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Marine Record, April 28, 1883, p. 7

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THE CHEATER BOlTO. . „ . jl»ini the ihadoa »t owning On H. Oneitdr'i now lump alore: Blgnaln. limpi and lantorn* burning, Ai (hitr wont lnd»;«of roro. Burners, olilrantyfl, glittering, dancing, Blinking on lha nov-mndo nholToi. Tiny lampi an, | glnuea nranclrlg Juitllko a band ollllile elvei. Now, If you're aomowhnt at a lou To una nut trio now rotrnai; From tlio old itand llitf brld^o Just orou To J48 -oiita Wator itroot. , And down tlin st'lrs you'll havo to go. With moidy utep and -Irong. And tboro you'll moot with Mtoh a ahow ' Tbal'U malto yuu alng a Bonn. For lamuaiiml lonti>rnn rod anil green, * Tlnwaro of atronnojit gr'iilo- In no nUiro nlno riicYi utook In leen. IVB just the tilaco to trnilo. HlhKtq wlilr-h blow from tho Cbpitor horn, Whon fng« nrn thick and noar, Mrikia ailloralook til fear with acorn 'Cauao tboy know juat whuro to ateoh. LIFE-SAVING SERVICE. Tho Port AiiBtlrl Hewn miyn tlmt ycnterdiiv the lllo biivIiik crews received orders Lo op iiitoumiiiiilmilttii on Monday, Thut of No, 2, nt Pi>lnt-iiiix-Biirqiii'» )i|{lil, It Hindu up kh /ollown: Snmiii'l Nenl, Gi'orRO Smith, Qcorno Lobby, James Sherldtin, Chnrli-s Pnrkor, (Jlinrles Fnrtnn, Wlllliun Aahunrtlt, Blguiil Bergi'iint; Q. Morjjuu, cnpinln. Flvu of the'old crow nnd two now; one of tlio old could not pnwi doctor's rxnnilnuilnn, nnd the other could no", pans the murine exiimiim- tlon In tho keeper's Judgment. Tho dopiirtmcnt Is "npplvlnc nil tho etn- tlons In the tenth district with force pumps as n protection against lire, and the one re¬ ceived at Station No. 2 Is found to Jo its work admirably. Sta'lnn No. 3, above Grlndslono City, hns all of last season's cieW buck again, with Henry Gill, jr., as Captain. C. C. Gooilw In, jr., last year n member of the Clevflnnd Life Saving crew, him gone to Erie to serve at tho station nt that port. We have received from Mr. 8. I. Kimball tho Geneial Superintundant of the Life Sav¬ ing Service ncircular gi\ Ing the designations of stations in the Life Saving Service which will take effect on June 11883. Tlio present deslgnnllon by numbers will be abandoned. Ohlccrs and employes of the Life Saving Ser¬ vice will, in nil correspondence, and upon nil official lorm«, observe the changes. APPOINTMENTS. " f'nptnln D, Titus will take cnuimnnd of the schooner H. D Root. ' The largo steamshin Onoko will be Com¬ manded by William TiInter (Ills season. Captain William Young, Jr., goes Into the schooner II. J. Webb. Captain Peler Mlnch will again command ttje_A. E\erctt this jcar. Captain William Young goes In the John N. Gllilden lids >ear, He v. Ill bo siftceeded in tlie Fled A. Morse by Cliailes Clover. The Menominee Transportation Compa¬ ny's craft will be coniniai.dcd this yearns follows: Propellei Progress, Captain L. B. Goldsmith; D. W. Bust, Captain R. J. Coh- ley; «c'liooner L C. Hints; Captain Joseph Kendrlck; schooner- D. K. Clint, Captain Harry Clement. * Tho Anehoi Lino appointments nrc nn- rnupeeil as follows' Piopelliirs Alaska, M. Kiley; G. Cnniphell, I). Mmpliv; Clarion, H A, Slsson; Coneinatigh, J.iuios Corcornn; Conestega, Geiugc L. Il'igu'; Delaware, Charles Christv; Junlita, P. O'noil; Lehigh D. Cniighlln, Lv'omlng, J Todd; Phlladel- pllla, 8. E Chiiltcrsnii; Wl<sithliknn, II. Brown; Arizona, iluhi'Leoiiarrt; India, C. B Chiitterson; China. A Mi Dmignll, Ja¬ pan, M Nlliind; Wlnslow, E. Monney, ■clmonerK Selmylkill, Geo Illair, Alleglie- nv, C. II. Wilson, Annie Sheiwood, J. Mc- Cuithy. The Kingston Whig sins. John Fluucan, of Gaiionoqiie, Is in the city for tlio purpose of titling out the s earners Rothesav and Prince Arthur for the St. Lawionco Steam¬ boat Company. Theie Is little probability of the amalgamation talked of between this company and the royal mall line being ef¬ fected. The hitler wauls to get too much. Sub-Marine SanKen Machinery and Divine noes Raised Anil Bulr-M trlno TUnattngdonoat ttei.9fjpn.biG Itntea. H. N. JEX, Port Huron, Mioh. T***- --2J- CANFIELD Wrecking and Towing Line, Tugs, 9x Hawsers, i Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, 16 be hud, on short notice, by mall or tole- gruh. A. O. WltEElEIt, Manager. CILA.8. OKBWUCB. Wrocktng Maator, NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN * COMPACT'S 1>IA«NAI, LIFE BOAT OAST nE USED IN PLACE Of THE HETEI.IC LIFE BOAT IP PBEFEBED, HAS BEEN ADOPTED AT WASH INOTOV BY THE BOARD OF SIT. PERVININO =- 'I INNPF.C TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand BEHD FOB PEIOE LIST DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED) $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free, JAMES LbrhEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Vessel men SiIOULD HAVE OU INE LAWBOOK. Containing nil polais of M'AUINK LAW as ' .1 by tlio United btuLi* Cum Li do. tcnuinotO ,---------------ON ■ Sonmon. rrointitu, Towns;*, Collision*, General Atcrnfte, DuttoB or Benmen, 11111 oTLmlliitf, WnfftiH, Ac. Th«' vohiinn f»Iuindriomily iiound In ulilT Ilourd Co\crn, mill ilno I^tii^llttli c lolh liliuliiiK HooWh of this kind KenoniMj contSHfll hut wu will tund it to tin) ndiire-tH poitHK" puld for Si r>0, or with tliu M AKIN I Ul.MIIU) for ono y< nr, >ol|i (or oul) %\1*i AdtlrtMH MAiriNK UhUiiiD Clt*\utmul 0 Owners, ChnrterH, KctflHtry, EnrolliutintH, Cuiuuion Currier*., Mntitortt & Ouiium, dldHAQD HAMMONO, ilOHN<OOON« Paper Mill Blflachns &EotwioQt Qwomcters,Salt Pans 8mbfe Stdda. And oil kinds ofteavyPlate & STiGetJronWc Office Ac Works, 844. And.2B4. Perry Sb. Oil, STILLS 8c AGITATORS, Eepiiriiig Rromptly Atteniodto E9TAIILT9HKD 1836. -UAMUPACTURKItB 0^- CORDAGE * OAKUM. l» of AMERICAN, RUSSIA anil ITALIAX HEMP of tho Tor; beat quality mndo to onlar AT 01 [OrlCE. MANILA and SISAL BIHDERTWIND. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, MARINE ENGINE WOKKS T. Marine and tf ANUPACTUItKR OP Stationary Engines, PfiOPELIEB WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS ft OENEEAL UAOBOHEBT. ConaxBrONDlNCB Soi.icitkd. SIS, !S7 tt SO Mlclilfnn Nt, CHICAGO ILL NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, _ Which keeps it (re: from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUBL, LABOR and RE¬ PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for/ Clroulur giving full Information to HOUGHTON & GO, Sole Proprietor* nuil flliniufiwUirors 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson NEW YORK. POSITIVELY CURED AH HuRbn'm from tliU til hi h-mi tlmt aru iitixliiut to )io cund HlinuM try DR KISSNER'8 OELEBEAIED CON8TTHPTION POWDEHB. 'H»f l'owlm aru Tlio oirl) pr itariitltii hiionn tlmt will nin (onHiimptfon ami ull lint(wfrtuf ^lui THHOAT and LUNOS-imku I• ho htrung h our (mill In Uiliu jui i al u to tomimo jou Hint tlicv uru no ImmlitiK, uu will forwjnl to ovury ■uRonr, by mull, post paid, u Free Tdal Box Wo do Hwunl jour money uiillhou uru pi ifictl) mit- iHtlcd oftlmlr turutlvo povnirs If joiirllfoln wtntli mn Inn, iloii'i di luy In kIvIiik thuso P0WDEE8 « ti iul as ihi y will mirUy euro >nu Price, Utr lar»j« Box. 81 Ot) or 4 B->xcs for 810 00 bent to miy |>nit uf tho Uult'd btulLHorCinuda, by mall, on rooulpt of price Address , ASK) & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St., Brooklin, N. Y. .••':iCRESCE:»Vr . BOILER COMPOUND ,/ Will LUQhtN SCALE IH J STEAM BOILERS f NIT "n PRCVCN1 US ruHMATION. / sAFe k, cHEAH ^HE.ir.r-NiMic.Ci) '>,'•'?.'.■" FALLINO SICKNESS fjTJtARD 6 ujlabratel 'oonvliiM aitAerem rlalm for_tbeiu_we THE llKCiWN MANUrACIURING (O THE. DUPLEX INJECTOR. THE I1EHT ' BOILER FEEDER KNOWN 1011 LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE and other BOILERS Not I.liiblc to Get Out ot Onlor mill nl- uiijs OcllveiH Wiitcr HOT to the Boiler EJECTORS or JET-PUMPS The Minplest l!ilf;e-Piimp nnide that Is npeniteil by Steam' M.iiiiitactureU by JAS. JENKS. 10 * 1H ATWATKK ST., B. DKTKOIT, Mloh AC.ENTS CIDVTLAND, OHIO. Calkins patent metalic life raft. H. 0.& J. H. Calkin, Coppersmiths aid Plumbers, •StuuiiuiiiilGiiH Kitting, GALL.EY STOVES- USO Si -.'57 Welt St., Cor, 1.night • NEW YORK. Clmiinrn prut U|inn npplliiittnn t------'--------------------°r— THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. ■end- them by mall, poit paid. % Frofl Trial Boi Dr. Ooulurd Is tho oul> lTiy»klim tlmt run* uvur mail o :®fc tlilAill oibu uHputtal h7ui!v[ mill aa to our knowloilgo tliouiondH \\a\ o bouti pormanently euro I by tho use of thpflnpowdorit wo Vtil guarantflo ou« I'uwiliinrun Duwer ut Powdorii wo win guarantee a permanent ___rnuvLrycn»« or refund your ail mi tf&nded. All Buttorvraiiiiouli. Jlvo th>uo IV iany tilal, mid bo convln ed of tholr curiitlvo ... IT lev. J or largo Box. $J 00 or 4 Boxes for (10 00 by mull to any pirtof tliu UrWod Status or Cunad rocalptof price, or byoxpronC O, 1), Addrosi ASH & ROBBINS, 368 Fulton St., Brooklin, N Y ALL KINDS OF - FOB ALL PURPOSES OUSVKLANP, OHIO. MANUFArTl'RKIW _ WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST., Mention tola Paper, 6690 56

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