•<*> T* V Cr 5EjnjginE"eipng.- BOILERS. That which plays the most ImportifiTE'lfflrt In tbo fltout ot 11 Hleiimbdiit lit the boiler. A good boilur has iih much t'o do with tin* Biifoty of the bout ns the Imll. If the holler bo poorly constiiioted, or Is-not properly tested boforo leaving the alipp It pweos the llvo* of tho piissungers and crew In just us much (lunger ns does u poorly constructed hull, Henqe It is that in milking the pur¬ chase of a holler tlio pal ties building or re¬ fitting n boat should use gicat cam and Judgement In procuring a maker to con¬ struct the bolloi that always turns out good work. Our business calls us to many bollei shops nnd brings us face to laCo Willi the makers, and we have a good clmnce to judge oj the rolatlvo mei its ol the many shops in 0111 lake cities. Wo had occasion to call upon the proprietors ol llie Lake Eiie nolle. Winks; ot Bullnlo, N. T., lecenlly, nild on entering tho shop ware suiptlsod to sec so much iniis- 8ivo<nuclilnciy which »as kept in the finest order. As we walked through the sliop to the ofllcos we used 0111 cjeslo good advan¬ tage iib the simp seemed to be. much better tlian the oiillliaij nui-ol shnpsof this de¬ scription. 'Hie vat ions machfties weie ol the latest Inipi owl pattern*, the faces of the workmen weie slumped wilh mme Ilnin or- dlnaiy intclligenu', whlthat once gave us the linpiesslon Hint no poor woik ever lelt that simp. Ihc building was large and well lighted, 'ilieif' was no tramping of loom 01 uondiiiir find althougli tbeie wore a huge iiiimbei of men at work,' and tho huge cniiies wore swinging the massive plates under the punches, no one was cloud¬ ed and eveiytldug worked to good advan¬ tage, . Utcr we had dispatched our big¬ ness with Mi. Iiaijinfoud, one of the pro¬ prietor, «e,could not leave until we hud proem ed the'dimensions of the building and some ol'tlreMiincJiiuery us we were sure the rcadeisol the Rkcoiiu would be pleased to know something of these woiks nnd we give them below: , Tho building Is 142 feet long nnd 7<> feet wide, and is lilted up to do tho heaviest kind of boiler work. One ol the large punching machines is c'apable ol pfinchlng a hole 4 inches In diametei In one infill plate uon, and Is also capable1 of punching\ 20,000 %-tiich holes In %-inch Iron in ten hours. The bonding rolls are capable of bending the heaviest boiler plute any length or width and up to one Inch In thickness. There are irlso a full complement ol oilier smaller bending and punohlng machines anil drill presses, In fact all the tools necessary for u fiist-class boiler works, The mncliinery Is driven by a very large nnd powerful engine which Is in the engine house adjoining the shop. The firm is very busy doing lepulr woik on most nil the boats In Bullalo, and are crowded wlt.i ordeis. l'hey have nlso in course of construction some large steel boil¬ ers and tnnks. They make a specialty of plate iron work and have a lorce ol 250 men building tanks in the oil region. Wo leel safe In recommending this house to our readers who nre about to build or re¬ place their old boilers witli new, as we know from the style of work turned out of their shop that they can bu depended upon every time. If you lm\e no'thing in their Hue at present, reinembei them and give theiri* u call «r write to them when you wbjhauy work done. By the way jou will see their advertisement at the top of the column on the opposite page. r CHARTERS. The schooner D. G. Fort will bring coin from Chicago to Kingston at do. Tho schooner J. J. Case lakes coin fiom Chicago to Bullalo ut three cents. The atcnnibniges Fred Kelley and Oscar Towusend have been chartered by the Menoiniiieo mining conipuny to carry ore from Ksuiiiubu to Luke Erie ports ut %\ per gioss ton, At Milwaukee, Monday, the propeller D, Bnltentine and the schooner l'oitei were chartered to load ghiin for Bullalo at-3c 'I ho Balleutiiie lakes 45,000 bushels of Lorn and