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Marine Record, June 30, 1883, p. 3

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BOOK NOTICES.- rtorrie, Tourp,nud Newport form tho back¬ ground of the tlireo attlkmgly brllllant,sdr£ ala hoglnnlnglntiiioTAtlantlo Monthly for ■July; namely, the now story, "A Roman Singer," by F. Marlon Crawford, tho aitfhor of'the successful "Mr. Isaacs.;" "En Prov¬ ince," thu first of n aeries of rupers by Henry James, Jr., comprising sketches of life and scenery In the old towns of France; and, finally Mr. George Parsons Luthrop's soci¬ ety novel, "'Newport." That tlio Atlantic follows its usual custom of utilizing., the work of the best Amorlonn nnthors rather' ' 'than that of'Engllsb writers tuny readily be seen from tho above ahnonucoment, ai'd -consequently tew magazines can show such attractions for the summer months. The amusing sketch, "Mr. Washington Admits in England," by R. G. White, is concluded"! In this number, and another English paper, of a very different description, however, Is •contributed by Miss Harriot W. Preston, under tho title of- "Oxford In winter." Miss Preston is well-known to Atlantic rend¬ ers by hor plotiirosqu'o^tmv.el sketches, and In this one u' delightful account hot only of the old university town, but also of many famous Oxonians who havo contributed to literature, lif placed before the reader. Amer¬ ican Hie, politics, nnd thought nre respec¬ tively touched upon In "Bnointown," a-west¬ ern sketch by F. U..JV'. Carpenter; In a care¬ ful article entitled "Jlunlclpal Extrava¬ gance," by Arthur B."Ellis; and In "Some PhnsoB of .Idealism in New England," by Rov. O. B. Frothingham, whose urtlcleBtil- wayscommand and rewind caVel'ul attention. There nre two excelleiU^Qiortjlorles, "Syl- .van Station," by Caroline E. Lelghton, nnd "Tompkins," oy P. Doming. Some good poetry by Edith Thomas, Mnui'ico Thomp¬ son, and E. R. 8111, careful reviews of new books, and the Contributor's Club, complete an unusually agreeable' number, . . .--------------■ ■ Messrs. Geo. E. Bander and A. M. Pease, of Sanborn,' Dak. Tor., arc tlio patentees ol An Improved harness pad block, which con- e'Bts In recesses formed to receive mid shape the pud leather, and a series ol movublo pressing plates for filling tho pads. An arched bur of semicircular shape with hooks nt cither end to uttncji to the rim of the pad forming block Is provided. A hand screw extends through this bur, and Is operated for compressing tho leather similar to ipi ordi¬ nary letter copying press. REVIVING AN ANCIENT MAXIM. "Till tho curth- growB old, and tho stars grow cold and the leaves of tiie Judgment Book unfold, forever In this world will men suffer ills untold." The truth of these lines cannot bo Impeached, yet much of human mlsory and physical suttcriiig could be ob¬ viated If tho people would only accept prac¬ tical advice. Piobnbly no complaints mo ■pore frequent than indigestion, headache, languor nnd liver and kidney complaint especially at this, season of the year, yet mankind will sutler or be dosed without re¬ lief, when a box ol Swayne's pills would ef¬ fect a thorough cure. Phffinix Paint Co I! MANUl'AlTUUKIlS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE ANPr.U'TOUY 36 MifiHigan St, CLEVELAND, OHIO. FOR SALE. An iron iU-.ni MU-l.l .j» feol ImiR, 0 j'.";' >*»"•; •"™' «-......"w^ifKi^'KAisj..:...... SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH,* Patent- Fluxed Lens And Perfect Colors.; GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. TtniH! Lfmipn glvo a more brlllortt llpht tltnri any Signal Lnmp now In we. Tlmy Imvo bucii ndoptcd liy Uio principal Ocenn nml Lnko Stcanjcrs npd Voiipls, nnil arc for mlojn tlio princlpnl ports on tho Atlantic conitniul taken Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Scad