')"—c«, *\ ' . A PITH AND POINT. —%fcard wanted"—aa tho "young . lady said when she eamo to a iriiid-pua- ilo In tho side-walk. —-Thoro is no power on earth that ;an make a good oltlzonof a man who loos not work.—New Orleans Phxloso- olieh ' —"I bollovo," said ono man, speak¬ ing of auothor, "that ho would do any¬ thing—even oat succotash in a strango hotel" —Thoro appears to bo no roason why' the English should not now take kindly to that famous American ballad: "John Brown's body lies moldoring in tho grave."— .Boston Post. —Arlstocratlo ma, ohattlng with arls- tooratlo, visitor, is interrupted by two Uttlo daughters running in: "Oh, ma! ma! wo'vo just soon Unelo Jim! He's upon a wagon, hollorln' barl'sl", • —A Pluto Prlncoss has just married her twentieth husband. A fow enter¬ prising Pluto princossos would soon ox- 'termimlte tho ranlo portion of tho trlbo, and save our Government considerable monoy.—Nori'istoum Herald. .—A Western paper lias an elaborate article on "Some Causos of a Monetary Stringency." If thero aro any jiew causes wo don't want to hear anything about them. Tho old'eauses aro about all wo caro to wrostlo with.—N. Y. Graphic. —A gcnUeman who lias been think¬ ing of buying a hack, having visited a menagerie, eomos home radiant with jpy. "I'm going to buy ono of them ze¬ bras," ho says: "ono of those rifled horses. They must carry much further than the ordinary sort!" —AWn has invented a ohalr that • can be adjusted to 800 different posi¬ tions, and yet a man who suspected his wife was going to ask him where he was the night before couldn't get into a position In that ohalr whioh seemed comfortable.—Boston Transcript. —Latin in a drug store must come down. The groen boy learning tho druggist'B trade \ias tbo good a cnanoo to poison customers by mistake where everything is covered by a language he does not understand.. Medlolne should be taken in straight EngliBh.—N. 0. Picayune. —A 'longshoreman entered a coffee and calco saloon in Barclay Btreet on Friday, nnd, after eating a plate of fiBh cakes, called for "a oup ov coSee an' pace ov poi." "Vot kind uf pyP" asked the German attendant. "Quinz poi." "MinteP" "No, quinz, ye thiek- 'lleaded Dutchman. Do I look loiko a man that 'ud ato mate on Fridayf"— N. Y. fkrald. —No, gentle Cockney, the George Washington, of whom you soom to have hoard for the first time, wus novor "a 'orso breeder." Wo ha\*a an indistinct locollection, however, that on ono oc¬ casion ho took a Bull by the horns and, as tho Irishman fluid, "gavo him a good baiting." Georgo was rather n genius .in that line, and if you will look the -sglory up when you leturn to "Hold Hingliind" you will llnd some roferenco to him in tho Britisli archives.—Chicago Herald. He Had Him There. While David Davis 'was dining one da) at Worinloy's with some friends, among whom was the slim Mr Evatts, the conveisiitlon drifted to athletic apoits and loot-jnces. MrrKvarls.vtith a view to one of ids jtaicaslio Jests, turned to the gleiit tiunk alongside of hun, lioin which he himself may be sup¬ posed lo Innobeen whittled oil ususliv- ei, nnd suggested that shell spoils were something entirely out of his line "Weil, ICuutrt, ' leplletl Judge Davis, ••piirhapsyou think I can I runP Now, look heic, I'll Jiet you a