TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, May 12, 1883, p. 7

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\* Tlio Port Huron Tlmos or April 27 says: Somo time botwoon.the fourth and eighth ofnoxt month tho first ol the Bcnlty llho Is C3rpootodjQ_nnvlgnto the upper lakes, the -»Qiioboo as usual taking tliolonil, Tho Unltod Emplro Is nearly complete, She will have accommodation for 1B0~ cabin pakBongors. " Hor ofllcorB are: S. Robottson, captain; T. Pottlgrew, first onglneon John McEd- Avnrd, purser; Georgo Bimsy, steward. Tho Quebec hns had $10,000 oxponded upon her In reilttlng this spring. New furnaces iindN bollor, nnd a-now pnlr of arches, besides cnrpotlngs and furniture, have made this bont as good nB when first built. The officers rtro: Jolfn Moore, enptain; Mr. Scott, first engineer; Georgo R. King, purser; W,Ben¬ nett, fltownrd. The Ontnrlo hns hnd new lurnnoes and boilers pliteod in her, and was thoroughly overhauled and refitted. Officers: Jiinios McMaugh, captain; R. Kenny, first onglnoer; P. A. McCollum, ~~J>ilraor: P.Covuey,steward. The Manitoba has reoelved considerable attention In order to keep up her well earned lopntntlon. Officers: L/Morrison,onptnln; John Tomp¬ kins, first englMeer; E. Robertson, purser; A. Kldd, stewnrd. ' GOOD ADVICE, Never speiKlnioney boloro you earn It. If you me earning six shillings perda\, save three of them at least. Establish yourself In some kind of business and then intend to It. Do not build too many "air ensiles"—thev soon come to naught. And If you have never used Swage's ointment, especially prepnred loi Itching piles nnd humors of ovory nanto and inituie, ask yom druggist for it nnd Hike nn othei. Nothing like It Safe, and sure euro. Excelsior Cop er Gasket —tuu- Steam, Water, Gas/ Oil, Acids, or THE EXCELSIOR GASKET ii eipeolsl'y atiptod to Heavy Pressures, HIGH TEMPERATURES, And ROUGH FLANGES. —It will resist the cnotulcnl notion of— Oils & Acids. ORDERS LEFT AT Wm. BINGHAM & COS. Chivelnnd, O —pWill rocelvo prompt attention — REFFEHENrKS Clevelma Rolling Mill Co I'late Mills C. It M Co Bingham Mills, Briton Iron and Sloel Work CiWTnliliil Wtter Worka, Lake Krli) Iron Co Oler ndl^l V FnrKO. Curahono I urnlire Cn ntA Sub-Marine Divine Snnton Machinery ant Canoes Raisei And Sub-Mirlne ItlaitlDidooeat Heainnablo Kntei. ^ H. N. JEX, Port Huron, Mloh. '■■cBESCEA/r ' BOILER COMPOUND Wilt LOOhlN bCALi: INi ;■ V' LHISt.lNlMlC.Cll^'^,'. ' l-A11\AliH\i li >(■" CANFIELD Wrecking and Towing Line, Tllfl8, Hawsers, LiBhteP8, ( Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, 2c, To be linU oimlrorl notice, by ihnll or tolo-^ gmh. -------- ------0----- A. O. WBEXfcER, 0HA8. ONF.WUCH Manager. Wrecking Mastor. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN * GokpANT'H ltlAOJIAI, tIFF. BOAT OAK RE USED IS PLACE OF THE MBTELIO LIFE BOAT IF 41 PREFERED, HAS REE9T ADOPTED AT XVAMI JNflTON BY Till! BOARD OF SU¬ PERVISING INHPEC TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEND F0EPEI0E LIST DEAN AND CO, DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS.. [ILLUSTRATED] . $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Fr««. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. Nn. HO Liberty St., New STork, V. Y. Vesselmen sriOL'l.J) HAVE ' ou INE LAW BOOK. Conuiulngnll poiniB of MABINK LAW fts do- tormlned'by tho United States OourU Ownen, Soniimn, FreiKht*, Town tfe, ColLUloni, Genernl Averftffe Chnrton, IteffUtrjs ^nrollmenU, Common Cnrrlen, Dutlei of Benmen, Mni^or* Jh Ovrnon, niu or L»«\iiiif, wnirei, &c, h« \oUimnlBlmndHtiiULiy iwund In stUT Hoard or"i and ilno ntirfliili cloth binding Hooka of kind generally cnit 13 00 Inn wo will send tt ny Rdareas i»ita«o paid for 91 50, or with the RING RECORD (or ono ypur, both for only fi Adilrens Makinb IUcord Clevolond O POSITIVELY CURED All Ditfferuni from thin disease