tot ratnlogui.' Mnmifnclurril by • . ," FEtTlioCSKN * ntlSBEIX, 130 * 141 MAIN ST., nfJI'FALO, N. Y. SMs nuitYiKun ACT AS A HEART CORRECTOR And by cleansing, regulating, and ■trengthinlng the organi of tUgaiflon, Mcrellon and abforpllon, curt Apoptaay, nil. Parelyili, Nirvoaineia, Jliilnett, Debility, Blllouineii, Bed Breath, Jaun- let, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Lick (rl.Apptllte, Le* Spirits, Indlgeiflen or Dyipenilt, Headache, Conttlpellon, Fevert, MalarU and CerrlMMn, Fever and Ague, Warrhaa, Dropiy, Colda, Rheumatlim, Neuralgia, Gout. Female WeaVneat, Urinary Die- ordert, and all Imrjularlllei of the Spleen, Stomach, Bladder and Bowele. Fneuxl t,»lTt>TDr.SWATHI! »ROrT,PUIiiiliUa,Ita. AsrcToi r DnnaoiST pott rami. »*^iitt..n,.u.i-,»i. ttaikriiiiuuri"— ,('OAl„ David' llrtrnlllnrr. Ae«, IIOMEBTfC! * NTEAJt COAL. fllevclniKl, Olilo MARINE LAWYERS. - Knclp A Morrlnon rttoprqiu! in admiralty, llflMnnror-W tliwni M riilrngo HMAT mULIlKUx JJcun £ Co. - BOAT BUlf-DUns n-TiioiT Mini. LAUNDRY. IK'AT WASHING nnd general TiiuuidrJ in few.hours. Clkvelanp Stkam Laux- nnv. 33 Si. Clair St. Telephone n8. FOR SALE. An lronyarl>l3Sf™l1R,,"v"r>' '1"'"\ ll"1"1"3'1 "lia , i.i™i 'iiiiitlTM-2 !«'l nun very l»m, Hiirkntw* Block Uucllil Ati> bunion FOR SALE ta& ffitlnW Addreu M>RiN»IUooM>Ofr.c "Perhaps '(Ac mo si Judiciously edtleil may azinc in the World."—The National, JJ. Y.- Sept. 18S2. ' THE CENTURY FOR 1882-83. The twelfth j'ear of this magazine—the first under the new nnme, and the most successful in its history, closed with the October number. The circulntion has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season, and Tim CENTURY begins its thirteenth year with an edition of 140,000 COPIES. The following are the leading features ) A NEW NOVEL BY W. V. HOWELL'S, fo succeed this author's -<Modern Instance^. ' It will be an. international story entitled "A Womnn's Reason." LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON—the leading hirtor- ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of pupets, on such topics, as 'iThe Beginning of a Nntion," "Social Life in the Colonies," etc., the whole-forming a complete history of early life in the United States. Esjiecial attention will be paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OF MINING LH-E.-JIY MARY.HAMLOCK FOTTE, entitled "The L«d- Horse Claim," to be illustrated by the author THE POINT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a si-ries of eight letters from imag¬ inary persons of vaiiuus nationalities,-criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads etc. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE (IF CONNECT!-. CUT, by the Rev, W.isttiiigion Gladden. An account of practical coonciatioii In Christian work, showing how a league was formed' in a small town in Connecticut whnt Wml of work it attempted, and how 11 spread throughout the whole State. "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD," by Flank R. Stockton; a coniiiiuaijon of the droll "Rudder Grange" stones, the scene being now in Euiope. l'HE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE. BUILDING, a scries of four papers, fully illus¬ trated, di-voted to 11) City Houses, (2) Country Houses,, (3) Churches, and 4) Public Buildings. •THE CREOLES Ol- LOUISIANA, by Geo. \V. Cable, author of " Old "Creole Days," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN /UNI, by, Frank II. Cushuig, government ethnologist; an adopted memtier of the Zuiu tribe of Indians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAl'ERS ON THE NA- TIONAL CAPITAL, including "The Capitol," "The Supreme CoiTrt," "The While House," ele MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, "II. H. "; three or four pnpers of an exceed¬ ingly interesting character, richly illustrated. WANTED. a .mitt «tcamy>ic!it or pameiiBor host thai will carry .,» .