_ I ' -ry*: T~ 1 A DASHING YOUNG SAILOE. • Tho Chicago pnpors tell nbout tho cap¬ ture of a young sailor girl in male attire, who-owoar£jlko a tar, looks like ono,nn(l says ahe Is one. Sho wns arrested on tho docks, whoro she mingled as it inllor.wlthout lies sex being dlsoovorodby oven horfloarost associate. For three years she hns noted as cook's mato aboard various lake Vossels, always passing for\i boy ami mingling with the sailors its one of them. She would f;lvo no other name than Frank Chambeis, nslBtlng that ber renl name wag too snored to divulge In a police station. She said she was born in Newark, Ohio, seventeen yeius ngo, nnd donned male attiro the better to got along, Thero Was not one chance in twenty ot getting employment as a woman whore she could succeed aarnman, and as the latter had the better of It all tlnoiigh life, she concluded to disguise her Identity ' jrnd engage In labor performed by the other sex. She liked the change. She liked the son and took to It to the manor born. Though mixing constantly wjth tho very roughest of the soafai ing elcmonts, few over discovered hor secret. She drnuk with the rough sallois, but was wlso enough not to take tqo much, und she never became Intoxicated. 'She accompanied tbom in their loysterlug tours when In port, but always had a ready ex¬ cuse to offer when any frolic was proposed w hlcli might disclose her sex. She believed |n woman's rights, and smoked nnd chewed with tho ease ot an old tar. All her move¬ ments were masculine, and her conversation' was plentifully interim ded witli expressions ehanictet'lsllc of the stcruei sex. When pruflered a cigar, shojit the match on her trouserB, and when It went out liei disgust was expressed In tetms moic emphatic (fruit elegant. She seemed to be u lull of clgliteo.ii, and though her featurs were regular and pie isliig, there was nothing cflemlnate in her look. Her hair was cut close to tho scnlp, as if by it machine, nnd she wore a Iioek coatrand black trousers, a cheviot shirt and it nobby derby "Some one gavo me away," was the reply she made when asked how she came to be arr'eBted. "I have only been In town a few days, nnd behaved mysell the best I oould. No one would suspect who I am, and 1 wns never found out until I got In it row with it fellow once. I got a black eye, but then tlieie is always n black eye aboard a ship; if the captain hasn't got It some of the ciew have." The prisoner, who Is charged with being disorderly, said she had early been left to shift for herself. Her moth* died, when quite young, and hor fatliur, vv4tuJ*i«-dHuk- Ing man, nnvar gn'Vo her any cure. SolHO Wrecking & Towing Line, BIOrMRO HAMMOND. Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters^ Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, &c„ To 1m luni on abort nolle*, by mall or telegraph A. O. WHEELER, - Maniaer. CIIAS. ONEWUOH Wrooklng MsHtor. two months ngo a girl vvns nrrosted In Ue^ ——' ~f4Mrs I EFFEL L trolt under olroiimstnncos the same as the ™ present, but was let go the next day on the promlso she would tcsumo her proper!. attire. Sho gave the nntroof Annie JItf Donnld, und told the Identloal yariulitrglrl told at the station last idglit^But "Mi. Gordon," as the t$s^F$SX\ chooses to bo • known by, denlelTbeing the sanrio person, ~r--------n^erlflg^rnfTiiid never been arcestcd beloie- V. "I dont case how often they arrest me," sho snid, 'Til never wenr woman's clothes. I hate it bustle, and If I nut not a man lam always going to dress as one." NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. . DEAN * COMPANY'S DIAGONAL LIFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE1 OF THE METALLIC LIFE I10AT IF PREFERED. HAS BEEN ADOPTED AT WA<4II. INfJTON BY THE BOARD OF 811- PERVININft INSPBC- V TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand, sehdpob'phioelist. DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATDD] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JOHN COON. . —t ^Bmapine. wMLM) STATIONARY. ------T PapcrMill Btoiehen &Kotario8. Gasomctos,SaltRms tAStacb. \ MaBlo^ofHeiiylWeaSDtirtlrmVlbrlc Office & "Works, «44.Z4B.248.2B0.?52 And.254. Perry Sfc. '>Or, OOO OH5- OIL STILLS 8c AGITATORS. Repairing Rumptly .Attended to. . ESTABLISHED 1830. ^^ 1^ —uaSuvactureih or— CORDAGE * OAKUM. u^^^^^S^tS^l^k%SSlSoflb0 TOr,r be" *U,M> nai°'"ordoh AT 0SE Office No. (13 WALL STREET, NEW YORK., ________Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, MARINE ENGINE WORKS m@iT, Tjmst.mMT, UiNtlFACTURRR QV Marine and Stationary Engines, PBOPEILKH WHEELS, VESSEL PTJMPS ft OEHEEAL MAOHnrEBT CoimiuroKDESCK Solicited. 5B, 57 * BO Mlchltira Sfc CHICAGO ILL. