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Marine Record, May 5, 1883, p. 2

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r. ABOUND THE LAKES.. ' • OXrRVmOKNT. • Cnptnln H. Conurd, of tn'ls plnce, has left hare to take eommiind of the propeller Wis- snhlckon, of the Anchor Lino, ilow lymg nt Erie.' . ' ' Tho Boliooner Polly M. Rogers 1ms boon towed over from Button Bny, and Is nowi 'being fitted out under tlio direction of Cnp¬ tnln JiuiioB Saunders.' Her fiiddor In being repaired, having boon dumngcd.by the Ice. Tho stoiuner Pleropont bus been milking rogulur trips between Kingston nhd tills , port; She Is coimn'nnded by Captain An¬ drew Miller. -Miv-A. B. "Cleveland's ntcuuiynellLjrulry harundergoue extensive repnlrs, nnd will bo lnuuohed soon. Win. Dunlmm will net ns engineer. " • , ' The steamer Mnud is now making trips bo- tWeon Kingston unci this port. She Is com- miiuded by Cnptnln C. Hinckley, of this pluco. A large tow pnssed up Ihq' river thought to bo the tug Gardners. ' • , Cnptnln liichnrd Snunders bus .returned from Oswego where Jio litis been superln- tendlng the repnlrs of tho schooner L. P. Hammond. I'OIIT HURON. , The steambarge C. 11. Green broke her piston abreast of tills city. The steambarge Oscoda hns'received n general everhnullug during tho past four weeks. Sho hns nlso been, repainted nnd looks ns bright ns u now sliver dollar. She Is rendy to leave port nnd expects to mnko her first trip during the coming week, going to Oscoda for lumber. Cnptnln A. R. Sinclair will command' her ngnln this season. The crew oi 1882 have been re-engugod foV this seiiBon. During the past winter the Drydock Iron Works were naus'unlly busy, nnd the mucbinery of the following boats was over¬ hauled by this ostnblishinent: Stenmbnrges Ogemaw. Ira Chalice, Allegheny, A, A Woston, Blrkhend,TempestnSHitwIck, Cald¬ well, Abcrcorn, Rhoda Stewart, C. JL Green, Porter Chnmberlnin, Belle Crosse, St. Cnth- nrlnes, Lowell, City of Concord nnd Cleve¬ land; tugs, Mocking Bird, James Reed, Frank Moffat, Vy: B. Ciiatlc. Currie nnd. SeawTng; and steamers O. D. Conger, Clnru, J. Beard, nnd Beekwlth. The reputntlon of Port Huron foundries Is rated A No. I, by vesselinen. ' The Herald has It thnt tho'. buoys nt the mouth of the river will be plnced.ln position ,,,next we.ok. The tug Dickson went Into tho Bllngs yesterday afternoon to uhnnge wheels. The stenmer Arundell Ib reported ae doing a lnrgo busiuoss this spring between Alpena and tho Snginnw river ports. The tug Huigbt lias been In tho Bllngs, nnd received n piece of new shaft nnd a new stirrup. Tho tug Peter C. Smith came up tno river yesterday looking as nice as' paint could miikc her. , The "M" line will not lake to the high seas until there Is plain Bailing and plenty of business ahead. The steamer L. G. Muson carried forty tons of freight down yesterday to load on the Arundell loi-bbore points. Schooners Sylvhui Morton and Harvest., me undergoing repnlrs, and will bu ready lor business in a few days. The llghthoiibe board has directed that in replacing the buoyu authorized lor Xlils dlstrlut nt the opening ol navigation, certain changes be made troin the positions assigned In last year's, beacon ami buoy list. The most Important ,ure as follows: Delioli river: Two b.ioys oil' the Michigan Central railroad-elevator, L)etidl[, nnd one ulftlio mouth of Connor',* Creek, discontinued. St. Clnlr river: A second led spar buoy will be placed In the south channel, about OJ4 miles above the St. Clnlr Hats canal, to mark "Squirrel Shoal," a 13 feet spot upon which the propeller Deleware grounded lallt fall. Saglnnt Bay: The channel across the shoals south of the Charity Island will, not be buoyed recent soundings having shown It to be unsute lor vessols dinwlng 10 feet ol