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Marine Record, June 23, 1883, p. 6

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CA Jjngixteeqing. K Tho tnootliijrof tho MeoluuileM Enirlimoip, hold In thli city rDoontly, wiie vory success¬ ful. Tho nttencliinco wna Inrge mid the mpora presented practical nnd pointed. J. .'. Hollawny of this city prosontod mi nrllolo on tho murine engines of tho hikes. After giving an elaborate and Interesting sketch of tho alio and Kind of oiiKlncs used at various times nnd at present; Jio prouoded to show an Ingenious device for getting thorn "off the center" with tho least dolny and without danger. , Tho dovlco which I havo succoeslully employed for that purpose, and to which I desire to call your attention, consists of a short stroko steam cylinder, located In the hold of the vesnel, unci iiIoiikhIiIo ot "10 propeller shaft. I pluco It nt the point where tho (n-board and out-board slmft" iiie coupled togother, as the rim ol the coupling Is veiy convenient for carrying a poitlon of the maohlnory. I place on the coupling flange, or on the shaft, a <vhcel having on Its face a series of V friction eiooves. Opposite to" this friction wheel, I pluco either a short segment of a wheel, 01 it short stialght block of Iron, which has upon Its tace a series of V Motion grooves coi responding with those on tho wheel. This block or hcgiiiont, as may be most convenient to he used, Is connected directly to the pinion rod Of the short stroke steam cylinder, and it Is nlbO nminged that 1t may bo rhndo to move tdwaids the Mellon wheel, and to coiue In closo contact \\ Ith it, by moans of an ccrentiiv jouinnl.or slmilai device. Now, II In working tho niitln engine for¬ ward or buck, It becomes caught upon either the uppei or lowei centei, the valve gear o'i tho engine may be set foi turning the engine in the direction wanted and the tlnottlo valw may bo opened so as to admit steam on the piston If desired. Now, II the block, or segment of the starting engine be bi ought in close contact with the friction wheel on the propeller shall, and steam then bo ad¬ mitted to the pUton of the stalling engine you Will readily understand thin;the fiicilon wheel and the shaft to which it is attached, will be turned a distance equal to the leiitfth of the segment or the block. This distance Is regulated by die length of stroke ol the cylinder ot the starting engine, and will be just enough to throw the crank "i'fl the center.'" \ The main engine will move ofRall at ont'e, having already had its valve gear- placed in position, with the throttle valve open; wlUlf the etartlng engine has pulled or piu-hed -tlie resilient 6f block nut "fir gaur wltli thu - friction wheel.und, ofu>uiM',otuofthewnj, without any timber attention lioin the engineer. The handles, for bilnging the block or segment into gear with the fi Iction wbeol, as wvlLiCs the handle toi admitting steam to either side of tho plcton of the starting engine, will both bo placed con¬ veniently near fo where theeiiglncpi stands while working the main engines He Is not obliged to leave his plifce to work tho start¬ ing engine. There «ro a fow othei matters Of 3otnll which would not lie, perlinpp, ol any par¬ ticular Intorest I n.iij say, lumeier, that tho starting engine Is designed to work either way, and to turn the engine oil either center. If, when it is required tor line, the piston si ould happen to be at the w rong end of-lhe cylinder, the engineer w 111 move the block or s»gment bark from contact with the fi Iction win el, will make one Btroke ol the piston w(tliout touching the, wlnel, and will then move the segment or block back in contact again, when the starting engine will be ready to turn the propeller shaft In the direction wanted Tills is ilono with, but a very slight loss of time, and .without any necessity foi culling upuu any one for asslstande. THE OAR. JackboIn, Mich.