"J*V i ', ' 1 The raising of the Austral on "Match 1 Is a buccobs In submarine engineering that Is Woll worth our notice and remembrance. It was nt flrspproposod to olofe all the open¬ ings In tlio"V(<ssol by the assistance of divers ancl then by pumping hor . out, to raise' hor by hor own buoyanoy. This wus . however, found to bo .Impractlooble from tho Inadequacy of skilled'divers lu the harbor of Sydney. An alternative aud mod¬ ified arrangement was then adopted in. the " form of acoft'er d*m, built up from thosub morgod deck of tho vossel to a height of 27 feet, so as to bring the' edges of tlie coffer dam above tlie surface of the water. The cofferdam wbb constructed with vertical tim- bor frnmcLplnced at short distances IwhMjI^ _T» upon which wus laid a skin of longitudinal ~ planking four Inches thick. The skin was made water-tight br u covering of cunvuo taoked on to the boarding which was allowed , to extouti eomodlstunco bolow-thc edge of the boarding. The vertical frames forming tho main supports of tho skin o' tho coffer- dnm were supported by trunsverso struts, tho Weight of which wore mken by small vertical struts secured longitudinally^.? wal- -Ings. It wus scoured to tho hull by bolts passed through the scuttlo lights, and through oak toggles on the Inside, and sluir llnrly to other toggles'.or stringers passing behind the staunchlons of the promrnade deck. The cofferdam was divided by a wa¬ ter-tight bulkheud.Who division guve great facilities in trimming the vessel as sho rose. Powerful centrifugal pumps were fixed to pump out the water lu the fore and aft hnltK, and as soon as the main deck was' a-wash I he vessel began to rise, nnd • was towed Intnii safe place.—The (London) -Voruie Engineer. It Ib reported that at-tbe conference bo- tween Chundler and a committee of ship¬ builders nt Washington it was agreed that 11,500,000 should be appropriated by Cmi- gresB to supply engines and machinery lor uncompleted donble-turretted monitors, to be divided among four parties, Including John Roach, Cramps, nnd Hollingswonh, of Wilmington. The fourth partly hns not been determined upon,. The tug Pearl, of. Chicago, lias been li¬ belled lor $2,100 for vloliUlng Government orders In running at night when she hud onlv u day license, and In having an Insuffi¬ cient number of life presoi vers. Tho action was in taking n lurge number of pnseengers to attend n pilze fight at South Chicago. "Terhaps the most judiciously edited ma g ' atiuc in (he World."—The National, N. Y.- Swa tYNES Puis Known to HHOF'Fiut uo 801NOC ran Riuovma ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. Utatmlnt t (Mil, Pliuut, ul latitat cui to CONSTIPATIOW.yj'.'i-?1 ft*A*>•* !'.dnllfu«rh**.vi!iui. Sept. 1882. THE CENTURY ^- FOR i88a-83. The twelfth year of this magazine—the first under the new.name, and the most successful in its history, closed with' the October number. The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding Benson, and The CENTURY begins its thirteenth year with an edition of 140,000 COPIES. The following are the leading features j A NEW NOVEL BY W. D. HOWELL'S, lo succeed this author's -'Modern Instance." It will be [Ui international story entitled "A - Woman's Reason." - LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON —the leading histor- Cical feature of the year; to consist of a number of papers, on such topics as '(The Beginning of a Nation," "Social Life In the Colonies," etc., the whole forming a complete history of early life in the United States. Especial attention will be paid to accuracy of illustrations,' . A NOVELETTE OF MINING LII'E, BY MARY HAMLOCK FOTTE, entitled "ThcLed- Horse Claim," to be illustrated by the author THE POINT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters from imau Inary persons of vai urns nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads etc. