-3i-- n SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTKIAL. All mushrooms, Dr. G. Dupottl finds,cor. tiln a poisonous substnuco when uncooked. Bars of steel'obtained by tho comontntlon process In' the works'n( Unleux frequently contain -crystals in those portions exposed to'tho hottest portion of the furnace. ., According to Maciejewskv It pays bettoi to maiiufacttiro overgrown- wheat Into spirits than into bread. The best results arc ob¬ tained from unbi'iilsed wheat. "7— Prof. Voglcr considers that a part of the duty of, obser'vors nt meteorological stations shottld no to ascertain tbo quantity of oxy- Ken In'the air from tltno to tlnfc, as he be¬ eves that the per coinage of it varies or is Intimately connectod with barometric .changes."" ' " . ■ .Myopia, wlthiill Itsirttendant-annoynnces, Is Increasing in tho public schools both here and abroad. Intensity ol. application to work under, the stimulus of competition is ono of the principal causes of short-sight¬ edness among children. 'Imperfectly light¬ ed schoolrooms Is another. ' ' ^, Iii curious contrast with prevalent notions about the Arctic regions arc tlio statistics of trade between the four ports of Norwegian Flninark and the Russian ports of the White sea, especially Archangel* lu 1841 470 ves¬ sels, employing Over 2,000 men, visited the 'Flninark ports, and In 1882 a still larger number, bringing goods, chiefly tin) pro¬ ducts of the-rich llsnerles of the'Whlte sea, to tlie amount of more than $700,000, and re¬ ceiving cargoes for Russia ot nearly equal value. ' Tho velocltv.of the wind 'within the vor¬ tex of a tornado Is, according to a report of ' the United States signal Bervlce, variously estimated at from 70 to 800. miles an hour, tho nverago being 392 miles. It would bo Interesting to know in .what wiiy these"ve¬ locities were estimated, An avcraguof 302 miles certainly indicates supposed accuracy, but they Were not measured, and a velocity of'800 miles an hour, eorrespondlngon the lowest basis ol calculation to a pressure of 1,000 pounds to the square loot, seems almost incredible. There is, liowevor, no reason to doubt, that over a vory limited areatho ve¬ locity and pressure ot the wind In theso tor¬ nadoes or whirlwinds are very much greater than any tbiit havo been accurately meas¬ ured. The shipbuilding trade on tho Clyde con¬ tinues brisk, although not so many vessels are on the Btocks as formerly, Recent sta¬ tistics show that for the month of Mayjll vessels of 35,435 tons wero launched, being an increase of 3,104 tons,over tlio corre¬ sponding month last year, but 270 tons un¬ der that of May, 1881. In the live mouths thoro Is an increase of 24,762 tons over the output for the same period last year, and of 08,100 tons over that of 1870. As contrasted with 1873, which was then considered a pe¬ riod of. extraordinary briskness, tills year surpasses that by 30,500 tons. Of tho ves¬ sels launched there are 24 steamers of 31,005. tons and 7 sailing vessels of 4,430 tons. Tho most Important vessels launched were the City of Chicago, an Inmim Liner nf 8,000 tons, and a Clan Liner, the Clan Mucphcr- soii, of 3,880 tons. The average size (if the vessels launched was 1,143 tons for the mouth, and 1,320 tons for tlio five months, as against 1,1,55 tons and 1,307 tons respec¬ tively, in 1882, and 