—The first regatla held In tills county, which came oil at Michigan Center was a complete success. Five thous¬ and people were present. There " as beau¬ tiful Weather and the water wus in guod con¬ dition. The Hlllsdales broke their shell loading It on the cars, and could not partic¬ ipate. . The double scull race was necessarily de¬ clared off, and the Qouqacs rowed over tho course alone, making the two miles In 10:55, The four-oared race between the junior and Senior crows of the Grand River Boutf Club of Lnnsing, was a Hue exhibition of skill and speed, The crows got off well to¬ gether, but the seniors soon took the lend and, kept it through the race, coming In two • lengths ahead ui 12:8, the Juniors seventeen seconds bohlud. - The single-scull rAa was between Ten Eyck, of Mew Yqrk,.yillliim Pin", of De¬ troit, and Frank >ndrus, of Battle Creek. Ten Eyck was of course the favorite, but he "peteVed" on a stitch in the side, failed to turn the mile stake, and although he came in second, was ruled out. Andrm was first In 12:03, Class second, In a closo boat with Ten Eyck, In 12:18. The Mamki IticoRD will bo s medium ol oxohajiga HI lileu and einorloncoa botweon sportsmen of ClortC Una and til around the talioi Spam lini been <«t spirt (or tbli purpou. Bnortemon an uM to write torjta oolumni moh maitoreft, may Iwoflntoreitto llio fretornlly, Wculinll talio plluiiro In gltlng pub¬ licity latlio midloBi ol yacht, .canon, and other tport- Inpolubi. Lot all arllolci bo pointed raoy nnd abort. ROD AND CANOE. iThns boon'noticed thnt a had siiisoir for salmon Hulling tesulta In a good ond for black buss. Spamc tho rod and spoil the child has been changed to select a Ashing rod and save tho tired man. Thk bluo llsh in New York is tho most popular, 00 per cent, more being sold than ol any other kind. ♦ Fiftv thousand young California trout weiu shipped from Rochostor to Pulaski wheiethey will be distributed among the tllbiiturles of tho Salmon river. KinobtoIjNkIvs: -A shad weighing 14% pounds has been cuught at Reed's Bay, Wolfe Itland. This Is the largest llsh of the kind ever caught In Lake Ontiiilo. All violations of the llsh laws In Ohio are nt once lo be proi-ccutcd. Directions have been given by the commlefl'onci to onforccthe law at Sandusky nnd the Lake Erie Islands. Ashland, In northei n Wisconsin'," is be coining famous foi Its lakcand stieani llah- Jjig and as a hiimiiiici icsort. The station agent there recently cniightJOO trout In 37 minutes. Other streams ine snid to be full ul the speckled beauties. > Watkhtown Times: The weather on tho St. Lawrence is delightful, and the fishing season is opening satisfactorily. Already quite a numbci of imisealonge have heed caught. A Wuteilown gentleman lupttued one a day oi two since weighing 30 pounds. Many bass, pei ch, etc., ai e also being uuigltt. A Dalhoubik, N B., dispatch buys The salmon net llslilng, go fai this season, is on the Yvhole fall, and the llsh are veiy largo. Somcof the fishermen hav« done extraordi- ly well. Rod llslilng ilius fai isbcttei than for years past in the rivers lulling Into the Bnj de* Chuleurs, and fish along Hie Cape coast arc alHludnflL TaomaB McCoiimick, ol Pelee Island, has recently sold ton pnity of wealthy gentle- inen tiom New York and Chicago, four acres of luW nn the northwest point of the Island upon which they will immediately erect a InTROi building containing 25 looms, to be' tthed as .1 llub,IiOllou add uucupltd b> Lliun dyilngHUa-ruihlng season., They expect to A Kkiley motor engine of 600 horse power will take a train of Pullman cars front Philadelphia to New York In August. ^ _________________ spe have the bouse completed for the lull llsh' dig. The pilcu for the land was (1800, nnd there will bo about $25,000 expended. Stocking thk Stiieams.—A movement, says the 0>wego Tunes, Is on foot for stock¬ ing the streams with'trout. A petition has been circulated by Norman Holloy nnd N. T Bailies to inlso money for the expense of putting the additional quoin ol 5,000 trmu>, Into tile stienms in his neighborhood. 