lyo and the Porter 50,000 bushels ol corn. • Tho pi opollor Thomas W. Palmer Is load¬ ing 52,000 bushuls of wheal at Detroit tor through shipment via Bullalo. The steaniBhlps John Prldgeon nnd T. W Palmer have, loaded with wheat nt Detroit for Bullulu At 2>jjc freight. — " Eighteen vessels aro lying In Toledo har¬ bor, » heat laden and ready to sail as soon nsjnuvlgatlonopens, Their namoaand car goes art as follows; Propellers—John C. GnurMO.OOO bushels; Russell 8age, 40,000; Jlorloy 3i,000; Hopkins, 32,000; W. T. Graves, 30,000. iJcliootiors—Duvid Dows, 72,OO0YR. llullarnii, 50.000TF. D. Barker, 21,000, Rival, 14,000; Mluuil Belle, 10,000; . C. B. Benson, 24,000; E. B. Williams, 21, 000; Anna P. Grover, 17,000; Willie Kellei, 10,500: J. E. Bailey, 10,350; Muuinee Vullev, 15,600; Ht. Peter, 23,000; und barge G. W. Adams, 08,000, mukliig a total ot 518,050 bushels. Marine Insurance rates ut this port are demoralized, owing to the action ot agents accustom und western hike ports. Recent grain charters In Chicago aro.au follows: To Oswego—Schoonois Pulaski, corn, at flc. To Kingston—>SHioouor Jiimnlcii, corn, nt 0c. To Stirnlu—Suhooucr'Millard Flllnioie, corn, nt2o. To Erlo—propeller Philadelphia, corn nnd flaxseed, on through rates., ' Tho propollor PhllndulphluJiiia been ehnr- toicd nt Chicago for 3C,000 bushels of corn and, % 10,000 bushels of flaxseed to Erie on private terms. , > Tlio Mononilnoo Mlnlngcftmpany have on- gaged the steambaige Business to cmiy 10,- 000 tons, and the steauibarges Fred Kollo) " 1 consoi t Oscar 'J'ownsend, 13,000 tons o( noic Irorn Eseunnbn to Luke Eilc ports at (1 pur gross ton. Schooner Golden Fleece, whont, Irorti Chi¬ cago to Biifhdcf on through rate. Scljoonoi, Margin ot Mulr, coin, Chicago to Kingston, at 0 cents. , ■i' i APPOINTMENTS FOR 1883. Captain Waul Plumb, ol Ogi.ciishuig, has engaged to inn ttip Aimstroiig. Captain 1). 11. Lyon nllf visit Hot springs, Aikansns, Ibl tlie henellt ol Ills health. Captain Fleming w jll cominmnKJiejQypsy. thetomiiiff siiininei, and Ml., L. O'Bilen w111 he cngiiiei'i. Mi.K. MlCoM, who was ngiueei 1 istjear lias incepted a slmUai po¬ sition on llie piopellcr ( uba. The nuiJHilty of tho vcs'-ol masters of Cleve¬ land will (iiniliiiic dining the ci uilng rea¬ son to hold the positions they occupied last yem. I'nliner, Johnson & Benliaui's bonis and vessels will bu commanded as lollows: Piopellui Fled Kellej, Capialn Geoige Da¬ vis; the M. R. Wurncr,u>iisoitof the Kelley, Captain Cliailes Jout>; and piopellcr V. SWaln, Captain Thompson. The ihel tug* Sampson, Caplidu ^. n Rumagc, will tint the sclioonei-CMI. Johnson, Captiln Will- lam Caso; sclioonei Wahasli, Captain C. P Uendeison; and sclioonei C. G. Ming, cap¬ tain Jerry Green. The river tug Goudnnw, Captain J. A. Nicholson, will tow the sclioonei s Kate Winslon, ( aplaln Gertrge Besant, and JohnO'Ntll, Caplaln Leon. The Cleveland Traiisp«tlutio|i Compan)'a barges Will iairy heavy lreight lo and fiuin Lakes Superior and Mlclilgau iib usual. They will be commanded as fellows: Piopelleis Spirts, Captain W. W. Mm so; Havana, Ciipiiiln.il. McEachran; Vienna, Caplaln B. II. Jones; Oscar Townsend, Caplaln W. II. Humphrey. The mnsteis ot their schooners will be: Sumatra, Captain W. E. Russell; Ilavluui, Captain Thomas Armstrong; Genoa Caplaln Robert Jellrej, Hannah, Captain P. Dowdcll. Captain Henry Clement will command the D. B. Clint this season. Captain D. M. Wilson's steamships will be commanded Ihls yeai us follows: Wullula, Captain John Lowe; Hiawatha, Caplaln J. Emmon; Miniiebaha, Caplaln J. Murphv; D. M. Wilson, Ciiptuh) James Lowe,., and schooner Frank Perew, Cupiiiln A. Peterson. There will bn no changes in the command of tlio Port Hope Fleet. It is reported that Captain Thomas Uglo will command the schooner Anulo Mulvey, Captain Thomas Dnlieity, who wus hi command of the steainbnrge Miclunl Groli during the last three seasons, w.ll this sea- sou command the steainbnrge Annie Laurie. Mr. Simon Cobb's three steauibarges will be commanded as lollows: Tim Annie Lnurle, Tnomas Dnhejty, Cnptaln; G \. I IglitbaU, engineer. 