« ' "I !■ ' I " . ' BOOK NOTICES. ' »_ ' The frontispiece for the July number of Harper's Magazine Is an oxqulsltuly beauti¬ ful engraving frpm Mr.' F. 8. Church's plo- turo, "A Wltoh's daughter." Tho number Is very rloh In Illustrations,, and Its table of contents presents very strong literary at¬ tractions. --------- . Thcpncnlng.a.rJ;Iclti.of. tho oumhtlr.-lajin Interesting description of Hempstead Hcath^ tho most plcturosntio of thd suburbs of Lon- ' don, by William H. Rldelng, with thirteen striking Illustrations from drawings by Rob¬ ert, W.-Macbeth and E. F. Browtnalh • —Alexander F. Oakey contributes a brief article explaining what la meant by "Con¬ ventional Arc," with fourteen clotures Illus¬ trating tho subject; - ■ - A second paper on '"The Romanoffs," Is contributed by H. Sutherland Edwards, do voted to the reign ot the late Emperor Al¬ exander II.' The article |a Illustrated by portraits of Afexandor II., Alexander III,, the present Empress, and tho helr>appareni. An admirable paper on Cincinnati Is con¬ tributed by Olive hbgnn, with twenty illus¬ trations from drawings by our best artists. Colonel Hlgglnsoii's eighth chapter of ' Amorlcan history Is ontltled "The Second Generation of Englishmen In Anfcrlca," an exposition of tho American cololiles at the middle of tho seventeenth century, with ef¬ fective Illustrations from drawings by How ard Pyle and old portraits.- An entertaining article on Chatterton is contributed by John Ingrain; who has given much Btudy to tlio Biibject, with some beau¬ tiful Illustrations by Alfred Ereduricks. Roslna Emmet contributes a spirited Illus¬ tration for a song by Robbert Browning. Tho (lotion of the number Is of an attrac¬ tive and popular, kind, consisting of a third part'of "A Castlo in bpaln," with flvo illus¬ trations by Abbey; "Born to Good Luck,"a short storj by Charles Iteado; "Quito Pri¬ vate," a lively dramatic sketch by Airs. D, H. R, Goodatu; and a humorous sketch, en¬ titled "Aunt Maria and tho Autopiiono." Tho Philadelphia Press says: Though tho volume of business In the authraalte coal trade was not Increased during tho week the Indications arc. favorable to the early opening of a brisker trade. Until this is rwBltlvcly assured, however, tho usual alter¬ nate weekly suspensions will occur, In or¬ der to provide against a ton great accumu¬ lation of coid at tide-water points. "Perhajtajhemoat judiciously edited mag oxine'in tha Wm W."-r-THB National, N. Y.- 8cpt1882 THE CENTURY FOR 1882^83. . The -twelfth year of this magazine—the first under the new name, and themost sacceufal in Its history, closed with the October number. The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the nroceediag season, and Tnr. CENTURY begias its thirteenth.year with an edition of 140,000 COPIES." The following are the leading features j A NEW NOVEL BY W; D. .HOWELL'S, lo succeed, this author's •'Modern Instance.' It will be an international story entitled "A Woman's Reason." LIFE-IN THE THIRTEEN -COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON—the leading histor¬ ical feature of the year; to coasist of a number of papers, on such topics as 'iThe Beginning of a Nation," "Social Life in the Colonies," etc., the whole formiag a complete history of early life in the United States. Especial attention will be paid to accuracy of Illustrations, . i A NOVELETTE OF MINING LIfE, BY MARY HAMLOCK FOTTE, entitled "TheLed- Horie Claim," to be illustrated by the