VOL. V. NO 18. THE GKE AT EASTERN. Tlicro lire .parties In this city who tiro seriously couteui|fhitInj; tlio pinclinRc ofrJio Greut Eastern, with n vluw nf altering hor very mnterliilly, such us razing hor so that alio Will dinw much loss water, uml nt tint snmo time reduce hor currying capacity, which Is considered to ho too (treat for the present rcqnlteinentsofprolltable trade. It Is contemplated, should she bo purchased, to remove all her present motive power and substitute Tor It a pdrol compound engines, driving In Its stoad t»ln 'screws, *rhlch would glvo her an average speed nfVrn'm 10 to 12 knots per hour. She would bu flttcd as a geiicrnHrelgh'erRiul pertleularlv ns a emtio boat, for which she would be well adapted In her changed dimensions. Itjs believed that hei outer bottom Is In good condition, while her Interior, and above the wuterllne Is In first cluss order. . CLEVELAND, O. MAY 6 1883. 82 DO Tun Annum SmahK i owns ft Cknts. tics or lids romatkiiblo i-lilp, hiitliiivu round reason for nut limiting her the prnpcityof the nation. She euuld carr/ coals to our- toullng,stations, but she would probably like to many, and would cost too tiinuli Col¬ lier ninlutaiiianuc. Eight thousand snldlcis cnuld bo convoved In her eapaolons hull; hut If such a precious freight w ei ocas taway tl|<> Biillsh Army would bo sensibly weakened. Asuggesllou that the gigantic crnft sliuuld bo cnnvertcil Into a Hoi,ilog hotel, to be moored oil I ho coast Is perhaps a* near the mink, and as wide of It, as any other pro- pom I. It would seem as II some cnilielv new requliemont must spilng up In nnler tnglvo eniplnyment to ji vcs«eL for which at present I lie world has no neertU. A brief sketch ol the Great Eistern may not be uninteresting In Ibis connection bho was sold at auction on the 10 nil., and bid on lor about $130,000. .She Is 1181) feet long 83 teet broad and Oil feet deep, being of 22,027 tons builder's, 18,015 gross and 13,341 of August, one ot thu "•lines," of tho season. In April, 1801, she vv,in sebed for debt, her uuftirtunate stockholders being again called upon to subscribe to scene her release. In the (mine, summer she did good service car- rvlng troops to Canada, In 1804 Messrs Glass & Elliott bought the great ship and routHl a vocation lor her. On June 30,1800, she sidle I with the new Atlalillo cable, the laving of which was successfully accompli¬ shed July 27. On tbn 2 of September she lifted the old cable of 1805, w hich was refold, mill on tho 10 returned triun.pliinitlv to Liverpool. Hhe was put on the New York passmigcr route in 1807, but lost money and went Into the sheriff's hands on her return. In June, ISO!), she laid the French Atlantic ruble, and In Jaiiuarv, IS70, the Suez cable. In 1873 '•lie once more visited America on a cable-laying expedition. As a business en¬ terprise, liowcvot, she has never paid. Lust year Shu lost $42,103, hor value being then placed at $433,575; At present the Great his canoe and n spear in his hand, but tho Idea Is really stolen from trim." Paymaster Read lias the most perfect ntr rangemonts lor his woi k. He will b'o able" to photograph fish and shells, as soon us they are taken out of tho water, by a verti¬ cal catnera. This Is necenssary, as In some .cases the air change; the formof 6ome of the curiosities of the sen. Tho sea water will also be brought to tho surface from any de¬ sired Uepfh for nnnli ?ntlnn. .During the trip of tlKr-Scfbaiross Irom Wilmington an nro light has been first successfully operated