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Marine Record, March 21, 1883, p. 3

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3. ) The painters VnvcVbmmencod work op •tho rebuilt Eliza Williams. When all the Improvements are made she will bo one of the hdiidrortteBt ttlgs In the Harbor. • The. N, P. coal dock hns hardly n ton of coal left on It. and men nro engaged In re¬ pairing U and getting things ready for tho *' season's' business. " i Tho tng^Amytliost has received a new coat of paint nnd looks as loud as a penny trumpet Inn hull storm. Her hull has bccli painted green and hor upper works,n dark drab. ,. % .. , Tho machinery of the tiig Molllo Sponcor " Is undergoing extensive alterations au.d re¬ pairs, Tho palntors linvo commenced work on \\uf. 'J'lie pro]>cl|er Manistee Is bolng repainted' from stem Wttern, Inside and outsldo, Tho new bonded warehouse is finished, Tho tug Pacific 1b being renalrotrantl painted. - Tho work of gottlng out-the-ferry Stowart commerced this week. The little steam yacht John 'Prldgcon Is Btlll on the stocks being repaired. Tlio best a'dve'rtlsed bont on tho Inkos—wo refer to the Sam S. Flllold, of course—Is being repaired. Williams and Upham'sdredges'are in tho hands of the painters. \ The pile-drivers aro at work on tho ox- tension to the Ohio Central Bargo & Coal Company's dock, and another Is to be put to work to-day or to morrow. Work-Is being pushed forward as rapidly ap men and machinery can do tho work. ST. CATHARINES. - No signs of navigation opening here. The Ice lu the canal, though still pretty firm, gives Indications of breaking up? KINGSTON. The News says Captain Beaupre has com¬ menced to fit out the Hyderabad. *• The Jessie Brock has been* painted black, wttli lemon stripes. She looks better than ever—like her captain. Captain Frank Patterson, of the \ ropeller Afi lea, arrived here on Saturday. Ho says that navigation will open at Owen Sound about tho 10 of May. In addition to the now work on the Armenia and California they have boon closely overhauled hnd every part ol them made as good as new. Captain J. C. llnmo will command the Armenia, -Captain 8. Crangle the California, J. O. McCorqnoluw dale the Cuba, Captain II. Zealand the Glcn- flnhrs and Captain Wulton tho steambarge Albion. Capialn Staloy, 'who' sailed tho Albion for several years pnst, l( '8 reported, will command tho tug Active, of Kingston, during tliu coming season. Captain Mulllns Is on Amherst Island, titling up the George SuU'el. It Is suggested that the Rothesay mid Piiuee Aitliur would probably_ find If pro¬ fitable to lake up the Hue between Iluintl- tpu and Toronto dropped by die mall boats. with two nnttrnltii, SO; tbrco. J7: with (our, 18, with Ova 10,wftli i\\ «lr, 110. * RomlltanoQHihould bomiidoby monoy-order, drift, or rojililorcil loiter, to HOUGHTdN, MIFFLIN & CO., 4 Park BtrMt, nnstan, Maun. II. D. OOULDEU. JOHN P. WEII GOULDER & WEH, Attorneys.and Counsellors, AND ; PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 14 & 10 ATWATER BUILDING, CLEVELAND, O. Our Collection Department 1h In charge of an €x- ^,„ porloncod Colloctor ,. ^ __________________________________________________i____________' '■ -_______ For Sals! Rare Chancel We have on our books a good, largo tug that can be had at a bargain if sold within 00 days, she Is 05 ft. length, 1(J ft. beam, 8 ft. hold, draft of water from 6 to 7 It.