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Marine Record, March 31, 1883, p. 3

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" ANNUAL MEETINGS OP THE TRANS- • PORTATION COMPANIES. Tho lake transportation and nnvigatldn companies hold their annual meetings nt Detroit recently for tli'e electron of officers. The Peninsular Transportation Compnny, Detroit & Lnko Erie Steamboat Company, and the Detroit Navigation-Company have passed nut of existence, while sovornl now pompiinios'not existing at the corresponding time last year nre' now on the list. The ""election resulted ns follows: WJilto Star Line—Prosldont nnd Treas¬ urer, George Alc.MIIInn; Sedrotnry unil.Gon- oral Manager, R. L. Montgomery; Dlrec. tors, William Cowlo, George MoMlllnn and John L'ortepns. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation Company—President njitj Trensuror, John Owen; Vico :President, James McMillan; Secretary ahd General Manager, David Car¬ ter. Stnr Line Stonmers— Prosldont Jnmes Mc¬ Millan j'Vlce-l'realdent, JamuB S. Newberry; Treasurer, Hugh McMillan; Sccretnry and General Manager, Dnvld Carter; blrectors, the above, together with W.K. Mulr. Detroit Transportation Company—Presi¬ dent, James McMillan; Vice-President, John,Owen; Treasurer, Hugh McMillan; Secrotnry, W.K. Anderson; Directors tlio nbiWS with John S. Newberry. Wiiid's Detroit & Lake Superior Lino— I PrcsidVnt W. II. Stevens; Vice ['resident, s&imuj/l F. Hodge: Sec re la ry J. V, Mornn; ' Tffisiiror m d General Manager, Eber Directors, the above, and Don M Dickinson. twelve numberi of the put year, unbound, $6,oo. A lubacription and the twelve back numbers bound in two elegant volumes with gilt top, $7.50. Tins CENTURY CO. NkwYobkI N. V. It D. UOUtDEIt. MOIIN P. VVBII. G0ULDER & WEH Attorneys and Counsellors, AND ' PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 14 Jfc 10 ATWATER BUILDINO, CLEVELAND, O. ^JJur Collodion Do'pnrtmontjs In chnrgo ot an Ek- ^ porlonced Collector ~' ■------ FAILURES. . Scores of young men. have started well In life but through mismanagement, or"hard times" overtaking them, fall In business and ever nflerwnrd float along apparently with no alms or ends. Swayno's Ointment never In curing itching piles add all eirin diseases. There Is no guess work iibniit'the prepara¬ tion. Its originator has a level head, and what lie says is will do, you can rely upon. All druggists keep It, anil thORn who sillier should try it and be made happy,. « __ tl Perhaps the mast judicitmsbj edited mag¬ azine in the World."—T11R National, N. Y. Sept. 18§2. THE CENTURY FOR 1882-83. ( The twelfth year of this'magazine—the first under the new n-ittic, and the mom successful its histdty, closed with the October number. The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season, And Tun CENTURY begins its thirteenth yenr with an edition of ' 140,000 COPIES. The following are the leading features ; ' A NEW NOVEL HY W. D. HOWELL'S, to succeed this authoi's -'Modern Instance." It will be nn international story entitled "A Woman's Reason." LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON—the leading histor¬ ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of P'tpers, on such topics ns '{The beginning of a Nation," "SociaLLife in the Colonies," etc., the whole forming a complete history of early life in the United Slates. Especial attention will be paid 'to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OK MINING LIrE, BY MARY HAM LOCK FOITE, entitled "The Led- Horse Claim," to be illustrated by the author, THE. POINT OF VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters fiom imag¬ inary jwrsons of vai i -us nationalities, criticising , America, its people, .society, mnnncrs, railroads etc V. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OF CONNECTI- CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical cooperati m In Christian work, showing how a league was formed in a smal town in Connecticut what kind of work it attempted, and lion it spread throughout the whole Slate. "RUDDER GRANGE ABROAD,"by Fiank R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll "Rudder Grange" stories, the bcene lieing now in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN AMERICAN.HOUSE¬ BUILDING, a series of four papers, fully illus¬ trated, di voted to {I) City Houses, (2) Country Houses,, (3) Churches, and (4) Public Buildings. THECREOLESOK LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of " Old Creole Day,s," etc; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI.by, Frank H. Cushing, government ethnologist; nn adopted memlwr of the £uni tribe of Indians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NATI- NALCAI'lTAI., including "The Capitol," "The upremc Court," "The While House," etc MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA; . ' II 11. "; three 01 fuur pajiers of an exceed- ngly interesting character, richly illustrated. MISCELLANEOUS. Further work il expected from E. C. Stcdman, Thomas Hughes loel Chandler Harris ("Uncle Remus"), Charles Dudley Warner. John Bur- oughs, E. V. Smalley, H. II. Boyesen, offd; a lo g iist.fooihers. Entertaining short stone, and foveletles. wdlbc nmeng the leading f> atures of illi: ChNU'iiv, as heretofore, andihemagazine w i 1 continue it. edvance in general excellence. The subscription price is ^4.1 o a year; 35 cents a number. Subscriptions should begin wi.h the November numlier, and to enable new subscribers ■ to commence with ihe new series under Tin: Ckniuhv name, wc make the following. —-----—-------^jPEOAL-QliFliK^ ____ A year's subscription from Nov., 1882,"and the - For Sale! Rare Chancel We lmvo on oifr bonks 11 .good, largo tug Mint can be had at a bargain If sold within 00 days, she Is 05 ft. length, II)'ft. beam, 8 ft. hold, draft of water from (1 to 7 ft. Her •Engines nre.lS by 18. Her Roller was new Inst year., Burns wootl or coal, will curry 100 lbs. steam and llfl Jbs. If necessary. With dishes and nodding llltcd'tip, audiins n llconeo to carry Q(l passengers, all ready for business. Rebuilt In 18S0 at cost of $10,00. If sold within .'10 days csh be had for $5,800 cash. Good reasons for selling, Tlio tug Is now lying at Chicago. For further particulars. , . Address Murine Record Oftioe. Clevolupd, O. r, nnita t-:. UDp Commission, - AND Vessel Brokers, ~ DULUTTI, MINN.^j FOR SALE. An Iron ynulit 35 feut Innjf very finally UnlHliL-d aim fiirnlflhpd, Orafl $ 1-2. U* t runt very fowl, 'Kiiqulroof D. P, Sickt-mon il.trkncfl- Mock Kncliil A volution. Exchange. V- D. Nickerson . ' CLEVELAND, O. \.MARINE ARTIST.' IN BLACK AND WHITE. Pastel and Water Color. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The' Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Will exchange two. houses and lots in Cleveland worth $7,0U()tor lloatii^property Steam Barge or Tug preferred." Address, E. D. ll» Franklin St. _____—.