\ =fc -L. ^ngineeipg. TIIK NEW PUIiSOMBTEIl. 'i'hfl EiiglticvrlifK NoWB In milking u ic- portonilio NorhtlkH suwuniijii Kystcni, n-- corils 8oin« IntcrCHtliiK diem In reiriiril H> flu' now pulsomi'tcr. Ittmyn: WlilUi tin1 »lirot piling wits nblo to a great extent to keep nut the Binul, it was of course of no Rervlcp In keepingoul the xuh-xoll wain. Onllnury tin suction pumps, were used lor thai pinpnW' In the aluilUmor eHtp, and the pulsonietiT in tho deeper'cuts The pulsoinclcr proveij Itself equal to the trjlnji task of pumping ■ this water, holding In suspension at least ono-quiirter of Its bulk nf Hand. It iimy ho of sorviio to others using "this viduablo In.- \oiitioii to know how no iiverunnir a dlfll- culty peculrar to the machine. In (.liiirglng tho imiehlne with water, the old method of filling It with1 a bucket of wiitei through a funnel hecamu vi'iy unliaud\ hi cases when' the piilsoiuuier' wils tiling In Inaccessible places; so wo would lient the chambers Willi Steam, and disconnecting the stiuiii hose, would quickly connect It with tin1 water supply pipe. The cold water condenses tho steam within the chamber and forms a piirliiihiiiiiinii, which draws iu a lulUbargi' ol water. The hose Is again quickly con* neclcd with the steam tilpo, and tho ptilso- nietcr begins to breath, and thus the ongl- neci chinges the machine without having1 lor lea\c the hollei. An Illustrated description book with testiiiiomilswi)! be mailed lice by addies'.lng l'lilsomotor Pump Compari} S.I John bircet New York. • YACHTING,. The last number of Forest ami Stream contains the following notes Irani Belleville: 1'ne Ice IS rapidly disappeitilng from our land-Uxked waleis, and within the next tlneeoi tout weeks 'ho fitting out lor the season Hill ho begun, It seems piobablo that the geasbu-uaAV—iipciiliig wJ1Uio_quu ol the liveliest in racing circles that we have _ hud foi several >ciua_p.ast, jis Che luwous Kitlo (jrayTUHreqnnllj^well-know n TCinlmr will fight their battles over iigaln, while [lie new twelve-tonnerwhich Cmhheit has now in haiiil lieie, and another ol the same rtl/i' which Dave Clans is building at liiighton, •will-tllipllW the championship ol the hikes (ip their olass) wiili the famous llyeis above ineiitioiied. In untill|)atlon ol a haul strug¬ gle for vlctoiy tlie Katie Grey, which Is now the pride ol Uswego, wlmo she is ow ned by Mr. \V, II. Phelps,jr„haf| undergone a thor- 'OiiglroveihiiuUugbv expel leucul hands, has b.id a new suit ot lantaba made toi hti, and is now in llisl-class racing liim Tlie I'-in- ma must also be In excellent lomliilon, jib Iici onnl'r, Mr. JohnCoojiei, ot Toronto, re- ccnlly ollereil 10 null li her lor $1,1100 .1 side iigmubt any twvlvc-louiui on ilu l.ikec 1 lit meeting between the loiircralt above pai- tlcularfttd, will be worth going man} nirles to mo, in, they are the piemlers of theli sl/e —on liesh waiei at least—and 1 veij much doubt whether cabin sloops ol theli size and sailing with fixed ballast, exist anywheie else that can heat them. The one wjilch Cuthbert has In hand pipmises to bo veiy lust judging tioin Iici model, hilt is JO Icel keel, 10 ket 10 iuilits beam, and \vlll diaw 2 feet 10 initios ol uu- tei aft. As to Mr. OlIuiilV new mil, 1 mil leaiu nothing except that she I* in uieiihiire twelve tons, lliose lattei cralt will ho 1 ngi-f by ovel a urn than either the Ivnnm oi Katie Giav, and this supeiloi bulk ought to ghe the vLtiuj. l'bo skiimjacht, 55 feet \>\ I) lict b iiuhes, whlcli Cuthbert Is building, will soon be ioiiiH loi the mill him ry she isvi liaiiil-oinc ci all, mid will be speedy, hei glial auk nl, speed being twelve miles pel houi Twoeoek and bull stories abofit the At-; lantii liti\i>ul hue bei tl eiieiilaled tlnougli the pi ess. One was that slu had been made as smooth as a piano box, and that ( ulhbert would sail her hi another iniiti h loi tin Amu lea's cup. '1 ho othet *'y am" was, that