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI- CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical cooperation In Christian, Work, showing how a league was formed in a small town in Connecticut what kind of vtark it attempted, and how it spread throughout the whole State. , "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD." bv Fiank R. Stockton; a .continuation of the firoll "Rudder Grange" stories, the scene being now in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN HOUSE¬ BUILDING, a series of four papers, fully illus trated, devoted to (I) City Houses, (3) Country Houses,, (J) Chutches, nnd74) Public Buildings. THE CREOLES OF LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Oable, author of " Old Creole Days," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated, ' MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H. Gushing/ government ethnologist; an adopted 'member of tho Zunl tribe of Indians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NATI- NAL CAPITAL, Including "The Capitol," "The . upreme Court," "Tbe White House,'1 etc. MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, "H. H. "; three or-four papers'of.aneiceed- '. ngly interesting character, richly illustrated. SPECIAL OfJerV A year's subscrip on from Nov,, 1883, and the waive numbers of the past year, unbound, $60. A subscription and the twelve back numbers bound in two elegant vojumeawltb gilt top, $7.50. Tub CENTURY CO. Nmw Y-obk, N. Y. nYSPFPSIft known by Irrcgiilar anno. L. _______.___.........._.....labl no coated, akin yellow, hot and cold sen- , wolsht OampUInt, PU'flMBW. MtJ"lA, Chilli jad dsmemat pit or stomach, dcirnndcncy. c «~-..,jg jmuoojjmi, ■■-•- -*rr«...._ -»- __^_ ■«,«,, atailBi mnuil'.......- — also bottom ot ribs; weariness, Irrlla] llity, stifled and obstruct- bad colored stooli ~ " ' ,dlm ' felnr, oftnllni Mnnt-fl In bMk anT lorn olt ribs; wen tonaue coated, skin yellow muoni.cycadult.drjr counh, ed foellng, Imrmtar pulso, bad colored ito crmrmlon In liood, nervoumen, flashos of light ufMCMf**, Inn of n«morr. DlHU» of DIiddtY taS KiriNEVfl' nrin0 dark or hsbt,red dcnoslt; niunuin, bnminft, stlnglnjt.bcorlngaown Mnutlont, froqnint duln to arlnftU, unit isfluiid mi, HEART. . IbAwukJ itii, duk elwlei, thlrit DlMatfM or .._ _ — Mfjrt fAlni, UotUrincor wtlfht nttr hurt, mon M4U^ot1b| quickly and wheni/iDfonliftild«[ oatllO-iwheniiirtlrm, HEMACHE^»tt.'.vbi'i DropiT U 0.aMd by mtitr fluid. Rhonnt* lUm( **,, by nrto uld In blood. Bow«l Dli- withln.