water. Lake Huron, mouth ol Black river, Alcona county: Two spin buoys will be placed to mark the enhance. North end of Lake Huron: A spur buoy will be'plaeed to mark the tblrteen-loot shoals lying about four miles westward ol Spectacle reel'. Lower end of Lake Michigan: Position ol Clark's Point huoy changed about half a mile to the northwest;, at South Park shoal a spar buoy .will be placed on the eastern side; at Hyde Purk shoals 11 spar buoy will be placed on the eastern aide. St. Mary's river: The new cut 011 the American side of the eastorn Neebish rapids will bo buoyed; and several minor changes In the position of the old buoys will be made. Lake superior: At-|. Point Abbey shoal the red buoy will be dis¬ continued, the black one remaining to mark the outer end of the shoal. GRAND HAVEN. Duncan Robinson, shipbuilder, Suturday •' launched a beautiful little passenger stenmer which will be placedAon the . Manistee and North port route. For beauty and durability her equal will not be on tho east shore. cuioaoo. ' John Olson, sonmon, wont Into the Marino Hospital. . ' Tho Muccy wnB tho first vobboI to go through tno Straits this season. Tho trouble between the fcnink lines and tho Bonrd of Trudo helps the1 water routes. Tho Porrett, Favorite and Boscobol are )n port from Uroen Bay with their first lumber Indoii tows. « . Tho rqvonuo euttor Andy Johnson, Crip tain Bnvls, goes to the foot of this lake nnd nnd the Straws so that she may help any grain fellows or others who niny get Into trouble Tho new tug Chnrnley bound out, with her bnrge in tow, blow out a Joint'when two miles down the lnko and became- disabled. No oncwas injured. A tug went to her nnd towed her nnd her bnrge back into the liar bor, where she Is ropnirlng. Tho survey on the schooner West Side, damaged by the propeller Messenger, wns held, Captain Keith and Captain Rounds being tho avrvcyort. The West Side will re¬ quire n now rudder, new stern, stern frames, tnltmll ilnd a piece of rail on the port quar¬ ter. The vessel Is In the Cliicngo Compnny's drydock. The Messenger will bo asked to pay the bill. Paul Poullot, boat builder, whoso work lollop Ib on tho floating scow at the southeast end of Lake street bridge, will be glad to see any old and new friends. He hns on hand a large number of bouts of nil kinds, having built 52 during the winter, 20 of whloh he has sold already this season, nnd orders are coming In fast for more, which will be com¬ pleted lis soon as possible. All work entrust¬ ed to him can.bo thoroughly dopended upon. The Schooner Arundel, of MnnUtoe, Cnp¬ tnln Peter Hanson, left that port on Satur¬ day lnst,*nt9 p. tti., nnd was our in the heavy gale of Suturdny night and Sunday, arriving here nt 5 p. m., on Sunday. She experienced vory honvy weather, her deckload of timber wns shifted, nnd everything In the cabin was turned topsy turvey. Captain Hanson Ib lucky in having n third anchor on board that weighs 100 pnuude, and Is always nt Ills post to do his duty, nnd we sincerely hope that he (Jim Anchor, the mate) may never be cast overboard to stav longer than he feels inclined. Robert Tarrant, of tho Murine Engine Works, Chicago, is putting anew engine 13x 14 Into the new ennnlbont Jollett, nn englnoof the same dimensions into tho new Selling boat for A. Booth. Ho la building a#pnlr of engines 14x30 for tlie Geneva Lake Steam¬ boat Co., to bo placed In the stenmer Lady of tho Lnko, nnd Is lull of Work, doing re¬ pairs and fitting up n lnrge uimbCr of pro- pellets, stenmbnrges and Ulgtkln the river. There Ib a great dcmamKfor his propeller wheels, and Ills business iVincrensliig so ex¬ tensively thnt he is nbout tchbulljl himself a now shop of double tho BlzeVpftlie present one. Mr. J. W. Brennan lias placed upon the Union Tug Compnny's new tug Admiral