I«t> ,'£l»lt. "N.. —flit it. NAUTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC,.^ Thoro Ib im tinmonao amount or"|r,riiln M InUofllilpmonHnCMciiKo, Veasolmun thero regard tho proapoot for tlio oomliig eonsnn With grout ohCurfnlncHS. It is thought tho swam transportation liuoa will not cut down tho nitca unloSB cpmpollecl to do no by sidl¬ ing vejsuls. It Isjmjdlctcd (how wkii con- tlonco that carry^flitea'oii ginln will not bolow 8J£or Itjont'n peribuahol to Bin- 3. Duiibnt'Satcnm drill commenced work on' tho U.S. works uttfld Llmokllna, Wednes¬ day. Thoy Inivo abon t $3U,00B of Inst yonr'a nppionrliitlonsto work out, which will take them botweon two or tlueo mouths, when tho work, which Is only pnrtly done, Mill be Btopped on nceouift or Undo Sum not furnishing the wherowltlmll to continue tho most important Improvement on the chtrtn oflnkce.'. Over 80,000 miles, of «ub-murlno cnblos have boon laid and nro now In sucoeasful oporntlon., A fleet of about 30 ships Is kept In eorvlco lnylng, wntchlng nnd rcpiihlng the dlOerent cnbles, of which nftio cross the Atlnntlc. The methods, ol laying rubles hiive bo greatly Improved that last vcar cabjo wiib laid across the Atlantic In 12 days— only a little longer time than that required for a quick ocean voyage. At the present outlook In Thunder Bay It would seem that navigationv would not be open, until tl|o middle of May. The buy Is completely covered with heavy ice, and teams are still going to Sllvor Islet around Thunder Cupe. The lake is also, frozen over to Islo Royule and beyond for a considera¬ ble distance. Howover, it may not be long before the ice goes out. A good Thunder " -storm, would make quick «ork of It, us it did two years ago. / The Oswego longshoreman's union a their annual meeting held established the toilowtng scale of prices: Cunudu lumbor in vessels and burgeg of 300 M. cnpuclty, 25c ;_cedor ties, 1%; hemlock and all other ties,' 2c; shingles, 4c; lath, 5o; posts per cord, 30c; stave bolts per cord, 20c; timber per M. board measure, 30c; headings, 15; telegraph poles apiece, So; hour work in j/deao\', OOo; hour work In yards, 2Bo: hop poles (3; ash and all hard wood, 35c. Bids weio opened a day or two ugo for improving tho following harbors on Ufeen Buy, In charge nf Lieutenant Colonel Henry M. Kobert,cqrpsof enginoeis,United States army. Cedar; lllvor Mloh foi 450Jlnear leet pile plei, Green's Dredging- Company, (0,- 074 • Triiirmn & Cooper, $10,270; Green Bay Dredge und Plle-drlvet company $11,332; W T.CiasgrAin. (11,848. PeiiBuukce, Wis. for 1,500 linear (cot slab plot, T B. Gaitlner $0,115, Green Buy Dredge und Plle-drlvci Company $10,006; W. T. Crasgrnln, $1J,340. ' Tho trout Hailing season in New York opened April 1 A few sportsmen case their tiles, but tho great hocty ol the anglers, who are already on the ground, awaited un¬ til Monday. I he streams on Lang Island Inhabited by tho lluily favotlteauiu mostly owned by the moneyed men of New York, who, It Ib estimated, have $1,000,000 Invested in trout runs, Among the persons continu¬ ing these streams ure William H.Vundubilt, Austin Corbln, George Lorlllaid, Auguat Belmont, William Floyd Jones, Mr. Wug- etaff, Mr. Sutton, Judge. Smith, Mr. South¬ ard, Mr. Phelps, und Mi. Into. The Attoek Bridge, India, Ib thus des¬ cribed: It will consist of Ave spans, two ol 308 feet ouch, and three of 257 teet each, and will be entirely of iron. The material for the spans and loi the piers was made and shipped by English linns. The third pier that stands in the middle ot the river, und is exposed to all the violence ol Hoods, will be protected by a massive uuuwnlu about 100 teet high. It has also been' proposed to