CloTolaud........5.30 " 7.18 a. m..............., ArrBclloTue.........7.15 •' 0 30 « .............. Lt BbIIctiio....................... 0.40 " ............... " Ormin Spring*................ 10.07 " _............ ' Fo.torln.........................10 40 " ............... " Arcadia.......................... 11.00 " ..:........... " Wrat Lclp.lc.................. 12.88 " .............. " New HaTun.................. 2 05 p. m............„. " F"rt W iviii)............._... 2 20 " .............. " Vulpralio........................ 0 25 " ............... '• Chicago.......................... 6.25 " .............. Tralna run by Coluitibiis tlmo, which li twonty min. ut&i fmtor thmi Chicug'i tlmo, flvo nilnutea alowcr than Ctrvcland. and itxtcuu Ullnmctnlowor than Buf¬ fiilo tlmo. For Information, call on nenrost flgoot of tho Com¬ pnuy, or ndilreiM B. V. UQHNEI1, Oon'i I'liusengcr Agent. LE' 'IS WILLIAM*, Ucnonil MRiiagor. Cleveland, O. '• -It New. York, PenusylTania & Ohio R. B. (Formerly ». .1 <i. W. llalllond ) NEW YOltli, IlONTOSf AND THE KANT. The Miortf^if nml 4tulckcat Rmitp lo 1*IMm- burif. Wnalililfflon nntl Ilnltlmorc iiml Ihe Noiitheiittl. Until furtlier imlire truliin will liave from the new Central I>p,t, fcou.li Winer ma-et nnd Viaduct an fol- lown. i.Ou II. tll< ATI.ANTIC liXI'Illito- Ohlo THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAI.VS SUNDAYS, • I.pitve Clevelnml with Through Pnlnce Conclii)9 iiiia.1 El.e(riint Sleeping Cam, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE ' —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CUANQK. IlliiKliainjil'iii %5H ,. —., - -, -....._. nt l'TitHliurgh fl.-lft ii m , without phuiiixu Utciiwi rtrpyua ui x 7.-IU i> in., Wiwhhijrto 4:35 J. n. A This la tho only une making Direct Connection wlthohllic principal Trunk. Uiih of tliu E»^t fur ull .sijulliurii, SouthuosliTii jmtl Wcatcrn poititri, oltlior 1)) way of (Mncluiuitl, Itiiiluiiapiilis or St. l^uiBand alt Rallwny Towi I 4ISSOUKI, ' AUKANSAS, •TEXAS, KANSAS, NJSHRASKA, COIA^UAHO XKW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO and nn-: PACIFIC COAST. Equipment.New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. ■nrllTl^lH'PpiIlK fl^l noii'i cont Wh frum L^u\lU«i>tiiKh Ulk'i u. in. 1« New York, Allmny apt! Huston willioul Llmiirf'. l*»rl«>r Cur from Clt-ielund nnd Siilumuiifu. Arrlvo ut Meadville nt ll:L»0 u. tu. (dlnwr) rruuklin 12 .W p m . Oil ritj 1 iHlp ni ,Oir- ryl.tWp in., Junii'Mtowii (I.nVi- CliHiititui|ii:i) *J.OO p. iu , Uuilalo (l:l.r> ]). in Uotlii'MiT h .10 ji ni ; Ilornell - villu d-10 |< iu pHj.j, i i.Coliiluu 8 J5 p m. Dluiini s.o? p in. liiuttliaiil 'ii 10 5S p in , Altuny (),r>U u iu. iluituu •lib ii.iu : urmiim nt Nuw Y-irkti Mtu.m, Oilhti 1TI l-JMITKl) KXl'lth^-TliroiiKh I'nll- AiOUlli 111. i'1"" Mfi'lilliK fuch Iiuin Cluvolnnd to Nuw ^ orlt. AiriM'» nt'>li')i(lvilli) at li r»\ p m , Jnun!s- l,in n «J;]:t p. in., Suliiuuuicu 10.10 p. in., New York lU,'^5u. in. i\,nf n m NIUI1T EXPU1SS-(Dally except lliUO.U. Uli Nmd«y)SiH'|iiii|{toach frum Cleveland lluriiPllAlllu Arrive at YuiniB-town nt 1:05 a. m.. Mendvillfil:fl0a in., Corry ft.iO ij«iii. Jonnatown «18a. in, DiilVulo U4.Su ui., Holies'«f ] 10 p, in , Horutllo. villc, lli'.HJu m , Corntnij rJ:.VljMii, Lliuirals'JI u. m., " ""' " "* "i in. Arrlvo ....... ..................»