T> ^nginB'Eijmg; TACKLE BLOuKS. . . A OnUISK INTO 1II8IOBY, ASCII NT AND MOD- * BI1N.—CAITAIN I OKI), IIY INVKNTINQ A HEADM.OCK FMH1M IIIMSKLl' NO IILOCK- HEAD.—A OIumlNO CLE/BLAND ICNTKII- rnisi!. t , ' Siicroil history informs us concurnlno; tl>o dimensions of th|it nnclisnt emit, the Aik, Cnptnln Nonti, ot her (locks, her epmpnit monts, liiitohea will veutlliitlon, but Is uttor- ly silunt in lugnm to liei outllt. Unci she centreboard, ruddci, bowsprit^spnrA or ovon n lleiirohoiiil ? As she wns In no dniiftor of colliding with othei emit,'II inny bo* <iiius- tloned whether she wns ovtu lined for not currying "gotid iind^ullleleiit lights" ami « fog-horn. At nil events those InCorestiilg piirticuhirs lire left wholly to the intaginii- tlon. Slightly lurtliu down the stii'iun of time, no Hnd, Homing, the ships ol the l'Hcl MJCIANS AM) 01 IIIC 1 QII'IIANB, linlf eiuipes, but cnpublo ot icslstlngn con- eldentble sen. booft the niud Hits Impressed Intp seivice, and It Is evident Unit Argo¬ naut mid his lich dri'iulcd "n white usb bioe/e" us nniL'li ns liny modern Juck Tin. Ceitnliili i> Mini some appliance lor cluing. Ing the lead ol the hallardx must huvcbu'ii ~ cmly IniiodiiLid, loi the taillest models In the miisi iiniri ol Km ope show rude at¬ tempts to construct pulleys loi the running llgglng, brriiugc lo s.iv, the llist patent loi block- nmklng inatliliiery of which no have nnj lecoid, ih-iicct to VValtei Taylor, Southamp¬ ton, Is dined exactly 102 years ago, and the pioiluu «ao clumsy cnuugh. It is but a fin jeiirs blncu a blight genius, one of our own countrymen, ol couise, hit upon the / idea of makliig the side; of a block, oi "cheek-pieces," as they are now called,, sepa¬ rate and Into changeable, bolting the" whole togethci In the dhectlon ol the pin, pi axle,, while l.irge. blocks weie still *lurtliei strengthened by means ol cross-bolting- All tills time no one thought of using nnj thing lighter or moie (Unable than rope as a list¬ ening or strap lor blocks, small and huge. A score ol yeais ago an advanced step was taken, patents weie issued foi blocks With stiaps ofiron, i uniting Hi at around the out¬ side, as the rope li.ul done, afterwards through tho (.untie of the uIulK, as closely as possible lo the sheaves, v> liich, instead of being made Invarlbly ol wood, began to be turned out Of cast iron. The shells could be made of lighter wood, such ng.nsh, mid the whole affair roduccdjn .weight, while the strength was augmented. w BLOCKS MADK 01 II10.N have been from time to timo intiodiiced, and for chain pulleys, and foi use In places ex¬ posed to the aellon of dry ileal, ihey have proved vpry serviceable. But the Increased coat of wrought lion blocks togelhei with their liability to bend, and thus by friction defeat tne pi line qualin of easy motion, has never permitted them to supcisede the old- fnsliioned blocks made of wopd. It remains for us to speak ol a Cleveland Invention which has been winning rapid fa¬ vor among oui lako maiintrs dining the past few years, especially dining the "season of 1882. Capialn George A. Kuril, loiinerly master of the Senator Blood, Augustus Ford, Caroline A, Simpson, I 11. Crocker, and othoi lake vessels, son of Captain Augustus Ford, U. S. N., well-known inning the past generation as having made a sunej 01 Lake Ontario fiom which a set of working clurts ,. was made and used by the lake marine/lurX \"15 Ing and since the IVm of 1812, has bien foi 4iTnY some years patentee of a block which he mi ^y^- me years patentee of a block which he an Pled to his patent steel ,,„,„„, i,,,'^'1 Made emlrelj of ,„„tu|, t,a, ,,„,, "»"•" » posed ol the finest malleablelion, thJstuis" of reined w,ought hon, the sheaves of irev casUion and the pins of d.awn tuXCy . This block made foi Itself so good a rec¬ ord as n hallard block, that prominent Cleve¬ land capitalists have been impressed with Its value forpiUl