r-'i i BOOK NOTICE. Magna Chnrtu Stories. Edited b/Arthnr Oilman. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop <C Co. Price $1.00. The twqlvo stoi lea here' " bi ought-together, tho woik of, nearly us many popular writers, nie Intunded tu Illustrate the poisistencu wltli wlilcli the Idea of trecdom has been puiBUed. through v tlio centuries fiom the earliest historic times dow irto, thu days of King John and the Batons. They are wiltten in a might und popular style, and with a strict adhuionte, whexo It has been possible, to the lacts ol history. Anna Laurens Dawes relates the story of Judas Maeejcuiius, "I'lio Hammer of tho Gentiles," and Ids successlul conflict with the oppiessors ot his.natlon, Amanda ' B.,llarrlm-flresentii anew the leguhd ol "Hoiiitlus nl tho bildge;" tho edltoi eon- tiibutes threo Intoiostlng aitlclcs,—"Mlltl- ades nt JUninthoii," "In the O01111011 Woods VL.ong ago," and "Out otitic TJaik;" LI//I0 ~W. Champney, In n sketch entitled "Two Imuiortal Names," tells the story of Leonidas nnd his three hundred nt the pass of Tlier- mo|iyliu; Rose Ilawthmno Lnthrop In 'The Baihifrhiu'sOverlliiow,' deseiibestbc battle qf Chalons between the savngo Huns under Attlla on one side, and the Goths and Romans on thu other, Susan Coolldgu has a sketch ot'the slegeof Syr iciisu two thousand y»ars ago, and Harriet Slidell Mucken/ie gives in bilet but elt,etllve luin the sioij of "Magna Cliafta." .The volume Is huiid- soiuely bound add will bo Illustrated, ami WiH bo a'welcome addition to the libiaiy ol evei 1 boy anil girl who.dclight In historical reading. Mrs. Burnett's story, "Through One Ad¬ ministration," width has sttudlly giownln Interests, reaches an eftectlvc and ti agio con¬ clusion in tho Apill Century, which com¬ pletes Volume XXV. ol the uiag.ulue. The third pint of "A Woman's Reason," Mr. Howell's new and stiikingstoiy, levcals the heroine Helen rtduted almost to poverty lifter the settlement ol In 1 lathei 's estate She writes an ei.pl iniitoi y letter to her sailor lovei, Robert Fciiton, who went away wit|_i the Jeellng that he hiubbccn dismissed, and Loi d Raiiitoi d appears again upon the scene. A short story, entitled "Anastas'ia," with an Italian heroine und an American hero, Is contributed by II II. liojeseu. Slednmu's ussay on "Linerson," the most Important 111 title in tile number, reaches the high-water mark uf literal)' ciiticlsm. It is appreciative and disci liuinating, find dejds mainly with Emerson us a poet, Accompany¬ ing the article, as fiontisplece. Is a Hue engraving by Cole, from a photogiaph ol u dagueireotypo ol Emerson in tho pilmoot llle, width Is Instinct with ideality. ' At St.i" Is a study ol the realism and giaiideur of the otean asohseived by John Bui roughs from Ihe deck of a steamship, and descrined iu his fresh and picturesque way. Equally noteworthy is to accompany lull-page cngiailiig of a steitinet at sea, which was ill aw n with the graver by LlbildgoKlugsley. Ellltu Hopkins conn Unites a stho.aily artltle on "Thu Song ol hongs," In which she disc iisscs the Canticles fiom the point of v uw now genendly actepted lu biblical ciiticlsm; and II II. (Mis. Helen Hunt Jaikson) lollows up her pa pel lu the lunch number, on the village ol Obuniiumergau, with an eiiteitalulng atcoiint ot ihe Passion Play Most couspli nous among sevi nil pi oluscly lllustiated articles Is Ben Peile) Pooru's desulpllon ol "ThcCiqiilol at Washington," Including anecdotes ill famous men who liaie been leadeis In ( onirress. Iu "Plotters and Phets ol Louisiana," Mi Cable otitis the most futlifatlug thapteis yet printed 01 his Creole papcis, I lie piiutiple Itatuie btlng a giaohit skttth of the pilates ot Baiataila, Whose leaders wete thu uoloiioiis Lalltte bmlheis A