----------_--------Cjtivoland,-Ohloi ENGINES FOR SALE! DmibloonRlno 14x20, will do forstunmlmrjH or tup, nit up, us good nn nmr, nlno n bovoii fool Plillndulphlu wheel nnd ithaft. Will wll Uiu whole y<ry cheap. Adilreafl Marin*Record Olllca. FOR SALE Si earn l)nrf;o. Krcl 144 fort. Ik-nm .10 fee', depth nf hold 11 feet opacity 4(H) Al fit't liitnlmr, ftfotiiiis cnnl 1n>*lden her fuel. Built In 1882. Addrca- MmuSK UkcoHDOffice. t Wanted,- BUtamyacht H5 or 40 feel long of good aneoil-JUuLjtood <ver. to curry 40 or 50 pabaonyoi Iko «HD offiou. good ani gore* udd driwi Makink / Wanted, Btenmhanre that wip carry f>00 gross tons on 9 feot draft and could also ho lotidol down to II or In fool, If Heci-wary. 'AUo two towliiirgcn that will carry f"><)0 or 600 tonu on i) iout draft, 'Add roan Ma kink Heoord OIQco. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAIN'S .SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with •Through rnlaec i Coaches and Elegant Sleeping Curs, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HOUTE —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. S~ Tiii» inUiooiiiyiim--imik.il,. Direct Connection ,ti ., ah tbo palpal Trunk Lines of tlio East for al Soulliurn, Southwestern ami Western poitilH, ehliur by way of Cincinnati, Indlaimpolta or St. Louts for all Railway Towns In nllSSO'UW, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KAN'SAS, NEBRASKA, ^ COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO AND THE PACIFIC COAST. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. Wo lmvo In our list, tho largo, powerful lu-x Stinimn, which will be «ild, outright i>r cliurtvred for the trip or nelson. BOILER FOR SALE! An-Almost new «teel holler 5x1)'^ ft In line condition will sell less than half prire. • ___ ' / Address MXRINE RECORD, CleCelaniTfO > H. V. E0EOMAH, Proprietor. The Madison, (KOKMKIILV llKVKI'K IIOIJ8K) Detroit, Mich. Moat Centrnlly Locntml. . Street earn pass tho door every few nilnuteij Ui Depots and all purls of the City; Three minute's walk to I. S & M S, D & M, and Walnwh Depots. Eat«i 1180, to (2.00 per day. Equipment New and 'Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and tha Safe¬ st Road in the West. USTTieketa by tills popular route for. sale nt iill-regiiliir Tioket*i Olllce- E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Gcuoral Minitgor. Truffle Manager. A. J. SMITH, (iim-rul Passenger Agent. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Swaynes MARINE LAWYERS. Knelp & Morrlaon PROCTOtiH IN ADMIBALTY, 115 Moaroo St ltooin M Ctilcago. BOAT IIUILDKKS. Douti it Co. IIOAT HUILIIKItM .IKTUOIT LAUNDRY. IIOAT, WASHING and general Laundry In few hours. CTEVfci.ANn Stkau Laun- DIIY. 33 St. Clair'St. Telephone 118. h.WL MAKERa. Noble & (loaa, SAIL MAKERS and RIGGERS. Foot ol (Irtnwolil si. lll"I'lt()IT, MK'H. (,0.\l4 David HurilHUul Afrvut, BK8T OU.VDIM Of .STEAM AND IIUMEMTIC t)OAL, lot Wttat Klvor SiroJl,Cluvuluud AOT AS A HEART COMCTOR And by cloanilng, raguhllng. and itrenglhentng the organi ot digestion, lecrellon and aburptlon. cure Apopleiy. Fill, Parllyili, Ntrvouineti, Oliilntii, D-hllty, Blllouineu, Bad Brtllh, Hun- diet. Liver and Kldnm Comptilnt, Lack ol Appetite, Low Splrlti, Indlgeiflon or Dyspepila, Hiauche, Constipation Fevers, Malaria and Contagion, Feur and Ague, Dlirrhaa. Dropsy, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, flout. Female Weakneta, Urinary Oil- ' ordera, and all Irregulatltlea ol Ihe Spleen, Stomach, BUdder and Bowels. Frepind onjr bj llr.SW.U NK * SOM, PklW.lpki*, Pi ASKYOl K IimiOplSTPORTREU. frlct.SSl'u.rit.llui.. II ^.alhrM.JII«..riderMt. 