purposesJor which blocks«| are usearnnuj niter careful oxporlnmnts, n company was formed, uiidor tile title of the OLaVKLAND BLOCK Oor In ttie manufacture of these now blocks their Hi st Intention was to make an Iron block, equal, at leilBt, in every lespcct to the wooden one, and at about the saino coat. They soon found, however, that tho demand was for a hotter block, even at n slightly In¬ creased coat. Thoy hnvo accordingly spared np mo s lo metal . the beat nitlolo wliloh nnu brains would protlnco. get up til I ' The wide mortise l>loiks"are particularly lino, adapted ns thnvnrc, for the heaviest uoil,, sikIi (is iiilslng hollers and bridge bents, warping i ivei sleainhoats and the like. fo.NlnaeJt'iealTe'm8t'Vm ""^ the "b0V0 I The most leient addition has Been a mal¬ leable Iron siiaich block, a cut ot which, repiesentlug It open, Is gi\on above. These lllustintlimv, u lew only out of many kinds made by ibisLoinpnm, give some Im¬ pel fecit Ideir of an Indiistiy which touches not only Ihe mai me Interests of tlie world, but those ol that Iiniiiincrahlo multitude on land who bend theli strength to a rope, al¬ beit without thcmuslial "Yo-lieave-o" of the hill lor. VEhbEL SALES. Hans Johnson sold a halt Interest in tho scoV^t. II Ileckt i to Andicw Peterson foi It. II Trumbull sold a one-third interest in the schooner Newsboy lo William Patter¬ son lor $1, and 0 li. Th lines sold a one- hulf interest in the »i hoonei Huby to Moiris Van Platen foi $l,.">00 The binge Nniwitt was sold at Iltlllalo by Captain CIihHih Ilnmllioii and others to ( buries Turner, ol Saginaw f»i $5,000. She carries about SUU,UUU lie / Krcd U Elwill sold the n-boonei Hurtle Calkins lo Pete) llain-on loi $12,000. Klin mi il JI liraluaid sol I the hlcninj ai.llt C. E Iviemei, toCluules West lor $1,000 The lit w bulge being built by It Mills & Co; was sold to J. C I.ockwood, ol Milan, 0., for f M,00O Shi Is 21 I lei i long, .11 fret liiiiiiiill1.. feet bold, lias single deck and will uiiiy tlrrci spars. Capacity Is about 00,000 biinlicls of i oi n. Shu Is built lor inn- (•liliicij, hut will > tin this season as consort' to the steamship I oliunhl i. The Goodihh Tiaiis|ioil it ion Co bus sold tliu sldewluel steitinii ("Itv ol Milwaukee and the piopUlt'i* Wlsionslii and Mijhlgan lo the Grand flunk Knllwny C'oiupam, and the new ortneis wil minium, tin boiii-nn the Milwaukee and Oram! ilnvj'if route. A HUNGRY MAN» Tile man who cleaned out n llrs't-olass res¬ taurant In Boston the other day and thou tried lo come iho "Cannibal" on thetoloicd cook, had been using hwayne's jillls, tho best medicine known here below, composed of coiicuuiiiited Milnabh) juices ol plants. They are undoubtedly the best and salest purgative, aperient and ami billions medl- clno know u. 25 cts. pel box. Five boxes $1." Try them.--------— -METALLIC LIFE BAFT. 1, Tho great loss of life caused hint year by , the wrecking of eo many pnssoiigor ttonmors has naturally mndo the public feel very timid In -regard to selecting this mode of traveling. So long asCimailn will persist In sending old hulks to sen lolKUsd to the guards with passengers, tho only snfo thing for' thorn to to dp Is to too that these boats aw properly supplied u |tli Hie ilifts nnd llfjo sav¬ ing hppatatus. Wo think tho Calkin's life riift anperloi to other makes lor lofliibjlity nnd recommend It to oui steam bout owners. I Messrs. Calkins present this raft to tho owncisol vtcnmshlps nnd stcimibonts, and fool confident In saying that thoy Imv'o euc- cceded in pindiieiug an article loi llfo-snving purposes, which, lov iitlllt)', solidity ojcon¬ struction ami dimibinty cnuiiut bo exceflcd. I.u this, raft It -u-111-be-seim that Ihe two cylinders are consti ucteil ol gnlvanlzed sheet Iron, with, n seiicsof 'watci tight compait- ments, and In such nmannoi tlmtany Injury to one compartment will not cllect the othei ' —tlie row ol ilvets next