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Marine Record, June 16, 1883, p. 3

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~Y ..JrT "H. ------------------------_r_----------- TRUE IIEROI9M. .Tqslerduy an .old lady named. Guednn found her house, which wns nlso her plnco ' of bufllneSB, on ftfo, but Instead of ondonvor-, Ing to srtve, her property she thought only of tho lives of tho many people under tho snmo roof with her. By hor oxortlonsevery other person, in tho Iioiibo wns" warned In tlmo and saved unharmed, but the.noble old v. woman yielded a\> her-own life In tho midst of tho smoko and lliuno. Opportunities for ' heroic' nctlpn nro longed-Jor by'millions; thoy n>o MMght by flood and Mold anil lii- ,Oiit:Of-tho-way. parts of the onrtli, but Mnd- nmo Guediin'syjnine to her In the course of herevorydiiy'me, nnd.jit.oijaijho mudo tho most of ft. If all who want to, be heroes •would he as quick a« she to soo nnd act, the reputation of human nature-would Improvo • amazingly,—Aeio, York Herald. PLANS FOR A COTTAGE. Messrs. Palllsor,.PnUiser-&-Co,, of Bridge- . port," Ct.t,tl(o_vvell>kiiovvirarohltects nnd •- publishers of sTmTdiirtl-tvorks-ori-JiTehltect- u ro, have lately Issued a sheet coniiirning plans and specifications of. a very tastelul modern eight-room cottage with tnwor, nnd ' also necessary modifications for building it without the tower mid .villi but six rooms if desired. In Its mn»' cnsllj form tbo out¬ lay is estimated at (3,000; without tli&tovver It hn9 been built for *2,600; nnd If only six rooms'are Included, the cost may bo reduced to $1,700 or $2,000. Details are given of mantel-, stairs, doors and ciislngs, cornices, etc T.lie publishers have found it the most popular pliin they have over Issul'd,' nnd Btute that it Ms been adopted In more than Jive luindred Instances .within their, knowl¬ edge. The'suine firm Issue specifications In blnnk adapted for frame or brick buildings •- j>( liny cost; nlso forms of building contract, and fnverul books on modern inexpensive, artistic cottage plans which are of great practical value and convenience to everyone 'interested. 3. The canal which M. Do Lessops proposes to cut from tho Mediterranean Sou lo tho Great Desert of Sahara will cost $30,000,000, but will redeem over u hundred million acres of barren land to ugrlcnlture Geuernl Fremont bus a similar scheme foi- the re- "doinptlon of tho barren hinds ol Arlzann, by- cutting a. canal through irnm the Gulf of California. ' . ' "Perhaps the most judiciously edited mag atine in the World."—'I'm National, N. Y.- scpt. 1882. THE CENTURY . -FOR 1882-83. The twelfth, year of this magazine—the first under the new name, and the most successful in its history, closed with the October number. The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season, and Thk CENTURY begins its thirteenth year with an edition of - 140,000 COPIES.. ' The following are the leading features; A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELL'S, fo succeed this authoi's -'Modern Instance. '* It will be an internaiional story entitled "A Woman's Reason." IilFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON—the leading histor¬ ical feature of lhe year; to consist-of a number of p.