- Her Engines arc 18 by ]8.» Her Boiler was now last year. Burns wood or coal, will carry 100 lbs, steam and llo1 lbs. If necessary.^ With dishes and bedding litted up, and has" h license to carry 00 passengers, all ready lor business. Rebuilt in J880 at cost of »I0,00, If'sold within 30 days can bo had fnr'$G,fi0O ensh. Good reasons for soiling, The tug is now lying at Chicago. For further particulars. Address Marino Record Office. Clovoland, O. Vessel Brokers, DULUTII, MINN. . V D. Nickerson CLEVELAND, O. MARINE ARTIST. IN BLACK AND WHITE. Pastel and Water Coloi;. FOR SALE. An Iron ynclit 35 foot long very finally finished ana (urniHl)od. Draft 3 1-2. feet runs very fast, Ennutro of D. P. Nlofecrton Hurkneti Block Euclid AtoStation. Exchange. Will exchange t' Cleveland worth $7,000 for floating property Steam Barge or Tug preferred. Address, E. D. 113 Franklin St. Cleveland, Ohio. ENGINES FOR SALE! Double ongino 14x20, will do foritenmbarfrc or tugl nil up, aa rood as now, nlao rtaovonfool Philadelphia whool and shaft. Will noil tlio whole very cheap. Ad<lrcss Marine Record Office FOR SALE Steam harce. Krel 144 feoL Bonm 30 fe 11 foot capacity 400 M feet lumber, 460 her fuel. Built in 1^2. AddrcuMJBiN foot, dopth of hold Wtona coal betldca B1NK ItKConb Office, Wanted, BICYCLES. Every Johnathnn In the land either owiib or hires a bicycle and It is well to state right hero that they have the right of way upon v the sidewalks and the ladies should hereufter v tako to,ilie gutters. But lor purifying the blood, dj>pi;p»ia, loss of appetite, liver com- plaint, bllllousness, nick headache, Jaundice, dropsy, lovern, constipation, epilepsy, etc., take Swiiviiu'm I^llls, entirely vegetablo and tliu best ill the market. Tiwiily-llvu cents per box. ' THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR 1883 will contain uuuirlbuiioils In almost ovory number hv WENDELL HOLMES, author of" 1'lie Autuciat of the Breakfast Tabic," eio. "TE ANCESTRAL FOOTSTEP." OUTLINES OF AN ENGLISH ROMAN¬ CE. BY NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. Edited hum Mr. iluntlioruu'u nianusoilpt by George 1'. Lulhrop. "MICHAELANQLO, A TRAGEDY.' which .as leheoinpleii-by HENRY W. L0MGFELL0W, and which will run thioiigh thice niimbcis oflho magazine,begluiug with January "Daisy n iller, a Comedy." ByrHENRY JAMES, Jr. A driiinullzaxiuu, »llh liiipoiiaulallcrallouu ul Ills \eiy popular story "Daisy Millet'.' Stories, Essays, skclches and l'ocms by JOU N, . WUUTIKH, WILl.IAM.D. HOWKLLS,/ tllAKLKSIlL'DLEV \nKNKR, HAKAlIOI«NKVJKWM('r, JtlCIIAUDGItAN'lL WHITE, HOftlO TKKKY COOKE, 1IUKAC10E. SCUDUKlt, OICOKQIOl'. LATIlltOl', llAKitlEr.W.l'HKSTON, and many titliurs of the best American writers. Tim Ai lantic funitBtiw lis ro iikm la tlio courao of » ymr as iiiliih Mi'Hlig A. it c»utulaud la Tueiity Or¬ dinal!