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Marine Record, May 26, 1883, p. 1

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t L I 'I ' CJ MAY 26*83 n.imlirtJip <y".' r £c*yi P 2S- 2ST /=*/ VOL. V. NO 21 yw~. CLEVELAND, 0. MAY 26 1883. ~i2 00 Pitn Annum 8I.VOLE I OriBfl 6 CBKTI. THE WARD JJNE STEAMEK NEW¬ PORT. Our illustration nl tho Ward Mno etoumoi Newport, of tho Havana Line, Ih again pro fiejited through the courtesy of the Nautical Guretto. The Illustration lias proved to be a popular onoT and the former edition or the Rkcoiid containing the name, la completely exhausted. STEAMBOAT ACCIDENTS To avoid accidents tho ocean steamers leave New York bv one lonte anil return bv another, uvoldingiiabllity to collision Inning. woulil be Willing to put up with dlscnmlnrts If thev wdro chaiaetorUtlc of fast ships. Tlieso veHsols.iiio unquestionably safe, but It Is urged that In future years owners of fAst lines will especially aim to have ships buhl that aie not llablo'to break do" n and that hiu n» unslnkable as possible There are many mlvoi ates of twin-screw steamers, ves¬ sels having twoserews and built with longi¬ tudinal and transverse bulkheads In-this way it In thought that the liability to break down is iletieased, as tlieie lie two en nines mid two snows In the plate nl one It buirgud lb it with a ship ol this < lass there Is Hot I he same cliuurc nl in enking stern- posts and iiiddeis sooftcuyi* In transatlantic upon ihe subject. Within a feu miles of this city, 20 cniifniliilng machines aie digging 40 tons of coal per 24Hip»wa each, at a cost Invasion, In spite ofnlftyfint has been s/ild of less than $20. To ttiino tills by hand would cost % 12, and vet 1t docs not appear that the opciator In question employs fewer men, lor to icniove thepi millets ol these machine* requlies an'lncreai.ihgf<)ioe Within a short distance of this city, in anntliei direction, steel mils aie made from the loglike bloom, without the intervention of human skill ex ci pt to cnntinl tho movements of the 11 inaikiihlr machluuiy. That ihe employment of such mechanism Is a ( in so to*1)o deplored bv woikiueu, h an aigiiineut met b> the piled by two single ended, and two doublo ended boilers.' In place ol rtio old-fashioned dendeje, side-light, square openings of llboral sl/o are cut lu the sides, pinviih'tl with Iron shutters on Iheoutslile and glii/cil sash on the inside. Tills will iuM yasily to the comfort of pits- sengeis. /The Incandesient electric light will hi' fitted all over the ship. Steam steeling geai of approved make will he located lu the pilot house, willi hand power iitlathinuit in reseive. Screw gnu will lie placed alt/or additional security. A sTi'iiin windlass, with LipStau, will he tir- riiuged forward and two steiim taiistaus af[ A steam deck pump will be provided both WARD LINE STEAMER NEWPORT. On theoutwaril passage tliestcaiiier crosM.fi the nicridlau ot GO at 12 ihgrets latitude, nothing tot ho north ol 12 degrees On the houicwaid passage the nth* r steamer ciossos the meridian ol 51) at IJilrguicsoi nothing to the south ot 12 dtgiiLS. This gives u dtgice ot latitude or (10 miles In which stcauitisaie clear of each othei, and so avoid collisions. Anbthui class ot uuidents is piovided loi bv building stiong slilps. An old sea cap¬ tain treats ihein on this vvlBo, "A trotting horse diivcu at the top of his speed lor a mile or to ralhor.eiiloys the spin t, but If he Is pushed until he Is lagged he Is apt to be Injured. And bo It will rack, a bhlp to drive her at tho top of her speed in the face of a hurricane. A ship on entering u heavy sea should bo allowed to get along quietly, mill opportunities should be watched for to take advantage of them. Vessels ot small power cannot well keep In position In a storm, while full powerutcaiueis can hold themselves head on against the ton. Tjiiv- olers will favoi the fastest ship In most in¬ stall! es, and arc pucullai ly happy it they can make a voyage In an hour or two less than tholr friends. To enjoy u swilt parage many steamers The longitudinal bulkhead ma¬ lt i [ally st i eiigtliens'tnc ship " 1> THERE A LIM1I '10 ME( 11 VNICAI. INGENUITY!- Sin s the Pittsburg Telegraph The substi¬ tution ol mechanical lor human labor la-iji- cii using at a rale that arouses the iijentd question, Is there am limit to the eiillaclly ol michanlcal ingenuity and ac^omp^icji- iiiuut t The aica of tenltory as yet unebn- quured bv the Inventor glows J nan owoi dally, and It mil) be said, In relation to Pltts- buigh's Industries Unit there Is but one pro¬ cess which exists to-day as' It did at its In¬ ception. This is found lu the peculiar labor ol tho glass blower. In other Jounl liulustiles tho mechanical puddler, tho coal digging machine, tho brick making machine, the roll, the steam riveter and Hanger, the steam haminci and the automatic mechanism of the mil mill, have all invaded the teiritoty ol human muscle to a degree undreamed of a generation ago. And the wages of tho workmen have not suffered through this | ihsuraiue that it is onl) bv the unc ol a I divlies that (he gnat mill ecu be kept going' in these tioubiilous tluus ot tailO talk and low prlies 'ihe niiuili ot inmlilnii) is, iiitogeiliei, avlctoiious as well as an lu- tciestlug one, and to none moie lutcicsliug than the l'ittsburghei A NEW STEAMblUP: The Mailpnsa Is a new steamer building by Clamp (*" Son, ol Philadelphia, she is of the tollottlng dimensions length, .)">() Icet, hiuiidlh, 11 leel, deptli ol hold, 20 (eet, gioss tonnage, about 2,000 tons. The propelling machinery will bo of the compound, three cylinder type, o( about 3,000Jiorse power, with the high pressure cylinder III Inch dlamotei, the low jiressuio 01 Inch diameter, and all fil Inch stroke of piston. An independent centrllugul pump will be used bur circulating watei lluuugh Ihe condense/, and lor I teeing the ship lu case ol a \y/go leak The engines will be reversed by tho steam genr The puqeller will be built up mid made ot'charcoal Irou. •Steam of 80 pounds pleasure will be sup-1 imwaidaud all lluit willlu Miami!* alius lu i a li ol tin main hati his lor load lug and unlnailln^i ai g" — l/u liniutttl \i toi A TIIKI, VI 10 L Vlvl. IHArKK It Is ii poiltd shue tin lailuri tomaketlie uoithwist tialllc agieuuieiit, th it tin tail loads have agreed to tiling Dakota and Min- uiniita tiallli all mil l>) na\ ol Chliago, having no hiihlntsN tin tin boats, apil pi i haps HNiillIng In tlu vvliliihuwliig ol lilt hint Huts Thcolijut is to punish the 111! noli Ctintill, lint this in lion ma) Moult in iimif nillioail building Into both Mlunesoia and Dakota. Tho Pictlon Oazo to says. "We are au- llioil<cd to slate that the gilvernmunt have dually deilded to erect one Hie station at Wellington, 111 charge ol Captain Hugh Mi Lullougli, and auuihei at Popular Point, In charge ol Captain I.eioy S|Hillord. At '■mi¬ llion Point, the cannon, which Is to be Hied at Intervals In snojv storms or foggy weather, Is to be placed In cliaige ot 'Captain fc. Hiidgln. The bohts are expected dally.

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