'I'he George Dunbar, William Turner, cnptaln; William Hendry, engineer. The E. E. Thompson, William Armstrong, captain; George Hendry engi¬ neer. They will all sail In the Chicago and Muskegon lumber tinde. The Western Transportation Company's boats will be eonimandid as follows Pio¬ pellcr Coinniodme, Caplaln R D. Gardnei; Boston, Caplaln V, Joins; Milwaukee, Cap- lain James Cm lisle, Chli ago, Caplaln F, Williams, Mnnlanai CajAaln J. Dlssetle; Vaiulerbllt, Captain It Jones, Huff do, Cap¬ tain J. Drake; Arabia. Caplaln P. belies; Empire Slate, Captain Dolus Walte; Badger Suite, A. Clink. THE CANADIANS \\ihh NOT BE •ABLE^KO FULLY TAKE AD- YANTAGfreJLTUE WELL AND • CAHvAL' Toronto Globo: If )ho Ht. Lnvironoo ennuis aro not-to bo deorfonod and tho locks enlarged there will be ojily u small precont- age of benefit to Canadian vessels Ironi the enlarged "WBIIund Ciiiud. The cost of otlhirg- Lng these locks mid deepening the. several cnnids.U said to be estimated nt such n figure that tlie-woi'U-ls almost tiiiliopod for. Tho work would bo a large one; but It would bo or iminonse boncflt to Canadian vessels when completed. A brief view ol the "situation will be of Interest. On the short reach of the Liiohlno Cnniils the looks aro now 250 feet In length, with ugenenildepth through¬ out of twelve to tlih teen I'eot. That ear.nl would not witut to he cliuiigodjn tiny respect to allow the pnss'nge ol vessels that can now puss through the now.Welluiid Ciiniil. Buu therenrii the iouches willed, the Beiiuhurliois Canal, ilicCoruwall Canal, mid tlneo other shmt loaches, lir which there nro a total of tWcpjy-tvto lueksf and In which the -depth ol vfaier varies Iroiu 7 Icet U Incites to 0 leot JJ Inches. These lucks me now only about 180 leot In length. Ihewoik to be done »0nld llieielore he to enlarge those Mocks and deepen the i caches ill canal to the same dimensions as those on the Lachlne Canal. With Hint woik completed the Canadian \essoin would get llioii lair shale of the henellt of ilio enhuged Welland Cauul. By tin the gieater pni ijou ot the advantage ol the euliiiged W/dlnnd will go to the ' Ameiicaii vessels that cairy corn iium Chicago toOgdensbiirg and trade to mid from Lake On'i.rlo pons to and fionr the Wesl. Vessels, whether Canadian oi American, making Ihc passage I lorn Chic¬ ago to Montreal, cannot leli/e even one-half ihc advantage of having a huge Welland (J mill. No Vessel Is able at present to make the passage ol tho smaller leaches ,of i lie ht. LTiWioiue canals carrjlng more than 10,000 oi 17,000 bushels; wheiens vefcels cm rj lug 50,000 bushels can pass ^through llie Welland Canal, )ps> fai as its convey¬ ance Is coiaeined tho Welland Cnnul is of gieatlj more sei vice to AineVleau vessels than itis to Canadlun. Thes'e.urc a few of •lie fads that lie on ihc surface of the canal system; but I here Is no presont prospect that the system will be Improved. - MORE NICE THAN WlhE. Tho lady who was n grent sultrier for Wars fiom III hing piles, and would not ask the druggist Ibf a box of hwnyuc's Ointment tliiough fern that he might suspect that she had the old lasliioued itch, wus ceilululy more nice than w Ise. It is no disgrace to have the llch—buul[ is auj ihinir but nice to bin bor It, and give Tt to all the in Iglibnrs. Swnjlie's Oliitmont cftcotunlly removes all triiillona of the akin, leaving it clear as a Illy. Do not be without Ii in y)ur fundi). Just as sensible, to throw uwdvyoui axe end saw as to go wllhoutthls useful piepanuloii. The new aiill-Sjinduy fishing law of New York was supposed logo Into effect ApiII 1. As usual 111 the ilshlnn season ihe piers were lined with men and bristled w lib poles. Tho haul was light, but the nnglois eujnved the sport all the sunn, unmolested by