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Marine Record, June 16, 1883, p. 8

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o The NeraM Cork JacKBt Twenty pef cent, more buoyancy than any othor Lite-Preserver In the market. Is the SAFEST nnd only RELIABLE LrFE PRESERVER In EXISTENC E, as proved of the late «reck nn the X'atllle CoaBt, ol the Pacific Mail Steamship, "City ol Sin ranclsco." < RING BUOYS AND FENDERS O H K > H en 02 > s ■J. THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. — , — MANUFACTURED BY------ ■ * AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO, i/MiiKMrpe, ^ Approved a.nd adopted by the United tatates Board of Stipei vising Inspectors;also by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines, as the only Rellnble Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars D KAHN WEILER HO, 148 & 150 Worth St. Neat ( entci St .New Ymk. KATZENSTEIN'S LSELl-ACaiNO- SfETAL TACKING ] Fob Pistov Rods Valve Stems Ac. Adopted nnd In use uy tho principal Iron Works nnd Steamship Compa¬ nies within tlio last eight years in this and Foreign countries For lull pnr- , tlculars nnil reletenceB address L. ICATZHNSTEIN A CO., 100 ClirlBtopher Slroot, near West Strut, N Y LORD BOWLER 4 CO AGENTS TOR CLEVELAND ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37, Merchant*' building, _____________ ( HIOAGO, ILL_______________ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins: Agent. N. E Cor Columbus Ave & WatorSt, SANDUSKY, OHIO_____________ PALMER & BtNHAM, succesMrs to tf H PAIMMt A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 131) Water Street. Roomao t 7 CLEVELAND - OHIO —BECKER & KEUY, Vessel Agents, \ essoin cbarttred jmrcjinsed arnl sold, contractb mndo for coanto and liunj (rcigiilH Lake Superior ami 1-scunabn iron orb cburtcrH (or Bin- do trip or Bua&oitvii spoclalt) nfflfiD "OWiterbl Itooiu 14 Plotjphni. fl rolepbnim No PS,, -------MOORE and BArTOW,------- Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 St Clair Slroot, Hoi.m 27 cl.LVLLAND - OHIO THOS. WILSON "* - ~ ■* ~ UANAGKINO 0)VNKlt Wilson's Transit Line. ' (Sen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CItKVKLAND o HIBBARD& VANCE," ■ Vessel- Agents 06 and 868 Broadway ,\ MILJV AUKfcE, WIS 11« LaSalleStreet, '•.CHICAGO, ILL.* DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, lUD Ho. Wsler Street, CIIJCAUJ ILLINOIS ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 LaSalle Slroot! A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Uroker, I c Exchange at. . Buffalo, N. Y, rfriF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE »,Y MONTHLY LIST OF VESSELS FOR84XE, SEND FOR IT, CRANK CAPSTAN. I'ATK>TLD8EPTKMD1 11 7, 1880. As only a few men can operate a crank,capstan, U Is seen at once that It must bo very powei ful to answer tho purpose. The company nad this fact raitleulnrly In view when deslgiilnj; this capstan, anil a comparison with any style in tho market will show Its superiority In this respect. To make the gearing equal to the great strain often put on It, tho gears are all made ol the South Boston lion Company's celebiated gun Iron. The same cure Is taken In Us manufacture *» with the power capstan to make every part aft j)erfeot as possible It U made to work Power 01 Speed, aecoidliig to the dlrootlon In which the oranks ievolve, without any other change. ■ SELMXCr AGEVTS ONTHE L<\KES D. S. AUSTIN & CO. UPSpN, WALTON & CO. M I. WILCOX JAMES P. DONALDSON * CO G. p NORRIS & CO. DUNHAM* HOIT, ^ BUFFALO, N. Y. CLEVELAND, O. TOLEDO, O. DETROIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE, WIS. CHICAGO, ILL. J. W. Crover &^on, Ship Chandlers --------AND SAIL VAKEHS-------- Cleveland,O U74Uil Rher street 1M41B.1 Dock SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, UPSON WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers,. K Sail Makers and. Riggers- [STOno (>f the largest stoiU of W li< Hope in the United Stales, CLEVELAND. OHIO "Anchor" Snatch , Blocks PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. ' ' * B01K MAM]XACTi:iltlt9 OF THE CELEBRATED '■'ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OB with oim SELF-LUBRICATINQ PH08PH0B BRONZE BUSHINGS. The metal In these Dusri- lags it the. celebrated Pilot? phor Bronze, the best bear¬ ing metal in market and being perfect selMubnca tors they are fast supersed¬ ing all other stylet For sale by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere. ASK FOR"ANCHOR BR.vND" BLOCKS. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. Latest lmproremcnt Sample orders solicited SEND FOB PBICEs) TO SMITH'S BOAT "WORKS, 169 South Street, New York. Improved Smich IlLdcK. CluspSolwe*^ £MR B%ANft P 1 ^ B'AGNALL&LOUD, Boston, Mass. 'Hole Mrumfucturer. In V.JUA. of our Celebrated etaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail CHEATS, ETC Improved ftNAicu Block Clasp Opened CIi Hilars mint upon application. METALLIC LIFE- RAFT. H.0, & J, H. Calkin, Coprsmitlis and Piimbim, Steam and Gas Fitting, GALLEY STOVES- SSO A SSI West St., Cor, I tlglv NEW YOKE. 4 49 12

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