-ipersf on such topics ns '!The Beginning of Ji Nation," "Social Life in the Colonies," etc., tne whole forming ti complete history of early life io the United States. Especial attention will b£ paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OF MINING LIFE, BY MARY HAMLOCK FOTTE, entitled "The lid- . Horse Claim,*^to be illustrated by the author. THE POINT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series'of eight letters from imag¬ inary persons of veil ious nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads, etc. , THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF QONNECTI- CUT, by .lhe Rev, Washington Gladden, An account of practical cooperation in Christian work, uhowing how a league was formed in a small town in Connecticut what kind of woik it attempted, and how it spread throughout thel whole State. "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD," by Pi rink R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stories, the scene being now in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE- BUILDING,"!! series of four papers, fully illus¬ trated, devoted lo (1) City-Houses, (a) Country"] Houses,, {3) Churches, and (4) Public Buddings. THE CREOLES OF LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of " Oid^Creole Days," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H. Cashing, government ethnologist; an adopted member of the Zuni tribe of Indians. Illustrated.- ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NATI- NAL CAPITAL, including "The Canito.!," "The upreme Court," "The White House," etc. MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, '»H. H. "; three or four papers of an exceed- rgly interesting character, richly illustrated. -SPECIAL OFFER. A year's subscrip im from Nov., 1882, apd the waive numbers pf the past year, unbound, too. A subscription and the twelve back numhers bound in two elegant votiimesvrith gilt top, 17:50. "TIikCENTUKY CO, Nkw V- an, N. Y. SIGNAL LAMPS, - . -WITH- Patent Flutfd Lens And Perfect Colore GET^THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. ThMo Lamps uJto a moro brlllant UghtthMi sny SIbtu/I Lamp now In um. —f nojr have boon adopted by tho principal Onin and Lalto Stcamori sad Vouols, and •nifornlolfitlio principal ports tin the Atlantloeoaat and, likoi. . Wrought fron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send lor cntalnsw Manufactured by ' FELTnOVSJUl A nUSSBLL, 130 * 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. ACT AS HEART COEBECTOR And by ctflamlna, regulating, and ifongthin.no the organs of dlgeglon, Mention tnd ■bforpllon, euro Apoplexy. Fiji, Paralytli, Narvouanaii, Dinlneii, DeblHy. Blllouineii, Bid Breath, Jaun¬ dice, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Lack of Appetite, Low Splrlta, Indigestion or Dyepepill, Headache, Constipation, Feveri, Malaria and Contagion, Fever and Ague, Dlarrhoa, Dropiy,.Colde, Rheumatlim, Neuralgia, Qout. Femalo Weakneil, Urinary Dis¬ orders, and all Irregularities-ot the Spleen* Stomach, Bladder and Bowels. ABK YQ\- R DftnaOIBT FOB THBlT^ PriN,IftCU. rif» Koim,11. ***■! hjM*\l Ull; id*>M. PltOI'OSAU KOIt SUl'l'LIKH. Offiok op thk Sui-'t ov Line Havino Stationh, j Ninth Disti .BUFFALO, N. Y., Juno Stationh,} Ninth Districi, v ._....._... N, Y., Juno 11, 1883. j Scaled proriwols will bo received ut this offlco until 12o'clock noou i»f KrUluy. iliu Od >y of July, 