/ t'ntumes ol SOU |>ugun I'Ut-ll. I UtMa: Sla ycur Hi U'lvua o. jwtagejrct-. 35 coatfl u nuiulsr WiHi^uiwrli IllubUu purunll of LoiiKtuttow, Biyuul. WlittUur, Lowull, lloliuu, or tiuor.ua, M Stcnmyacht 1)6 or 40 foot long ot good snood ind good ------ .--------.„ __,.. ------------- ^—.......... power. jAmrry 40 or Su passengora- ltuc ,|{D\>fll ddrcss Mauink Wanted, Btcamharco that will carry 600 grous tons on 0 foot draft and could also be loaded down to 11 or In fuel, if necrasary. Also two towbnrgca that will carry BOO or C00 tons on 0 feet draft, Address Maiunb Recojid Office. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Rouhrto the and Mississippi Rivers. Ohio THREE TRAINS^ WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Loave Cleveland with Through Palace ' Coaches and Elegant Sleeping Curs, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERREHOUTE —AHB— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. Thi» i« tho only uno making Dlreot Connection wl:., alitbo principal Trunk Lines of tho East tor at £oDtbcrn, Southwestern and Western pomoj, either by ffny of OlnclnnaU, Indlanspolls or Bt. 1. on l\> Halfway Towns MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO , AND THE PACIFIC COAS't. FOR §ALE OR CHARTER. Wohavo in our list, tho largo,, powerful lug Samsc whiph will bo Bold, outright'or chartered for tho trip ucniwn. !• BOILER FOR 3ALEJ- An Almost new steel boiler 5x0)^ ft In lino condition will Hell less than half price. » Address MARINE RECORD, Clcveland.O M- V. B0EGMAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (FOltMI'.llLY RKVERK HOUSE) Detroit, Mich. Mont Centrally Located. Street cars pans the door every few minutes to Depots and all parts ot the City. Three minute's walk to L a & M S, b & M, and Wabash Depoth. Kates $180, to tZ.OO per day. MAKIN 10 LAWYKJlS. Equipment New and Comprising.all Modern Improvements. The Best RoadfieU and the Safe¬ st Road in the West. tS"Tickets by this popfilar. route for sale at all regular Tickets Olllcor E.B.TH0MA6, 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Traffic Manager. A. J. SMITH, (ll'uernl Passenger Agon t. f/LEVELA?Np, OHIO. Knelp Si Morrison PttOCTOItS IN ADMlitALTY, 115 MonroeiHt lloom 54 Chicago. BOAT HUILDUKS. l>eun A Co, IIOAT HIMLIIICIIS J1.TH01T LAUNDRY. \ ttUAT WASHING and general Laundry In few houn. trtKVBlSNirSrKTM' Eauk? DitY. 33 St. ClEir St. Telephone ti8. hAll. MAKERS. Nublo & Goal, SAIL MAKERS, and RIGGERS. I'MitoldrlnwotiUt. limtUIT, MICH. COAL. Uitvlil HurilliUe) A gt, ■ BL8T 011ADL8 OF STEAM AND OLb'llC IUAL, THE NICKEL PLATE! NEW V ORK-v CIIIOAOO* ST. LODIB nAII.WA This company makes n now 'dopnrtu', In Hs day coaches wliloh Jlio traveling public will undoubtedly appreciate. Each coach hns a niurblo top-wash,stand with snap and .towels, thus tiirtilshlngfrcg what has heretofore boon a luxury of'the ' drawing room car., The windows are wide mid high, giving a splendid view of the country. The largo paper car wheels, 42 Inchos In diameter, make the couches, ride so smoothly and noiselessly that conversation Is enrrled on as easily as')n a parlor, The smoking cars have niltau seats, funking them much cleanar and marc pleasant than tlio old. style. All's the I'oaebos are new nnd nf latest designs . Following Is tlmo nf locnl trains nov running — ' GOING EAHT. Local Loeral Connoau PnMen'r. IVlsonV Accom Lt. Chicago............8:10 a ra. " Ho. Chicago . ..8.52 " " vaipnilio........lo.