author. THE-FOINT OP VIEW, BY HENRY TAMES Jr., a series of eight letters from imag¬ inary persons of vm lous nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI¬ CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical co-operation In Christian work, showing how a league- was formed in a small town la Coaoecticut what kind of work it attempted, and how it spread throughout the * "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD," by Frank R Stockton; a continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stories, the scene being now in Europe.. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE¬ BUILDING, a series of four papers, fuUy ilUis- trated, devoted to(l) City Houses, (a).Country Houses (3) Churches, and (4) Public Buildings. THE CREOLES OF LOUISlANATby-Geo. - W. Cable, author of" Old CreoWDays," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, rictfly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZONI, by, Frank H. Cashing, government athnologulj an adopted membe? of thecal tribe effcd.ans. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NA¬ TIONAL CAPITAL, including "The Capitol," ..The Supreme Court," "The White House,*' etc. MISSIONSOF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, '•H H "; three or f°ur pap*™ °' on «cecd- ingly Interesting character, richly illustrated. SPECIAL OFFER. - A year's subscription from Nov., 1882, and the ' twelve numbers of the put year, unbound, |6o. A subscription and the! twelve back numbers bound in two elegant volume iwlth gilt top, >7j50. TAB CENTURY CO. Nkw Y' fl*. N. Y SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH-. zS Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST &" AVOID OOLLMONS. Thcpb Mm pi pivo a more brlllnnt light than any Signal Lftmp now In uu. They havo i)ncn adopted by tho prlnolntl Ocean and Lake Stenmon. and VenoUr; and tfTofor «lo in the principal porti on tho Atlantic coait and lnkoa.a ' " Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send for rn'Mnguo. Manufactured by FKLTHOUHKN A HUH BE U,, 130 A 141 MAIN ST., IUTFFALO, N. Y: CWWMES TftllS . Kkowh to Mia of Ftut mid SoitaoE fo* Btuo<im ILL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. AcbgtUl(t41 Unal, rtuiut, ul Ifidnt Cut for CONSTIPATION. tFt&tS&Sr* nVQPFPRIA lenown by Irregnlar nppo- UTOrfcrOIH, tUo gour belching, weight andtendornouat pit of itoroacht despondency; LIVER ^wrltlBt, BIlloawM, Milwl*, Chilli md also bottom of ribn; we&rinea, Irritability, tonguo coated, akin yellow, hot and cold son- tatloni.oyoadull,drycougb,RtlQcdandobBtrnci> ed foellng, lrreatilflj puue. bad colored stools. APOPLEXY Enriepay.PHrolyila.dim Hruru&ATlri*ht aounilfc can,gldaincss, confusion In bead, nervousness, flashes of light Wom •/", Ion of mamorr. DIhuii of Dliddar an* IflllNFVQ Brine dark or llght,red deposit; ■j!*2"!il22' burning, stinging, boarlngdown HDUtlom, freqnmt dailrt to urlnita, nntutneu, lnlUnud erei, dark circlet, thlnt DUeaoca of UFADT ««r» palm, flntUriuir or wilntat near fibrin 11 hurt, mow 10 on moTlng qnloklyand vhtn Irlnron laftjtdii oak of brtith en oxirtlan. UrAFlAPIir doU °* >MTP P*i" In tamplii, n bfHlnVn &) tjM or bitd j falntniit, mom*. pa; is eanwl by watiry fluid, Bh«nma* , Atuf by nrlo aoli In blood. Bowel Dla- — *■------—* nattar. Worms by tha puta it ehoklBf of the Mentions. Ulj by goatit utlon, ramoras k .COAL. David BurnliUel. Agt, DOMESTIf) A ffTBAM COAE, dleveland, 0hto orders br wrapt within. Cold! t, ■WATHE'B PI!