IiIb now patent doublo electric bolls for com¬ municating bctweou the pilot house and the engine room. It Is n correct Indicator be¬ tween the captain and the engineer, and vleo*| versa mid will do away with all controver¬ sies between them with regard to signals, and will make errors Impossible. It Is simple In Its workings, the slightest pressure of the linger or thumb only being required to work It. It Ib a very valuable and necessary addition tor all steam vessels, and only re¬ quires to be seen to bo appreciated. Mr. Blue, of the Unior Tug line is the agent for It here. At Miller Brothers drydock the propeller Jessie II. Farwell has hnd her bottom calked and a general overhauling: Tile new tugs Calumet and Admiral arc completed nnd rendy to coininenco business. Propellers So- per mid Oncer C. Williams will be recalked. Schooners Pluenlx and Lone Star are being re-calked and generally overhauled. The schooner York State has had a thorough re¬ build. Tho schooner America will hnve new main and miiucu masts and iiinlntupumsts, the schooner George L. Wren new foremast and fore and uialnlopmasts, and the schoon¬ er Emma C. Hutchinson new foremast and mainmast 104 and 105 feel in length, sev- erirT^OBsela In the river are also being ro- piltred. At tho Vcssol Owners drydock tho schoon¬ er C. J. Mixer has had her bottom calkod and some necessary repairs. Schooner com¬ merce had her deck calked. Sioambargc G. P. Heath hnd her bottom calked and a gen¬ eral overhaul and wns Ironed. Sehoonor H. Rnnd had her bottom calked and some new planks. Steambarge Annie Laura, Captain pohorty, hnd a now shaft and eomo- repair* to her stern bearing, some calking and other nceesBiiry repnlrs. Steambarge Emma E. Thorn pBon hud n lenk stopped nnd sonic re¬ pairs to her shaft and stern bearing. The schooner Conquest which struck one of the piers on entering the harbor last Suturday during the gale, breaking two planks on her port bow ami causing her to lenk badly, went Into dFydock lor repairs nnd to be calked. Schooner Sophia J. Luff hns hud deck anil topsldcs calked nnd a general over¬ haul. Steambarge Fred Kclloy had some re¬ pairs. Propeller Cuba hnd part new fender oir starboard side, seme new ceiling and some necessary repairs. ... MUW-AUKKB. -The owners ol tho Bohoonor Duvnl pays tho eoiit of repairing the Clipper City, which collided 'with the Duvnl on the lnko- Inst week. STUnQKON DAY. '"- Tho Btonmbnrgje Hilton hns" been .painted green all over. ™ - . 'Longshoremen me pnld i5 cents par hour at this port. During the recent loe-shovp nt Rod Rlvor the tug Tornado whb (lnmagod.by It to tho oxtSnt of nbout JfTOO. Her ruddw, nnd one ot th&blndes of tho wheol were broke'n, Tho Btoiimbarge Burroughs was nt tl|o cunnl Friday night on her way tp Milwau¬ kee from Bailey's Harbor, Tho'O. M. Chnrnley got nway fiom horo with her barge on Tuesday. Tho Int.ter hnd upwnrds ot 13,000 po«ts on bonrd. * Tho tug John Leathern will have to bo placed In drydock' for the purpoBO of having nor rudder and shoe overhauling. The llttlo tug A. S. Pipor hud tho first tow ol tho aonsqn. She took tho schooner Belle Browyi out of the cunnl 011 Wednesday last. The tug Two Davids lias begun operations on the Wolt rlvor between Ahnnpeo nnd Forestville. She Is commanded by Cnptnln Joel Ashby. Tho llttlo schooner Lottie May wns fitted out last week nnd put Into commission ngAtn for the season. She bus been, supplied with a new mainmast. Tho ferry boat hnt_aliam> got down to business, nnd she (s proving n grent con¬ venience to the public, botli ns to speed and commodiouBiieeB. Tho little side-wheeler steamer* built at this port by the Sturgeon Bay LiuWJer Co., during the past winter, wns launched Wednesday. Cnptulrf LouIb Olson, of Fort Howard, arrived hero Inst week to fit out