to Jointed pnrt showing each compaitmcnt. Tliein mo no pints requiring adjustment, but all form a strong, compact and thot- ougtrfy-clinnected whole, ready for use at any time; mid, when required, there Is noth¬ ing about the uift that has to be llxed oriu. Hinged, but it can be launched Into the sell eltlier.side up, and w hen In the sea can only be broken oi lenderel useless by sundering lt« bolted and ilvoted pint». This has proved cflbotunl in saving Hie, wlieio lifeboats failed, as follows: The steamship Leo, burned oil- Savannah, Apill | NAUTICAL AND StUENTIl'IC. Tho light on South Jfnnltou Island began operations Wednesday night. Four hundred and thlrty-novon vossols, of ail clnsBCs, are In pbrt at Chicago. The bay at 0\wn Sound Is ofonr of ice and vessels hnvo'coraniensod running on Geor¬ gian liny. Bnrgo Marino City ran aground on tho foot ol Bols BInno Island, but suceeoded In getting herself off, Shipping from ^Vhltollsh Bay p'er opens, llvoly this spiing, over a dozen emit having loaded nt that point, thus far this season. Arriuigomonts are said to bo jmrtlonlfy | concluded for running tho propolloi"> Pnojllo and Saginaw Valley on tho Greon Bay nnd Buffalo route, ' • ' It Is reported that tlioro Is only nine, fleet ol water In Poiitwntcr harbor,' and 'com- innnduis of vcisclslilioiihl make eotindlngB on entering that port. The steamer Pearl was tho Hist boat Into Alpena, the steamer Floia the (list boat In¬ to Cheboygan, 'ind tho steamer City of Cleveland the first Into Maeklnaw. The City of Sheboygan, of tho Goodrich Linens undergoing n through overhauling at the company's sjilpyaids at Mnnltowoe. She will bo lendy for business In about ten days. The steamer Clrf^-of Cleveland collided w Ith Illcklcr's dredge near the dock nt Smid 13th, 1877. 'Ihe ciiptnin of this stenmei nnd twelve ol theeiew nnd passengers, after be¬ ing on this i aft seven hours in a heifvy sea, were rescued by the crow of tho bark Hop- pett. All who left the steamer in tho life¬ boats wero lost. The steamship Emily B..Souder foun¬ dered off Hntteias, December, 1878. Two sailors, who took relugo on one of these rafts were saved, alter being on It foity-elght hours (tho captain rejecting the rait, It hav¬ ing a hole in one of the end seotlona, he not knowing that the cylinders wore made In compartments,) The cnptnln and nil others on the ship who took the life boats and tc - poinry rnfts, perished. Tho following steamship linos are fur¬ nished witli these'rafts • Pacific Mall S. S. Co.;- Ocenn S. S Co., or Now York nnd Sa¬ vannah; N. Y. & Charleston S. S. Co.; CiomwellS. S. Line, ot New York and Now Orleans; James E. Wind & Co., Havana S. S. Line, C. H. Mallory & Co., Now York nnd Gnlveston S, S. Linos; F. Alexandre & Sons, Havana and Mexican S. S. Lines; Win. P. Clyde & Co's. S. S. Lines; Old Col- ony S. B. Co., Full Kiver Lllie; Now ITiivcii S. B. Co., New Yoik and New Hnven; Nor¬ wich & New York Tiansportatloji Co.; Startln's S. B.LIne, B Cornell White's 8. B. Line, lion Steamboat Co., Providence & ' Stonlngton S. S. Co., Ameilcnti S. S. CO., Philadelphia and Liverpool; San Francisco & Oregon, S. S Co.; White Star Line, Now York-mid Liverpool; Ked Star Lino, Now York and Antwerp. They me niniiufautuiliig throe sizes ns fol¬ lows: One with cylinders twonty-nft> Inohos In diameter, slxleen and a half leet long, with eight compartments In each ejllnber When put togethei .complete, ready lor use, the raft 1b sixteen and a half feet long by six leet wide. . One with cy.liudeis sixteen Inches dinme- tei, sixteen and ahalf leet long, with eight coinpartuieuls In each cylinder. When put togethei complete, iciidy loi use, the mlt Is sixteen and a half feet long by live and n half feet wide.. One with ejl'lndeis slttcen Inches dl,mil¬ ter, eleven leel long, with six compartments In each cyllndei When put togethei, lendy | for use theialt Is eleven feet long bv live