that are anxious U) be cured nhould try DB KIBBNER'B CELEBBATED CONSUMPTION POWDERS. TticaD I'ow^era aro tlio only preparation known Hint will cure consumption and all dlieawaof tho THBOAT RUdLUNGS—indeed, so strong U our faith In- them an Vu\m to Lontlnco you that thov aro no hurobug, wo will forward to qvory ■ufloror, by mall, post paid, a pre© Trial Box WodO t'twant your money uniflvou are perfectly sat- iaflod of their curative powers If your life Is worth sa\lng, don't ddiy in giving these POWDERS a trial as thoy will lurely euro you Price, (or lar«o Bos, |5 00 or 4 Boxes for 810 00 Hunt to any part of tho United Htatoi or Canada, by mall, on ruoelptof prloo Address ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St.. Brooklln, N. V. FALLING sicKNESS .AttS'i OrirtrttJ d iivlnce aulnnri that thMU) Powders will do nil we elaltn for them we will send them by mall, ppit said, a Frefl Trial Box As hf Goulard Is tho only LTiyaretan that Eos over mado thlsdlHoaBaaipouialBtudx, and as to our knowledge thousands havo been pfirmaaailtly cured by the use of Uieeu Powders, vo Viu^aQarautte a ptfrmanent our«m*>*«ry case or ratond your all money ex' pSDdad. All suflereri Bnould glvo IhUBO Powders an CarTy trial, and ho convinced of their curatlvo power Pxlco. for large Box. S3 00 or 4 Boxes for 910 00 ut by mall to any part ol tlio Unltod States or Canad on receipt of price, or by oxprow C O, 1> Addrei ^ ASH 4 ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklln, N YI Paper Mill Boichore StSohrtos. Ouomotas,Sail Pais 8mote Stacks. And (JIbnds of Her/yPlitei Short IronVariC Ophce & Works, ^^^^^^^ m.24B.248.250.J52Jtel.254. 7!|™^r. Perry Sb. ;fAHK3, OIL STILLS flf AGITATOHS. Perry 9 b. ESTABLI8HKI? 1830. -UAHUrACTURKflB on- CORDAGE «t OAKUM. ■ Gtngi of AMERICAN, KU3SIA anil IT ALIA V HEMP of ib» Tory beat quality mode to ordoi AT ON DAY'S NOIICE. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y_________ MARINE ENGINE WOIIKS UANUPACTURKIIOF B@ST. T 9 UANUFJ Marine alnd Stationary Engines, ConnKsrovDEsct Solicited. u», ». »» •_____________________ NO ENGINEER Should be Content T run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it-free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE¬ PAIRS. It is PURELY VE6ETABLE and MflBOitrieiy oaiti. Sflml Tor Clnrnlnr giving; full Information tn HOUGHTON & CO, Sole Proprietor* and Manufkuturera ____.__ _ 130 Reade St., car. Hudson, NEW YORK. THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for rnlalaff MqalcU under uml up to 100 foet. No Muolilnery, fto Oil, No SpBOlul Oars. Clin bo worked niianundod by a olmin. Will iiuaa grit, inud, annd, pulp, etc, without injury to Ha parta. Mvnila only a ateam plus from lioller to run H. I'rlou. QOO gallona per hour, S50| 1,!!00 <lo. •TBI 3,001) do. •10ft; 0,000 <lo. •loll; 10,000 do. •17B, 18,100 do. •lias | 311,000 do. »375l 40,000 do. 8*110; 00,000 do. »0OO| X20.000 do. •l.OOO. Compare thla with ntiy other Pump Llat. Wrllo for IlliiBtrntml UceCTlpilvu Imnk w I'll n HllinonhilH &i Hailed free rULHOMETElt 81 BAM PUMP CO., 83 John 8t., Hew York City, U.S.A MECHANICAL BOOKS ? ron MECHANICS ENGINEEES AND VESSELMEN. HOOKS, OF ALL KIND-- AT KKDIK Iil> 1'KKKS. J.Q WU.IA.MS&.C0 171 SUPERIOR ST, ■ - CLEVELAND, 0. St Miu\'*. Oh!" Montpirlli'i, Olil'" OIIK FACTOIIIKS. IlicikuiirlilRO, Mloti' Cnrrolltoa, Mloh. DeGHAUW, AYMAR & CQ., M4NUKACTURK1I8 AM) IMI'OBTKIIS UV Q0HDA6E, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MAHINE HARDWARE AND SHU' CHANDLERS' GOODh GENERALLY. Not 84 * 88 BOPTH 81., NEW YOBS-____________________________ ------------------■ THE^ CLEVELAND J WHEELBARROW and TRUdK CO. ALL KINDS WHEELBARROWS FOR ALL PURPOSES OLEVEL TRUCKS OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST., AND, OHIO. Mint! in inli t'nur ■ , 5664 6921 7852 4961

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