---------,_____________ tbo otnu, BuklBjr % Minuntnt onn. BtBt br mall 31 mil Mi of SO Will: » bom, 11.00. (In po.u if..) Addt.ii, pfe. BWATNE. * SO! .....___________________bT tbo otnu, nuklDjr % Mimuunt onn. ------- ™,- ifladelpbla, P«. Bold bjrljnutliu. fi£fi ' Sold byTftrun l>Hm*U&M.S 1 tilt tfUl'PLlKo. Ofkicb of thk hie'T i»f Lijb Savino Stations,) Ninth Distiiut, V Bl H'AIA N. Y-, Julif U. 1883. J Scaled piopo-ali «111 bo rculnd ut ihlu offleo until 12o'cliick noon <iHTidii),I'"-' fl(1 X'1' Ju)y,l883, for ftiHiUhliig Biippllfi to b« iK-livi-rt'd at Uufflilo, or Onwego.'N. i., or C'lttviliind, ti fur uimi ui the Llfe- Savlng Srrvico In tlie Ninth UU -.Saving PiMrirt, or ulsuwbcre, lor thu1\i<><| vcurcmlliig .TuiihSO, ]8B4. Tho supplies needed contlrii ot ahlp-clmndlvry, paints, oils, Ate,, novua , etc., hardware, trockery, etc., and many, other articles, all of nliieh nro rnumeratdd In tho spo- clDcatiofis attached to the formi of bldh, which may be obtalnuloD nppllcntluu lo thin otflre. Proposals to bo addressed ioiIiq underHlnned and imloraed, 'TroposnlB forSunpllea." The Mghi U n-ecved to reject uny or all bhlri, and lo \rulvu t Iff cot it deetued for the lntor< est of the Government. I) 1>, Dotuiinh, bup't Ufe-Sin lug hiaihms, NipthDlstrloi, FOR SALE. A n Iron iti niu x iu lit 3B fett long. 9 fe*-t twain, 3 feet deep; inns very I nil, tin- * "*---- ^—'—' U.V. NitKr ud well (iiuiui. Enquire of HiMi.N KuclM Aveuno Station. A FINE fACHT FOR SALE. A very lino yacht Mr unlu. U'tigtl), 1(H) feot, beam, 10 feel; double engines, two Hiilendia twlnr boatB; nice uwiilng; a n>linuhl ilouhlu Kitchen, piiutry nnd two stntp rooms; it>mu» well furultihedi to sleep 111 persoint, forunutlui upright piano, mid, in fact, nil that can be desired. This \itcht can he ]Airohu»ed at a hurgaiu Addro's MAitlNK Ith(cnti) CIlviIhikI, O. FOR SALE. An Iron ynclit 3fl feet lony \ ery flnellv finished una furnished. Druti!) 1-2- feet ruiiH \ory fast, I-uqulroof I). I'. Nlckersoii Hiirknea* Bluck Kuclid Avobtation FOR SALE, Two flrit-claiH DiihlerH, built In 1HB1, 23 feet wide. UU feet luiu, Q ft'ul holil Cifpucil), jfto tons each 1'rico, "S2.G06 niHti. Alw> unchorH, limn, ehaiiiH, stone boxes, wheelburniWH, two derricks, uic. Ai-Khkd Elwell, 320 Euclid A vi], Cleveland, O ENGINES FOR SALE ! Double engine MxliO, will do forqteumbarffi or tug, all up, as good as new, also u lovon fool Philadelphia wboel una stinft Will soil tlio whole Xry chonp. Address Marlnu Hccord Olhio. FOR SALE Si cam bargo. Keel 144 feet. Beam SO feel, depth of hold llioot, capacity 400 St feet lumber, flftO tons coal beptdes hor fuel. Built In lBH'i. Address Ui kink HkooIid OtQce. WANTED, A small steamyacbt or paiienger boat thai will carry 7ft to 100 passengert—light draft—must dot draw over four feet qf water when loaded. Address Marine Rio qhd, stating dimensions and price. Wanted, Btoamyaebt 8ft or 40 feet long ot good siw< poweV; to carry 40 of 50 passengers- addr ItEOORD qfflCO. ied and good ress Makink laiit^ 8t««mbwg(i that will currv 600 grow toni on 0 feet draft a^oouldalio be loadod down to 11 or ln>«t, If iieowarr. Alio two towbaruea that will carrjrdoo or JOOlotiii on 0 foot draft, AddroM Mhunk naxlonD OBoe. MARINE LAWYEHS. Knel^i ft Morrlaon FB0CIOR8 IN ADMIRALTY, ■US Hnnron Bt Room M Clilcago. BDA'I' HUI^DEBS. Dean Ss Co. BOAT BUILDERS DETROIT . MICH. LAUNDRY. ^UAT WASHING and general Laundry in few hours. Clkvklank Stkam Laun- duv. 33 St. Clair