IH^ifr^prrf; ffifiyKscii..: ^ SCIENCE AND DTODSTBT. —A Canadlffn has Invented a method tjf putting glass In sash without tho em* ploymont.of putty. —AprSperwatohhus boon exhibited by a Dresden watchmaker. The paper Is prepared In suoh a manner that tho wntoh 1b said to be as sorvloeablo as those In ordinary use. - —Glass shlnglos are now boing man- ufaoturod at Pittsburgh, which aro said to be more durable and impervious to rain than slate or any other material.— Pittsburgh Po}U —A German patent has just boen taken out lot. the manufacture bi bot¬ tles, eto., from oust Iron, oontjiinlng twelve por oont, of silicon, ,a compound wbioh is said' to resist aotlon of'tho strongest'aoids. —Five times as many kinds of Insocts are estimated to exist as there are spe- oios of all other Hying oreaturas to¬ gether. .Four hundred and fifty species are fostered by thaoak troo^oJane, and two hundred by *he plno. Hjifflboldt, in 1849, estimated that betwotfn 150,000 and 170,000 spooios wero prosorved in collections, and it is now supposed that tho number may bo something like 760,- 000. With how large a part of Na¬ ture's production ia this one field can Any single individual hope to become familiarr —After a long consideration of means for stopping a ship suddenly when emergency requires, ft German has adopted tho; principle of a recoil of a gun as the only feasible basis for ex¬ periment. Ho proposes to fasten on the front of tho ship an immense can¬ non charged with some powerful ox- plosive and ready to bo fired by elec¬ tricity at a moment's notice, He sup¬ poses that the recoil would exactly counterbalance tho momentum of the ship, the armnrnont, of course, being proportioned to tho tortnago —In a letter to a friend In Berlin, Prof. Nordenskj'old lately wrote as fol¬ lows "As for my expedition to Green¬ land, It Is my intention, starting from Auleltelvikfjord on the west oonst in sixty-eight degrees thirty minutes north latitude, to push into the Interior. Re¬ lying on the foot that all the winds which resjh the ooost from the interior «re dry and comparatively warm, I be¬ lieve, contrary to the prevailing opin¬ ion, that the interior Is froo from ico. I further believe that, under the meteor¬ ological conditions now existing south of eighty degrees north latitude, toe- oovered continent* ore a physloal im¬ possibility." -v —Tho increasing scarcity of tallow of animal origin has attracted the atten¬ tion of osnalo and soap manufacturers to a vegetable grease Introduced into Europe toward 1848, and tho use of which is steadily growing In France and England. The tallow troe is of Chinese origlnt it grows nlso in tho northwest of India, and has been introduced into South Carolina, whore it has been cul¬ tivated for ton years. It produces a fruit the core of which is coverod with a layer of thick tallow, and contains a yellowish aromatio oil, used in tho same oountry as a heating agent, After the plucking, whioh takes place in July in the south and la October in the north of China, hot water is pouted on them and the greaso is skimmed off after get¬ ting cola with Bpoons, tho tallow, molded into tho form of bamboo canes, Is direotly brought into commerce — «»—i------------- They Settled. Two men wore wrangling in front of tho City Hall the other day, when one of, them called out " "I toll you I don't owo you no five dollarsi" "I say you do!" "And I won't pay it[" "Thou I'll sue you1" At this point a pedestrian halted and Inquired of tho onoi "Do you honestly !>we himP" "Not a penny sill" "And will j on sue him for flve dol¬ lars!*' ho asked of tho othor. "I will' ' "Give him aovon dollars," contlnuod the pedestrian to the debtor—"give him seven, and be glad to If he suos he's sure of a iverdiot, and your ex¬ penses Will reach at .least ten dollars: Give him seven and be thankful that you are beating two lawyers, a justice and a constable, six jurymen and two witnesses out of their foes " A satisfactory settlement was mads o* the »\>at*—Detroit Free Preu. The Inter Ocean specials have allayed , all fears com ernlng the sohooner Young America. She touched at Petos- key, and will soon arrive at Milwaukee , CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, . MANISTEE, HIGH. Tups, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, ~> &c, To l» luiltti iliort nollco, bjr mull or telegraph. A. O. WHEELER, Monigor. CHAS. GNEWUCH Wnxbtlig Mailer NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. ~ DEAN * COMPACT'S 