llie police who had no orders to make a nests. Patiol- men say tho flsheis nic among Ihe most quiet citizens on their bonis, never euiislng trouble. It Is very unlikely the Isw will be rigidly enforced unless some Anthony ConiBtoik or Henry Bi rgh cnlers cumiilalut on account <|1 vlolailon of the Sunday laws DOINGS OF THE STEAMBOAT IN- SPECl'ORS-NEW RULES. The lollnwlng olllclal Information con- cei niug steam vessels has been received at the Custoii House: At the annual mooting of the Board of Supervising Inspectors ot steam vessels, hehl In the Corcoran Build¬ ing, Washington, January, February, 1883, In puiBiiaiiLe of section 4,405. Revised Statutes ol the United Stales, important amendments were made to Rules 2, 4,13,14, 23, 57, and UG of the rules and regulations ut Hie board. Rules 4,13^4,-23, 57, nnd «« weie nppioved by the Seoretarj ol .the Treasury Muicli 10, and now bate nil the loiceollan. I'he amendments lo Rule 2, determining the thickness of plate for rlv-, eted bollei-Hues of various dial eters and pressures, was not approved. , Inspectors will thoreloro contiinre-Hobo governed re¬ garding the coiislineilon ofxBUcli flues by eficuhir of June 9, 1882 (synopsis decisions, No 5.200,) nuill otherwise directed by tho becreiiuy ol tho Treasury. The lollowlng devices wero approved by the tunud, and have also received the nppiovn' of ihc Sec- relarj of the treasury: Holmes' life-pre- seivlugbed (when constructed of at leaBt ftlleeu pounds of solid eo|k and cork shav¬ ing", as a life-preserver or nlloat lor one pel sou, on ocean, lake, bay, sound, or river ) Llie pioseiver Invented by Eliza P. Coggs- wcll, (when containing not less than six pounds of granulated coil/, pioparcd In pur- aIIIue solu Ion, and having a buoyancy of not less than twenty-four pounds, on lake, bay, sound, and rivers,) with tho fuitbor quolillcallou that neither the, board or the Secretuny ol the 1'reasuiy "menu to asseitoi admit, or In nil) way imply, that Mrs. C'iKgswollo lsMhe inventor and legally ou- tlilcd to a patent or oilier privilege " Beu ton, safely bout plug. James SnelKiove, automatic boat plug, Daniel B. Eddy's patent sou llleboat. Dean & Co., Improved diagonal llleboat (lor lakes, buys, and sounds:) llerresholl Manufacturing Colli-' panv, pop siilety-mlvo; W. R Rlerson, pop siileiy-viilve; George E Colhei, salelj- valve: Edwin A. Hayes, lile-rafu The foregoing ten ifevlces were approval by the 'Secretur) ol the lieasury, quulflledly, as follows. "Treasury Depniinieiu,Secretary's Olllce, Mnieli 10.—In uppiovlug the lore- (lolng leu resolutions, which 1 hoieby do, 1 do not menu lo lecogulze any exclusive light In the persons named In them to make •or vend the articles named, nor Is It- my purpose, nor to be the ofleUi.of tnj nyt^ that ■team vessels are hound to use any or all ot them —C,hurles J, Folger, Secretary." The board, under llie authority conferred upon It by Ihe provisions of section 4,420, Revised Sintules, nppioved the use of E, E. .Roberts, New Yoik, coll-buller (when boilers liore- alier eonsiiueieil shall bo of wrought icon oi steel in all their purls ) Charles Ward, West Vhglnliif cuil-buller, (when boilers hercatter constructed shall bo made ot w roughi-irou or steel In ull Ihelr purts.) The board also adopted u new "blank form ot ap¬ plication for oHlcor*, license, and-amended ^ all lorms of Inspection cortiQcntcs, copies of which will be supplied to Inspectors ns soon, 'as printed. -C* _> Jab. A. Puhont. Supervising, Inspector Gonoral. NAUTICAL AND^SOIENTIFIC, . Cautionary signals have beou-ordered to be displayed ut ull Lnko Erlo ports. The life saving stations nt nil Luke Mlclil¬ gau porta have opened for the season. ThcAinmo of the sohodnor J. O. Thayer has been changed to Mike Corry, - A number of boats nro now running bo- tweou Chicago, Milwaukee, mid Liidiiig- ton. „" "' o' At Milwaukee risks on A hulls, steam, aro being wiluen :it 3 per cent and sail at 