ease of wino I can beat you a hundred yards jf you .nil let nie choose my giutiuil and will g'.einellve varils stint. I'm lit avy, von know, and I want solid tootin %\\ Lvaits was satislled thai lie "Ii I'l'iyl-siuo ihing, ' and ns_ihcfuming hud ndv.incctl the digniln'd Lompanv icsohfd lo unbend ilsell still liiilht i lor the spurt. "Couie on, then, tliu Senator, "follow me!" So aw they wont 'down a' narrow alloy I hut runs betwVi-n Twelfth and Thirtt eiith slici'lt.. Marching into it f'-r u dlstanoo ol live yards, while Ids jnms touched tlio brickwork on each sitle, he quietly observed. "Now, Evnrts, get in behind me, ami take ) inn time. I am going to f»ko mine!"— ll'iii/aiK/foii Untie. ng." ml ll ill lot l lor '•sllollli'lL 1 So aw AT Tlio teeth perforin the duties of the tongue when they chattel. ' ( 'N The pcor mini with kii Idea of poverty Ib itQworse off .than a licit man with a povcrtysjif Ideas. IL CANF1ELD recking & Towing Line, TlHJ8, Hawsera, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, <&c, .. * t ' To bo had on shotf notlco, by mail or tclegrupb. A. O. WUKEM2R, CHAS. ONEWUCH. Manager. Wrooklos Mnitcr. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAR * COMPANY'S DIAQNAI. LIFE BOAT CAN I1E UNED |N PLACE OF THE HETELIO LIFE BOAT IF PREFEBEI>. HAH BEEN - AIIOPTED AT WA«II INOTOK BY THE _____ BOARD OF 811. ■~- . PERVISINO INNPEC- Tons. -^ Yawl & Pleadtire Boats on hand. D FOB PBICE LIST D£AN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR » With Premium.. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL A CO.. No. 110 Liberty St., Now Vork, N. Y. Vesselmen SHOULD" HAVE OUR MAR NE LAW BOOK, Containing nil poion o( MARINK LAW ai de- lomilnoJ liy tho UulliKl Hlatca Rodrta Seamen, '• Ovtrnen, FnilKlitH, ClinrterM, Tiiwnfte, IteEintry, Ciilllnloiu, Knrullinentii, Genernl Average,,. Coinmon Onrrleri, Diltiei or'Senmon, Mnaterl A Owner., Illllof I.wlliur, Wn<ro., ic. Tim volumn la linndafimelr liound In atlff Ilonrd covora. anil lluu Kni^llali i lot ll liludlng. Hooka of thla kind gonornlly coat J3 0(1 lint *o will aonfl It to any addroaa, liostagi) paid tor 8150, or wllh 111.-M.UUNL RECORD (or ono yuar, liolli lor only $1 25 Addroaa Maiiink IlKroun. Clnvelaml (I V POSITIVELY CURED All nulloron fruin lll|i. ilht nil1 ciipiI 'lloiikl irt DR KI88N OONSUMPTIok POWDEHS, onlt iiniiiirull.iii ttiiowii tluit ami nil "lauui * nt ilio THROA' bo Hlning Is our full ll in t Imiu u [nil Ihov nro no liliniliuir, no will forward lo ovei ii Ron r, by nt»K, i«"i l> il", n Ft^a Ti Ial Box Wudo 't wnni yi'in iiiiiiuy uuilly'ii mo pi'ifcctly wi If yonrllfjiU worlh POWDERS a tilul mil yi lallul ohliolr lurullt.i powi niiilug, iluii'l il> lay In giving 11" iiHthi y will Biinl> uim > n l'rlie, lor lar,.o IVik. «I Ml fir 1 lVixu lor 810 00 Si fit to any |ialtn( Ilio Unit il -?lulcnoM^aniula, by mull, On nulpt of lirli o Aililnv»s ASH U R0BBINS. 