Wednesday, April 25, 2007 · Page 23 Listen for MINUTE on CHYR. LOVE AND PRAYERS, MOM, DAD, LAUREN, MARY, MARTHA, LOUISE, THERESE AND JOHN PAUL Music Assoc., Kingsville Lakeside Park Pavilion, 2-5 p.m. Info 519-975-2792. · May 6: The Windsor Coin Club Annual Spring Coin Show, Caboto Club, 2175 Parent Ave., Windsor. Info 519-735-0727 or mclarke@ · May 8: Friends of Cedar Creek Meeting, Camp Cedarwin Scout Camp, Essex, 7 p.m. Info 776-5209 ext. 245. · May 8: Maytime Memories, 6 p.m. at Cottam Library, ages 6 and up, register at the library. · May 9: Olde Sandwich S. and Area Hist. Society meet at Doris Parr's for potluck and plant exchange at 6:30 p.m. Bring food, utensils, chair and plants. Guest speaker Dan Bissonnette. Info 519-7764654. · May 11: Sunparlour Pregnancy Resource Centre will host "Walk for Life" 5km walkathon, 6-8 p.m. at Cardinal Carter Secondary School Track, 120 Ellison Ave., Leamington. · May 14: Monday Night Book Club, 8 p.m. at Essex Library. · May 14: The WindsorEssex County Health Unit workshop "Picky Eater Feeding Kids Right", Essex Civic Centre, Room C, 360 Fairview Ave. W., Essex. 79 p.m. Register 258-2146 Ext. 1340. · May 17: Friends of Canard River Meeting, St. Thomas of Villanova High School, LaSalle, 7 p.m. Info 776-5209 ext. 245. · May 26: Flower Power, 2 p.m. at Essex Library, ages 7 and up, register at the library. · May 26: BBQ Roast Beef Dinner, Trinity United Church, 1005 Road 2 West, Kingsville, 4:30-7 p.m. Advance tickets only 519733-2590. · May 26: Squirette's of Mary Charity Fundraiser Steak and Lobster Fest , K of C Hall McGregor, dinner 6-7 p.m., music 8 p.m. to midnight. Info 519-776-5710 or 519-726-5326. · May 26: Rotary Club of Cottam/Kingsville Annual Charity Golf Tournament at WATCH OUT! MIKE LAPAIN IS ON THE ROAD! HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY MIKE ON APRIL 30TH! 90th Birthday Monica (Collins) Vanderaa was born April 26th, 1917 in Sandwich South. She will celebrate her 90th birthday with an Open House at 111 Iler St, Iler Lodge Nursing Home in the "Harvest Room" on Sunday April 29th from 2-4 p.m. for family and friends. Best Wishes Only. · Apr. 25: Essex & Dist. Hort. Society meet at the Essex Kinsmen Fieldhouse at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker Maria Papp from Flora Gardens on new plants for 2007. Plant and seed exchange. · Apr. 25: Essex and Community Hist. Research Society encourages anyone interested in local history to attend their monthly meetings at the Essex Community Centre, 25 Gosfield Townline W. Tour the historical research library and see how you can help preserve the history of our area. Info 519796-3393. · Apr. 26: Tilbury welcomes Seniors for an Information Health Fair, Tilbury Arena, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Info 519-3546221 Ext 246 or 519-8093538. · Apr. 26: HEIRS meeting, Harrow and Colchester S. Community Centre. Speaker Kimberley Hurst, UE. · Apr. 27: K of C Pickerel Fish Dinner, Holy Name of Jesus Hall Essex, 4:30-7 p.m. Takeout available. · Apr. 28: Yard Sale, Curling Club of Kingsville, 640 Cty. Rd. 20, Kingsville. 9 a.m. Rain or shine. Info 519-7335731. · Apr. 28: Oh! To Be A Tree!, Essex Library, 2 p.m., ages 46. · Apr. 28: Colchester N. School 50th Anniversary, 2651 Cty. Rd. 12, 1-4 p.m. Info 776-8118. Memory rooms, tree dedications, choir, food, face paintings and balloons. · Apr. 28: Roast Beef Dinner at Essex United Church, 53 Talbot St. S., Essex.. 