7 ^ -«-. ['HE NICKEL PLATE I NKW YORK, CHICAGO* 8T. I.OtllS IIA.ILWA This compnny niiikcn n new depnrtu In Its day crinclicB Nvlilcli the irnvelliiB • public will undoubtedly appreciate. Eaeh coneli lina.n miirble-top wiikIi Btand with aonp nnd towelx, tliug liirnlfllilngfreo -wluit hiia heretofore been n luxury of tlio • drawing room car! Tlio windows nro vVldo and high, glvlng^n splendid vlow of tlio country. Thejargp paper enr' wheels, •1* Inches iu diameter, nuiKo the coiudtes ride so Hinoollilv irnd noifoleoniy .tlint con vernation Is carried • on as onnlly as In ' n parlor. The niiioklng cars have rut tan sonts, 'making them much cleaner nnd more pleasant than the old stylo. ' All the ooni'lips are new and of latest designs 'FollotviDir U tliao nf local trains now running — DOING EAST. T.ocii] 'Loccnl t'onncant * I'oiwoii'r l"uMoii'r 'Actum. Lv.l'lildip).............»:I0n la............................... " Ho.OllioiBO ...S.82 " .............................. " Vnlpralmi........Ill/OS ' ..........................„.. Arr. Fort Wiiyiic.....l;rop. m.................,............. Lv. Fort Wuyiio......'J*I0 " '.................,........... "Nuwtliiw-ji.......'ij-jn " ............................ " Wi'«t Ul|iilc......I:2!l." .......................',..... " ArraclU..............r>:.'l0 " ........................... " Kmlnrln......,....«:•« " ..............'.............. " On'cli Spring.. Il;y'2 " .............................. Arr. Ik'llrviif........7:110 " ............................. Lv. IMIuviiii............7:10 " 0'4B "• l".........•'...... " VitiiiUIIu...........«:lll " 7:12 " .............. "'l^iniln................8:41 " tt:07 " •„:/......... Art1 iL'lpM-lunil.... 10,00 " 0;18 " ..............; I.'.CIovi'lunil .................... !l|23 " l;:iO p. m. " KilCllil Avo................... Il; 10 " -li47 " " Mfiilur.........................ltli.'tl " SJ7 " " l'aln,Hvlllii.._...............10;39 " li;40 " "Anliliiluiln ... ,.............11,111 ■'.......Ii;37- " Arr CVimii'iiiit . '.....,.......rJid-l p io 7;0.r> " Lv CoiiiU'inU...................J2,ll)pin ,.............. " Erli- ........................... 1;I8 " ............ '■ Dunkirk........................-. :i (0 " ............... Arr Iluirulo........................4,to ■ ......... Lv Bulfe'ii..... " Dunkirk......... -••' VMu............... Arr (Vuiiieiiiu ... Lv Coiilu'iilt....... " Ahllllllllllll . ... " IWnciMllp....... ' Monti-r " Euclid A^e..... Arr Otrliiiiil..... Lv t'li'vi'luml.....'. I* Lomln............ •s-MTiulllion... . Arrllt'lli'vut'........ Lv lti'lli'viul...... " (iri','11 SpriiiKH 1 Fii-tiirln........ " Arcnillu......... - - Woit IJ'I|H|C. " New Hnwii .. Arfl-'- rt W ynr*. Lv Furl Wiij in' *' VnlpmlHo....... Arr Ho C'lilcnKo Arr C'lilniyo........ (iOINO WEST. . 8,Ufl a in ....,., . j. Hl.TH'n in ll:«l f2.W|7'i ,K;to » i .1;27 •' .2;28 '• .2,1-1 " .11,21, " .:l;l:l " .3; 18 " ..4i5H " .5;2U " ,11,15 " 7,(10 •" 0|S1 n i 8,117 " 8,:m " <l,:iu " .....11,10 " ....111,1,1 " .. ll'.ou " ... tiiiflyt; ... I2;l8p i ".' 2;'l«- " ... -'1,11-1 " ... t»;.ri8 " .... 