protect tho remaining pleis by cut-wuteia, lecent Hoods having shown the advisability of such a course, i'ho bridge Is/cporied to be making rapid pi ogress towaid compli tlou, and It is thought that at the latest auothei yeai will see It In woiking older, Wo received a pleasant call hist Tuesday from a representative ol the house of L. Kutzunsteiu & Co , manutaauieis of Knu ensteln's selt-ncUng metal packing The f;entlemau wiib heioon a business trip and lad Just sent In oideis train tho Cleveland, Wuter Works, Stundurd Oil Co., Clovilitdd Rolling-Mill Co., and tho Cleveland, I'upor Co., for thla packing. These linns have used the packing foi some time past and like it so wetl that they liuvevordeied packing for all their engines. Oui lake onglnccis should consult theh own Internes and outer It us they will Hud that it will save them a luigo amount of trouble and inconvenience Dord, Bowlei & Co. are tho agents tor Cleveland. bo governed by tho lnw9 relating to the coasting tru,le, but such vessels arriving from, or departing for foreign ports and tak¬ ing coaliind other" stores must enter m,d o!6ar. \ s It is reported thnt Commander Corrlngc, unabashed by recent Indications' of Execu¬ tive dlsfijvoi, will put In u'bld for tho con¬ struction of the luigcat or tho now steel cru¬ isers. It Is said that his shipyard, which Is to open undci the title of the American ship¬ building Cbmpuny,'huB \ery weulthy cap¬ italists nohliid It, who propose to execute any kind of «nik which may bo njqulifld In tiro construction of the new nuvyciuld Mr. Gnrrmge Will 'put In a bid upon -none of the vessels except tlio largest. It Is report¬ ed thiu^he nxpeots to have his proposition receive tho sumo csnsldorutlon as any other, rogiudless of the peoular oireumstuncos undor which ho rotlrod from the navy. Some of the nfllcors of the dt partmont regard his proposition to b|d for tho contraot as-slmply an exhibition of check. (U0HAR0 HAMMOND •JdHN COON. Sub-Marine Divine! Hen Machinery and Cargoes Raised And Hub-Marine TlltutlrisdoBeat Itoaiomblo Rates. H. N. JEX, Port Huron, Mloh. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN * COMPANY'S DIA0NAK LIFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PIiACE OF THE METELIC LIFE BOAT IF ' PREFERED. HAH BEEN ADOPTED AT WAiill I.VOTOSf BX THE . BOARD OF SU. PERVIBINO INSPF.O ' TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEND FOR PBI0E LIST DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTIIATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium, Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty 8k, New \ork, N. TT. Vesselmen hilOUU) HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all points ot MARINE LAW at dW d by tho United States Courts tornllnod t -ON- Omierl, Clinrttirs, Registry, KnroUmenU, Ooininon Onrrleri, Masters A Owners, Senmen, Freights, Townffe, Collisions, General Average. Duties of Senmen, BUI of LndliiK, Wnires. So. Thn voluninistramlsomuy bound In stliT Board Covers, and lino English cloth binding Hooks of this kind generally cost SI U0 but wo will send It to soy address instago paid for 91 50, or with the MARINE HECORO tor ono year, both for only 13 25 Address Hahink Rlcobd Cleveland O A olioular from tho Treasury Deniutnient Buys.; A foreign vessel nutting Into a port ot tho United btntes, cither on the seucoust, oi tho noi thorn, northeastern or nurthM ext¬ ern lroiitlers. ami taking on coal or other stores, must entoi und clear in nil caves, wuothoi the stay he luss than tweniy-foui hours or not The only exception to this rule is that of a vessel in (listless, when, In- 'Btcntl of the usual stay, there will be made U protest under section 2,801 revised