'« *^ TUB Neversii Cork Jacket, Twonty per cont. more bun ynnoy thnn nny tliPr Jjll'o-Preserver in tin* narket. Is the SAFEST and only REL ABLE LIFE FRESURVER'tn EXISTENCE, iib proved ol t'irt Into wreck nn th<? Pacific Const,-of the Pacific Mail Steamship, "City of San Fnmclscn." ' .KING BUOYS ANP FENDERS. O H w w ___--111 111 l Vri'i 1£$ CO !> w CO -3 THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. -MANUFACTURED BY- n -WJEJEMlEiJ!«r«3 ■£, -*s Approved and jiclnptoil by the United States Board of SupervMiift Inspectors ;nlso by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Line*, us the only Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send lor Tin ilium. DiKAIINWEILER120fF!>THi St.N.Y KATZE.NSTEIVS aCLl-AdlNO METAL PACKING I on Fibton IIodi, Valve 1 SIUIS, IlC Adopted and in u»o by tho principal Iron Worln nod Sltoraahlps Compo- nlci vrilbln tho lout eight years In ttili and Foreign countries For fall par- tliulnra anil rafOnracoB address L. KATZEMSTEIN & CO., 169 Christopher Street, near West Street, N Y LORD BOWLER A CO AGrtJTS FOR CLEVELAND Vb WILLIAM FORTJ, SHIP BROKER, oonl 0 Merino Itip Arrant TT-S; Cor Columbus Ave * Water St, BANDU8KY.0 J. H. PALMER & SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Wator Street. CLEVFXAND, - OHIO MOORE and BARTOW; Ship Brokers and.Agents, Nfl 130 Water Htroa, CI EVI.LANl), - OH! THOS. WILSON MANAQKl.su OnNhlt Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. clievki AN1>, o HIBBARD & VANCE, Vessel Agn CO and W Broadway MIIWAUKrr, WIj, 1H U Hallo Sire, t, tlllCACIO. ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & [Agents, 241) oo Walor S|real, CIIICAIIJ, ILLINOIS. ATKINS &. BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 1.7 LaSullc Stroel CHICAGO, - • ILI BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Broker and.Agent, -130 Wator Stroel Room 14, Formerly of the linn of ItrrkorA Bartow CLh\ I.I.ANIl, - OHIO Til.phone No »U ^ «MU»-<MLai(Ut CRANK CAPSTAN. PATKNTKD BfeFTKMBER 7, 1880 Ab only a few men can operate a crank capstan, it Is seen at once that it must bo very powerful to answer the purr pose. The company had this fact particularly in view when designing tins capstan, and a comparison with any stylo in the market will show its superiority in this respect. To make tlua gearing equal to tho great strain often put on it, tho gears are all made of the South Boston Iron Company's celebrated gun Iron. Tho same care Is taken In Its manufacture • as with the yu*.... capstan to r,„i!%fl cwi} part as perfect as possible. It L made to -..or!, IVn.c, o, Spcul, ,.ccottlii(^ to tho diieUlon iu which tho cranks rovolve, without any other change. . SAILING AQKN1S ON THE LAKES D. S. AUSTIN & CO. UPSON, WALTON & CO. M. I. WILCOX - - \ JAJIES. P. DONALDSON & CO. / G. D. NORRIS & CO. DUNHAM& I10IT, f)' BUFFALO, N. "Y. CLEVELAND, O. TOLEDO, 0. DETROIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE, WIS. CHICAGO, ILL. J. W. Crover & Son Ship Chandlers --------AND SAIL MAKEIiS-------- U7.M10Riveritroet i^kAunlaHrl ft UPSON WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers- EjrOne of the largest stocks of Wire Rope in the United Suites. CLEVELAND, - - .- - OHIO. PENFIELD PCK CO, Lookport, N, Y SOIK MANUPACTUltFKS CKI.KHKATED » "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TUB BUST ANI3 .OHiaAPHBT. SEND FOB PRICES TO SMITH'3 EOAT WOTRKS, 159 South Street, New York. Improved Snatch Kmick Clasp Closed "Anchor" Snalch lllocks. A. M. BARNUM, ■ Vessel Agent and Broker, No. 15 Exchange 01. .' Buflido, N. Y. BTIF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LIST OF VESSELS 1'OR SALE, SEND FOR IT. l Tjitoit Iwprorem ALL STEEL OLLER BUSH Olt WITH OlIK SELF-LDBRICATIN PH08PH0E BRONZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these Bush¬ ings is Ihe celebrated Phos¬ phor Uronie, the be&t bear¬ ing metal in market and being perfect wlf luhrica tors they arc fast sujuried ing all other btylts hor sale by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere, ASK FOU"ANCHOR BRAND" liLOlKb. * Illustrated Catalogues and Trice UsU mailed free upon application. Sample ordirB solicited STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, 1UGNALL & LOUD, Boston, Mass. Nolo Mumifuoturvni In U. 8. A. of <mr Culobrnt^d Meta.line & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail 0%i:ATS, KTC. Improved Snait'll BIOOK Clasp Opened. DeGRAUW, AYMAR & CO., MANUFAOTURBI18 AND IMPORTERS UP OAKUM, ANCHO Wire Rope; Chains, Oars, Blocks, . RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, BUNTING, FLAGS, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERS' GOODS GENERALLY. Hoi 3* * 8J SOUTH ST., HEW tOEK- 1 4915