9&%'Vb6i^gh;frM from labor of th^hawTor heart, My,i\ Trom man'* dhwenaion, greed and grief 01 |||*^" ............ p/A;-'i;iuUbar eK'.:V : Apparent happiness maj nourish palm Bent~YehfQls or'ohllilliood'i toy; JUl liberty la bondage of degree. bYV'V ' V..' ^;!-'./..' -OdrirftMora oil la but tlBftturnteg key :^v'-;': In door that sorrow bid* ua oIom again. a* vy^^ .. The quiet raeuntalns feed tha sorinp of Ufa, ,g at. htvenJfr command, '>-'- ' < .And flood or famino, low or gain, U rlt*. '^The hilla contribute with mbjeotWo hand. ;i':i,.'- "'UP"',, , ft-?;, Jherelies In 1,' barren peak the timbered height, rX wealth boyond tho optimistic droara, Put mortals grope until tha way ia light, Till fortuna smlta and earth rafloota .' beam. ' tha m-. tef- Bnooeas and failnr* have unknown array. on may aoorch and clouds the rainbow show. JU1 hllla are actors In a fateful play, The milt*, majcfttlo aorfa of wtal or woe. Joan Muru In Atlanta Constitution. AN UNKNOWN GRAVE. p. is:..-j # t. v to; &< Four men -were Routed upon a trader's Ternnda at Mad aw, one of tho Marshall . Ulanda. Tho night was brilliantly moon lit, and the hull and spars' of n Httlo whHo brig that ly anohored in tlia lagoon abont a mile distant from tho trader's house stood out as oleurly and distinct as if alio woro bat CO yards away from whoro thoy sat. - Three of the mou presont were Yislt- ors Har- rey, the mate, and Deninon, the super- rcargo of tho Indiana. Tho fourth wan the trador himself, a grizzled old 'wan derer of past CO. It was long past midnight, and tho old trader's numerous half canto family bad turned in to rjleep some hours be fore. It no happened that tbo old ,ma had jnst boon talking abont a stalwart sop of 'hid who had diod a feW months previously, and J?aokonbam and Denl- on, to whom the lad had been well . known, uskod hid fathor whoro the boy had been buried. "In there," replied tbo old man, pointing to a small whito walled in- clofliiro about a stone's throw from wbero wo wore sitting. "There's a good many graves there now. Let mo see. ThoTO~iB"Dawnoy, the skipper of the Maid of Samoa, and throo of his orow; Petornon, tho Dutchman him that got a bullet into him for fooling around too much with a pistol in bin band and : challenging natives to fight when ho was drunk; two or threo of my wifo'd relatives, who wanted to bo buried in my honeyard beoiiuso they thought to mako mo some return for keeping thoir fumiliofl aftor they wore dead; my boy Tom and tho whito woman." <'\Vliito woman?'1 said tbo mate of tho brig, "Bid a whito woman dio .Jiero? * "I'll toll you all I do know, and u ------; queer yarn it is too. In those days I wub tho only whito man boro. I got on vory well with tho untivofl and won doing a blgbtiBineflS. Thoro woro not many whaloahipa horo then, but evory ten months or bo a vcsaol camo horo from Sydney, and I was making money band ovor fist "Tho house in Which I then lived ' tood farther awny toward tho'point, in rather a clearer epofc tlian this. You can veo tho plaoo from horo and also see that a houso standing in such a position would bo visible not only from ull parte of tho iusido boaohas of tho 1 ugoon, but from tho soa as well. -not the present ono, you know was a Bonin island half bred Portuguese woman, and as she general ly talked to mo in English and had no nativo ways to apouk of wo usod to sit outgido in tbo ovonings pretty ofton and watch our kids and tho villngo pooplo dauoing and ofchorwiflo amusing thorn- boIvch on tho boaob. "Rotau,,tho hoad chief of this la goon, ono night told tin that u canoe had oomo from Mill!, mi island about throe days'wail to tho looward of Waller's plaoo,, and roportod that n Hhip had pnssod quito oioso to their island about a week before. "Aftor wo had aafc talking for awhilo my wifo called tbo children in and put thorn to Hloop, nnd Rotau and I and bis wives Bat outside a bit longer smoking. It was a moonlight night, almost as bright as it is tonight, and tho s6u was ay Smooth mh a mill pond so emoofch, in fuot, that tiioro was not ovon a break upon tho reef, and, tho trade wind having died awny, tbarn was net tbo Bound of a loaf utirring in tho palm grovo. "Wo had boon sitting llko this for abont half an hour, whoa Nora, my wifo, just as sho wna coming out of tho door to join us, guvo n ory. " 'To Kaibukol Look at tho ship. "I jumpod up and looked, nnd thoro, auro enough,, was a big ship just show ing round tho point and oIoho In, uofc more than a mi 16 away from tbo roof. ; "For a momont I waa bit soared, ro- snom boring that thoro was not n breath of wind, nnd yet sooing hor moving. Then Ivremomborbd tho autrout and knew that sho must huvo run up to tho land from the westward beforo dark perhaps, and that us soon as tho breeze had diod away tho current, which ruua about foot knots, had caught her and . Was now moving hor along. I took her' to be either a Yankee or British North American* ."Just aal bad askod Rotau to got ono tf bis women to hunt up a boat's orow he sang out: 'Liaion, Ted. X hoar a .;-.iHMit.,l "/.,,'<Xn another moment or two I heard vif mysolf plain enough 0Hok clack, click olaok and at tbo samo time saw ' that the ship was , heading away from tfio land. "I knew tho ship was right enough and could not get into any danger, as -the current would take her clear of the : land in another hour or noj so we all: ;,! f^entito the .point to 000 Where tbo boat Ktea* looming.