Ml. J. Hoss Cuinmliig, principal ow ner ot the yacht, would take hei to ( hlitlgti on the oeeitslon o| tliegieat riga la theie. . It is olllj noeessal> lonn\, ill n Itluiif to tlie Hist assertion, that the Atlanta has lain In the water all the wlniei, her bottom being thickly covered wllli bat mules that gathered on herat Now York, but tioin wbleh tlie fresh until lias pi ibulilj lieul her ore this llir owneis, of whom Mi. CUniinlng is not one, have no Intuition ol challenging again for "the" cii]>, which thov could do by join¬ ing tin Hojal Nova heotla Yacht Squadron ul lliilllnx, as tbej resent the sliabhi uiii- ductol the Now Ynil Yacht Club In sbut- ting out eoiupi'titlun tioin clubs loeated on Iholiilanil »'iters, and no Inngoi regard the Amelieii's cup as the emblem ol the world's championship, because ol the restrictions ab.rve alluded to. The Atlanta may go to Chicago, hut tlioio Is no cortiihity that she will do so. Mr Win, Pike, Tieusiirerll.Q Y C, will alter the ligol hl» keel sloop Sylvia lo that of a en Ilu, and lowei hei ballast, hoping by tliis'inoans to unpiuve hei speed. Tho sehoonei lvotchiun, light tioin ( hlr cngo, and bound loi Uigiiut/ Haj, went aslioio on tlie nicks mar Pilot Island, Cake Michigan, (luting a log Monday night, bhe will be teleased, unless the wind blown too hard. TIIK WJC8TF6BD SUNK. A serious collision took place nearly nlirenat nt Windmill Point llglitiioiino, Do- trolt river, on Jlonilny morning. The ntwim- liargo yVestford, lumbar loaded, towlitg two bargos and a schooner, collided with the schooner Grace Holland, in tow of tho stenm- barge Republic, bound «p. A special dis¬ patch to the Intcr-Ocean says: The vo»aolB struck nearly hefid on, splitting- tho Went- lord'i ImwH wide open and sinking her In three and n half fathoms of ,wi*'r, .on tlitf Anierlean shore, about half a mile, below the lighthouse. The'Holland was nntdiMiliiged, aside limn the sera))lug off of paint and the parting «l the low line. Knell captain claims tin' ntJii r ut fault, [twlllpiohably tesultlti a lawsuit. The other emit of tho tow escaped Injuiy, The propellei Nebraska, passing up at the time ol /the collision, to avoid collid¬ ing, inn agj'in'mil on Hi lie Isle. .She \rns llghteicd oH'bythe fei'rj ^steamer Giirland, returneH heie" and fsip'loiiiling her freight. The steambargfi Wfirtlord.was insured for $12,000 by Captain Orosbj in the Crosby and IJcmick eoiitpiuili's. , Tin schooner Corslcau, ashore nt Point An Police, has boon released and brought to W|ndsor. She Is unloading hei coal. One pump keeps hei Iree. (The steanibarge Westford moasuies 378 tons." She was built ut Tienton bv Turner in I860, and 1s owned by A. N. Sprutl. ct al, ol Alpena. Hei class Is A 2, and hei Mil na¬ tion f J5,000. She Inn] new deck anil beams and other repnlis iu 1880, iiikI In ISSi was refastened, had large lepalis, mid was given u steel arch J NAUTICAL AM> SCIENTIFIC. The Hamilton eoul heavers struck foi 20c. a lou and got It There Ik trouble between the union mid non-union sailors of Chicago The non¬ union crew of a schooner about to sail were suddenly Induced to desert their \esscl Fri¬ ll a j night bv tlie union salloiji who, paid Ilium a visit,------------------------------.----------------_ The latgest steamer ever built on Luke -&U|M>rlOr Is 78 leet hHength, 14 fcet-Iioiini-,* and 4 feet 10 iucli hold. She Is Intended for the passenger tiade, and will accommodate 100 She will be called the llatlie Llojil. Captain George Sweet and son, ol Oswego, me gelling theli two boats, tho Thorli and. Mayiiard, ill loadiness toiun the coming suininet. The routes ol the bouts will be the sumo as last yeai, the MiiyiuiriJ iiiuulng between Clayton and Alexiiuiliia buy, mop, ping nt all interniediute nolnts, and tlie 1 hoin will urn among the Islands as an ex- cuision boat. Kingston News There has been verj Huh demand liom the gialii vc-kcIs lids spring loi men