1'heie haa hoen lull success nnd the money will he raised. Fifty thousand >vill bo put Into the level at jMiiietto and 25,000 Into tho Leu Is eieek near the red school house. The ex¬ pense ol depositing the llsh will be In tho neighborhood ut fOO. Sportsmen have ic- Biionded quite pioinptly with tlieli contribu¬ tions. ' A Boss FiBiirn.—The Ogdensbuig News Is responsibleloi tho following. "Tho other day one ol our boss flshcia was out trying Ids luc k. Trolling slowly nlongnrnying for a bite, be beard it splash, nnulqoltlug be¬ hind saw that uutoiloiiB plnce w hero the monster hud been, He felt uneasy, 'Surely I must get liini,' he mused, when away went his spoon. Now for the tustlo. The con¬ flict wns llereoand short, lor with Ihe.usual splurges the supposed Htiirjreoii wus "lelug rapidly bioughi to boat. A 'Dual splurge und Imagine the fellow's sin prise, when In¬ stead ufa llsh he hauled In a muskrat. Now to get the hook out. The littlu critter' wouldn't let go, and his teeth prevented n limit's flngei from extrlentlng the hook. Fortunately there wore three men In tho boat andjimong them they worried Mr. Rat completely out, and secured the spoon and hooks. This yarn is true nnd wo plnee It ijinong tliMlshTslorios of the sensort. I FismNa nv Electricity.—According to »' correspondent ol the Philadelphia Proas, ,tlio electrical apparatus of Prof. Baird's ox- •pddltlon Is very complete. The soaroh light isonc of the most noyel of the wonderful In- ventlOns of the nineteenth century. It con¬ sists of three Edison electric lights of six- teen-candle powet eaoh, Inclosed In a her- mertlc/dly sealed "glass case, whleh Is sur¬ rounded by n glass globe, and capuble of re¬ listing; the pressure of the water nt n great depth. It It proposed to sink the lamp and Illuminate the sea by turning on. the Tight. This, it la expected, will attract W|e llsh, and a net ten feet In diameter at Its mouth, placed below-the light, will beilruwu nt the proper tinte, and tho unknown flsh of the lower waters will bo caught. "It Is an Im¬ provement," auld bne oi the officers of the ship, "on the method of ttU Indian who searched the rivers at night time with a burning pine knot iu tho bow of his canoe and a spear In his hand, but the Idea is ro- nlly stolen from him." YACHTING. V. A. Taylor, of Bod ford, has boon to Detroit, to seolnUnchod his new yacht the White Wings of Clovolnnd. —: Mr. Clnphani, of Detroit, propqsos to got out the frame for nn extra largo schooner for racing purposes, to tost tho- speed of tho Slinrplo In comparison with other yachts. ' i A new sloop yacht, built for Mr. Rajph Monioe, of Now York, hfM3 feet long, con- treboitrd, nnd draws D feet 0, fltjed for cruis¬ ing by the owner. Sho lias cabins of hard wood and every now Improvement to make the boat ncomfDftubloJornft nnd « l»8t hnnt A Party of gentlemen Interested in yacht¬ ing, contemplate bringing the yaoht Alert to Cleveland nn Jnlv -1, nnd entering her In the second class, bhe has a good record on the bay hero and ought to bo able to hold hor own away from homo. Sandusky here¬ tofore occasionally came to the front in re- gnltns, the Old vacht Resrhrc*, Btlll in exist¬ ence, winning ninny prizes. Ex-Commodore Fianklfn Osgood. N. Y. Y. C. sold to Mr, E. 8. Jalfray, N. Y, Y- C. Monday morning the Stianger, pur' chased by hlin at miction on Saturday last for the sum of $50,000. It will be remem¬ bered that the stranger »vns built tot the Into George A Osgood nnd wiib sold to closo the estate. The sum understood to havo been paid by Mr. Jaflrny for the Stranger is 16GV000. Win. Crnmi's Sons, of Now Yoik, hnvo oontrneled to build nn lion steam yacht'for Mr. William Astor This yncbt Is 225 feet long on dec\, 21 feet 0 Inches wide, 13 feet deep In the lurid, nnd drnv about 15 feet of water. Sho will be bark-r'gged, and fitted with nn engine that will develop 1,300 horse power. She will have all the modern Im- {irovements embodied In the build of both lull nnd engines, nnd her normal speed will bo fifteen knots when in cruising trim.' Iter cabins will be ilch nnd sumptuous to a do pree even thnt will excite tho envy of nn Egvptlnii Pacha. She will bo launched early In tho fall. She wns designed by Gu«tnve Hlllniati, of Uty Isltnd.