feet w Ide We ask the leader's intention to their ail- veillsement on the hist page ol the KiT'Olm, and should lie plenxi tl to hat e them scud loi clieulau | LIFL SAVING SEUVICE. ** The United Stales llle saving station at To-, ledcopcniil uiili'tlio pillowing ciew Cap-i tain,,Chin lis Goodwin, L If. Hopkins, A Al. Millet, F. T. Hntoil and T. C. Nolan, ol Cleveland, ( harles L Leonard and James Chrlsliiian,ol baud Cluck, John L, Eve-' lolgh, of Snoket's Harbor; and L. Distal, of .Bilffalo. Captain Hnbcooli, of the life saving station at Fnlrport, received orders from Superln- toudent Uohblns to open the station and go Into commission. The follow lug is thecrew lor the ((lining beiisnni Flunk Netlleton, 0. J. Hnwley, Jo|m C'apron, James Wilson, Charles Call, Neal Maddoek, Daniel Pettis and .Stephen Fieedjbnugh. ■ ■ Muskegon has shipped about 0,000,000 foot ot lumber to Chicago this spi lug. Beach Tuesday, doing considerable damage. It will cost $1,000 to repair her. Tho Cleve¬ land was not damaged much. At Point Albnye shoal, Lako Superior, tho red buoy will be discontinued, the black one remaining to mark the outer end of tho shoal. Buffalo, April 25. The first arrivals by lako to-day weie the steamer D. Louty, . from Cleveland, light; followed by the Jno- C. Gault nnd Russell Snge from Toledo, with wheat. Tho lake is clear of lee, only occasl- enal flpes being seen. A.-Clmilnr from the Lighthouse Bonid, Treasury Department, requests nil mariners to promptly report at Washington any Gov¬ ernment lights not lit ut sundown or exc tlngulshed at sunrise, and all buoys that are, found out ol their proper posttions. A smokestack, apparently from some [ stcnmCrnft, wns washed ashore during tho storm in the vicinity of Thhteonth afreet, Racine, nnd wns recovered by a Gorman family. Some people are of tho opinion that it Is the sniokostack of the illfatcd tug Wet¬ zel. It Is probable that a line of steamers will bo re-established between Buffalo and Green Bay Bomo time during the ensuing season. A representative from the former city was leeently at the Bay for tho purpose of per¬ fecting Ihe preliminaries with xhis end In view. Captain Kirthland will place his vessel, tho Veto, in tho cm rylng trade between Egg haibor and Menominee again the coining season. He will also carry several cargoes of Btaves to Green Bay for T. W. Wilglit from Horseshoe Bay as soon ns navigation opens and tho boat Is ready. The BteambiiTgc Milwaukee, owned by Mchsis. Haiford & Latimer, Is at present pi) iqg between Grand ilavefl and Chicago/" in the liimhei tiade, hut will soon begin car- tyliig stone I'lom Washington Island to Tlaveise City loi the now Noiiheru Michi¬ gan Insane Asylum. John Wnliuslet, second engineer of the Grand Haven line propelloi Michigan, was anosted by ihe United States Marshal at Milwaukee on Monday, loi an assault com¬ minution the high sens. Wnliusloy Is charged with having beaten one of the deuflhauds oi llieiilau ol the boat during the pussage across tho lake on Sunday morning. Theollleeof theOgdensbiiigh and Chicago Tiausportntlon lino (loiinerly tho Northern) will he moved to ilie loot of La Snllo stieet. The piopellu Onelila, o't lids line, is loaded, The piopollci biiginnw Valley, also ol the Same line, is at Hay City, and will come to tills poit us soon as the Straits open.—Chi¬ cago Timo. At Oswego, Superintendent Phelps has received orders to bullil-adook extendtng- east anil west along the alioro Irom tho east side of the new harbor trestle to the old stono plur. The dock will be 400 leet long, _ nnd w 111 requlio 20,000 cubic yards ot filling. An Immense quantity of timber will be used In its construction. There will bo a depth of thliteen leet ot water Its entire length. Tugmuii complain that ns n rulo the "smoke consumers" don't consume smoke; that one of these patent appliances does puilfy tho smoke, but that while it is on u v.