cooks. Almost «\ei) vessel » in,„l .inn ih i nok ninl thli,2re,it denial d collided Hliti nlipplv in ( biengo to Mich all extent that the mil) mi) glils enough to go around could be obtained wash) advettlsiiig. Old ladies wcie not iu demand at all, and ciitinti} giilswere pieteired o\ei IIiom* Iiiiiii tlioill}. It is learned to a eeitaini) that ol tht gi.iln lleituow iibouttosiill Horn Cl|l- iiigollltj have kin,do cooks and man) otheis a i e to have them The PicBiduH piaetlcajly decided that the Marino Hoi-piltd set vice should have eciiti ol nvei the $100,0001 pidciiiic luiid. Hie Null onal lion Ml ol llialth culled on hint-and aakid him tin [null% loi the loiniolot the tlllld hllli>eqilelitl} Colonel Geoige K. Waring, Ji , ol New pun, H.I, Kuglueei, inembiiol tht National Hoard ol llcallh and a peisonul lilendol tlie Piesldcul, called on him and iiigcd the cause ol the National Itoaid ol lit .lit li The President rikncd him to hecietai} i'olgei Xlie lattei listened to wluit Ctiloinl Wining had to snj, anil then Iiiloiuitd him llial he was veiy tie- illicitly In laMii ol giving eontiol ol Hie epidemic liujd to tlie Maiine Hospital ser- \let ol tin IreiiBiii} Department Sllll the board eliiliu to have hopes The ^avtiunali rivei bleuuiiis are Hidd to bine a ei Main suit til thue-ilevil'olow up-us- >f>u-go di that btatsall othei emits In eiea- tion Hit Toledo tug owneis have toiinedan lihsm liition and estiiblislied the following riltslni towing iu untl out: Loaded, $1, light, 70 t cuts A loiupaiatlve statement ol the wheat shipping bj water I loin tl o port ol Dctiolt dining the moiirhs ol Api 1 sluci 1881, Is as lollows ill,075 biislielit, 1882, 108.8J5 bushels, 188.1, 7.1,211 'The sltauiti ( ity ol Uiesdeu was in¬ spected by Government luspeetoi llav buckle, at, Windsor, und both steamei uud crCw slood the lost. Tito steanibarge S. J. Miicy was tho llrst bout to puss tlnougli tho Straits ot Macki¬ naw this yeiu, which event took place on tlie 28 ol Ai.nl. 1 lie sleaiuhiige Kuloigh and Consul I were the Hist dt cp eialls lo pass the Linn Kilns Tiny wete diawlug H ket 8 Inclies. Dull it Gathliold plloktl llitm nvei. y Tlie M. I. Collins was the llrst sail vessel lo eleai Milwaukee IniiiGiien Ha) pint this seie-Oii. 'ihcwcuttn hUtei II ly altci wood. Dulr.A Gatnold tho ljmc Kiln Pilots, liuvo two line now ollnkor-btillt bouts, portly decked, for their me nt the Lime Kilns. Thov tiro 20 foot long, iind nro iininod "Kis¬ met" nnd "Pilot." , They tiro handsome und very light on tho water. Nothing does so establish the mind amid tho railings nnd turbolonco of present things Its both a look above them and a look boyond tliem.ahovo them, to the steady ami good by which they are ruled; and beyond them, to the sweet nnd bemitlhil end to whlcli by that hand they wilt he brought. The Oliver Mount, when sailed by Cup tnln Beuupre, Is credited by the 'Amcricnn pnpois witii having made the fastest round tl lp on record between Toledd and Pnt,t 'Ctilborne—two 1I113H Jind foiirteen hours. She idso Hindu the quickest run front Detroit to Kingston—three days und 11 half. Tho Sturgeon Buy Advocate flays that heroaftct nil craft which dusiro to avail them* selves ol the advantages uflor[U'd by the ship canal must elihei pay or guarantee tlie toll before passing tbrougli. Eihiiund C'ayo lias been appointed day collector and Judge Wilght, night,collector. This rule has been decided upon bo Mint the trouble, experi¬ enced by the canal company last year in en¬ forcing tlie piiymont nl certain toll bills, wf" not bo repeated litis season. T'hjrty tugs were repiesenloi) at a meeting of tug owners to adopt n culd at Detroit. E.G. M ci rick was elected President, S. B. Grummoud Vico president, und S. A. Mur¬ phy, secretary and treasurer. Tho curd rnto ol last lull was ndpptcd, nnd the old tonnngo u III bo used as n basis for calculating bills. The rebate ol 10 per cent, on the tow bills of schooners belonging to tug owners will not be allowed this season. The sclioqner Mimiuee Valley Is reported by marine undci writers as having put Into Detroit with a wetmirgool grain. The late cut on cargo Insninnce rates at Chicago brings the figures down to JO cents to Montreal. 