-N. Y. LUMBER NOTES. The Ohio Lumber Company of this city, lias been oiganized, for the purpose of dent¬ ing in hard wood nnd m namental lumber, wltl John T Iceland. President, and Jason Ij.Simile.,, ou,iot..ry .-.ml Trcsurcr there of,___ The Knife Falls Lumber Company at Cloquel, II. Brandenburg, president, has put up duili.g the past wintci n largo mill, containing two cliculnr and one gang saw, nnd all tho latest improved machinery. They are now erecting dry kilns' with a capacity of 50.000 feet pei day, and have also the fitiiildntlun laid foi u liist-clnss, Arc-proof planing mill Tliey report about 25,000,000 foot of Inge on hand foi the summer's work. The timber lauds of tho •Southern ^States are of vast dimensions. It Is estimated that tho forests of Te\as will supply t,ho whole country for 100 years. North Carollnn'r acreage of grow lug tlmbei amounts to about 75 per cent, of the area ol the Stale. The yel|ow pine toiests of Florida extend over three tilths of tho State, while Loulsliuia has tract of 15,000,000 acies in good timber. The vast pine belt of Georgia nnd Alabama Covers nn urea of 20,000,000 acres, ami the wooded lands of Mississippi comprise 20,000,- 000 acres HClieON DAY TI.MllEIt. Tho Ontario papers arc having consider¬ able to say latterly about the maritime pnrt of th< Ir province, meaning the region border¬ ing on .tallies bay, the southern Indention projection of Hudson buy If Is a favorlto solioiuo with Ontario publicists, und men of nflalrs to advocate the building of railroads from Winnipeg nnd Luke Superior uoith to James Bay, In order to furnish an outlet to Europe without paying tribute to Montreal and thnt grent national monopoly, the Can¬ adian Puclflo railway Compnny. It Is chimed that the climate ot the region on the slohc Irom the "bight of the hind" north of Lake Superior to JanieB buy has n more moderate climate than Is popularly supposed", and that the produots of Scotland can be grown, there, the country being cupable of sup¬ porting a largo population. 'It abounds In large, navigable rivers, all running into the northern sea. The timber resources ol the region are said to be great, and ample testi¬ mony I" adduced to prove the assertion. Tho forrest growths consist of white birch, aspen tamarack, spruce, balsom fir, white cedar, Banktlan pine (cypress) and white, red and Sltoh pint. In one spot, Just north of the Ivtdlng ridge between the lakes and the sen, several trees were found to be eight to nine feet lit clroumferencCr-and flue groves of white pine abounded Elm and black afih also abound. The tumorous rivers thnt con¬ verge toward James bay offer fnollitles for driving to points where the timber or luni ber could be shipped to Europe or Spanish American port. Mast timber would becqme a prolific source ol profit as soon as the country was opened up to operations.— Northwestern Lumberman, •--------—'-----T--Vr-' NAUTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC Freight rntos nt Chicago, Cleveland and Buffalo remain Arm. The Chicago papors 'call tho entrance to "tholr Imrhor Chlongo's doath trap: Novy York Is to havo a new ncqiioduot for additional wntor supply, coating, as Work Is genorally clone In that cltj-, nnywhoro from $50,000,000 to *100,000,000, nnd taking ton U> iwojity years to complete. CirauovQAN—Tho tug Mocking Bird re¬ leased the schooner John Miner frorti the White Shoals* The vessel ran on In a fog. bound down, and jottlsoned 1,600 bushels Corp. The tug will low. her clown. At ^larlnootte Wis., the tug Alort owned by O. B. Greon of Chicago burned to" tho waters edge and sank at tho mnuth of tho river. The Alert wnsviiIuedntllo.OOO. Sho caused $3O,O0Q of lumber on tlie^doclc to he consumed. I'ho new propeller United Empire, which la expected to "clonn out" everything on . tho lakes as far as speed Is concerned, Was" beaten five" hours In the run from Prlnco Albert's landing to Sault Ste. Mario by tho iron propeller Cnmpana. It Is stilted that the latter easily gots away with any stoninor In prte lake Superior trnde. Nortiiport.