the schooner Monitor, which has been wintering nt this port. She Is all ready to.sail as soon as the wind will permit. Captain Jacob Hanson leaves here for Mil-] wnukeo in a few days to take command of tho Btcumyucht Trescutt and bring her to this port, wl|ere Bhc Is now owned by Gen. Dreutzer ipid others. Leathern & Smith will make application to tho proper authorities nt Washington to hnve the' name ot the tug W. C. Tlllson changed. Tho new-title has not yot been decided on. Information bus been received from Wash- Ingtbn that n crew of from twelve to twenty men will soon arrive hero and begin work on the proposed llghthoiiBo 01: Sherwood's point, at the mouth til' this bay. Tho ue.w tuffC. M. Chnrnley mado 11 trial trip lust Thursduy evening, nnd everything worked sntlslnctorlly. She is unquestioniiDly one of the finest models for a tugboat ever launched on fresh water. Rand & Bergor, ol Manitowoc, weie the builders. Later reports received from the sceno of dlsuator 8tute that the Spoed "went to pieces during the blow, of Snturdny. Tho steam-, pump which had been plndnTon board was also lost by tho sudden breaking up of the vessel. Navigation nt this port says the Advocate, is virtually open via the ship cunnl. The soutHeriy bio* cleared the upper onrt of tho biiyironi the head down to the light¬ house; and below thnt point' to the mouth the ico is badly honey-combed and n strong tug can eiiBlly (orce a passage without much trouble or delay. Green Bay Is also praelic- cully open, and bailing some llonting llcldb of ice navigation can be resumed ?it any mo¬ ment from this out. The Ice In Little Stuigeon Bay wont-Out last Saturday night, the vast field which filled that body of water being carried out In one uiibiokeu cake by the heavy south¬ easterly blow thnt prevailed The lee was pretty solid yet on Saturday, but the wind proved too much for It and on the lollnwliig morning the blue wnluis wera visible. The bny was never lelenHcd lioui Us ley barrier ns quickly us this y ear. The schooner Speed, formerly commanded by Cnptnln .1. P. Clai k, ol this port, Is nalioi c north of the plcm ai Kacine. While In tow of the lug Sill last Wednesday evening the line parted. A heavy sea was running at the time, andjis the weather has been un¬ favorable ever shico, It is piobahlo that will prove a total loss She was loaded with lumber lor Kelly, Weaks it Company and Ib valued at $3,000. The Speed Is owned by tlie heirs of the late Joscpu Walker, father of Mrs. J. P Clark, ol this city. ASHLAND.______ Tlio well known nnd favorlto stoamyaoht Eva Wadswnrth Iiiib been thoroughly re¬ paired and put In order for business this spring, and Is only waiting fur the Ico to got gut ol the wny to resume the regulur trips between this port and Bayfield. Captain Hank Thomson, is again to command her, which Insures to the public liberal and courteous treatment, and efficient service. The (owboat Ozaukee Juis hnd her mnehlnery rebuilt during the past winter andtias other-, wise been jelltted, and is all ready 10 re-, sumo business as jioon as the Ice departs. The now Bteumer City of Ashland Is com¬ plete nnd reudy to begin her career Tn those waters.—Preta. 8AUI.T 8TB. MARIE. Tho sontlmoptal odltor of tho Nowb says repairs Imvo begun on nil the tugs In port In tho Bwoot bye nnd bye wo mny-soo navi¬ gation opening, at lonst, by this vrt> soo that tug o'wnors have some faith In tho ultimate coming of thutoventp* > DULUTIl^ - According tp tho Tlmos' tho fishermen aro Wolng an ImmoiiBo amount of business In tholr lino Just now, Within twolvo hours tho tug Amothyst brought In 1,800 pounds, the Camp 1,500 pounds, and tho Evlston 1,800 pounds. Dredge No. 1 lius commenced operations on tlio govorninont work. As soon ns flho gots to working satisfactorily sho 'will bo