3>^ • per cent, 0 Icebergs nro tho terror of ocean navlga- tloivall aUiug'tlio banks of Newfoundlniid und -for a ng distance out. J Y „ The ii| jor M IsBiturrl l Ivor Is froo from Ice, nnd steamboats have begin)' running to Piei ro, Dakota, \ Tlio latest Intelligence from Afiuqu6tto re¬ ports the Ice in the Stinlts to bo throe feet thick. ' -3 Six flshliig-smncks of tho Yarmouth fleet wont down In the galool Filday, und. foity ' ullor s wore diowned. . , s announced that the Canadian^)topul-, lory ueboc will ldnVo Surnln on April 16th lor Duliltli. ' The .Manitowoc Pilot snys Cnptuln Jolin Jncobs has again become muster nfid owuor of the eteambargo Daisy- Day. ,. The latest opening of nuvlgatlon during the last lirtcen years wus In 1875, when the season did not commence until May 12. Lloyd's Island vessel leglsterwill bo Issued about the middle of ihls month. Canadian vessels will be classed with American eralt. Two Steamers hnve nrilvednt St. Johns, N. F. from the sou fishery, brlnglnpi'^11,000 'young und old souls. A large untclr Is an¬ ticipated. . . . Tho Ahrtnpee Record snysNels NelsoriTJf Claybnnks.lias purchased the scow Pi luce < Albort from Tilt & Hny, the_ownor,fl ngant at Alinnpee. " It Is reported that the schooners Curollne Marsh und Aurorn hnvo loft Port Hope for this port nnd the Van Allen has left Char- ' lottn, nlso bound for Oswego. Sailors on the Buy of Qulnte are anxiously > nWnltlng (he opening of nnvtgutlon, but many of them assort that the buy will not he opened before the latter part of the month. About eight rods of Grassy Point "have been swept away, and it Is thought there may be Borne obstruction to navigation as the dirt has boon pushed into tho channel. The Buffalo papers nro out in firing articles because there' Is no harbor nppro- pilntlon. When Congress wns In .session und the river nnd harbor bill was being con¬ sidered, they hud not n word to sny. A pnlr of bnld engles have mndo their ~ home near Stony Point, Mlchlgnn on tho inni gin of Lnko Erlo, for innuy years, nnd It Is believed thut they mo nearly If not quite seventy ycais old. " ' Dining tho fog Frldny morningntClnoln- ' null the towboat Bongul-rignr struck n pier of tho Newport & Cincinnati Railroad bridge, and sunk two coal bonis nnd a burge contain¬ ing 60,000 bushels of coal. Flvo propellers and seven schooners nro lying at Toledo) louded with grnln for Buf- lulo, but ns they ull draw nioro than twelvo and one-half leot, tho depth of w liter over the bur nt the mouth of the harbor, they can not get out, and nro wailing for u northwest gale to raise the wntei. A Rochester dospatcb snys tlint owing to cndurseiuenls and dhtugicements, there will proCubly bo no American line of Bteuiiieis nil the St. Lawrence this season. The Rich¬ elieu Co. It Is re|iprted, hue absorbed tlio St. Lawrence Navigation Co . and will run all their bouts from Toronto instead of Hamil¬ ton^ One of tho abutments of the pier nt Huron Pier wns destroyed by Ice. The lee wus shoved against It by the northerly wind, and the only wonder Is that tlio structuio wus not destroyed altogether Immediate prep- uriitlons were made to rebuild und repair tho plor nnd hnve It In readiness for the opening of navigation. The Dominion Minister of murine lutioe duced a resolution declaring It desirable, to provide for the examination ot masters and mates of steamboats and sailing vessels of 100 tons and upwards, the object being to ascertain whether they are competent to take charge of craft In the particular tindo In wlili'll they muyTio engaged. The now bargo on tho 6tocks at tho Mil¬ waukee Shipyard for the Miiclnetto Bargo Lino Towing Co. will be launched this week She will be mimed the Menominee. Another barge for the same conipuny will bo com¬ menced us soon ns the one now on the stocks Is launched, is'ho will bo 150 feot keel, 30 feet bourn und 10 feet hold, nnd havc.m capuclty of betwean 400,000 and 600,000 feet. 'V.