statutes Coastwise vosscIb of tho United States put¬ ting Into port for coal ami other stores »111 POSITIVELY CURED All auffonjru/rom tills illnuno thnt nronnxloud to \m ourfe! Hhould try DE KISSMER'S OELEBEATED CONSUMPTION P0WDEE8 1 li«»» rowJora nro tlio only pr purutiui known Hint will euro consumption and all iIhuui of tlio THROAT and LUHOS—IncUo I, bo strong la our faith In- tliom mi I nl-o to lonvlnio you thai tliev art) no liumbuR. wo will forward to ovury aullarur by mall, pont pall u Frae Trial Box Wo do »*t want your money uo ill you arc porfoctly snt- Isflcd ofiliuir curntlvu poworn If your llfo In wort). sa\ lug don't dolny In giving thoao p(JWI)EE8 a trial as tiny will suroly euro jnu Trice forluruo Box fl (K)or i ft>xcafor8l0 00 Hcnt to any pni t of tlio United btatos or Canada, by mull, on receipt of prlou Addrosa ASH & BOBBINS. 360 Pulton St., Brooklln, N. Y. FALLING SICKNESS PEEMAKENTLY 0TJEED Infillibls fit Mwderi To ihesu l^ow lors wtlid i u!i wo 11; send them by inaft post paid, a Pr«« Trial Box As Dr Goulurd Is the only l'Tiy.icliju thut hus ever lundo _t Powder* To conn___________ ___ 7hi*) rtiw lern wilftl. i|[l vro ilitlm for Lhoin wo will . -ARtfS t'elelirate^ convlnco BinTorcni that PuperMill Bloachois ftRotoios. CuomctoSjSalCPins 6uioto Stub. And all imkof Heavy Mi&Sloet[ron.V()ric . Ophce & Works, M4.24B.248.S50 252 And.254. - Perry Sb. OIL STILLS Be - AGHTATOR9. Eepainng Iteptfy'.Aftendflrlto, ~ P ' *o 50 ooe•Bl>',• 'XANKS. JISTAllLISIIED 1830, —vusnPAnuntnB o»r CORDAGE 8< OAKUM. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, MARINE ENGINE WORKS =IS>«IBl«>SSSaS|Vl «S> fj) UANUFACTUI1UROF Marine and Stationary Engines, PBOPEILEE WHEEI8, VES8EI PCMPB & OEHEEA1 HAOHnTEET ConiiiisrosDBiicii Solicited uti.tiT &B0 Michigan St. XjHICAOO 1X1 NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without / HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the ' liability of Explosion It saves TUEL, LABOR and RE- ~~ PAIRS It >s PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Glrciilnr giving; full Infprmntlim to HOUGHTON & CO, * Solo I'ropriotora and MtumfUcturflni 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. THE BROWN MANlirACIURINl. THE DUPLEX INJECTOR. HIE BEST BOILER FEEDER KNOWN tOH LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE and other BOILERS Nut Liable to Get Out of Ortlci und nl- miijs DlIIvcih \Vntcr HOT to tho Boiler EJECTORS or JET-PUMPS Hit Simplest BllKe-l'iimp mmlo that is opuated l)y bteain. Mniiiilniturid by JAS. JENKS. 10 £ 18 ATWATEK ST , K DETIIOIT, »Uoh i A(.l N1 s CLLVI LAND, OHIO DETROIT COPPER AND BRASS ROLLING MILLS, M VNUI ACTUlll US ill • r Copper in Sheets, Braziers' Copper. / . ., COPPER BOTTOMS, COPPEfl WIRE, ^ iei"^bts and. B%ajssk- Circles, Etc r In all liminriii Hull, tablet DETROIT. Mirh lllgli Ilian-, Low Brass nnd Cioiiiian blhi mill Win Corner of Larnei) anil FonrtfrStreets THE CLEVELAND WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. thlsdl ottju n "pm luUtuh, und its to our knowledgu thoiiBailUt Inivo 1m.on permanently euro l by tlio uso of ttu so Powders wu Viu guarantee a permanent cure fn every tiw< or refund vour all money ex pendeds All autlert n» hiiuuI I jllvo I In »o I'owdTinimi larly trial, nmllu coti\ln cdol tlmlr curutlvu nuwor Prlco. for turn Box. ST 00 or I Uoxos for flO 00 " nt by mall to nny pirtoi ttio U» tcU Stutta or Cnimil oq roc^ptot prko, qr by uxpriM C O I) Atldros ' ASH & ROBBINS, i 368 Fulton~8t.r Brooklln, N Y MWUFACHIltl lt^ ALL KINDS OF WHEELBARROWS' AND TRUCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES G1.1.MXAKD, OHfo. OFFICE AND WORKS, S47 DETROIT ST., Moution tills lupur. C. 871974 7961