taken to Superior. Tho Mluule Lomont is running tho ferry route between Dullitli and Superior. Cnptnln Holt says thnt ho hns mndo nr- rnngementswlth the St. Pnul & Dulutli to handle nil their Superior business this sen- son. »* George LuVnque received a dlspntch from P. A. Lnndlng Buying that thoro was.twelve mlles'ol ice In sight. The mall steamer Slsklwlt started for P. A.' Landing-tfud'thp 1101th shore with a largo number of passengers and considerable freight. Tho tug Ollvo M. Cnffipbell' will go Into commission nbout Frldny. The Fero Is to be decked over nnd con¬ verted Into a barge at once. Joseph Lloyd Informed a Times reporter that ho would soon lay tho keol for a flut- buttom sidewbeel stenmer for use on the bny nod on the rivers. She will bo one hundred feet long nod will be a model steamer hi every respect, and it Is expected thnt she Will not draw over two feet of water. The John Prldgeon will bo changed Into a tug lof this season's work. Repnlrs on her aro almost completed. The St. Paul & Duluth warehouses uro being filled with flour for spring shipments. Dredge No. 5, after working n short time on tlie St. Paul & Duluth slip Monday was forced to withdraw on .account ol tho frost In the ground. Sho tried It again. The lug John Martin started up the St. Louis river on Tuesday to work for Maxim & Leinuy on the Fond-dn-Lac boom. She took up a pile drivor und other mnterlul. Messrs. Blanching and Gooding, hull nnd boiler Inspectors, hnve pushed their work and taken their dnpnrturo for home. They any thnt thoy will return to Duluth again in June. • The old rovonuo Bteumer Fcssenden, which hns visited this hnrbor 011 more thnn one occasion, Is being transformed Into n lumber bnrge nt Buffalo. The.tug Amethyst will not receive her new boiler until nbout the first of Jupo. A> number of the tugs havo been running arouud outside trying their engines.. It Is aald that dredging will again bo necessary lif front of tho outside dock this spring. There has not been a very active demand for sailors at tho Canadian ports ns yet. Opening wages are nbout $1.50 per day-t~ The tugs McArlhur and Mixer were UTbe launched nt the shipyard on Saturday.* alter receiving a thorough caulking. A Toronto firm has purchased the Flight for towing purpose. 1'he Flight lormerly belonged to (Jhalley Brothers of this city. The Htetuner Ah'xnndria has been lepnlred to the exteutol'ifJO.UOO. She leaves Montreal loi llaj ports on Thursday next. The tug Sherwood was the first boat to bleak [Inoiigh the lee in 1'ieton haibour. The Cjuiiilu and Deseronto are now running regiiliulj. The M. T. Compaiiys new tug will he launched 011 the 2-1 of May. Captain Uasklu genurally has a launch about that time every spring. A vessul captain, before he would engago his cook asked leave to sinoll her breath, us he hud his doubts thnt she was a sober woman. The woman did not stand the ordeal. The steamer Shannon, which us the John Greenwav, was the HrBt boat to ply regularly between Napaiiee nnd Picton, now lying In Plctloii harbour, Is to be raised and rebuilt. . ■ LABOR AND MONEY ■ Hnve been for ninny years spent In trying to compound u medicine thnt wpuld cure the sickness ot this country. S" uyne's pills are tho resnlt. Tho necessity of tho gononitlon Is supplied, und clerks, ministers, lawyers, merchants und mechanics have an unfailing assistant. They make tho mlud clear, quick¬ en thu perception, invigorate the body, lit you for business. They awake the torpid liver to healthy action, and expel by the bowels and kidneys the matter that poisons the foundation of life. They uro carefully and accurately compounded with one aim- to cure. Tho buoys are being set nt tho head of Belle Isle by tho Government stenmor Dahlia.

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