St. Telephone u8. •..... , , '. ' " n/aoOULDKB. " ------ —"JOHN P. WEB G0ULDER L WErt, Attorneys and Counsellors, AMD PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY.. K4I0ATWATERDUILDIKO, ' CLEVELAKDrO- Our Collection Dcpurtmont la In oliirgo of in Kx- pcrloncod CollMtor. , adison, The Nickel Plate! i NEW YOBK, CHICAGO * ST. LOIIIR RAILWAY. The puionoor oqulpmen(,of thli Now Trunk Lino Untl now nnn la aiippllad with tho latest appliance! neomary to aafQ/«poody and comfortablo Iravot, At Cliirasof^bnMoniier tralni (inlro at and leave from tho Union Depot, Van Baron .trout. . Following ts tho timo in effbot May 14, li83, and un¬ til further notice: QOINO EAST. Chicago........S.ljji. m................................. Yftlpalalw. 10.05 •" ................................ Fort Wayno. 1.80 " ................................. N1oW Haven.. 2.0ft p. m................................. Went Lelptlo.- 4,09 . >' ................................. ArcndU......... M0 " ............................... Fostorla......... 6.46 " • .............................. Grcon Bptlnga 0.f2. "................................. Bellovuo....... 0.4Q " ..........................!.T.... Bollovuo.........'0.« " 830 a."m. ...:......>.,. , Clovi'lilnd....... S.OO " 10.55 " Accom. Clovolnnd,..................; 11.00 • " BOO p. In, Pollienvlllo.................. 12.00 p.m. 0. IS " ABlltnhula..... .............. 12 68 ". 7.11 " Connoaut.....:................. 4.25 " 7.40 ll Eric............................ 2.28 " ............ DOnVlrlc......................... 4.21 " ............. BulTlllo ....................... 0.00 ' " ......... OOINQ WEST.' Lv. Arr. (FOnMERLV REVEItB IJOU8E) DetroltpMich. Mod .Centrally Located. Street enrs pn^ the door every few minutes to Depots nnd nil parts of the City. Three minute's wnlk tp L S & M S, D & M, ttnd Wabnsh Depots. Batai 1160. to 92.00 per day. ,, Vessel Brokers, DULUTII. Mfsp. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to. the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, .TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Clevcliind with Through Pnlnco Coitulies nnd Elegant Sleeping Carp, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —ARD— ST. LOUIS .YVJTIIOCT OIIA.NOB. Thli Ii the only line making DlrCOt ConnOOtlOn with all tho prlnctpul Trunk fjnesot ttio East for all Southern, Southwestern and Wealcrn polota, either br way ot CluclnnaU, IudtuiinpollB or St. I^)iUl*aud all Hallway Town, AlISSOUIU, ARKANSAS, TEXXS, KANSAS, * NEBRASKA, COLORADO ' NEW MEXICO, OLD 1IEXICO ANDTHE PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements.. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. HP'i'lckota by this popular route for mile at all regular Tcket Olllcet. E. B. THOMAS,. .0. B. SKINNER, , Qeneral Manager. Trofle Uaniger. A. J. SMITH, Qeneral Pasacnger Agent. CLEVELAND, OUIO. 7.15 0.30 .... 0.40 .... 10.07 .... 10 40 .... 11.00 ..... 12.58 ......-2 0.1 ] .... 2.20 Lv Buffalo.......10.15 a. m.................................. Air Dunkirk...........11.50 '• ...................... "Erlo.........,......1.85 p. iu................... „VSnu!' " Conncaut...... 2.611 " .................. 0-1J •■ m. •• Ashtalnilo........ 3.25 •' ................. 355," " Mnravtllo......4.10 .................... 7 30 "Cleveland........5.25 " .................. 8 60 Lv Cloveland........5.80 ArrBellevue.........7.15 Lv Bellovuo.............. " Green Springs........ ' Fostorla................... " Arcadia.................,. " West Lclpslc.......... " Now. Haven ......, " Fort Wuyue........... " Valpralso...................... 0 25 '• Chicago......................... 8.2.1 Tratna ran hyColumhils tlnio, which la twonty niln. ulosfnstor than Chicago lime. Ilvo mtnutoa slower than Cleveland, and sixteen nilnutcs slower than but- fulo Ume. , „ „ For Information, cull on nearest agenl of tho Com¬ pany, or address __ F " B. F. 1IOUNEB, tiou'l Fnsscnger Agent, LEVIS WII.I.IAMB, General Manager. Cleveland, O. New York, Pennsylvania t, Ohio -E. R. (Forinorly A. A a. \V\ Rirllroad.) NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE EAST. Tho WiortMt nnd Qnlckcwt Route lo PltW- barg, WsihluKfon nnil Bnlllmorc nml the SonltiiiBsit. Until further notlro trains will leavo from tho new Central Dopot, South Watcx s|rpot and Viaduct as lot¬ ions. H On O m ATLANTIC DXPnnSS-(Dally) Pull- ,iU d. ID. man sleeping and tale coailica from Lcivltlslraigh 0 05 a. m. to Now Kork, Albany and Boston witGoul change. Parlor I'ar from Clovelnnd and Salamanca. Arrivo at Meadvttlo al 11:20 a. m. (dinner) Franklin 12 33 p m Oil City 1.00 p m, Car¬ ry lflO p. m., Jamestown (Luke Chautnuoua) 2 00 p. m , Buffalo 0 IS p. in Rooncaler S.30 p m.lUorncll-- vll c 0-40 p m [supperl; Corning 8:25 p. m. Umlra 8'57 n in. Blnilianton 10 58 p. m., Albnny 0 50 a in. Boston i-45 p m.; arriving at Now York 0:60 u.ni. ./|,rn. ™ LIMITF.P KXPRESS-Tlirongh l'ull- 7 J)ll U, Ul,.mao sleeping coach from Cleveland lo Now York. Arrives at Meailvlllaal 0 55 p, in , Jiniies- l'o»n I) U li. in-. Solamnnca 10.10 p. in., New \ork 10 J5 a in. IliflC n m NIcniT EXPBirSS-(Dally except 11 UD II, IU, Sundiiy) Seeping coach from Cleveland llorDollaMllo Arrive at Young"«town nt 1 55 a. in.. MendvtllB3.50 a m , Corry 6.20 n. in. Jaiuctown 018 a. in, Buffalo 0.46 a. in., Itochesler 1 10 n, in , Hornells. vile, 11 20all .Corning 1268pm, Elnllfa 1:21 p m.. Illl,gliai.Tpton 2-50 p n..,V«w Vurk 0 25 p. in. Arrive ot l'Tltsburgli 0 15 a. in , »lthout change. 0.£I1 n rVl I'lTTSBUIlGII EXPItESS-nally- /i!9U U. Ul. Tlirough without change, Parlor car at- taelied. Arrive, at Yoiiiigstown M)6 p m Plttahurg 7.48 p in , Washington 7-00 a m , Baltimore 8:10 a. in. I.ir. n m MAHONING »nAi-CO»WIOI1ATION - 4 i)3 D. 1. Slopping at all way alallona, urrlviuK at YnuiiuSown 7-25 p in , Sharon 8 30p m , ShnrroJvillo 8 40n oi. CconnccU al Lcavltlsburgli with train No 20 for Meudvlllo and Intcnuodlnto polnta Airivosat l5feadvllloll.20p.ni. fiOnn m PITTSBURGH EXPRESS'-Dally- / 70 tt. Ii Through without change. Arrives at VmiOoalownlOOO a m., Sharon 11:02 a. m., Sharpi- vlllff 10 I n.„ Pittsburgh 12 45p m., Roturnlng, leave" llttabaiSh at 4 48 a in., 8:»8 a. m , 1,30 p. m , and 4 20 p. m n,r„ . YOUNOSTOWN AND PITTSBURGH OS 3. Hi ArOOMslODATION-Stopplng at all Way stations, arriving alYoungllown 1-46 p. m.,Pttta- burgh, 0 10 p. m. THlna arrlva" at Cleveland, 6:40 a. m., 7:05 p, rn., (10.Wlh.nil 1K» p. o., Wd «*H t- ">• »TTliliUth«only wou*; whleh naisenrrscan HiZeh OorVy Elmtn, Bln|hampton, Mow Yort City ffl InSiuw Sfnta, without change. No ehan^ JoBoBtoo and Haw England Cltlea. Baggage cheokedHlirough u) all "polnta East. Throunh tiokou and InforraaUon regarding tho rouUl cai be obtained at the dlnco 131 Ban* streei; and I iT new Depot of K. Y., P A O. tt. It, South Waterslroel «nd Viaduct, Cleveland, O.. 1 -" ' A. HCIABH. GeaMPa-'rAgJlCle™^. Q.n'1 lU.^Cfei^O. Passeafar Agant, 191 Bank SI. Cleveland, O 97