„ iii mMoni/i-rs-llBlit t rall-mml not dru» imir b,,°i«t ii>S«V" '""i"1', A:M'm *"""■"""" oil., aUtlngdinien.lolla.ntl price. A FINE YACHT FOR ME; Avorv-flno yacht for ealu. J^iikHi, 100 fcol; Loam, 10 fwt; Jtoublo (UnrJiicN; Iwo imlomHil iwliw Imatn; ulco liwnhiKi ft ■plt-mllii il'Mil'l*-- liltiilu-iT.Mt ntr\ midiuo hluto rooms, rooms wi II fiirnijluii (o nfit-ii ]i> put -mm; fontnuillu; u|in«lit jilaim, i'i»l, in imi all Unit nu- In- dwrtrci.. Tliw >»clit mu lw iuiilIijimiI hi a ti.irx Id Addru»» MAKiN><IlMOI,n'(U,v'"W.' u- . M- V, B0BGMAK, Proprietor. The Madison, (FORMKltLV mSVKRE HOl'SK) Detroit, Mich. Mont Centrally LocntPfl. Street uiir« puss the door every few minutes to Depots nnd nil parts of the City. Threc^mtmite'B walk to L a & M S, D & M, Mid Wntmuli Depot6. Ratea HJS.O. to (2.00 per day. 11. D. OOULDEfl. , .' i.nfrx JOHN ».WBB G0ULDER & WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors; '--------: "AND ' ■ - ' PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. M & M ATWATI3R DUILDINU; ' C/.EVELANP, O ' . Our Collection Department U In cltarfto of an I2x* Itor!encc*l Collector. -, . The Nickel Plate! .VEW YORK, OHIfAUO * JST. I.OUIR . RAILWAY.' ' Hi k i i in, yjnisii, Vessel Brokers, DULUTH, MINN. t BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route tn the Ohio and .Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS,' TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Lonw Cleveland with Through I'uliice Coin-lie-) nml Eleg;nnt Sleeping Cur.-, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, -INDIANAPOLIS TERREHAUTE —AND— - ST. LOUIS WITHOUT ClMNC.i:, Thi» i» tim only WupkiiiK Direct Connection with all tut iirluiffWrTuntt Line, nt Ilic R»-l tor nil Southi-rn, Sciullnwneni urid Woalern )ioinl», i-lllwr by wnj- ol CluoinnnU, Imllailnpollaor St. LoiiIbr-uI all lUUuny Tottlil .tllSSOLHI, AKKANSAU, TKXAS, KANSAS, NEHHAMiA, COLORADO .NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO AMI II1K PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and. Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. • IjyTlckels toy this popular route for iiilc nt nil regular ToKot Oflloo-. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Gem ral Muwgftr ' Tmfllc Manager. *A. J. SMITH, Uunural r.s-toiigi-r Agent. CLEVELAND. OHIO. , Tho paMeiiRor equipment of this Now Trunk Line Isull now Hti'l la «iip|illed with tho Intent appliance. ncn-Mary to unfa Kiiu-uy nnd comforlnblo travel. At I'mi-ngn, |>u!u--nuer trdna nntvo at nnil leave from tlio Union !>oi.nt, Vnn Huron .trout. Following Ih tho time In ell'oot .May 14,1583, and un¬ til further notice.* "——-n. ■ GOING .EAST, -~" - I,v, rtiknf-o......... R.l,*, a ill. .........'......... Arr. Vnl .uiurw.. Ul.11,1 " ................. " Fort W.yne. Mm " .................. " NeWi tfnvon.. 2.o.'i p. m.................. '■ Wont Lolp-ilo. i.m " .................. " ArcuilU.........0.10 " .................. V FoHtoriil......... \V> " ..............•.. " Orooit ,Sp!lntr-i ll i'J '• >.............:.... " Bollevuo........ (1.-4(1 " ................,. |.v. Ilollovuo.......;. li.Vi " 8.30 n. 111. Arr Uoveliinil....... fJ.OU " '111.(13, " l.v. Cleveland..................... 11.110 " Arr l'alue.vllle........t.......... 12.UJI p. in. " A»ltliiliiilii...............,..... -rJ.'iH " " ( oilneiiut.........,............. I.--i " " Erie.......................... •;-'« " '• Duuklrl.......................... 4.-J1 " " Blltr.llo........... _.......v... U.IKl " Acrom. .5 mi ru in, ll. l!i " 7.11 " 7--I0 " -.......tc (iOlXO WEST. r.v Biiti'iiin......... .111.1,1 a. in................... ...Il.fu, ■' ......... . " Kilo............. Leave. CM a. m. " A-thtfthuln..... 1135 " 7 3(1 " " Clevpliiml...... 