1883, lor furnlBhlng suppliet to bu tiollviTed nt BulTttlo, or (lawego, N. Y., or Clevrlnnd, O , for uho of the Ule- Saviiirf Service in tho Ninth Lifi'-SuvIiiK Dittncl, or olsowliere, Xur tlio Hau«l year tnillug JunufiO, <884. Tho , iuppllcs noeded constat of shlp-clininllory, \mUitr, oils, 'etc., Btovea , etc., hardwure.'crqckory, etc., and many other article*, oil of which nruoiiunieralod In tbo apo- dflcnttona nttnclicU to the forms of bhK which may be obtalntdon a|ip1lcAtinii to thin (illlre. ProiiiiBnlato bo addreustSltoflio undw'flliriicd und liiitorwtd, ^'I'ropoiiiils for 8ui>plie#." Tliu riff 111 Is rewevod to rujeci any. or all bfdfl, and la wnivu deftett If dt'umed for iho inter- cat of tho Oovornmoni. 1) 1', Dchiihnh, Sup't Lifo-Suving Stalloim, Ninth DUtrici. FOR SALE. An Iron (team yncht !15 fcut Irtng. 0 feet beam, a foot docpi rutin very taaf, ami well found. En^uiro of D.V. NiCKKiimiN. I^iclii.l AvetitloHtiitlon. A FINE YACHT.FOR SALE. A very tine yacht for culo. U-imth, 1WI feet; beam, 10 feel; double eiittlne»; two ttiilundld cedar boa la; nice ((Wiling; a BpliMidid. doublo kltclieil, pttntr> and two h til to ruomu; roiiuiB ^l-11 foriilt)liiHl to Hleep 111 iiOrdons; foremstlu; upright piano, und, In fact, all (hat can bu desired. Thin jucht can bo pun.hiifled at u bargain Addre-x Mai^nk IlkiuitD, Clm eland, O. FOR SALE. An Iron yacht 35 kcl long wry liimllv ilnishtd una fnrnlulicd. Dratt 1) l-'J. fctt ruii» vury fii*l, KiMpilro (if 1). 1'. N Icierrnon Harkiica- llluck Kuclid Atobintiun. FOR SALE, Two tlrnt-clasa llghttTu, litifll in IKHl, 2.Vft»t wldtt. \f0 fettt loiiKi & hoi hold. Cnpuctty, ZVi loitH each. I'rlcO, g'AGUO caiih.- Also michum, Hiiih, chuliiH, stone Ikixus, wheelbarrows, two t^rrickn, t-ic. Ai.FiiKn Elwkll, H3J I'nclld Ave, Cluvcland, 0 ENGINES FOR SALE J Donblo engine Hx'JO, windy forslouiubnrfri or tug, nil up, uh good ai new, also a auyuii fool I'liiludulphTiL wheel and shaft Will *iell> the Vhol« vtry cheap. Address Marine Heoord Olllco. FOR SALE tilciim hort.0. Krel 141 feet. Beam .10 feet, dupth of hold 11 foci capacity J0O ^ feet lunibur, flAOtona caul bt-Bldea her lucl. Built In 1882. Add re*' Mjt HlNB IIkujkd Offlco. 03 small itcamyHcht or pnaicnger boat that will onrry 75 (o 101) paBfongcnt— UghtMraft—must, not draw over four feet of water* when loaded. Addrcu Marin k Rko- ohu, Btttlng dlmenntonranTt~i>rlce. . Wanted, 8tenmyaclit"lG or 40 feet long ot good apoovl tnd griod power. torarry40 orStt pabaongenr address Mahihk Hue -im office. Wanted, Hlcunibaivo Umt will enrrr 000 groan toua on 0 tout draft and coiiluT atao bo loadod down to U or In fuijt, II uocraaary. Alao two towburux-s tbat will carry fiat) or 600c una on b taut draft, Addroaa Maiiiku Kkcord Offlco. CO AI,. David BarnliUgl Agt, ' DOMESTIC « STEAM COAL, Cl<w«land .Ohio MARINE LAWYERS. Knolp A-Morrtaon PROCTORS IN ADMIItALT-y, jlfi Monroo fit noom ff< Chlrago. BOA'i' mill.nKRH, —i^------------------------------------- Dean A Co. BOAT BUILDEKS LAUNDRY. BOAT WASHING nnd general Laundry in few hours. Cleveland Stkam La'hn- dhy. 33 St. Clair' St. Telephone n8. —X. V.B0BOHAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (FORMERLY REVERE HOUSE) Detroit, Mich, . Moat Centrally Located. Street curs puss the door every few mlnufes to Depots nnd nil pints of the City. Three nilnute'B wulk to L S & 51 S, D & M, nnd Wiilmsli Depots. . , .Satei |190, to (2.00 par day. Vessel Brokers, DULUTII. MINN. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati nnd Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, ' TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cluvclatnl with' Throiifrh I'nhice. Conghes unit Elegant Slct'pln^ Curn, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE; -r-AND— ST. LOUIS. WITHOUT CH.VNOK. II. D. UOULDEIt. ,-..JdHNP. VVBII G0ULDER & WEH^ Attorneys and Counsellors, • ■ AND PROCTORS IN AOMrRALTY. '-- M 410 ATWATER BUILDING, 0LEVEI.AND, 0-' Our Collection Dcpnrtmolit la in ohargo of an 5x* Pfirfoncod Collootor The Nickel Plate! V NEW 'YORK, CHICAGO A ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. Tho paaionoor equipment of thla New Trunk Lino la la oil now nnil la anpplied with the Inteat appliance! necvMary to safe, apoody and'cotnfartablo tmvol, At Chlcaffo, puMnjier. trotna anlro at and leave front tho Union Ponot, Vnil IluFeiV^troet* Following Is the time In eUbct Ma>H, lass, and un- further iiovice.* • ■ ^ . GOING EAST. ' . ,Chkago ...,'.... 8.16 a qi. , Valmualw.. .10.(18 "• Fort Wayno. l.lto " Nelv If avon.. 2.0S p. m. West Lelpilo. 4.00 " Arcadia......... B.tO " Fonlorla.........8.« " ' On-'on Bpilnga 0 Vi ■ " ° BelloTilii........0.40 " Hollovuo......... 0.65 " Cleveland.......9.00 " CJovulnnd.......•.........:..,. l'alni'BVlllo.................. Aatitubtila.................... f'onneaut....................... Etle............................ Dunkirk.....:...........,....... Buffalo.......................... 8 80 e..m, 10.88 " 11.00 " 12.011 p. m. 1268 " 1.28 " . ' 2 28 " 4.21 " O.OO " Acconi. 8 00 p. in. 0. 16 " 7.11 " 7.40 ". GOING WEST. .10.15 a. m. ....11.50 " ... 1.38 p. in. 2.5:1 " .. 3.25 •' .. 4.1U " .. 5.25 ■" ... 8.80 " .. 7.15 -«"•■ 7.15 a. m. 9.30 . 9.40 .. 10.07 . 10 40 .'11.00 .. 12.58 .. 2 11.1 .. 2 211 ,. 0 25 . 8.25 Lcavo. 0.10 a. m.' 7 30- 8.50 Lv BuBulo......... Ajr Dunkirk....... " Erl«............. " Conucaiit. ... " Ashtabula— " Paliioflvlllo,.., " Cleveland...... Lv Cleveland..... Arr Bellcvuo....... Lv Bellovile....... M Green HprlngH. . ' Fo&torla^......„ . " Arcadia............ " Went Lclpulc... ■ "-LNew llaven... , " Fort W.iyno... , " Valprolau.......... _J- ClilcoKo............ TrnlnsTun by ColmnliiiH tlmo, which Is twenty lulu. ulo^fiiBter than t'htcnifo 'inie, Avo mloutea tduwor than Cleveland, end afxteou mlnulca slower than Btif- fulo time. ^ For Information, call on nearest ngonl of tho Com¬ pany, or addrcas ■ D. F. HORNER, Gen'l l'nsscnger Agent, *- LEVIS WILLIAMS, G.'ni'nil MnnnKer. Cleveland, O. New York, PeansylTania & Ohio R. R. • | Formerly A. A U. W, Itallroad.) NEW YORK, HONTON AND THE £AJiT. Tho Nlinrtrat nml <liilck*eail Route lo Pltta- bnrfr, Waalilnffton nnd llnltlmorc nnd lhe NonihenHt. Until flintier nollro. (rntns will leave from tho new Central Depot, Houlh Water street and VladlieL as fill- town: . " 1 0(1 Q HI ATLANTIC EXI'IllSS-tDall)') Pull- JitiU G, 111, mull hleeping and lintel com ilea from Leavtllsinneji 0 05 a. m. to New York, Albany and llQHton without change. I'llrlor^t ur from CUnelnud and tjaliiiniiiica. Arrive at Mead\tlle al 11 .'0 a. in. (dinner) 1'rniiklln 12.S3 p in , (111 (.lly 1.00 p m , Ciir- ., lanVatW " ry 1.IKI p. in., u . ButTulo iris p. in Kocliesler a :m i, nvj itle li 40 p ui.'lsupperl; Corning 8:25 p. m. Errmm fi 57 in. Bliigliiuitou 10:58 p. in., Ajlinny b 60 u m. Boston ^wu (Lliko Cllautllilqiiiil) 2 00 p m , Buffalo liT5 fi. m Rochester a 30 j, nV^ Ilornell villi.....' ■■'■" '....... T» II „ . 