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary Marine, or No. HO Liberty St.. Now Vork. N. Y. GREAT THINGS OF THE WORLD. Tlio greatest tiling In the world Is tlio Falls of Niagara; tho largost cavern—tho Mammoth Cavo of Kentucky; the largest rlter, the Mlsslsslpf, four thou£a,ncl miles In extent;'tlre larRcst muss ol^iSHd Iron. Pllol Knob, of Missouri, IieifrLUJftn feel, cireum- fcroni-e 2 mllc». The beBf remedy for piles anil sUIn diseases, S«avno'» Ointment The biggest lake, Uko Superior, the longest railroad^tho Pacific Railioad, over three thousand miles In extent.—Statutiuil Ga. ittti. GIOBE IRON IRKS, Iron Shipbuilders, Machinists, FooMers anil Boiler Makers, Corner Elm and 8>upe Sis., Cleveland, 0. Vesselmen brlOL'I.D HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. rontahiing nil polnis ol MARINE LAW no de¬ termined by tliu United Mates Courts Be Amen, Ownerif ' , FrelBlitH, Chnrteri, Towngio, KofflHtry, CoIHbIoiu, Knrofim^iitii, Genornl Aiorotfe, Common Carriers, Dutlei of Senmon, Maiten Si Ownen, BUI of Liidlnir, Wnffei, &c. Thci voliimn In linniiMHioly bound In sttf Bonn! covon, nnd lino rniiliali cloth binding Hooks of this kind genornl 1 j com W Ik), hut wo will ecnrt It to nnj ndilross poitant paid Tor 81.60, or with thoMAlUNI. RtCOKD for ono yuir, both for only 8(25 AddruisMAUlNL Hi-roitn jClavqlund O HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessen* the liability of Explosion. It naves FUEL, LABOR and RE¬ PAIRS. It i« PURELY "VEGETABLE «nd ——-—;•—, * Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving nil] Information to HOUGHTON &. CO, Sole Proprietors nnd Manufacture™ 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK, THE MARINE LAW BOOK -IS NOW HEADY SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE .MARINE RECORD. i| PiiEiiiK Paint Co MANUFACTUIU-RS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Mictoan St., CLEVELAND, POSITIVELY CURED All HiiflbrurM from tliin illnojiNo Unit aro anxious to bo cuml Bhould try Tjfi KISBNER'S CELEBEATED CONBTJMPTIONPOWDER8. 1\"-^ I'owdonnro tlio only iirfiimratlon known that will cur» consumption and all diMawaof tho THBOAT and LUNGS-lndiod so strong Ih our faith In ttium nn 1 ul"o to (.onvtnco you that tbov arc no liutubuK, no will forward to ovury snfloror, h) mull, |.oh( pultl, ii Free Trial Box Wodou,twant)our money until}on nro^iorfoctly wit* lalltd of ilioir curutlvo powora If your Hfo la worth aa\ log; don't dolaj In k.vIiik thoio POWDEEB n trial us they will auroly euro you Price, for lar«o Box, 11 00 or 4 Boxoa for 810 00 Sent to any putt of tho UnKM Slatoa or Canada, by mall, on recolptof prlto Address ASH & ROBBINS. 3fiQ Fulton St.. Brooklln, N. Y. FALLING SICKNESS THE NEW PULSOMETER Tho choaposl, slrongosl, most simple, compact, durable, effoctlvo and economical STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for rnlalnit liquid" under ami up to 100 feet No Vnchlncry, No Oil, No Npeclul Cnrc. Csrn he worked mi-prndcd lij n rhnln Will un»» Urlt, mud, Hand, iiiilp, etc., without Injur? to Itn jinrtH NeedHOiily npttejiniplpe I rum boiler to run It. I'rlrr, 1100 kaIIouh »r hour. #BO; 1,300 an. W7B; U.IIOOiin $100: 0,000du.«150, lO.OOOdn.KllS; IH.OOOdn. #225 , Xt.,000 (III. »275 , 4S.000 (In.M4001 00,000 dn.#500, 1^3,000 do. Ml.ooo. I cunpiiri' this Willi any other l>umpLl»t> • Vrltofor HliiKtrutid ikwrijitlMi hunk with t< Httiuimlnln \t Vailnl/ict IT! .Alirrwiri tiUrtniM >..H.-IJnlinnl., i>rwlork(lty, 11.N.A. ht. Miirj'», Ohio MoiUpelhy, Ohio. OAll I ALIOIIIIS. Ill A MiNUKACiunriis and mroitiins of !. OAKUM, & .'< Ucurlil^e, Ciurollto.. Mich Mich MARIKE Wire Rope. Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, & FLAX DUCKS, GOODh GENERALLY RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON UABDWARE AND SHIP OHANDMilte' Noi 34 > 35 80PTH ST., 5g°7 YORK. nnd them br mill, poll Dr Goulard u the only thll dliwM a ipo^lal sti tliouundi htro lieen perm ULAflD B Ojlebrite'u . coutIuco HUfliirera that claim for them wo will I it said,» Free Trial Box A» InlfiilclDn that hu ever mado J ,ud>, and or lo our knowledge anently eured by the i|M of ratit THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW amTTRUCK CO. OHIO, Hoi,» 00 or t Doiea>r 110 00 ......."' ' or Canad Addrea PA». for Uree Doi . IB 00 or 4 Bpxe. by malltoanynartonho UnltodStal receipt ol price, qr by Mpran 0.0, D. ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton 8t„ Brooklln, N HANUyAOTUBBRS OV KINDS OF WHEELBARROWS AND. TRUCKS ALL . FDR ALL PURPOSES OUCVKLAND, OHIO, OFFICE AMD WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST.,' Mention thla Paper. / 6921 2914 6915 7061