15 cents to Buffalo, iind 12)(j cents to bin ilia and MidlnncT The sclfhoncr Arrow, stranded thiee miles north of, Two .Rivers last week, has beeir stripped. All cfloits that Imve tints far been made lowaids her leleusc werelu vain She lies easy in about three feet of water w lib a bar just outside of liei. The captain Jims ho will make another attempt as soon an the watei becoir{cT~settlctlr Au Exchange says. The Dominion w lock¬ ing and halvugo uifnpany has lately pio vided Cauiidn with 11 much needed outfit, consisting ol tug", wticLIng stcameis H/!u toons, hieain pumps and uthci w iccklng up- apiatusol Into palleiiis. They will bo sta¬ tioned at tlie pi luelpid ennst uud Inland ports, and will bo Iu ehulge ol Captain Men III. of Now Yoik and Captain Doiiuoly of Kings ton /The inmpanv Is now at work raUiug I111 Mijeslj's will-vessel I'hionix, wuieh was wieekcd on Piluce Eilwnid islantl last lull. 'Thi vessel cost the British go\eru incut tnei $1,000,000 bhu Is steel-plated untl sheathed ovei with six Inches of teak. 'The machinery done cost ovel $125,000 and she hud been in commission only sfx iiloilthw I ho company hope to 1 also hot salely, and In so doing they will leup.v- rich lewaidas showiis lioughtol the government loi $3,000, An Idea ot the value ol silih appalatirs Is pcrliaps best oblaliied h\ a glance at the Island ol Antlcosll iu Hie lowei bt Law¬ rence, whose rocky slioic are lovoied with wrecks, no less than 120 ves-els having gom to pieces within tho lust ton yeais. The preparations loi the business on Lake btipeiioi loi those isoft by vessel owners are about couipleti'd,and when navigation opens in earnest a l.ugei fleet than evei belore will compete torlhe business ol Hie ports on tills lake Pi luce Arthur's Lauding will al¬ so demand and leeelve her shale ol trade There will be about 1,000,000 bushels ot wheat in Duliilh elevators lot shipment by the time navigation opens to lliillido 'The Northern Pacllli will receive Ju.OOO, tons of iu|lioud Iron at Diiluth und 15,000 at hupoi- ior. < The Western Express Iyine ol steamers Is now partly uitlloi wa) loi'the suiuuiei The ychsels of this lint 1110 tliuVkiidlh, Glenl)n- 'a« bt. Mngnus, and the ifhi' iiba steamoi the' Myles TIicbo vehsels wlllloim a weekl) Hue between Montreal and Dulutli, Hie us- Heme points, and calling at the rlv6r ^lOilp and Kingston below, al Toionlo, potfi* on Detroit 1 Pier, nnil Pi luce Aithnr's Landing. Sylveslei Bios., Hie Toronto agents, an¬ nounce that the M)les w.111 rtach Toionlo from Monti eal about next Friday, on the way west. Captain Uoynton Is cxporiineutlng.yt.itli ij. kind of submarine balloon. It Is niude ol glicet Iron, untl so arranged with pulleys, weights nnd nlr ctuiuibois Unit It will nnvl- Bute the oconii nt itny doplli below Ihesiii- laee. By the aid of some newly discovered 1 heiulcals tlie balloon Is able to make all foi Iu entiling purposes ut the late of 5,000 cubic loot per i neb pound ol chemicals. '1 he cap tain sa)B lie wi lit down Into tho sea oil the hlsli cnasl and rtmiilned iindei walei six¬ teen hours by the aid ol lift) pounds ol his tllacovtt), wlileh h> the \Wv,cimts 011I) 101 tents a pound, louipaii) lot sunken vessels. THE TUG GARDNER DURNEB. A dispatch was received In Oswego re¬ nouncing the burning of the well known lake tug Gitrilnor neai the Gnlloo Ialmi'Ts last nlglit, The pnrtictilnrs were not given. Tho dispatch loquested Mr. C. C. Buel to send tho tug Seymour ut once but 11 later dispatch eountoThinndod the order saying Hint the two barges tho Onondaga und^'us- enrorn Iind tenehod Cnpo Vincent In snfoty. TI10 tug left JTalr Haven last botiifd for Qgdonsburg with coal. She was owned by George Hull & Company and was sailed by "butch" Leonard. The cause of tho burning Is not stated. ^ ' Tlie owners, George Hull & Company of Ogdeiisburg, could give 110 particulars in re- gurd ttitlie loisnt noon, nnd C. C. Duel had' lienrd nothing nt 3p. m. Tho tug wits in¬ sured for $10,000.' It Is unileiitood that the, barges readied Cnpo Vincent In snfoty.