(tr^ *% Tfie Neversinlc Cork Jacket Twonty J)er cent, moro btioynnc; than nny other lite Prescivor In the market Is the SAFEST and only RELIABLE LIFE PRESERV.EK In EXISTENCE, jib proved of the late wreck nil the Patlllt Coast, ol the Pacific Mail Steamship, "City of San Francisco." RING BUOYS AND FEJ.DERH a, w > w w Approved and adopted by the United States Bonrd of Supervising Inspectors ;ii1bo by the principal Ocean, Lake and RIVer Steamer tines, as the ouh Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. "Send for Circulars — "0fk DrKAHNWEILER 1*0,148 & 150 Woi th ST Near Center St. New Yoi k. THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. — MANUFACTURED RY----- AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. . mwM7"m.wKmnm^s m^, KATZENSTEIN'6 I SELi-ACTING METAL TACKING II 6b Piston Hods, Valve Stems Ac. Adopted nnd in uso by the principal Iron Works and Steamship Compa¬ nies within the lost eljht years In this and Toreign countries For full par¬ ticulars ant refeiencca address X. KATZENSTEIN ft CO., 160 Christopher Street, near West Street N Y LQJID BOWLER A CO AGENTS FOIl CLEVELAND ROBERT ROE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Koom 87, MerctmntV building, CHICAGO, ILL WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. > E Cor Oolunibus Avp * Woltr St , ______________bANDUHKY.'OHlO, ________ PALMER & BENHAM,— MICLPHHOrit ID J H P VI Mill1* W)N, Vessel Owners & Agents, So 130 Water struct. Booms u k 7 CL!Vn\»I> - \)I1H> •BECKER & KELLY,/ Vessel Agents, . \ ossein clinrttn.i.1 jiurcliniud urnl h j]i1. (Hiti itts mntlo for coarm) ft ml |ic»\> (rti^hts I nkt Superior uml 1 icmhiIm iron on i bnrtui. fi r nit. lIu trip or Benson n HjiiJiiiiKj laOWaar^t Ibum 34 PlpT/p]Jn11 fl Toul k inn rx Uuild'u UllTUidliU, U, rnle| hone 1\« >M ' MOORE and BARTOJ^ Brokers and Agents, CRANK CAPSTAN. - PATENTEDSErTEMIU'H 7, 1880. r/""N As only a few men can operate ft crank capstan. It Is seen at onie that it must Oo vei) poweifi,) to answer the purpose The company had this fact ] m tlciilnrly In view when designing this capstan, and it lompailson with nnj style fn the market will show lt» guperlotity In this reapcot. To mako the gearing equal to the gteat stialn ofien put on it, the gyir6iire all mndo ol Iho South Boston lion Company's celebrated gun Iron. Tho same care Is taken In Its manul letuti at, with the pot\c uipstan to make eveiy part as perfect as possible. It 1j made to work Power 01 Speed, accoiding to the dirpition In which the cranks levolvo, without any othci Ship ISO Water U hVI I AND, THOS. WIL MAKAGK1M1 OWNKll Wilson's Transit Gen. Forwarder Freight and Vessel Ajj clbvslani>- o thnnge. SELLI.VG AGISTS ONTUB LAhES D S AUSTIN & CO -•...... UPSON, WALTON & CO - - SI I WILCOX .... . JAMES P DONALDSON & CO. - G D NORRIS & CO - - DUNIIAMcS, H01T, BUFFALO, \. Y CLEVELAND, 0 IOLEDO, 0 DLI'ROIT, MICH MILWAUKEE, WIS ( II1CAGO, ILL J. W. Qrover & Son, Ship Chandlers • --------AXD SAIL MAKERS-------- Cieveland,0 in.klUItluTSIrtet 1 UAI3.1 Dock SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, •ram ibxhst* -a-ktip ohhafest. HIBBARD & VANCE, Vessel Age UPSON WALTON. & 00. Ship Chandlers, K Sail Makers and Riggers- J8P"Ont of the laigcst stoiks of Wire Itopi, In the Utiltul StatCh • CLEVELAND, ... - OHIO 06 and 868 Droariu ay 114 La Halle blrott. MILWAUKEE, WI8 CUICAGO, ILL. . DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners ,JL Agents, 240 8o Water Street, _________CHICAGO, ■ ILLINOIS. ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 UHallo Street. CHICAGO . II J. _______ A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, " .14 Exchange at . Bufrilo.N.Y. |*-if you do not receive my Monthly list-of vessels FOR « ALE, BEND Jt)R J.T. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. BOIK MAMJI-AC1 mints OF THE CKLKHRATKD "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. *%£*' ■ ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OK WITH oim SELF-LUBRICATING phosphor bbOhze BUSHINGS. The mejal in these Hush lng» lithe celebrated Plios- Shor Bronte, the best bear- ii metal in market and being perfect self lubrica¬ tors they ire fast supersed¬ ing ill other styles For sale by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere. ASK FOR"ANCHOR BRAND" BLOCKS. ' Illustrated Catalogue! nnd Price Lists mailed free upon application. Latest lmuroTemcnt. Sample orders solicited SEND FOR PRICES TO SMITH'S BOAT WOBKS, 169 South Street, New York, i Improved SNA4CU lilOth Clasp ilostit -STAR* BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BA-GNALL& LOUJ3, Boston, Mass. Nolo Mumifiioturers in U, S. A. of our Celebrated Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush , Tactile Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail |Y CLEATS, ETC luiprnvul hNAllH BlOUC Clasp Opeiiul PATENT:LMIAbLIC LIFE MIT. H.p,&J.H. Cajkin, CoDPersmitlis and Pfnmbers, Steam and Cm Fitting, GALLEY- STOVES. HBO A »ST West St,, Cor, Lulght NEW T0BK. Clreiilnrs sent upon application t 42 A96C