5-7:30 p.m. Info 519-776-5121. · Apr. 28: Yard and Bake Sale, St. Stephen's Anglican Church, 5280 Howard Ave., one mile south of #3 Hwy., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Info 969-2229. · Apr. 28: Pasta Dinner, Church of the Redeemer, 15545 Cty. Rd. 8, 1/2 way between Paquette Corners and Hwy. #3. 4:30-7 p.m. · Apr. 28: Feng Shui Workshop, Essex branch of the Woodslee Credit Union, 154 Talbot St. N., 9:30 a.m. to noon. Proceeds to support the Naturalized Habitat Network. To register call 519-2592407. · Apr. 29: The Windsor and Area Post Polio Support Group Spring Meeting, Windsor Community Living, 7025 Enterprise Way, Windsor, 2-4 p.m. Info 7356971. · May 2, 9, 16, 23: Storytime at Essex Library, 11 a.m., ages 3-5, register during regular hours. · May 3, 10, 17, 24: Storytime, 11 a.m., ages 3-5. Toddlertime, 10:15 a.m. for 2 yr. old and caregiver, at Essex Library, register during regular hours. · May 3: Mother and Daughter Banquet at Gesto United Church at 6:30 p.m. · May 4: Write Your Memories, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon at Essex Library, register at the library. · May 4: The Salvation Army Women's Ministries Spring Luncheon, 26 Talbot St. N., Essex, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Takeout is available. · May 5: St. Paul's Anglican Church Spring Rummage and Bake Sale, 92 St. Paul St., Essex, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bargains galore and treats for your sweet tooth. · May 5: Evening with Kayoung (Clara) An, a young concert pianist from Korea at Tecumseh United Church, 333 Lacasse Boulevard, Tecumseh. Advance tickets 519-735-3323. · May 5: Moms Are #1, 2 p.m. at Essex Library, ages 46, register during regular hours. · May 5: Mother's Day Tea sponsored by The Order of The Eastern Star, 1-3 p.m., Wesley U.C., 365 Sandwich S., Amherstburg (across from Can. Tire). Proceeds to The Alzheimer's Society. · May 6: Belgian Dinner Dance, Place Concorde. Doors open 2 p.m. Dinner 5:30 p.m. Music by Swingmasters. Proceeds to Doctors Without Borders. Tickets 519-739-9977. · May 6: Essex-Kent Bluegrass, Oldtime and Folk Orchardview Golf Course, Cty. Rd. 34, Ruthven. Register before May 10 (519839-5707). Proceeds towards new fountain and maintenance at Cottam Rotary Park. Just Moved? Newly Engaged? New Baby? For FREE Information And Gifts Call... Florence: 776-7062 · Pottery Display by Gloria Gelliner of Capricorn Pottery at Essex Library. · Storytime at Essex Library Wednesdays beginning Apr. 11 and Thursdays beginning Apr. 5, 11 a.m., ages 3-5. · Toddlertime at Essex Library Thursdays beginning A Neighbourhood Tradition Since 1930 Apr. 5, 10:15 a.m., 2 yr. olds and caregiver. · Storytime at Cottam Library Tuesdays, 1 p.m., ages 3-5. Register at the library. · Storytime Tuesdays beginning Apr. 10, McGregor Library, 1 p.m., ages 3-5. PUZZLE NO. 81 ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 81 HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box. This calendar of events is compiled as a free public service for non-profit groups and appears on a spaceavailable basis. While we endeavour to fill requests for publication, we cannot guarantee publication of all events submitted and cannot accommodate requests for multiple insertions or lengthy descriptions. Coming events should be dropped off at our office, faxed to 776-4014 or emailed to This calendar is not intended to be a comprehensive listing of all community events. Please check the classified pages, display advertising and articles appearing elsewhere in the Free Press for more information on events in Essex and surrounding communities.