1,015 tons and 1,005 tons In 1873, There are 142 vessel) at present in course of construction, being a decrease of 8 as-contrasted with the number building at the end of April, and 12 less time at the close ot May 1882. A prlvato dispatch from Detroit says tl « schooner Hercules, sunk by the propeller Clarion of the Anchor Line, was InBUrod fur $2,000 In the Thames and Mersey. The Clar¬ ion Is ireld responsible tor tho disaster. The agents t.f^Uie Anchor Line have made a proposition for settlement of tlie claim, but It Is not yet accepted by the owner of the Hercules. __________'_^__________ GLOBE IRON IRKS Iron Shipbuilders, MaeMiiists, Fouuflers and. Boiler Makers, Corner Elm aniSpruoe Sis., Cleveland, 0. F. * H. BORN, PLUMPERS. Manufactuwrs of Hotel Ranges & Laundry Stoyes, and'Deaier in Wrecking A Towing Litre, Tugs, Hawsers, , Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, •'(k.y To bo liflit on short notice, by liinil or telegraph. A. O, WHEELER, CIIAS. ONEWUCH. . Mnnaaor. ■ . WrockhiK Master. RICHARD HAMMOND. . JOHN COONi ~r7T Paper Mill Bleachers Mtotarioe. Gd$omol£t>,S«h/!W Smoke Stacks Wall IrMsijf Heavy Hale & Sheet IronWork OFFICE a'AVbRKS, fm-.246-M.-Z50.25E.Aiid.Z54. b^"^,*- • Perry St. . .,,.;,», OIL STILLS &• AGITATORS. ___ Repairing BranptlyAttondoii'ta 30! •ESTABLISHED 1H30. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. , DEAN * COMPANY* rilAUONAL LIFE ' HO AT CAN HE VNE» IN PLACE OF THE METALLIC LIFE IIOAT IF IMlEFEIIKn, HAM IIEEN ADOPTED AT WASH- INUTON DY THE nOADD OF Nil- PEItVININM ■.'_■■ INNPEC- TOIIN. Yawl.& Pleasure Boats on hand, SEND FOE PEICE LIST. DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATKD] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. HO Liberty St. Now York. Jf. Y. Vesselmen ariOUI.D HAVE OUR MARINE LAW ROOK, Containing Ml poltlis of MAIUNti LAW as Jo- tor mined by tho Uofttd:State* Courts - Seamen; ,:v * - . - Owner*, Freight*}' .•,'".■•» . .^mrteri, Towage, ' KatfUtry, . Collliloni,. „..." Korol]tnenU, General Averager - . Common Carriers, Outlet of* Seamen. ^aitoifV^'ft Owners, ' Hill of LHdlnjr, Wages, £<)• Tha volumn 1b hsntlBouelr bound Id atlff Board coven, »ud Hue EnqliBh cloth binding. Hooks of tins klndgenortlly cost $3.00, hit we will send It to nuy iddrew, imaUge paid for ft 25, or with the MARINE HECORD for one year, buth tor only fcl.00, AddreuMAUiNK IUcobd. Cloveland O. POSITIVELY CURED All Hufforara from this dlicane tint are anxious to bo cured should try DR. KIBSWER'B CELEB BATED CONSUMPTION POWDEBS.The.jo powders ore tlio only nrtHUiratlui) known that will curt' consumption and all lUseuwHof thu THROAT and LUNGS—indeed,' no strong U our faith In thuui. mul tileo to convince you thatthov aru no humbug,'wo will forward to every Buflercr, by mail, podt paid, a Free Trial Box- WudoiiH want your moiioy until y«u am nurfuctly sat- lillod oftliuir curative puwur*. Jf your llf« is worth wiving, don't di-lay iu tjlving Uu-ao POWDERS u trial aa Uiuy will aun-ly emu you. " 1'rlcc, for lartco Box, 9:1 IK) or -1 IWxen for 8l<> 00. Kt'iit to uny put t of tlio Unil.-d States or Uuiuida, by mail, on rtcd|il of [irlco. Addrcnt N»s ASH & ROBBINS. 