x The Origin of Portage gtampi. , ' Tholdoaof an adhesive stamp iifflied lo a letter, as Indloativo of tho paymont of postage, Is nraah oldor than bos bpnn gonorally supposed. It Is known/that tho first suggestion of suoh an arrange- jrjpnt In modern times onmo from Row- J ling Hill, tho fnthor of the ohoap postal system In England, about tho yoar 1889 or 1840.*' It was snvflrafyoars, however, beforo his suggestion was oarrlod into iiiToot. History, however, tolls us""that the anelent German cltjos of Thum and Taxis.bad. suoh a syatom,which, for Inoxpllcubto reason, fell Into dlsuso or fulled tobocome general among nations. 71^0 modern postage stump then was first used'In England about the year 1842 or 1848. In 184fi E. A. Mitoholl, thon postmaster of New Haven, taking advantage of tbo^nglishldoa, made use of a postage -stunrrrrrf-hls own.'.whloh ho continued, to use until 1847, when tho Goveronjont of tho United States ._ issued the first • American postage ' Btnmpa. Tlioy wore In two denomina¬ tions. The lfvo-corit; was of a light brown ooloi1, boaring tho head of Frank-- lini nnd tlie ten-cont of a gray oolor with the ofllgy of Wnshington. At that time tho rate of letter postage was five nnd ten cents, nccording to distance. In 1851 a sorics of six (lonominntlpna was issued. Tho one-cont stamp was blue, bonring an elliptical bund upon which were the words:. "U. S. P. 0., ■ Bospatoh. Pre-paid, one cent." Within the band was nn euglo with wings out¬ spread. Tho two-cent stump wns also blue, bearing tho head of Franklin; the three-cent vermilllbn, with. bond of Wnshington; tho five-cent chocolate, with hoad of Jefferson; tho! ton-oont green, with Udad of Washington, and thirteen, stars in n semi-oircle above; tho twelve-cent wns black.-'alsd with ■ Iiooa' of Wnshington. The twenty-four, thirty und ninety-cent atnmps wore sub¬ sequently ndded to tho series. The first of theao bore tliefnco of Wnshington'; the second wns. orange, with tho head of FrnnWin, and tho last was dark blue, also -with tho head of Wnshington. There- wni in this series nlso a square onrriers' stnmp. blua in color, and boar¬ ing tho'bond of Franklin.—New Eaven Palladium. ---------- * » m----------- Railroad Plcnsnntrlcs. Two engineers' of New Jersey had grand fun tho other day., Nenr Bound Brook their traoks run parnllol forthreo miles and cross. Thoy brought tliolr trains together on this parallel und un¬ dertook to puss each Otuor at tho cross¬ ing. The enginos woro very evenly matched nnd. .tho engineers woro men who dared, so that they enmo to tho crossing together nnd euch undertook to oross iljroii";h the other's truin. It was'rare fun for tho engineers, but in mnning~the"two trains through enoh other, men und \yomen nnd children wero manglod and killed. This inny not bo anything to complnin of, but thero is n sort of fooling In Now. Jersoy that tho engineers of those two trains ought to bo tnlked to'.— Detroit Post and Tribune. ---------■—+-•+---------■— .. - —In November next four hundred years will hnvo pnsscd since tho birth bf MnrtlnXuther, und H ,'riew edition of tlie it-former's works is nnnoiinceil ns ■one ' of the proposed modes of doing him honor which Germany will adopt. Hitherto tho best (ulition uf his Latin and German works has been that-pub¬ lished at Erlnngen, 18L'(i-18.i7, and in u . Hi'conil edition, 1801. . Tiiut edition will hi: superseded by the new, one. Tlie (ionium Emperor has presented the necessary funds for the undertaking,, and UioTVussinn Ministry of Worship lius appointed a committee to superin¬ tend it.