___Coldi br ehoklnt of thi Montlou SWATWB'» PllilJ^ By gtnUt tfltlon, nmorti • eiuH, euklai iMnntuml onn. B*nt by mail fof " 35 onv Iv-i of SO Hllii 5 bntt, $1.00. (In poiUt»> (Umni.) Addriu, DB* SWATHB * Hok rhlliMlelphl* Tm, Sold by Dnnliu. FOR SALE. An Iron stenm Mictit 35 foi-t lrm*x, 9 feet lwam, 8 foot deep; runs very tnst, nnd well fojiml. Enquiro of D. 1*. Nn kkiikks I^iicn I Avutaiiu Station. A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. A vory fine yacht f.ir mtc I/-nRih, IQflJeoti beam, 10 feet; doublo onglnwtv t«o an] end id cod i™ oat a; nlco HwnlnK", ft splt'inlid dortblc kitoliun, ptiutry and two stuto rooms; rooms Will funiUhed to nleop 1*1 persona, forucnstle; ujrrigln piano mid, in fact nit llmt ran bo doslred. Tins )iich» enn bo ptmlitisod at a bargain AOilro-i Marine ItFrouD.CM eland, O. For Sale! Rare Chancel We have on our bi«>k» 11 gooil, lurgo tug that cun bo hutl ut iibni^iilii If solil within 0U 4uys. sho i» OS ft. leiiK'h, 10 ft. beum, 8ft, holtl, (lrufl ot water fnmi (I to 7 It. Her Engines are 18 liv 18. Her Boiler Was now Inst year. Burns wooil or coul. will carry 1(H) lbs. steam uml 115 His: If iu<ccBsnry, With dishes unil bcilillii); llttcil up, uud has a license to carrv UU |m*hengi.-iH, all mady tin- business, Ki-hnilt In 1880 at coat of $1(1,00. If sold within 30 days con be hud ftir 15,000-cash. Gnod i-iiiihoiis for selling, The tug is now lying at Chicago. For further partlcilurs. Aililn-n MiiiIiic Kcioiil Ofllce, Clcvi land, O, FOR SALE. An IronyiichtaMi'ut long lory fhinlly fiulnhcd ami furnlsliod. l)rult :i l-«. feet rium vory fast ElHpiiro of D 1'. Nlc<ersoii 11 .irkilea- Dluck Euclid A\oblation. FOR SALE, Two Qrnt-clnia ligtitorB, inrib in 1H81, 2?> fi-et wide. 00 fcot lung, 0 ttat bold.. I'apiuit), 25" uins ouch, mcu, 82.0U0 cash. Also uiichoru.-JIntM, ctniins, atonu boxes, wheel bar roWB, two dtirricks. ito> ALfttHU Elwki.1., ;t20 Euclfil A\o., Cleveland, O. ENGINES FOR SALE ! Double t'liglno Ux'iO, will do forstuiimbnr?< or tug, nil up, its good as non.nlbo ns^enfool Philadelphia whuel and tdinft Will noil the whole viry cheap. Adilretut Marllii' llcwml OtUco FOR SALE Steam barfo Ki el 144 feet. Huiim 30 feai, dupth of hold 11 footcaimtltj l(Ki M twi luiiv" ..... her fuel Unlit In 1^2. Add refi¬ ll feutcaimtll) IIHl M ftel iunvber (WO toil a coul bcaldos " ' ........... L-5T»RlNlt HEOOIII) Office, FOR SALE OR CHARTER. We have In our list, the- large, powerful tins Somson, which wiil bo sold, imtrifiht or chartered for tho trip or HOIIBOII, BOILER FOR SALE! All Almost ni'tt *We\ boiliT-'oxOJi) ft III tluo cduditlou villi m-lI loss than Imll price. i Adilrrsi. MAIUXK UECOItD, giovulund.O WANTED, A imall itoamyMcht or pnitenger boat that will carry 7ft to 100 pAuengon— light draft—>muii not draw over four feet ofwsisr when loadud Add row Mauink IUo- oiib, its ting (lltneusloud and price. ■ Wanted, 8to»myachl as or 40 fret long ol good ihe-ad and good power, to carry 4t) orfiil pahsongors address Marine Hkcokd flfflec. . Wanted, SlMmbario tout will cHitt BOO grou torn on 9 feet draft and ooulu «1m be loaded down to u or In feet, It iicorSMrf. Alio two towbargei that will carry M0 or OOOt om on 0 feet (trait, Addraa M.riku Rioobd OOm. • Marin to lawyeks. Knolp A Morrlaon Plto'crfOitfl IN ADMIIULOT, 115 Mnnroo Bt Itooro H4 Clilraao. BOA'I' IMTIT.DBltS. UeanACo. \\0\i DUILDKRS MTCH. 1.AUJJDKY. • BOAT WASHING and .general Laundry in few hours. Cleveland Stkam Laun- onv. 33 St. Clair St. , Telephone ;i8. COAL. Dftvld Dornlilaol Ab(, DOMESTIC * STKAM COAX.,, Cleveland ' Ohio SH(mT.IIAND,AT YOOn HOMEH-Sond 10 conui for ■peelmeni. Ritpii B, Cunaa, 4M1 Oermantown avenue, -Philadelphia', Pu. - H. V. BO^OHAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (FOnMEItLY nEVKItE HOUSE) Detroit, Mich. -^ Moat Centrally Located. Street _curs pass the door every few minutes'to Depots arid all parta of the City. ' Three minute's walk to L- S & M S, D & M, and Wnhush Depots. Bates IUO, to »8.00 per day. Vessel Brokers, DULUTH. MINN. V- D. Nickerson CLEVELAND, .0. MARINE ARTIST. IN^ BLACK AND WHITE. . Pastel and Water Color. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian- . apolls Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, , Leave Cleveland with Through Palace Coaches and Elegant Sleeping Curs, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. II, D. UOULDEB. -. • JOHN J, WBH • Thin Is tlio only line maalnc DirOOt JJonneOtlDIl i all tho principal Trunk Uno» ol tho Kant lor ul Southern, Southwestern unit WMtorn points, elthi" by way ot Cincinnati, Indianapolis or 8t. Loulsend a 1 Hallway Town* ..llhSOUKI, abkaHus, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO AND THE PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safe¬ st Road in theWe8t. QTTIokela by this popular routo for sale . all regular Tckels Olllcei , B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Trafflo Manager. A. J. SMITH, General Passenger Agent. CLEVKLANB, OHIO. G0ULDER & WEH, - Attorneys and Counsellors, AND PROCTORS IN, .ADMIRALTY. U & 10 ATWATEIt BDILDIKG, CLEVELAND, 0 Our Co)lootlon D6partmont l» In chargo of an^x-v. perldnctid Collector The Nickel Plate! ItjtfW YORK, CHICAGO * SI. LOV» RAILWAY. , The punongor aqulpmcnt ol thta N.oijr Trunk Lino U Is all new unVt l> supplied with tho latest appliances necessary to oato spoody Bnd oomfortahlo trATol, At Chicago, passenger trains arilvo at and loaTO Irani tho Union Dopot, Vnn Huron streuh. FoUowIng la tho timo In elroct Ma^rf 1888. and un- GOING EAST. • furthor notice.- Lv, Chicago........8.16 « m................................. Arr. Valpaialw.. IO.OB " ................. '.............. "' Fort Wayno. 1.30 " ................................. ' Now Haven.. 2.05 p. m. '...it............................ • West Lelpilo 4.09 " ,..r............................ ' ArelldU.........6.10 " ............................... 1 Fostorla......... 6.45 " ................................. I Grt'on Springs 0.12 " ................................. I BelluTiie........0.40 " ................................. Lv. Bollovuo.........0.6ft " 8,80 a. m................ Arr Ulovi'tond....... 0.00 " 10.65 " Accom. Lv. Qevcland.................i.. 11.00 " 5 0O> m, Arr Palneivlllo............. 12 00 p.m. 6.16 " "Ashtabula..................... 1S68 " 7.11 " " Conuoaut....................... l.» " 7.40 " » Erio...........,............... 2.28 " ------....... ■■ Dunkirk........................ 4.21 "............... " BuBalo.......................... 0.00 " .......... OOIrJO WEST. Lv BuBalo..........10.18 a. m.............,'........-.......... Ajr Dunkirk...,-.......11.60 'I , II Erlo............... 1.35 p. m. » Connoaul........ 2.63 " " Ashtabula....... 3.26. •' " I'alnosville...... 4.10 " " Cloveland........6.25 " Lfavo. 0.10 a. m. 08! " 7 80 " 8.50 " Lv Cleveland....... 5.80 " 7.15 a. m. An Bollovue.........7.16 •' • 9.30 " . .............. Lv Bellcvue..................... 0.40 " .............. "• Qrecn Springs............10.07 " ...........„.. ■ Fostorla..........................10 40 " ............... " Aroadla......................... 11 00 " " Wost Lclpslc................. 12.6S ." .............. " Now Haven .............. 