2:45 p in ; arriving ot Now Yorkfl.60 n ,£f| r. m .LIMITED LXI'HKSS-Tnrinigli Pull aiUuiJi llli man idcepIiiK eimrli from t levelaud ti, NoH 1 ork Arrives at Meailvlllo at t! 55 p. in , .Tniius- titnn II 1.1 p ill., Sillliliutlicu 10 10 p in,, Ni„ York, Ill25a in. ,. nidi; n m NIGl'T 'EXI'ltlfeS-(linlly ricoiil ,U0 Ui llli •<iiiiday)Nioplngionch from Cleveland HornelbMlle Arriw- at YoiuigBtonu nt l V, a ni.. Mcuih lllc 3 51) li in .Corry 520li. in. Jamestown (US u. ilulliilotl 15 a m., ltoeliesliT 1 10 ]>, in , llornelln . Ivlmlrn 1:-J1 I 1 villi', II 20 a in , Coruiim 12:53 li ' Ulllgllilinpt'ill 2 50 p lll.,Niw Yi i witUont elnilih'o I ol I'Tltiburgliil 15 a ork H25 p in A rrh. Thla lathoonly line inukliii.. Olreot Connection ti ah lhe prineipat Trunk Lines of tliu East for nl Soethern, SoiithueNlern anil Western points, either by way of Cincinnati, Indfiuiannllsor SI Lonlaand all Hallway Towns | .iIISSOUKI, AltKiVjtJbAS, " ' TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLURAIK) • NEW JI EX ICO, OLD MEXICO ' AND THK l'ACIKIC COAST.. Equipment New and Comprising' all Modern Improvements. . The Best Roadbed and the Safe¬ st Road in the West. ■fjJTTIcla'ts by this popular route for anlo nt till rcgulnr Tukiin Olllcei E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Ot'uoral Manager. Ttyfflo Manager, A. J. SMITH,^- General Passengor Agent. CLEVELAND.' O UI O . n.rn n m I'msmiiUiii iai-heni -U'aiij _ 6i3U Uillli Tlirniiuh wllliiiut eliuniio, I'aflorlair »l- tnelieil ArriM'^ ill Yonngalowti ft oil p ni , Pittsburg 7:4K |> in , Wiuliinginu 7tfJ n in , Baltimore 8 !!l n. in. J./lt „ m MAI|»NIM1 At'CllMMllHATION - ftiJO Ui 111, Sloliping iiliillnuy s'litiom, iirrlvlueut Yrouiii,""o»ii 7 25 p.in , nliaion 8 3U|i m , Sliiirperivillu 8.401, in. Ci.....iixts at Lcuvittsburgli whli tniin No 20 for Mi'iidvlllo and Interuiedliile iiolnta Airlvosiit Meiiil\llloll.20p.in. 1'OflQ III I'lTTSBl'Ittlll EXI'llKSh -Jlall) - f,(iU di 111, Tlirough without eliniigu Arrives at Yotlngstowii 10(10 a. in., Sharon 11-02 a. in., Miarna- vllle It 1(1 ll l»., I'ltlsbnrgb 12 45p m, 'Iteturiirng, li'iives 1'ltt.ibiirgli at 4 48 a in , 8;l3a. tu , 1,30p. m., uml 4 20 p. in - Unc n rri yoi'ngm-iiwn and pittsiuiuoii .1)3 d, Uli A('CO.Mi:niiATI()N-6lonplng at all Way strtlons, arriving at Youugstown l:t5 p. m.,Pitta- burgli, 0 10 p- m. • Trains arrive at Cleveland. 6;40a. m., 7:05 p. m.. 10.85 a. m; 100 p. m., and 10:16 p. m, avaTThla Is the only .route by which puajennra can reach Corry Elrulla, SlnghnmpUin, Now York City and Inlormedhtte potnta without change.' No chaDge' to Boston and Now Englaud Cltlea. Uaitgageelleekid through to ull points East Through llckula ■ and Infofmatlon regarding tho mule can lie oUnfliod al tho olBou 131 Hank alreet, and at niw Depot of N. Y., P A O It South Water street and Viaduct, Clovelaud, O. A. E. CLAltK. Qon'l IWr Ag't Cleveland, O. J. M FEItltIS, Gon'l ManVr, Clovotawl, o. M. L, FOUTS, Passenger Agent, 131 Bank Ht. Clerelund, O- 82 64 03

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