ilchl) illuslr iled skpti b ol "Eugnuo Fronieniiii" (which inCludes a review ol the utent bloginph\ oflbutaitlst and iiuthoi, h) Louis Goiue,) Is contributed b\ Henry Ecktiml, Charles O Leland baa the assistance ol Mi PenuellV pencil lulds article, "Visiting the Gypslts," und beings to heal his prolound knowledgo ol the cus¬ toms ami language ol those clvlli/ul nomuils. An article with uuriousllliisiintloiis, appeal lug not alone to spot tsmeii, Is Bin net Philip's account ol'" I lie Piimlllve l'lsh hotik" The poems ol the numbei including "Remonstrauco," by the late Sidney Laiilci, n sonnet In honoi of "Salvlni," by Robert Underwood Johnson, and, 111 "Brlc-a-Brac," foui "RondoanX of Cities," by Grant, who satiiUcs tho clllel attraction imputed to the typltal belles ol Nuw York, Boston Phlln- delplila, mid Bultlmoie. In "Tuples ot the 'llmu" uiu illUorlals untitled "A Great Metropolltairr~nTrlVET«f»)',Vr "Slave or MastorV" and "Tho Press and the Now Reform," meaning civil service,. A CYCLONE. Twojjoyit" were playing In the sand to¬ gether Inst summer, when one of them sud¬ denly asked: "I sav Charley, do you know' what a cyclono 1st"' "Not ogiackly Jimmy —but It Is Runthlug what sniushea every¬ thing nil to bits." "Oh. well, then I know what It Is," exclaimed Jlmmv, brightening . up, "It Is SwnyiuVa Ointment, for my lather says ftiat will smash tho Intense lulling at night, and all sorts of humors all to lllnters I" ( Sensible father, that, and the bo)—why. sometime he may come within 0110 vote of being chosen by tho people to govern the aflalrs of this great nation. Remember Swayne's ointment. rftojiosAhs rnn nnnuitmno with iron hull Tin: u » itnviiNvi: 8Ti:aml*h-"ilkuyi and 1 on ham: oc Tin; old vehhi.l. Tlio tlntf tor olwnluK pror>0SRlH for rnliuililitiK with Iroa hull tlio U H Hi'viuni 1 Hicanior "I'erry" In pout 1 oiioil from tho 87th March to TntiHlny llio tilth il i) ol April, 1B83, and plio h|i« tnbullonn nro niisllfleil as follows • Tlio Uovermnt nt will rotithi tlio olil Vounl coniplelo In oviry (lclnil Inoliiihnji, iimdiinrry, liut laiullo londorit urn Invltisl for t io elil vi wiorcoiiiplclo—deliver¬ ed nt Hrle I'n, O lobi r 1 1HS.I to Itu oponul nt llio none tlmo ns tlioso forrelmllilbiji, unit lildtlorH tor rebuilding nro invited lo Mi! for tlio old vessel II 1' 1 III NCIl Ailing-Hctrotmy IrI'ihuiiy IlKl'iaTMi \T Wasiiivoton D I ,Muie M 1883 NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND \ VESSEL OWNERS. 1>KAN * <OMlkANY'N 1>IA<1>(AI, I.IIK no at can nt: uhed is place of - THE NKTIIMCMt'E 1IOAT II I'nEFEKED, It AH 1IF.EN > ADOPTED AT WANII INHTON 1IY THE no A Hit OF NV- PF.nVININV INMPE4'- ' TORN. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEHD FOB PRICE LIST * DEAN AND CO. DETROIT MICH. MECHANICAL NEWS. 1 , [II LU8THATI I)J ^ $1.00 PER YEAR ' With Premium. Sample Gopies Free. JAMES LEFFEL 4 CO. No. 110 I-llmrty St.. New York, W. Y. . Vulcan Iron Works HILWA.TJKEE, WIS. JAMES SHERIFFS, Miinufncturor ol - MARINE ENGINES,, Boilers, Mill Maphinry, AND Brass Castings. SIJXINQ .VIIKNTS smith .t Ol ivn I, Clnvolnnd, () ,^ t Vi WllBKlBIl ll»> Uty.Mleh /f t'lTturniAlDASull, Port Itiiron, Mle. JamksM JoslM.Uulrolt.Mtoll MAIIINi: KNOINi: WOJIKH IOBT. TABBAN1 MASUVVCTUItUtOK Marine and Stationary Engines, PBOPELIEE WETBE18, VEB8EL PUMPS ft OEHEBAL MA0HIKE»Y_ f\- CoilnBSPONnEM I hoi ItlTFII rtli, 57 & BO ailchlgnn HI. CHICAOO 1X1. Vesselmen >iiIOltI.I) have OUR MARINE LAWBOOK, rontpltilnuiill Hd<* of MAIUNE LAW ft» do- turmined by thu United H^Ilh < oil Ma -OS - Owner*, ChnrterH, ItefflHtry. KnroUinuuUi Common Cnrrlom, Maxtom & Owners, Seamen, FreltfhU, Town (fo, €oUlnlonM, - General Avemjf*;, Outlen of Senmen, Hill of Lad in if, ^VnffoH, Ac. Th« volumnlitliniidHonuly hcjunil In stiff Board