2 05 p. m.............. " Fort Wnyuo ............. 2.-20 " .............. >■ Valpralso..................... 0 25 " .............. '• Chicago......................... 8.25 " .............. Trains run by Columbus lime, which la twenty mln. utos taster than Chicago time, five minutes Blower than Cleveland, and sixteen minutes slower than But- talo time. For information, call on .nearest agent of tho Com¬ pany, or address 1 " B. F. IIOKNEB, Gen'I Pnsaenger Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMS, .General Manager. Cleveland, O. New York, ^onsylTaniaXoiiio R. R. (Formorly A. bX>r*f\ Kullroad.) NEW YO.IIK, JIOHTON AND TUE £A8T. Vhe NsiorMwt nnd <lnlcUent Ronte to Pltta- biirg, Wauslilnslon iinil llnltlmaro nnd the Boiitbcnat. -Until further notlro trains will leave trom t^ie now Contnil Depot, South Water street and Viaduct as fol¬ lows: 1 in n m ATLANTIC EXPttIS>-(Dally) t'ull. I ,tjU di Ul. man Hleeplng and hotel coachea from Leavltlshurgh 0:05 a. m. to Now York, Albany and Boston without change Parlor t ar laom Cleveland and 8alumanca. Arrive at Meadvllle al 1120 a.m. p'"ra."ninghantiin 10.5's'p iu., ilbnny'6 60 a m. Boston 2.45 p. m , arriving at Now York 0-60 o m. Dillln rn LIMITED DXPRESS-Through Pull- ZiDuUi Ul. IllaI> slucnlng couch from Cleveland to New York. Arrives at Meadvllle at (155 p. m , Jumes- loivn 0 IU p ui , .Salamaoca 10.10 p In., yew York 1(1-25 a in. UinC n m M"HT EXl'Hi:ss-(Holly oxcopt ,U3 ll. Ul* Sunday) Seeping coach from Cleveland Hornfllirtlllo Arrive ut YoiingBtown nt 1 55 a. m.. MemtvlUe .1 50 a m , Corry 5 20 a in. Jamestown 618 a. m, linTTalci 0-45 a. m., ltachesler 1 10 n, m , Horuolls. vlllo, 11 20 a in , Corning 12 S3 p in, liliiilral:21 n m„ hingliiiui|il'in 2 50 P m.. Now ^in-k 1)25 p* m Arrive at I'lUsllunjli 0 16 a. m , ullhoul cliiillge D.tn n m 1'ITrSBUlHHI LXI'lltsS - Ilal|y - /,DU II. Ul.1 T'lrough without change, I'arlor oarot- liicliwl Airives at Youngatown 5-00 |.....I'lttsbiirg 7 48 p in . Wiisliluglou 7t)'l a in , Baltimore B li) u. m 4ill n m MAHONING ACCOMMODATION - ilJO !)• 111. Snipping stall way s'atlons, arriving at YiiungMown 7 25 p in , Sharon 8 30 p m , Bhurpesvlllo 8 40p in Uonnecta at Leavlttaburgh with traio No 20 tor M'mlvlUe nnd Intermedium polnu Arrives at Mi-a.lvlllc-11 20 p.m. I.tlnri m I'lTTSBtlHOII EXI'HLSS - DaUy - I ,/U d. llli Through without chauge Arrives at YounirsiownlOoO a in, Sharon 11.02 a. m., Sharps- — vlllr ll.W a ui . Pittsburgh "-45 p m, Rotumlng, leaves Plll.Uunin at 4 48 a m , 8:18 a. m., 1.30 p. m , and 4.20 p ui Unt n m YOUNllblOWN AND riTTSBUnQII III) Q, Ul. ACCOMEODATION-Stopnlng at all Way atrtlons, arriving al Youngatown 1:44 p. m.,Pitts¬ burgh, 6.10 P-m- Trains arrive at Cleveland, 0,-40 a. m., 7:0S p. m., 10.56 a. mi 1:00 p. at., and 10:15 p. m, t SOThla la the only routs br which paursengort esa roach Corry Elmlrs, Blnghampton, Now York City and Intermediate P°lnU without change. No change to Boaloo and New England Cltlea. Baggngo chotked through to all points East Through tiokela iui Inlorroatlon regarding tho routs can be obtained it the offlco 181 Bank street, and at new Depot ot N.Y., P 4 O. It. South Walar slreef and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. OLABK. Qtn'l Paja'r Ag't Cleveland, O. J. U FEItBIS, . Gen'I Man'gr, Clevslanrl, o. l».L,FOUTS, Paasenier Agent, 181 Bank Bt. Cleveland, O 97