8:24 " ..... »;0O' " Trnlni run hy CilunitiUH time, wtilch Is twontr nilnuli'-* fiiBtur til n Cli cuitu ilmu. Ilvu minutus sluwi-r tlitui Clivclntiil llniu nnd sixteen uituulee Blower llian Bull'iilo thuo. For pitoi or litfiirmatton, call on nearest Agenl of llio Company, or ailUron B F. ltORN'KR, (lun'l I'llsti'iiRor Anont, - Iloyt Blmk, Cor. St. Clulr tuiti llanlc Stroouj LI'.V'IS WILLIAM', Clovcliinil, O. Oi'iiunil .MuliiiKrr. Cleveland to N.York . via tiii: \ku YoitK i»ih:n\nyiaama r A OHIO n.llI-HOAD. Formerly Ailonlic \- Great Wo^tcrn Railroad For Nt-w , ork Ilo-ton mid Ihu East. Ttio Bbort- oHi mill i|ulfk« (roiilflo IMiiHburgh. \Viulilti{[too Ilultlmnrf mid the- Southeast. Until furllnT nu'tlco I ratlin will lcnvo from ■ itp« Ccjiinil I)«|mt, .louili Wutor siruut anil V^ duct uu IuIIowh. \ 7 in n m MttlHiilHHT ExprrNN (dailyh \,i\) lli 111 l'liiIniJi'i ol< cjilii^ and hotel cone* pi from Luivlti-i Mii-rli rt .Vi a. in To .Nuw Yory Alliuny mid Huston withnul clmng .. I'jirlor t- Cl.^iiliniillohiiliiiiiHiini. ArrlvtHUt MeadiUIu 1:1 a. iii.(i1Iiiii> n franklin \'l !Ki [i m Oilnty 1,00 p- iu Jamestown (I.ikf Cliuutituqiiul) l;fl7 p. m. Hufluloii.l.'i p. nl Ho. hi'ster i*.3u p m; Hurni-lls, villi! d'lOp in Niipp r ); Crirjilni; H.Jfi p. m. Kh'nlro 8-o7ii in. HIii«IhiiiIiiii 10-5H p m.; AHiuiy 6:00 a in. l&rttoii '1'tft |) in ; urriv inn «l New York fl-fiOii.ia n'fli. Tl TH Nlsni Kiprwi( daily i-xcopt .UJ [li 111 -uiiday) I'ulluiaii h1uu|i ng i oach from l^'uvi'tnlmruli t»> New York without cliangil Arrlvi'tut YmiiiK-lowii nt l.V, it in.: l'ttlabuttzh tl.lfta. in WathtiiKlon i'.l.') p.m liitltltnoru 10 3-1 p iu. MiMdvllI* ,l;fl0 a in L'orry fl.'.'l) ii. iu. Jaino*- townO'Ji; a m, Itnllulo H -ITi u in, KiK'lieH'tT 1 10 p m- lliiriitill^lllo II 2» » in, OinilifK 12 .'.Il p in, 1.1ml rul'Jtpm Hinnliaiiintuii 'J fiO p iu, Niw York it-4 li n n.on n fk I'ltiHbiirtr KxproiiM ilnlly 6iJU JJ- lili UtoukIi wltliont ci.iin^u, I'urlor enr t'luveliiiid to I'llltliiirK tv r vi>h <m YoiiiikbIowu A 00 ii m, I'lllHlmrK A -0 p m. WiLilitnn nn 7 M) n m, Halt- 1111,0 o 8 41 u m via Slum*ii and Hliarpavillo lo Mead vlll 7 10 p. to 4,Or r> m Mitlioiilnw: At'coiiimmlntlnn ,L<J Ui illi Dtniiiini..' nl all wuy * aitonii Arrlvo at Ymin^iowii 7110, p in, Mia nn H III) put, Slim p* vllti'8 Itlp m, (omi.itHat U'ii\ltt*ilmrKli vi\U tr.ilo No-JU for M.-i.ilvllIf and liiii-rykdliilu points, ar- rln-tiiit M>a \llle 11 (k'lpm. >1U dt ill* tlirotiKli wltliont ci-a*-go ArrUtja at YmnijJiUiwii 10 u tn, Hlui nn 10 55 a m, Mmrpt* villi- Il Uia in, I'll »lnin{h 1 Ort p in, lt<*tnrnliii<, lcavi-H 1'llL.buryli at 4 41 a in, i 5,1 o m, 1 ];{ p iu, and 4 2() p tu 1D A H V*nmirmtown and IMttuburgli Ao- 1U ii lUi cotiuiioiltttloii, -itupiinin a' ail Way HtrilniiH, nrrlvlnti nt YouiiKt-own 1 50 p in ; I'ltli* bur^li It 10 p. in- Trtiiiir. nrriYt* at (Jlevclatid, (lOA n m; 10-b6u m; 2 00 |). «; 7.00 p m nod 10.15 p. m OLV^rhlH It ttio only route bv which pttinotiwri cin rcucli (lurry Elii^r'a, Blnghiimit-ni, Nuw Yorlr City and luturiiiidmta puhiu WIT 11 OUT Ex- CHANUK No t-lmiigu toButitOD and Now Kiig- land "illi'n. Uitffifi»(f« Ohb€k«<l Through to all Point! - KuhU Ut^ThrmiJjti tickolH uml information reK«rdlnff Ihu ri'UH' can lie ubintiiod at tho Union TlckulUf- fleo lorner llunK and Siiuernir Hireula: alollleu 131 llunk at rout und at n w Depot of Now yinc, I'otm- HTltmilii and Ohio Itnklway, Houth WuteriLniut and Viaduct, CluTul«ud,0. A K CLARK. Uon'i l*asa*r Air'r Clnvi'land O. M L. POU l>, .1 M.FKHUIS, .'.tan i:il ItankSt. (iun'l Mtti'lir* riovolund tfurtihiud

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