—N. Y. Herald. - CANPIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, tugs, .; Haw8era, / Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, 3c, • To t>o lind on short notice, by mall or' tclogrnph. A. O. WHEEtlSB, Mnniflor, CIlAfl. ONEWUOn. ■WrookiiiB Mastor. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. IIKAN *• COMPANVN IIIA.O.VAI. I.IFK IIOAT CAN nE USED IN PLACE OF THE METEMC LIFE IIOAT IF PBEFERED. HAH BEEN ,, AIIOPTED AT WANII I>«TON IIV TIIE nOARI> OF HV- , PERVININO ■• isrsPEC- Tons. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand D TOE PRICE LIST ' DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [H.MJSTRATKD] _____, $1,00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St.. New York. N. Y. —Ono hundred anil twenty-nine Uim of ivory, at tho rociuir sales in LonfToril' brought, on an average, £760 pm-ton. A large proportion won) ivory/tusks, showing now ninny elephants'are de¬ stroyed in early youth. It Is estimated that tho 5,280 tons of ivory Imported into Grout liritnin during the nino yenrs from 1873to 1881'ro]>rosent29li,016'pain of tusks. Hence, nt this rute of destruc¬ tion, tho triulu in j-onl ivory scorns to lie on tho decline,, nnd Hint in celluloid Inoreusing.^-I'hicugo Herald. m ■ ^--------------- —The Tenerable senior and Presiding Bishop of the American Episcopal Churoh, Dr. Smith, may be said to have heon a citizen under every President of Iho Unitod States. Ho was flvo yours old when General.Washington died" Tho schooner Evullno ■ Botes, lumber loaded, arrived at Chicago from Musko"- gon. She is leaking- badlLjirfd tins a steampumD on board. Tlip pump was obtained from Grand Ifnven-. The vessel Js waterlogged and was towod over. Vesselmen SHOULD IIAVp OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing Hit polnln of AIARfNK LAW hi ilo- tornilnoil by tho United ijUica Coarls ., Senmoll, Owners, k>elKtitfl, Clinrtem, Townife, ItefflntVy, OaftlnlunH, KiiroUliiontH, Oenernl.AvuniKc, Coininon Ciirrlora, Duties or Senmen, Mnstem & Owners, . Ulll of-'Liidlnir, Wnico», 4o. Tho vol'mnll la lianUHonictv lioiinil' la alia" Ifonrd co'vors, mill lino Eniilliili tilota binding. Ilooloi of this klad gonorally foal Sa.lH), bill ffo. will mind It to any address, |»sUigopiild for SI 60, or Willi lllr MARINE RECORD for ono year, bodl for only 83.2.1.- , ' AddroHS Mlnrsu IthCOKD. Clovoluml 0. -RI0HARDHAMM0NIJ7 " »'■ ' JOHN 000H. Paper Mill Hoichtirs &Rofarf08. Gisorac'irs,Salt Pans Smote Stacks And aJlWndsbfHea'/jrPMe&SheeirrnriWorlt Office .& Works, 844.246.248."S50.e52.An4.254. . Porry. St. S *0 ro.'oOO.O',|S- "5^ .- OIL STILLS & JA^ITATOHS. Hapairing'IVomptly Attehdoito, •". —MASOFAafiitnuia or— CORDAGE & OAKUM. Gsnos of AMF.ltlCAN. RUSSIA anil ITALIAN HEMP oftlio.Vory best ousllty nwdo to oplor AT ONE DAY'S NOTICE. MANILA and HI8ALBIKPER TWINE, . No. II a WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N.Y, MAIHNi; ICNOINK WORKS B@BT, -TAHIUIIVT* HAMJPACTUIIUIl OF V .'*... Marine and Stationary Engines, PBOPEIXEB WHEELS, VE88EL PUMPS & GENERAL MACHOJEEY- ConhEaronDBNCE SouciTKD. ' r,n, .57 i 511 MIclilKnn »t. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER. AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE¬ PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and ' Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular fflYlng fitlt Inrormutioii to , HOUGHTON & CO, Sole rroprlotor* ami MnnuAioturors 130 Beade St., cor. Hudson NEW YORK, If You Want ihe Best STEAM PUMP PorMlnlnir. nnllron(lorStrhniliontii»(;,rnr«,r.MIII,Cheinlrnlor<Jn» «ork» Tannery, nrewcrr of (tnirnr lleflnery. Ilraliilnit Unnrrle», Ccllnni or I'lnnta- tloiix, Irrltratlnv or llydrniilio IMlnlnK, Ninklne I'onnilntlonii, «fln"er Uaiu, Meirer, Well Mlnklni and other Coiitracloni' Work, orBnlnliiv Wnter for nny kind or Mnnnfncliirlinc or Plrc Purpoup, wrilo for nil iliui- tmtoil doicrlptiva bonkwa tlio M)W PIILMOMI'TTEIC contahilUK Brvally n'ducot. prlcos, hundred! of toHllmoiilnlB. otc. MalU'd froo. I'ricufl 100por cout. lower than other. EverypuinptQlted before ihlpmont and Kuarantfled a* represented. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. rulsometer Stcnru Piimii Co., 83 John St., Now York City, V. S. A, , <y* Sou I'rlcoa unit J8BU0 of this Papor.*£> _______________ POSITIVELY CURED All mifffjrura from tliir) tllnnunn Jlint a To anxioiifi to liu *— —38NfB'8 OtLEBRATED ;H8. Ihusi' I'oivtltjraaro llio tmt'wllt euro cniiaumptloi nnd all'irt»«u»*i»l.ilio THROAT and LVNOS-indeul. bo straiift H oiu* faith In tfioin. wi>1 nUo lo coiivliicu yon ciin^d Bliouhl try Dlfc- KIBSWER'S OtLEBRATED CONSTiMPTION POWDERS. Thum. I'pvaoranro Tlio only propariifldn Kno-ii'ri ilmt'jrlll .^J^^niuumotion Ihntthov nro no.humbug, wo wiirforwurd lo every Bufloror, by mill, post paid, it Tree Trial Box- Wo don't want your money umllyou an! perfectly sat- l»llcd of Iholrcwrattvo poirorB. If your life Is worth iaviw;.4ailWUVfuKm»Xth0H?dWDEB8 a \f ta llicy will aurcly o«ro #on. Price, lor largo Box, 8^.(Mi or 4 Boxen fur 91000. Hcnt to any pntthf llio United States orCuhudu, by innil. on receipt of price. Addroas. ASH & ROryBINS. 3fi0 Fulton St.. Brooklln. N. Y. FALLING SICKNESS •ond tlxim liy mall, poit Jald, i Fna Trial Dr. Goulard.Ii tlio oGly l'liyiilclaa tliot liua o\ ____ thtBdUoHM,niip(Milalalnity, and as to our knowledge thouunda liavo boon pkratnintly curat by the uie of how Powdtri. w« <"U gnanntao ft permanent inMnierorycoM or refund Tour .all honey ox- lendod, - An ■ufforera iliould dlvo lliuae Towaen an arty inal, and be convlncod of Iholr ouratlTO powor ITIoe, for largo Doi. W 00 or IDoim for 110.00. nt by mill to any partof tho Unitod BUtel or Cmud on receipt o( price, or by oxpreM C. 0, D, Addreij ASH & RpBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklln, N. Y. MECHANICAL BOOKS MECHANICS" ENGINEERS AND VESSELMEN. BOOKS-OK A I.I- KINDS AT HKDUCED l'lUCKS. & CO. 171 SUPERIOR ST, • CLEVELAND, 0. ■St. Miirv'tf, Olilo. Mniiliii'ilCl',Olilp. OAlt FACI'DIIIKH.. k llriTla'iirlilj,'e, Mich.' Ciirrnlltn:-,, .Midi. I! MANin-AL-i'l'lllCIIS AM) IMl'OIITKII.H OK «*r- Wff^ope, Chains________._____......w_. RUSSIA BOLT.ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS. MAUINE HARDWAitF.' AND Willi* CIIANDI.MHS' GOODS UKNEKA LI-Y Hoa 34 * 35 BOOTH ST., SEWYOEK-_______ THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. ALL KINDS- OF FOR ALL PURPOSES OLEVKLAND, OHIO, MANtlVACTI'ItKIIR OV ■ <■ WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST. Mention Ihli Paper. •N 6654 4915 4931