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Marine Record, June 2, 1883, p. 8

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«■ 2. The Mmm Cork Jacket Twenty per cent, moro Imoynncythnn nnv other Lite-Preserver In the market, is tho SAFEST nnd only REUABIjE LIFE PBESEBVEI? In EXISTENCE, ns proved of tho late wreck on the Paclllc Const, of the Tnclllc Mnil Steamship,-"City of Sn:i Frnnclflco." KING BUOYS AND FENDERS. a a > 01 fHE PRO/ •. 1NCE CAPSTAN, — _, , 'ACIUBED by----- 1 01 > w </) Approvod and ndoptod by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors ,also by the prlnclpnl Ocean, Lake and Blver Steamer Lines, ns the only Rellablo Life Preserver VESSELS. AND TRADE SUPPLIED Send for Circulars. , D. KAHNWEILEB148,148 & 160 Worth St NiMirf'enrcr St.. New York.______ KATBENSTEIH'S JsEU-AClINtt METAL TACKING I Job Piarov IIodb, Viivn Steub, ia Adopted and In uh by Iho prlnclnallron Works and Stcamahip Compa¬ nies wttkln the lut eight 'jreuilnthUund Foreign countries. For full par- ) tlcnluri anil references _ iddrea t. KATZBNSTpIM * CO., 160 Cnrlitopbor Stroet, near Weil Street, Jt Y LORD BOWLEB 4 CO AQENTSPOR CLEVELAND A ROBERT ROE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Boom 87, Merchants' building, _ _________ CHICAGO, ILL._______________ WILLIAM FOROE, SHIP BROKER. Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cor Columbus Arc 4 Water 81, 6AN DUSKY, OHIO, j. H. PALMER & SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Water (Blrcet. CLEVELAND - OHIO MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, POWER CAPSTAN. Patented February 17,1874, and December S, 1S7S. . ^ These) capstans aro made of heavy cnsflngs, with a large shaft, n.id tery «tlong gear*, of the best material and workmanship.- Unlike the cheap styles of capstans that are put togothi'i nlthiitien to sell cheaply, the main object has been with this company to make them as perfect as possible In every detail. \ot» Itlistiiifrllnu the fact that the (iiantlty and quality of stock and workmanship in these capstans make them a much mm o i-ervlteablc capstan and w mild naturally com¬ mand a higher price, tho universal demand for them has enabled the Coinpiinj In nriiiiijli! spiilal tools fin theli inannfaotiue and to keep the same men at work year after year, until they have beLiftnevxpeit, sol lint Ihe cost Is only about the Annie as the ighter stye s In tho market By thus reducing the manufacture ton peiftct •nrtoni, thej aiu enabled to oiler to the public a flistUuos ai title at a modoiatc pi Ice, md the nppioval oftlic nnnflrnl puhlii Uhhnmi hi-\niii| (in<>«tlo!i bj lliel uge number In use on ueaily all of the flrst-class steam and sailing ships bulltUurlng Mil |mi-i ln\ ;i»i» In ndri'tlnn to ihu supeiiority ot Workmnpehlp nnd mateilal of this capstan pvei niher stylos in the nun kct, It lias neui one teature wlilcli no other iap«tan hap, ind It Is very Important, viz.—when using the capstan nuclei i him le •train on the ponei i-lile, biitli the outside mid In¬ side pawls tako tho strain, thus furnishing double muirlty against hnuki,;., anil iillminjr 11 e men mi the bars Ironi danger. It Is estimated that during tho past year scven-cightH ot all thei ip«iiin» Mild In.ihl* tnuntry weie <>' this coiupaiiv's make J. W. Grover & Son, Chandlers -AND SAIL AIAKEIIS- No 130 Water Street, CLLVLLAND, - OH ■ THOS. WILSON • MAN40EINQ OWNKIt Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder Freight and Vessel Agent. CI KVKLAWP, o_______________. Vessel Agents 06 nm» 86» Broadway MILWAUKEE, -WI; 114 bt Salle blroit, CHICAW. ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 ho Waler Slroel, CHICAOJ ILLINOIS ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 LaSalle Street. CHICAGO, ■ ILL. BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Broker and Agent, v 130 Water Slreel, Room 14, Forme!yt trie ttriu of Uueker A. Bartow, CLhVrLANl), - OHIO Telrnlione No OW A A. M. BARNUM, . Vessel Agent and Broker, No. Itjiwhange =h • Bul&o, N. Y. ■BTIPYOU DC\NDtJ RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LIST OF VESSELS FOB SALE, SEND FOR ITj '"•^S^r Cleveland,!) UPSON WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, Sari Makers and Riggers- JtyOne o| the lnrgest stocks of Wire Hope In the United States. CLEVELAND, --- - OHIO "Anchor" Snatch Blocks PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. 801 K (IAlJl'1 ACil'llKllS OF rilK ff. CKLKUIIATED "ANCHOR! BRAND" Tackle Blocks. ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OK WITH OUK SELF-LUBRICATING • PHOBPHOBBHOSZfe N BUSHINGS. The metal In (hew Bush- iogi la the celebrated Phos¬ phor^ Bronte, Ihe but bear¬ ing metal in market and being perfect selflubrica tors they are fast Bupcrsed Ing all other styles For sale/by-ohip Chand¬ lers, everywhere. ASK FOR"ANCHOR BRAND" BLOCKS. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. Lateat improvement.' Sample orders nllc|t«^, SMITH'S PATENT METW-IO LIFE BOATS, SBUBT AND OBUAFH8T. SEND FOB PBIOES TO BMITH'S BOAT WOTEtKS, 169 South Street, New York. Improved Snaicii Itl.Ol k Clasp ilostd P STAR BRAND' TACKLE BLOCKS BAGNALL& LQUD, Boston, Mass. Hole Munuf.icturer* In V, 8. A. of our Celebrated Metaline fir}Sleeve -Roller Bush ^ Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail |lll|iluvn| Si*crn Block. Clasp Opened. CLEATS, ETC. LiFHE H. C,& J. H. Calkin, CoppersmitHs anil Plumbers, Stoam iindiGiis Fitting, ' GALLEY STOVES- OHO « IIS7 Weat St., Cor, Laugh* NEW Y6RK. • Circulars-sent upon nppl!oHtioii ^ X- lib.

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