3fi0 Fulton St.. Brooklln. N. Y. , FALLING SICKNESS. onoMontPa mage of DE OOUIABD'S utjlabnta d iZniblofitHwdoM l.muivlii.0 Miilirur. iiiu ihilai l'i»w,|(Ti ullliln nil wi. iliilin fur I hun wo mil sond llu in by mull, postpaid, a Freo Trial Box A" lit (lonliirdlallii'liiil) r"iy»li.liui lliat liu» ovoi mini o till) ill UHK1U-Iiii.lulai.iul>. «»'• ■'» 10 our knntvli'ilgo lliuusnnil* bavo Ihioii pofinaiwiitly ?up> ' "t'"" ""» "' Knar Powderi, wo Vill guarantee a permanent oure »i u,ir>'CM" or refund your all money ex¬ panded. AH ailtluri r» alnmlil glvo ih, «l I'liwdorsun farly tnal, anil bo Oniivlin wl ol ibalr curatlvi' tiowtr Urlco. tor larg,. lloJ, 8JJI0 or 1 lloxtm lor »lll DO nt by raftll to anynrrtnl too Umtljil 8uiti.a or Ciuiuil on rwlnt of (irTcSTor by ox|m«i C 0. Ii. Addroi ASH & BOBBINS, 368'Fultan St., Brooklln, N. Y. SIOHARD-HAMMOND. - ' JOHN COON. TT7 Paper Mill Blo'dchore SiRotirios. G4SttnKtos,SjltPjM SnokoSUrir) And nil bisof Heavy Hib isWftttoivWorlc. • OFHCE &W0HK61, ' *44.24B.24^.250.a52.Aj,4.254. Perry .Sb. ' fo i-o.ooo.Bi>15- TAWKS. ■ OIL STILLS 8e AOITAtORS. Repairing BrampttyAtterulotlta ESTADLISIUSD1R30. -u/L*witnvnm» Of— CORDAGE * OAKUM. GangB of AMERICAN, RUSSIA ami ITALIAN HEMP of the Tory beat quality made to ordor AT ONE UAV'SNOl'leiC. MANILA and 8I8AL BINDER TWINi: Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, MARINE ENGINE <VORltS HaiNUPACTURKRfir Marine and Stationary Engines, PBOFELLEB WHEEES, VESSEL PUMPS ft OEflEHAL MAOEIHEEy • eonamFONDEscE Somcitko. 55, 01 ft 00 Mlohlgnn t. O HICAGO ILL NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run ^a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it Tree from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and leuens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE¬ PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE, and Absolutely Safe. ftand Art* Clrculnr fflvlnor full Information to HOUGHTON & GO, Sole Proprietor* and Manufacturer! 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, . NEW YORK. THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE ll ICONOMICtL STEAM PUMP INTHE MARKET, for rnUlnir liquid*! umlui UM}1 lil> to 100 futtt. Nt> lllurtilner^, No OU, No Bpeolttl Cure. Ctin liouoilitd NiiNlinnrifil liv ti chuln. Will iimhh urll. Intnl. Hiind, lliilli. dtp,, ulttiout Injury to llu purl* Nt-eiU ikiilj iihIvuiii lilpo fruiu holler to rim It. 1'rlee. 000 irullonii 4>er hour. U50; l.aOll il . •15; :t.OiH> do. DlOOi (1,0110 do. SIR'M 10,000 do. »1m1; IH.inO do. Wl-iRl 85,000 do. •975! 45.000 do. OHIO; OO.IInO do. »SuO| UO.^l.'O do •I.OOfl. C mparu thin with nilv oilier l*uSnp 1 Ut. \\ inn for llliillmtul dimrlpllxi honl> ul Ii Ii ^IihijiiIiiIk. Ai 1(gllnllrfr rltLSOMKTKU ll. EA»I I'U 111* CO., HJ John St., Ri w 1 ork Ulj, U.S. V MECHANICAL BOOKS ron MECHANICS ENGINEERS AND VESSELMEN. BOOkh oy ALL KINMlh A'l KKDIII KI) I'HK ]•>. ' &, CO. 171 SUPERIOR ST, CLEVELAND, 0; si Miii\'■> t>lil"- ' « inn I'lcKimia. Hicilii'iiililtte, Midi- Moiilix-lt.i, OliU. X .(i.n.illlo.i.Micli- DeGnAUW, AYMAR&CO,, M IXl 1 ALU 111 IIS 1MI IMI'llllll IIS UP MAGE, OAKUM, AMORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks/Buntings; RUSSIA BOLT-flOPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MAltlN'K HAltllWAltl' VM) sllll' Til VNDLKKli (ItM)HN (iKN'KKAJLiY. Nos 34 & 35 SOUTH 8T., MEW YORK-_____________________•* J'Fultyi THE CLEVELAND _------- WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. MlNI'KACll'HHIl- "I' ALL KINDS OF ' WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS ■ FOB ALL PURPOSES OFFICE ANOUMKS, 547 DETROIT ST., OI.1SVUI.AN1), tllHO. . Mention Hii» r«|wr. r^_ 7977