-os ' Arr. Fort Wnyno...,.l;6Q,p m. Lv. Fort Wayno......2|I0 " " Nowlfavdn.......2;'J5 " " West Lelpslo......4:20 " " Araidla....'.........0:.'t0 " • , " Foitnrla............5:4S " " Orron Hpilngs., 0:02 " Arr. Dcllctue.........7:00 J" Lv, Ikllsvuo............7:10 " VormlUlan.........8:10 " Lontln................8:41 Arr Clevi'ltind.... 10,00 Lv. Cleveland......~ .*„,......... ___ " Euclid Ave.....................0;40 ".Mentor...................-.......lOj-'O " " 1'alni-svlllo....................I0;IW " " AslitnbaU.....................11,34 •'.... Arr Conncuut..................12;Q5 |) m Lv Connonut....................12:10 p ni '• Erl»............................... l;18 " . " Dunkirk........................S|05 " Arr Buffulo.......................4,50 •• <GOINQ WEST. Lv Buflalo .-....... 8;00 a m .............. "Dunkirk..........9153a ra " Erlo..............ti:40 •' .............. Arr Connoaut.. .^12:80 p ra.............. Lv ComfOKUt.......^2,55 |i ni ......(.........0 30am " Ashtabula........1;27 ' ----" " l'alncsvltlo.......2;28 0 45 a. m. 7:42 " 8:07 •" 0:t8 . 0j23 4;!I0 p. m. 4;47 " 5;27 " 5H0 " ..0;87 " 7,05 ■ " . 7;00 . 7;55 8)48 0,05 I1CWC PILES fiymptonnaromol«ture,itlneinp,ittlilii):,wor«oat night; jeenwfti If uln-worma worn crawllnR about the rectum; tho prlTatopartflaraoftiinaiTDcttKJ Asa 81eannt, economical and potltiro euro. Hwatm'h 1NTHINT !■ miMriur to any Article In the nmrkot. Bold Itrdruggiitt.oriendftUcti in 3-ct Btatung 9 I10iM,|l.ii6.Addro«,Du SwAVNii£5i»t.l>|. la Pa- Mentor . JJ.-W " Euclid Ave___:(,20 " ............... Arr Clcvohind.......3;43 " Lt Clcvi>laiid.......3;48 " 6;55 am '• Loruln............4;68 " 8,07 " ............... " Vcrmilllpti.......fi,20 " 8;30' " ............... ArrBellovue.........fl,lS " D.M " .............. «Lv B'-Ilcvue.................,... „'ii;40 " ............... " Green Springs .............10;15 ,( ............... ' Fo^toritt.......................ll;00 " ............... " Arcadia..........................11:15 " .............. 11 Went LelpMc.................12;I8p m .............. " New Haven................ 2;25 '• ............... ArrH.rtW yuo................ 2j« " ............. Lv Fort Wayno................ 8,05 " ............. '* Vulpraiyi...................... G;B8 " ............... Arr ho Cdiicago.................8,24 " .............. Arf <;htBago.......................9,00 » .............. Trains run hy Cblurabiw tlmo, which la twqnty mtmiffH fnator th n Ch cag-j itmo. flvo minutes slower thnn Chveland tlniu and tixtuea uilnuie* aloworlhjn Butfilo time. ' Furritemr itifurmation, ci|U on nearest Agont ol tho Company, or uddro&i ' B. K. HOItNi:R, (ioti'l PanAcnger Agent, Uoyt Block, Cor. bt Clulr and Itanlc Streata LEV'lti WILLIAM^, Clovelund, O. General Manager. Cleveland to N.York ' VIA TltK NEW YORK PRK.NNNYLYAMA A OHIO HAIKROAD. Formerly Atlantic ,fc (Jrenl Western Railroad For Ni*w *orkBo*ton and ilic Kant, The nhurt- esland (|iikko t route to I'lttnburgh. Wuahluglun Baltimore ami the boutlu-md. Until furllii'j notice (rami* will h'avo from ni-w Ci'htrnl Depot, south Water sired and V duct as followh. 