««. I'lTTSHUIUiJI EXl'HKhH - Dally — Tlirouuli wltliout cliangu, 1'urlur cur at- tnJiied* Arrlyua at YoiuiBilowii (i.-ftO p m., Hlttsbirrg ..... [ion 711'J a. ui , Ualliiuoie 8 11> a. m. .ONINfi A/-COMMODATION - plug at all way a atioim, arriving at YouTijiftiowiV?^ i». in., Shauin 8 nop. iu., SliarpoJTlllu 8:40 p.m. Crunni-ctnttt Uvlttuburuli wIlIi tniiD No. aifor Mt'iidvlllu and Intermediate points Arrives at Mea-lTlHell:20n.tii. n,nf|n m PITTSRUHOH EX PKI3S - Dally - / iZU di 111. Through without lUoi'Ku Arrlvot at Yoiin^town 1000 a m, ShaoiillWa. in., bliarpt^ vlllell'IO a m., lhtinliiirK.li I'-'iflp in, Itiitunilu^r leaven I*ilt>liurKli at -148 a iu , f; 3 h, m , ;,30 p. ui., , and 4 10 p in nnC n m YOUNtlbTOWN AND ITETSBURUH UD d, m,-JMCOM«01>ATU>N-SUippiUg ar all I Way ilulloua, txrrlviug ul louugatown 145 p. u).,t>ttLa- I burgh, (J. 10 p iu. . A Trains arrive nt Cleveland, « 40 a. m., "■IW p. iu., IQ.bSu. mi100p. m.,uml 1015 p in, I iMTTlils la tho only Oi e bv which luuttongen can rtyich Cup-y Elmira, Uliiglmniptim, New Yorli City 1 ami intornii'dlrtte point" «*ithmit ehimge No thaugo I to lloston and Now hnnland Cltli'H H.iKKHgo » heiktd through to all polnla KaM I Through tieketa ami liifurinallon regarding the I nunc run hoohlalhi'd at llu-ollluc \-\\ HanU ntp't't, and at ue* Deptit uf N. Y,P A O It H, South Water ilrevfi 1 and Viaduct, Cluveiauil, O. A. E CLAltK. I Geu'l l'aiw'r'Ag'l Cli-u'lnml, O. .1 M 1'EUHlh, Gou'l Man'gr, t'h vHim'l, (K SI \. FttUTS.V > I'.!*-) tiger Agent, 1'tl Uank St ( 1. veliiml, O ( LLNhfAM^V*^.' Mill H, I 1N< INN UT A INdT- "Coiutneiirnig Sunday, June 'J4th, tr.iluaof Uie Bee Uue—ClevelHiid, Coluii)bus,Uiiclnnatl A Imliaiiapolift -Hnllwiu wilt U'ft^e and arrive at Clevelimcr-tn lol.toiw; TheBest Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. ■••-, K-1' ^"Tickets by l,liia |iopiilnr l'OUtu tor inlu nt till reijuliir Tckct Ofllue*,, E. B. THOMAS, 0> B. SKINNER, General Manager- Truffle Manager. A. J. SMITH, (H-nurul raaaungcr Asenl. 1 cm:vklani>, OHIO. No. I. rlmlnnnllA roliiinliiu Kxpnwii.... Nn. II, InilliumHIs * MIiihIIiik l.xi.r.-s Nn 17 •.|iiilnlt'uluiiilmiA Clni lutiinl Kx Ni, I, SlU'lllll IiiiI Am. Uuih l.r|il,'i.n No ft I'nl t to l'"l A M l/nlTif Lxiui'itH N<7, 1' I .1 W A linlllim Aif.............. ■nT>7£ C'ZCi I'hi A lull. Kxi>rvB»........... No. 3. r. I.-A W. AfU.....-...................... No VI, Hi. I.oiiIkA lnrfla«Hpalln ]':x[irt'iu ... No.'ti, I'ol. Chi. A Imllumi|)oll» llxliri'sn....., No, 4, CiihnulniaA CIulIiiiiuU Kxprt-M....... No. Ill, Whi'i'lliiB Kipnim ....................... No. 14. t'ln IiiiiiiiI A N Y Kh»1 l.lnw. TniliiH nuirkiil ^ tlally, nil oilier muni, -in |l-> •&«IAJII 7.10 A H I !M I' M ".'.15 I' M '7 ill I'M 4 IK) 1> M Arrive "7.1U A M 10'il A M ».i.:o P M 111 110 I' M <* 50 V M 7 IS 1' M lilOAM ilnllj cxL-onv T 4937

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