— Times. >' A dispatch from'Cnpe Vincent snys the tug Gnnltitjrj'of Ogdonsbui'g was. burned about two d'clock this morning near the Gal- loo Islands, about twenty utiles west fiom this village. bho Jolt Oswego last night with two barges In tow loaded with eoul for Montreal. Tho tiro originated ui'iilei the boiler upd within five minutes ultei It was discovered the tug was all In Humes and tlie engineer had barely time to bnck bet to the lit si binge to allow tlto man to get oil. Sovoiul escaped In this way und the rest took to the life bouts. No linnds were lost although n few wore some¬ what scorched. The tug is n total loss which amounts to about twenty thousand dollars nnd Is no doubt fully insured. 'The wind blot ngnle from the southwest nnd about 10 o'elock to-day the two buigcssailoti down und anchored in this burbot all fight. -------------.----------------:-----------------Oi>KtraT6n. . THE PROPOSED bAIIARA SEA. M . Do Lessens teports favonthly on the ptoposed bullion beusehemo. Soundings 73 meters deep have shown the existence ol nothing but sand. The African Inland ten tn'ight easily bo made, with the aid of 100 excavators, representing tlie wot k of 100,000 men. M. Do Lesseps has met with tlie best reception 4rom tlie Arab soldiery and population. On tlie third he arrived ut Blskru, having completed a survey ol tlie country between Gabes and Ibo Jlaish Lakes. Ho declined that Hie soil will allow of iheexeuvatioiisuecessaiy to connect ) the hikes with the Mediterranean, that tjie woiks will present 110 exiruoiulunry dilll- culty, und that the concessions asked lot with regard to tlie forest and adjoining lands' will make the scheme remunerative and wholly independent ot Slate aid, subvention, or giiaiiiiltoe. ' THE DEMON OF HIE ORIENT. The book beat lug the above title or "Our opium smokeis us lliey aic In Tartaiy Hells and American Paradises," is 11 liniel) pro¬ duction. Do Qulncy wrouto "Thecoiifessioiis ol an opium enlei but this book j»Ivch a \ lew of the Whole subject of the opium trufllc In the billowing chapters A nip to China Tow 11, o Hitting tho Flute, Women Who bmoke, An Ameiiciin Palace Joint, A Dog 111 1111 Opium Asylum, CraVlngs,oii the loud Be¬ hind tile Bins, Victims In tlie Diamiille P10- lesslon, Fetteis blionger tliaiibteel, Leglnla- liini and Death ut the Margue. Price pei oopy, c'loth $1. paper, 50 ei ills Adress Alien b. Williams, Piibllshoi, 1111 & 10J Franklin bt., \ Y WIIAT'b IN A NAME. A great deal, to be sure Wouldn't you .rathei hear tlie name of- Washington lliail GulleailV And wOuld't you rather have 1 bw ayne's Pills than any other In.tho maiket V By theli u»e leiiiido Iriegulnrltles 111 e re- storotl lo 11 health) condition, They nelthei gflpe, protluee nausea 01 liny otliei unpleas ant sensation Tliey are win united to cure the gloat vailet) ol iHfi'iises which begin with deningeineiits ot the, moninch, bowels and kidneys. Kntlrcl) vegetable. Askyoui. druggist loi them. .—, ANOTHER TURN. The Litchfield lumber litigation cuse jit Siiglnuw bus developed uuolhci new leature. Coionci J. M Campbell's seivhes wcie louglit Into letpilsliiiiu nfnl a wilt ol re- blevln wan ihiiied at theiiintiineeol II. Unw¬ ind, pineliaser tit the liuiiliii ol the Litchfield estale, against August Meishon and 'otheis lot 155,000 leet ol the liimbui that had been loaded on the Hghteis Boll nnd "J. F." Tho He pioposes to oiganl/nilinnibei was taken Iruiii the lighters ami nciiM'ilng lieasnios liom | placed back on the dock, mid the end Is not \et.