3(10 Fulton St.. Brooklln. P. Y FALLING SICKNESS EEMANKNTLY 0UBED-N0 HUMBDTQ-by iMonth'sutageofDS G0ULABD 8Celebrated ttllibleFiti-OWderi 'luwnvliim mioarura Ibul sy l'i»wtli>ra wlHdo all we cliilm fur tliuiu w» will 1 ilium by null, poit paid, a Free Trial Bex. A> (luulunl in Ihu only ITiyalciuii Itiut 128 SUM11UOR ST., OI.EVLAND, O.,' nun ovur maiK .....B,t^~.rl____ jy, mm iw in our knowlwltfi' tutuuatnla liuvo boon permanently curoii by tbu nnu <>| thaw {fowderi, wo will *---------------------* ouro fircvurV oa»o or re—,„ ,».».,-. money ex flvo thwio Towubra mi :ufteo a permanent your .all iinJ.A' Alt milliirer»al^ouM' glvo then. .- SnftrWal. a id bocoiivlulod »t their euraU™ power R5m lorlameltoi, WOO or* lloio. for 110.00. - lit by i. I lo'.»»W»I «'• Unllojl SUtcor Cu.iad, „„ receliit of price, or by oxpnua C. O.I). Addrei i, ASH & R06B1NS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklln, N. Y. ■J —iiAHUPACTtmims _. CORDAGE * OAKUM. r.nn«» of AMEinCAN. UUSSIA and ITAI.IAM IIEMP of the vory beat qualify mado to ordor AT ONE DAY'S NOTICE. .MANILA anil SISAL DINDEIt TWINE. . • • '■ Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y MAHINE ENOINK WOItKS 3>!TI7»J PJeL'SSJUTT. MANUFACTUItHROK Marine and Stationary Engines, •> PEOPEILEE WHEELH, VESSEL EDHPB & OENEEAl MA0HIHEEY. ConliK9rol<DGNi'KSpuciTKl>, 55, m £ AD Mlolilgnn Ht. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without—^ HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents fimmlng and lessen? the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LAUOR and RE¬ PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular (riving full Information to HOUGHTON & CO, Sole Proprietors and MmmfU«turer» 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, . NEW YORK. THE MARINE LAW BOOK -IS NOW READY.------■ SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD If You Want ihe Btst STEAM PUMP - — - ---------------------.—..— b._..mil numimorBu Worka p;rl«rBta^lUu"n>«ero"r«M^mtuMj;«KrW Tannery, nrewerr or »o»«r Bennerr. Dralnlnl 7', Brewer j or innr Uennerr, Draliunf; Quurieii.Celliini or PUnta- rrlBatlnr or Hydraullo IHlnlnK, Nlnklnc Foimdiitlona. Coder Sewer, Well ainuinc and other Contraeton' Work, orRalalni; '■Mr ror arur kind of Nanufacturlna' or Fire Purpose, write for mn.llluf ___.lerj, nrewi tlnns, JrrlBaU ..-„. ... _.„____of ManufaetuHnaorPirief tnted deMripUvelMokon the NBW.rVtMMETIIR,f >, wrlto for wlJH Ins greatly reuut at. lower tfiftn otli tnted deacrlptlve iiooe on too nnrv ruvsv..».-u».-----------„u- - IucmI ^rloef, batulrediof toatlmonUU. oto. Hsll«lfrea. Prlcon lOOpcrcont. lower tiian other. ■verrpumo teeted before ahlpment end irueranteed aa rapreisntad, ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Pnlsometer Steam Pump Co., 88 John St, New York Cltr, V.H.A, ~ 8ee Prlcci nest lime of this Paper.-ya St. Miiry'e, Ohio. MoiUpclier, Ohio. OAK FACTOBIK8. De k llri'ukuiirltlKi), Mich Cnrrolltoii, Mich. «! MiNUFACTURKIlH ANI> IMI'OHTEIU OK CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, SvKIVE HAKDWABK AND SHU' -O.IANDW GOODS UKNBHALI.V SlAKlNh ito. 34 t 35 BOPTH ST., NEW Y0HK- -------------------------------------------THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. MAWJlfACTtlltKIIS Of ALL KINDS OF--WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS E0R ALL PURPOSES OLKVKXANU, OHIO. OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST., ■ Moullon thin Taper. 9921 08987544 3021 2911 6915 4�61