on an Edison circuit, and an Invention has been complete! for lighting tho surface of tho soV whlclijrill bo used lor signaling and l'ortheV<j8<ctitlon of all kinds ot work«t night. _________. ________ THE ITALIAN MERCANTILE NAVY. Tho report of the Committee appointed to Inquire into the condition" of tho Indian Mercantile Navy, which has been drawn up THE GREAT EASIERN Tho main question upon which her pim- chiiHca binges is as to whether she can he brought inidui an Aineilcau rcglsier, so [luu she i an II) il)o Ameilcan Hug. i'lils question Will bo^w+bfnllled lo tho 1'ieasiiiy Depot ineiil in a low days; the would-be pun baseis believing that the change ol loglsioi call be vvioughi, especially iu»thu uhaimicr nitty Vessel's to be euliiely changed, in Iblspai tlcular »e aio not so sanguine assume nl proposed pnicluiseis aie bho Is a "white elephant" In Omit Itrlialn and would lie lieu1, uiiIimi chaigid ns \\u have Inilhiilid T^bo London .Siandaid ot a recent date In commenting upon this vessel sat a On the "hole, it is a question u hethoi tills mountain ol a ship would nut he ileni as a gilt. Yet she Is a noble vessel, ol" linincuco stiucluiiil slieugih, andia|>al>lo ol battling with sloi in and tempest pu vein tocome. Her snlolault Is hei enoi iiinus.nI/i. She seehis lo lui\e .lieeu built loi thu planet Jupiti i. nilhci thiinloi agloheol llie inodo-t Uiiiieusions which cliniacleil/e our eailh. She is a magnificent spei Ilium of naval au Irl- tectuie and eiigiueeiiug skill, but nobody knows what todo nlih her. If she wuu one half her actual size she would Im woiih tw he the mono}, hint Is too big lot the rim /. Canal, and that nibs hei atojuc 01 all ilaliu to eoiiiiiiand Ihe Indian oi 'Viisiialhin tiade, Willi legiinl lolhotralllc actoss ihe Aibiutle, the Uieat Eiisieru does veiy well loi 113 lug ocean telegriph cables; hut as loi cam lug 1 paasciigtrs and goods lliuilel's big ship Is J useless. What her ultimate 'ale will be it Is j haul lo conjiotuio. We presume ilml the , Adiulinlty have not gveilouked thecapablll- net register. Sho was built at Mllwall, horn the p'ans and under the supoi iuUnil- eiiec ol the lalo lie Isauibaid K. Ill in el, by Messets Sioti, Russell &< oiiipany l|ei oilgl. nul name being Ihe Leviathan. it was 111- leiiipled to launch bci Nineiiihci J, 18o7, but she stink on Ihe wajs atul not mull 1 he JJ ol .1 iiiiiaiy did she enter die want. The most powcilol livilltuiliu linns wue 1 lllplovul III tin* piucess, bill at nines sb, leiiiaiiiid Iniinovable lor du\s ev< 11 wben I bey w< le e\t nlug a piessine ol si* tons to tin squalo im h Win 11 at last she wnsgut Into the vvaiei anil bad bet 11 lowed down to Deplloid, ihe coiniiaiiv that Inillp hi 1 had e\bausiiil lis c.'ipliol (J.Jutl.OOO, and a now oigmil/ilinu bought hei Im aboiu a Hub ot h> 1 (0-1 The 11 one was changed lo the Gnat Kasieiiitliy wu wit n culling ihe Uical Wi stci n, Ihe iiitiHne irliini ot an 1 m ||( r din , and on Hu 7 ol August, Idol), she Ml Dcpl lonl Two ibivs laiei, on leu lilnl lii|ioil Hastings, a j uiket 1011111I one ol Ihu Iniiuols exploded, killing leu men mid eai|»lug much damage; alieady seve.al lUos'h id bo"H lost III launching luu. Her Ill-lurk Inllnwid hei, tor 011 I lie 21 of Janiiaiv, 18(111. her emu- niandei. Ciptidn 11.111 I-ijii, an old Cnmidci wasdmwind whengdiu aslioie at Suuib- luullptoii I lie w-stl had bieu inlellded bu liie pa-seiigei Hade, and was iinaiil lo can} WD lii-1-1 lass piissougi is, 2,0110 miiiiiiI « ass 11111I 121)1) ihlni class, whh a