1)1 AORTAL LIFE I OAT OAK DE USED IN PLACE OF THE HETELIC LIFE BOAT IF PREFERED. IIABHEEN ADOPTED AT WANH INOTON I»Y THE BOARD'OF DC. PERVIBINO , IN8PEC- —TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand D FOB PBI0E LIST * DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. BUHARD HAMMOND PiperMitl EIoacKoTS aHotarios. (iisomotos,Salt Ems Smote 5%ol»v-r M(ulkMsofH»jv/rMi8iaoctIroii'Waik Office & Works, ^___ M+.,4.25^ » ToVHooV'4- ' ' Perry 3 b._________ TATO, OIL STILLS & • A&VrATORS. Rramptfo' .Attended to. ESTABLISHED 1SSO. -luwnuoroaans orr- CORDAGE* OAKUM. GmiiiofAMEItlCAN. RUSSIA •ncUTAUAK HEMP of He Tory b»«t nmlity mado <o ordor ATONE AY'S NOTICE. MANILA tad SISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y.________ MARINE ENGINE WORKS MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premiumr Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Llborty St.. 'New Vork. N. Y. Vessel men SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing all pofnia of MA RINK LAW fti de¬ termined by tlid United States Court* Seamen, Qnrneri, Freights, ChArtori, ^ Towage, ItofrWtry, Collision!, v Enrollments, General Average, t Common Carriers, Duties of Seamen, ^^frfiters *b Owners, nUlofLttdlnff, Waves, Sic. Tho volumn Is handsomely bound In stiff Board coven, sud Hue EdrIIrIi clotu binding Boott of this kind generally cost S3 wi.uitt we will send It to any address, i>ostagepald for 81,50, or with tho MA KINK RECORD for one yyw, both for only 83 25 ^ .. Address MarwkIUcoiid. Cleveland O B:Q)BT, TmmB:&MT. MANUPACTUBKR 07 Marine and Stationary Engines, fbop: COBq«»?OKDKKC* 801 WHEELS, VESSEL PTJHPS ft GENERAL HACHHIBBY 05, 07 & 00 Mlohlcnn It. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND.TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE¬ PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Sand for CirMlar jrlvlngr rail information to \ HOUGHTON & CO, Sole Proprietors and Manoiaeturers 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. THE (NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, __ _ raising liquids under nnd up to 100 foot. No Machinery, No OH, Nu Special Care* Can bo worked suspenrit d by a ohuln. Will pass ffWt, mud, •nnd, pulp, etc , without Injury to Itn parts Need* onfy a nteam 1dj)e from boiler to run It. Trice. 000 gallons per hour, •ftOj l.iiOo ci . •751 3,01)0 do. •100] 0,000 do. •IrtO; 10,000 do. «17A| 1S,< 00 do •aUo, 35,000 do. •975! 45,000 do •400| 00,000 do. »5U0 ( ISO.OuO do. ill,000, Compare this \yitli any other Pump List. Write for iHTiStnfUd dPBcifprWe Jiook with tcxtlihrnilnU &c Mailed free FULSOB1ETE1181 J! AH PUMP CO., 83 John St., New York City, V s i MECHANICAL BOOKS MECHANICS ENGINEERS AND VESSELMEN. BOOKS OP ALL KINDS AT REDUCED PRICES.c &.C0 171 SUPERIOR ST, CLEVELAND, 0. St Mnrv'B, Ohio Montiieller, Ohl DAII FAC10HIE8. HrcekciirldRO, Mich Cnrrollton, Mich. POSITIVELY CURED All suflbron from tllU ill«on»e that are onxtoui to bo cured .hould try DE- KIBSHEB'S OELBBKATED nnnirUPTIOkFOWDEBB. Tfieso Powders aretlio Jffl?™^°?™o™iirfiStwlll euroj™»um|jtlon 2jlXSios ol the THBOAT »nd MraOB-taaMd. w strong U our faith In tSom «n UUo to coiitIiico you Kattho. .ro no humbug. »o will forward to ovory auBerer, by mall, post paid, n Tree Trial Bor Wo doVi wont your mon.y unifl you aro norlectly Bit. laOod of lliolr curative nowura. If your »foU worth Uvftg, don't <M»y "' Bl«»K «ii"« rtWDEBfha tritl "ffi To'r'K1 'CV£ or 4 ft-xo. for |u €0 *»t to any ia°t of tho Unll^WUloa or Canada, by in»U, on receipt of prico Addroaa ASH fVROBBINS. 3fi0 Fjilton St., Brooklln. N. Y. DeG«AUW,AYMAR&.CO„ MANUKACTUItEIia AND IMPOlirKBB OH \ OR FALLING SICKNESS IQO Oil >tD Oiwui iur iiuciu wo wtj. Hrh^i^;rnujc'uUujykrr«o? SSSiV All suffemiahoull fly. thoie Towjlin an KrTy'rlVl, and b«ooii»ftc«l of \helr our»tl« power p tWri forUrMBol,W00or4BoxMfor«0 00 nt by m3rtoiyp«rtofth)i UnllrtSUto.orCtt.4 on Mt of prl«, or by oxpr«« 0.0. D. Addw. i ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklln, N. Y. CORDAGE, OAKM, ANCHORS, Wi £ Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MARINE rlARDWVKf AND SIII1" CHANDLERS' GOODS UBNERALLY v______________Kos 34 > 86 SOUTH 8T„ DEW YOBK- ________________________ THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. ALL KINDS. OF FOR ALL PURPOSES^ CLEVELAND, OHIO, MANUFAOTIlllKllS OF m-„^„^ WHEELBARROWS AND TRUOKS OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST., Mention this Paper. 15 2984 4061