8.50 " .. isa " T.l'i n. m. Airllellevuo......... , 7.15 ■' fi.:m " " dreeli Sprlnus ............10.117 " ' Fo.inrln.....*,.. . ,.............in-111 " " *\ve-a U'lp-ile.. . ~ '" New llavill. " Fort \V iflic.. ................ aa,*, " Trains run by Colmuliiiu ttmv, wlilch Is twenty m--n* uIts finicr tluui Chicii^ lime, live Dilnutefl slower titan Cleveland. nu<I Hixtecn iiilnui-w ulowor tlwn But- (uio time. K-nrlnfuTinallon, call on nearest agent'of tlio Com¬ pany, or addrwu B. F. HORNEB, t»cn'I Passenger Agent, LEVIS WII.UAM*), Oenenil Manager. Cleveland, O. New Ynft, PennsylTama & Ohio R. R. (Formerly A. A G. W. llallroad.) NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST. The Nh or tout rinil Unirkc«t IliMile to PHU- btirff. Wnahliiffton nnil Dtiltlmoro nnd (h(j Soulhrnnt. Until furtlier nutko tr.^im wl|l leave from tho now Cuntrnl Depot, bouili Wuler nreet nnd Viaduct a« fol¬ low!*: n nn Q m Atlantic ExrKK&—(D«iiy)' run. fttiU (I* llli niaii nU't'ping and hotel coai lies fruni Lt'inltlB'ntiL'li g.U'i a 111. to New York, Albany and Uo*l<ni nit limit uliniii;" Ilirlor 1 ar from flim-lund' nnd Sa,liiinantn. Arrhe. at Meadvillo fil 11;J0 a. m. ((Hiiiier) Kranklin ll! .tp p m , Oil (fty l.Oo \< m , Oir- rvl.onj. in., Jaiuettown (Like Clinntnuqnn^ 2:00n. m , PutfaloOifl |i. in |.i>clipBter tS.:iitv|i.,in.; llornell- vlllu ti 40 p in {tnippi'rl; Corning fi:'JC p. in. Elmlm 8:87 l» m. lUnpliiuiton lo-flbp. m., Allvny iiiSOa 111. Borton 1 45 p in , ailiving at Nuw Yurk i> SO 11.111. r, LIMITLIi i;.\rm>S-riir<junh Pull- It 111 nn nlei-ntli^' 0 ndl fiuin rit rtlnntl to Arrives at Meadvlllo nt 11 Neu ^nrk. Ill -J.'! n. 1 1,1 11 .-..ilainlliici 10 III p V,p. Neu Vorlr 11:05... _ llorm-llUllle 2:50 B.m III. lull • 7-m p 4:35 Ml.HT LXI'KIS!—(Hallv excopt Muul.ij) Si-,-]nni; io.u-h troin Cleveland Arrive ai Voiiiij.-3touii ,11 I .15 « m„ Mmulillle 3..KI 11 111 , lorr) 6 -'(I » III. Jamntoiin 6 h a. tu. lludnlo ■' ti a In, tlix lu-ioer I 10 11. Ill, ltoroelU. ■ Ilk*, II 2lm in . CornliiK I'J.^l pin. I.limra 1:L'I p. nu, llili|-liiiiii|ii"ii 'J r>0 p 111 , New ^<>rl. 11'-'5 i> in. Arrlvo .11 I'lllAliurill] ll 15 11 in , » lllioill ehiiiiKi- I'lTrsBt'itoii i:xi-iti.-.s _ nan- _ Tlirml[.'li "llliiiul elniiiej'( l'nrl,ir {iir at. ... lc*lll Voilliplnuii ■.nn j,4,i , I'lliHbnn- , WiLihlliKloll 7 O'l ll ill , Bjltliiliwu 8 1!) 11.111. m MIIIIIMM, l< ■ IIMMIMIATIDN - 111, .suMipliic 11 .ill 11.1; . ,ii!-,ii., iirrliiniral Ymniu'lo-iii 7 'J', 1......-"Iinion h ,111 p m , Minrj-e.vlllc ■I()|> in. IVoiillulh ut U-it\ilI-bni(;li -rnli mini Nn, .'llftii Mi-mhllli mill tin, riiieillille potnlt, Airlvanal M,u lillli'll Mf 111. 7 .nn n m I'in-t-nritiiii i xrirtw - i>aiiy- I ,ZU tl. Ill* riiruilltli 'Mlli.nil ilim.ift Arrive, at \,ninH!ii„.il 10110 .1 111. him'(fin 11 01'a in, bliarp-- ■ ille 11 10 a m . I'llHlnirgll II! « p III . Ill tllmlllg, leiui-n I'lll'l'ilruli at -l lw a m , S;i.l[i in , 1.110 p. m ( .mil 4.U0 p 111 Ny-' II IH 0 -n yiii-m.-iovs ami 1'irrsiiuiton . 11 1)3 d, 111. Ai CtiMMtlliA I'lON—i-iopj.liiR at all Way .lalloiiH.arrl-lnKat \oiniu8lo-rn 1'15 p. rn.,lMlt.. Iiurnli.tl.10 P-m- Train, arrive nt Cleveland, n 40 a. 111., 7-0i |, m., 10.65 a. m, 1 00 p. m , .ml 111 IS p. in, •W-Thl. I. Ihe only roiilp lir nliuh |i.i-M-n|ter» cm r-iicIi Oorry El-ulr., Hliiuhiinipu,ii, Son- York Clly mil Intorniedlnto jMilnl. within i-Iibiikc No chang. io Itoatuu and Now l-.u^lanil Cltlen. lUKHAKC checked tlirouiill to all poLjil. Kant Through tickets and Information; 'reiardlnn tho mute can beoblalnnd .t the otQofi 131 Bank atrtet, and at new Dupot of N. Y., P A O. R. n, South Wataratrtut mid Vioiluct^ CltTuland, O. _ ' A. E. CLAI1&. Gen'l I'aBs'r Ap't Cleveland, O J.M I-BRKIH, Qon'l M»o'gr, t'leveland. O. M. 1. WIUTrv. I'auriiger Arrrnt, 131 ItanL "t. Cliielund, O, "\ 'V

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