—The schooner Joseph Du- vall, loaded with haidwood lumber, ran nsbore near Cnthend Light. The tugHynn wont to her iisslstuncc, nnd succeeclcd In releasing hor. The vcs«el is not hurt. The tug Arctic in lived this morning for the dis¬ abled schooner In tow nt 10 a, m. bound for Chlcngo.—Inter Ocean. Lake-shipments from tho mlnea of the Marquette illstilcts, up lo and Including tho 6th, had reached nn agnrog ite 61200,004 grrsa tons, a tailing oil of 11.0,41)7 gioBa tons from tho shipments loi a coriespnndlng peilnd lust yenr. Of this senson's shipments 104,002 tons were lorn aided from Escannbn, 08,2110 tons from this port, and 0,706 tons from L'Anse. Port CoLBORj.f.-'Ciiptnln Colvln, of the schooner Augusta, urrlved to-dnv, nnd re¬ ports that when oft the Dummy early yester¬ day morning the mato and a boy named Avery, from Port Dnlhousle, wore washing the smnll-bont, when it lipped oyer, throwing them both Into the hike. The mntegrabbed the log-Hno nnd wns towed with tho vessel and wan saved, but the boy wan lost, although evetything was done to save him that could be. , __________ v Gorman shipbuilders-hnve nearly com¬ pleted nji Iron-clad for tho Chinese Govern¬ ment wh|ch mndo Its trial tilp yesterday. The French papeis ate discussing the prob¬ able notion of Germnny In case a contest occurs bctweeh France unci China before tho Chen Yuen Is rondy for sen, mnlntnlnlng thnt tlio vessel must be detnlnod by >hoL Gorman builders until hostilities ' hnvo ceased It Is the intention to take tho Chen YiTbu to China under the German ring nnd mnnned by a German crow. ODD SCRAPS OF NEWS." * A LnulsvllllfHi, who has no heir to show mnkes the scientific assertion flint no Idiot was evoi bald headed. An exchange claims that over 1,000,000 ncren o<" land In KnnsnB will be onolojed in a wlro fence before the ond of the year. Tho mnn who vvns picked up by the sphoonoi Peorln, justnorth ot Evunstou lu»t week, wns bulled ut Chicago without being recognized. A number of union men attacked Captain Larson and his mnto named Smith, of tho schooner Baud, nt Chlcngo, recently, and bent them severely The nntllrnclto conl regions hnvo ngroed to work full time during tho wcok beginning Moodily, Juno 18, und tosusponcTnilnlno-dii' tho 28, 20 nnd 30 Instant. K A now town, to be cnlled Ponle, in honor ol ox-Senntor Peale, of Lock Haven, bus been laid out by the Clearfield Bituminous Coal Company, on the Wlsitannun, down In Peifnsylvuula. Jarvls, the loronaut, tried to orosB part Of lho Mediterranean, lii n balloon on the ltj Inst., but fell Into the-sen, from whloh ho vvns rescued. Ho was nocompnnlcd by a merchant and nn nctress. In consequence of the recent orders from the Treasury Department, the collector of the port of San Francisco will hereafter re- quire the masters of foreign steamers, before olearance, to exhibit a verified copy ot a cer- tjfloate of Inspection, the tame as furnished to steamers Impeoted In the United States. By a ruling of tho Treasury Department the new tariff net requires that In order to Importcattle free, proof must be mado to the oollootor that they shajl be specially |m. R?rloi f0J breodlno- purposes (although thoy may be Intended also as marea usuailv are. for labor), and Is understood to require satisfactory proof that one of the leadlmr purposes of the Importer Is that tho animals, shall be used for breeding. /

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