cicw ol 400 men, but lliem wis mijiiaikot Im sucli a indlli June 17, 18110, inidiii Cipiiiiu Vim Hull, she sailed loi New Ymk, making a passage nl ten and a hall days, niid leuiiineil 011 this side ol the Atlantic until Ihu middle Enstern Is titled with four cable tanks, occupying some iargo,spaio mid most ol the dining saloon-, hut all inn he'eiislh leuiovcil ind 1I10 ship lltie.l a's 01 igluiillv. The uoui mil powei ol In 1 paddle engines Is 1000 hoiso, and herseiew eugiius ine 1 000 hoi-e powei II, 1 bollcis, which mil nil ubu and i-lluiilu auildsblps, me elglit In nuinbei ol wjih Ii six, by I'oiester, weie new. in 1807, I'll.' nuinbei o| plans In ihe hull is .'10.1)00. snd ahout 10,1100,00(1 ilvets wtio Oi-cd In lasieolog Ibeui No less il)an leu thousand 'loiisutiioii was used In hi 1 cousii iiuliou, 11D1I shu was the III-1 tessi I Hind whh s(eani stecilug geni.— Vu11t11.it/ Han tin 1SSJ. » Flblll.Nt. HY hl.fcclUItll'Y. Ai 1 oiillug 10 a 101 lespoudi lit ot ihe Phil¬ adelphia J'nss, [he cltcrih'al appaiatns nl I'ioIissiu Hiiiiil's i\pediiloii IS veiy coin pleie riio sea cli ll.bt Is one of ibe 1110-t novel of the woiidtilnl iiivoiulons ot ibc 1 In* uliieleenlh ceiituiy. It consists of three E lisnii electric lights ol 10 caudle powei each. Inelo-ed In a hnimullcaliy sealed glass oil.e, which Is suiioudded by 11 glass globe, and capable ol reJhilng the prcssuie ol 1 he wtiiei at a gieu ileiilb. It Is pioposid 10 sink the lamp and illimiiuati Ibe sea b\ 'nulling 011 Hie light Ibis, It Is expected, will^irttiaci tin llsh, and a net ten lent In ill- aihiili'i at lis 1.....11 Ji placed below Ihe llghl will lie drawn at the pmp"i lime, ami Ihe liukiiow n Hs|i o| ibe lower waleis, w ill be caught. "It Is an linpiiiveinoiit," said one of ihe oilliers ot the ship, •'on ihe method of Ihe Indian who seal dud the rivers at night lime with a buriiingjiljiC kui.it liiihubo>w ol t by M. Boselll, will shortly bo presented to Ibc Indian I'aillaiiient. lis rceomoieiiilnllmia arc as follows lo cieatc a Minimi vol Mei- cniuile Jlaiine, lo grant bouniles to con- snuciors ofetenmeis built In lialy, 10 grant ua\gallon iiouulits for it n juus in steamers and loi eight jeius to sailing vessels, which me chin 1 ocian-gulngoi ine engaged In tho loasilng Hade in a huge Male, to suspend lor Ibi same lei 111 tljc tax on personal pro- puU Imposed on ow ni'u nl \e-sels not ie- ■I'lvlng homilies; In rilnrm ami iciliico con- siilai dues, to reguline ihe svsleinnl port dues and tho coasting tunic, ami to feiblil Ion Igueis to.eiigngo In the cims'lng |r,„i0 unless riclpioiiiv Is condensed; lo endiinvnr 10 lone a small prnpiirllmiaUux ►illisthuied loi the IKeil luipo-t h 1I11I 011 liallan coral H-bcis in Algeila, lounlly the vmloiis lolnr.s lor Im npai haled men haul roiiiiiiiii, audio estiililli.li a single Mini In loiiui'ciloii with thuDcposlte and Otnndguinouta Fends. Bermiidli is to bo made tho depot at pres¬ ent lor American whiskey. For Ihe past llnee moiitlis whlski v has he. 11 shlppeil to lit lunula, In onhi 10 escape taking It 0111 of bond hem. The Internal revenue \n\ of 00 units pei gallon 011 high wluos, widen aiiiounls 10 about, $1 50 per galMn on hi ti¬ lled whiskey, Is pavable 011 Ihe evpiiailoiiof Hiiee veins altei distillation, provided "ihe llquor,reinaiiis In bond In this cnuniry that long. But II It Is shipped to afnrelgnpor be- liuu tli'ittlme oxjilies ami Is then letnrned lo the Ilnliwl Marl's, It w III not have to pay she lax lor toree years more. «.-«-»»- - *■ -:3-ft »