Covers, Mid itWo rnnlldh doth binding Hooki ol Dilii kind Ktriornlly cflHt 8) UU hut wo will nond It to any (uldruan ikihIiiho |uiil fui 81 r0, or with thp MA1UNI JtlCOUI) for ono >mr, liolh for only (12ff AddrwB Makink HkcoiU) (levolaml t) Excelsior Cop er Gasket- —a uifc— i I Steam, Water, Gas, Oil, Acids, or THE EXCELSIOR GASKET ii eipooUUy adapted to ' Heavy Pressures, HIGH TEMPERATURES, And ROUGH FLANGES. —It will roaUt the ooemlcnl action of— OiXs/& Acids. on»ft.HH LtlT AT Wm. BINGHAM & COS, l li'Vi'liiml, O -----Will ricolvu prompt itttontltin —p- 11EII LIU NObS. _Clovol.ini luilllnu Mil! I o lIutu'hlllL C. It M- CoMllliBlinKi Mills llrlloii Iron nnd Hud Work. Cedvfllantl Water Works Luko I rluIronCo OleTti ud City torgu, Cuyuho|[o turnuceCo eta . NO ENGINEER Should be ontent to run a Boiler, stationary or' Marine, without «- HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents finning and lessens the liability ot Explosion. It saves FUEL, LAllOR and RE TAIRS. it is, PURELY VEGEf ABLE and Absolutely Safe. SeniMbr-Clrculilr fflvinif-fiill Information to HOUGHTON & COr- „ - Sol« Proprietors and Manufacturer* 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK, , THE DUPLEX INJECTOR. BOILER FEEDER KNOWN ■ mit LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE and other BOILERS Not Liable to (iet Out of Orilurnnd ail— ttnys Dollvois Water HOT to tbe Boiler. EJECTORS or JET-PUiytPS, I'hi' slmpleni lillfje-I'iiinp iiimle that Is o|ieiiiti'il bj steiim. M111111l1iLt11r1.1l by JAS. JENKS. ____ 10 & 18 ATWATt.lt ST., L BLTItOIT, HUch THE UROWN MANUl ACTUR1NO ( O , AbLNTS LI LVrLANU, OHIO DETROIT COPPER AND BRASS ROLLING MILLS, MANUI ACTt'Itl IIS HI Copper in Sheets, Braziers' Copper, COPPtpOTTOMS, COPPEfl WIRE', Krvets artd. Burs, Circles, Etc Hif;li HtiiKi-, Low lliin.8 mill (11 rm in blhir In all tnriiih nl Hull, Sin i [ mil Wlie Corner of Lamed ana Fourth Streets________DETROIT, Mich THET\LEVELAND ~~^ WHEELBARROW and TRUCK CO. MASJ lAClUUKKS Of ALL KINDS OF __ FOR ALL PURPOSES mam 1-ACiuitKiis ur m-DTTr(T7-0 WHEELBARROWS AND TRUCKS OFFICE AND WORKS, 547 DETROIT ST , OLIIUAM), OHIO Jliiill"" ll'l" I "I1"' POSITIVELY CURED All aufforuni (rum thin dtiniiiMu that are oiiilous to 1m> ourrA ohquM try DK KWSBKBfl CELBBBATED COHSUKPTI0K POWDEBB. l*U*yT>w.TQr»rtri Uio only brvpurutluii linuwii tltut will euro cimiumptum una all illseaauuof thu THBO^T andtTJHOB—InUtwl, iwatruntj Uour faith in lliiin luirul-o to touvlntu jou thai tho\ aru nh hmuliim, nt will forward lo i\ir> Biiffi-rur^ hy mall, poi»t pnltl a Free Trial Box Wiulo iHwmit )t)ur mono) iiniUMn^arn (it ificll) nat laflt 1 ofllmlr cnrutU« pownr- \t your Ufo 1» worth wiving don't tit Inj in KlvW Uumj POWDERS n 11lul us iluy will Hiinly ttm j»m rrlct.forlarKi) Ihix 8»0»or 1 IVixeifnr »tf»«u Hmt to any )iattti[ tho United Stuttsorl Aiiada, hy mall, *n\ recoliit of (irlf o Addrtni ASH & BOBBINS. > 360 Fulton St., Brooklln,,N. Y FALLING SICKNESS, PERMANENTLY OTJEED-NO HTIMBTJO-by on* MonthjaihffeofOE GOULARD S Celebnted InffclTibl« Pit PoVdori TopouvTnw Hiiffisrors tiiot ijiewi Vowihru wllldu iiU wo claim Jnr thorn wo will BLiul th< m hy tmill poitpaid a Frso Trial Bok An Itr doul ird 1m tin onl) luybulan Uiut hiut < vur mado thin II i !•> i n[ u lutmiidv and us (> our kuotfUduo tinnth*iniU ii ivu 1)lui permanoutly cur»' l,y thu utm of thtHopowdors «■ «»H guarantee a permauont oure in i v* i j cit qr refund your all monoy ex-r pended. "I nullinnirih iuM gi\o ih m 1 owdt rt tin uirlj tilil mid h i ui\liiLtnl ol tht Ir i uratlvt iiowir 1'tln f ir I irk lliu, i I (Ml or I IIoxih f if Jfl"! 00 nt h> nmiltoiiii) pirt of tho Un tin! StaUsor I inatl» on riiol|itnf [irli ir hy oxpii-u ( O l> Addrmi ASH Sl robbins, 368 Fulton St., Brooklln, N Y 7 2091 4498