7 111 0 TH "'irhliilnff KxproNM (daily J.1U (!• ill ruflinaii "hoping and-hotol cone ea (rum Leavitla Mugli 8 55 a. in. To New Y or Albany nnd Motion withoui chang . Put]or t Cl'^eliiiul totaal'imaiira. Arrixsal Mi'a'dtille 1.1 a. m.(dinner) l-'rankltii 1^ U3p m OiKliy 1,00 p m JunienloH n {Lnka Chuiititu<|ual) 1^7 p in Buflalo 6 lfl p tn ItoihctHvr a.HU p m , Horoells villo C;40 p in siipp r ), Ginilng 8:J6 p in. Kliuiru 857p in. Binghanton 1058 p m. Alinny f. (K) a m. Boston 2-4.) p"-lti, iirrn tint nt Miw y..rk 0 W) u.m 11'll/I n Til Nisht Kx|»rof«( -lally txcoiit l\j\lO pi IU vll!Kluy) I'U'lmiili N|,i'p lig . oitfih from U'uviMslmrgli Ui Now Yurk without eimngo Arrlvuiat Yuung-ionn ul l.li a in I*IUiiliii>gh G 15 a m Waihit gtuti') 15 p, tn Haltunoru i() 31 p m. Mt'ndvlllt ,I,WI n m Curr} ,*i ,'11 a in Juuios- tovwi 0 22 a in, Hullulo ll ^ a tn, HucIiuh t r I 10 p H.>riidl*tMull»U a m, Oiriiliig l^nl pm. Ul n ra 1 21 p jii Itiiigliuuiptoii 4 50 p in. N<u York 5 m •Qfl n m IMttBlmrir KxiircNN (Inlly .OU II, lll.'tlirough wltliinii c it ge, 1'iirlur cur Cluvelaoil to I'illtihiirK a r \ui at ^ mmrfitowi. 5 (ja ,. ti in, I'ittslnirgB .'llji in, WiirthliiK on 7.«) a in, Hull, lino u 84.') a in viu Slim on and bliiirtiMxiliu lu Mcud vili 7 40 p in 4.<U n ni MnlHiiilnir AcroiimifMliif ion ,ln) ]fi lilt Bi<)|ipiim ul all way -> ahuiiH Arrl.o lit YimiiKHiow ii 7 to, p in. him mii H In p in, Slmi p* villeJi 40 p iu, loini trtt ul U-ii\lttHliurnli wiiii ir.in Nu M for Mi'i.d\llh iinil luurin diutu points, »r rivi-H ut M>u ville |l (kl pm. T'lflQ m 1'HtNblirir KxprmH ilullv I .IU d. 111. UiroKgli ullhout t- ». go ArrlviTa at YoiMW$iN>wn II) a in, Hha on l() M a m, Minrns- \llh* ITOn in, I'll hlnr^h I 08 p in, U (nruliiLC, leaves I'HtdiurgU al 4 4.luiii, i 5"i a in, l U n m, nnd 4 2U j. in 111 A M V«iiti(ptown himI rittNburu;h Ao- 1U 11 lUi ctiiiuiioilutluii, -.t>i|iniiigit> nil Way ttlrllntis, nrrlvliig at \ lUiiiKniuwii ( ftU (» in , I'ttliv tiuuli <l 10 p tn I'mliii nrrtvi lU ('k-vclatid, il 05 a m, 10 t>5it in, 2 00 p. tu, 700 p in mid 10 15 \u iWThls Ii tho only route b\ which iwMniiKen can reach Curry Elmira, Blnglumpt -n, New Yorlr ri,1UII»l Ultermedimo |Hiiiu» WlrilUUT Kx* ANUK No Umngo toihuilon and Now Unit* until ntioa. B IlufflE»ge Ghuoked Through to all PoInU KaNt. IML-Thntugh tnlccts ntid Information regarding tlio route uui lie uhlained ul tlio Union '1 U lc>-|i ■(. Ikinoriier Hank nnd hupermr SlreeU, ulnltlco 181 Hank atreet ami nt iuw ()t<|iolof New Yuik, loini- Hvlvanla and Ohlu Uailwaj'.^mth Wuierstreot and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A K CLAI1K. Ueu'l Ihiiw'r Ag'i ('Kwcland O. M L HUUlh, J. M.FnitltlS, , Pd»s iat bunk St. Uun'1 Mtt'i'lfr, Clovela (t tl».ululid ^

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