-w' ,- "- $$><'-MM[ roW-!'a'"':*hO-"wa*1 Witbin.'1100, '.__s.'of th* boch I balled tbem to otfior inlnnt* or.awo tjb^ boat shot up on -tbghboaahi wad we orowded round them. .'"Stand 'back,, plfoia,' sayg the oftker, spooking in afovtienn, hurried kindLot* way, and then I saw that ho had a pistol in his loft hand, and that tho men with him looked whito and soartkl, and Boomed to take no notice of as. "Two of the men jumped outy and then wo saw that there was anothor person in tho boat a woman, She van flitting on tho bottom hoards, lying agninst tho stern ahe"ers, and soexnod to bo either asleep or dead. The officer helping them, thoy lifted her up and out of the boat and carrlod her ashore. Then tho ofllcer turns to me, and I saw that though he tried to speak quiotly he Was in a flurry over something. '"What's all this?' I said. 'What's the. matter? What have you got ihU pistol in your band for, and what is tho matter with this woman?' "He put tho pistol out of sight protty quick, and then, speaking bo rapidly I could hardly follow him, said that the lady was tho captain's wifo, and sho hud boea taken ill very suddenly, and hor husband, sooing my houao so oloso to, bad determined to send her ashoro and aco if anything cpuld bo dono for her. "'That's------queer,' I said- 'Why didn't ho oomo with her himself? Look horo I don't bollnve all this. How did ho know, ovon though tho houno is horo, that a whito man lives in it? Audi wani tohavoalook at tho woman's race. Sho nitwit bo dead for all I know.' "By this time my wifo and ono of Rotuu's wives had gone up to the wom an, and I saw that, although nho wasn't doad, sho looked very liko it, for hor oyes woro oloBod, and she seemtwl quito ' unconsoIoUH of ull that was going on. Sho-was young >uud Was ruthor protty. "'Ploaso tuko hor to your houao,' says tho ofllcer, and as soon as We huvo towed tho ship out of danger the captain will oomo aeboro and see you,' "'Hold onl'says I, and 1 grabbod him by tho arm, 'Do you moan to say yoa'ro going off in this fashion without telling mo anything furthor? Who are you anyway? What in tbo ship's name?' "Ho boBitnted jiiKt a socond and then said: 'Tho InonPrinco, Captain Brougb- tou. But I can't stay to talk now. The* captain hirnsolf will toll yon about it in- tho morning.' "And then, before.I could stop him, he jumped back out of my reach Into tbo boat, and tho four sailors, two of Whom woro niggers of some uo'rt, shoved off, and away thoy went again. , "Woll, wo-carriod tho'woman up to the houBo and placed her in a ohnir, and tho moment my wife took oft* the woolen wrappor that covered hor bead and Hhouldci'H Hho eriod ont that thoro was blood running down hor neok. And it didn't tako mo long to discover that tho woman was dying from a bullet wound in the baok of hor hoad. "We did all that wo , possibly oould for tho poor thing, but sho novor ro- galnod oonscionsuons, and toward fiun- riso she diod quiotly, Thoro was nothr ing about hor clothing to show who she Was, but sho woro rings such as would belong to a woman of somp position. That he bad boon murdered I oould not doubt, nnd perhaps some day, ovon after all these years, tho orimo may oomo to light" "But what booamo of tho ship?" askod tha muto of tbo Indiana. "Out of night by 8 o'olook in tho morning. As soon as I haw what wan tho mat'tor with tho woman I know that wo nood not oxpoofe to boo any ono from tho ship hack again." "I wonder what tho truo story of that woman's doath was?" said Puokouhnm thoughtfully as ho'looked toward the plaoo whoro sho was buriod. ' "Hoavon only knows," answered tho old trador. "Whothor it was a mutiny and hor husband was murdored, or whothor tho ofifloor who cam0 ashore with hor was tho captain himself and hor husband as well I oannot toll. Any way, I have since leurnod that thero novor was a ship namod tho IncaPrinoo. I'vo told tho story to ovory shipmastor IVo mot ninoo that night, and It was written about a good doal In tho Kng- lish and Ajworican nowpsaporfl. Thon tho affair was forgotten, and, liko many anothor such thing, tbo soorot may novor oomo out. " London Chrouiolo. p-TO$f li liw^mTplain. of TKiy have no appitiuj' food dooinot Mliih n4;ditM foils U*ffiigm\t 1 Jjpwfa. flaob'i^aoplo need the toning np of the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hoo4' Bartaparllla will give them. It also puri fies snd^enriches tho blood, cures that dls- tresi a^ter eating and Internal Mfsery . Only a, dyspeptlo can know, cfoates an oppvtltei ovoroQmes that tired fooling and builds up and sustains tho whole physios! system. It ao promptly and effectively relieves dyspeptic symptoms and ouiei nervous boadaohon, that It seems to have almost" a magic touch." platres* After Eating. "I have been troubled wlthjpdigestion for some time. After eating anything that was sweet I was sure to experience greet diffloalty and distress. iASt fall I began taking Hood's SanmparUIa and am glad to say that my stomach trouble has entirely disappeared. I can now eat a hearty meal of almost any kind of food and have no trouble afterwards. Hood's Barsaparllla has also cured me of nervous Spells," JOHK H. HOMHiaHAUSHlf, - Wheatland, Iowa. Such cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact tho One True Blood Purifier Prepared by 0. L Hood it Co., Lowell, Maia- u j. r~k**tf euro naiintm, tndlgentlonj nOOCl S PHIS blllouaDeas. 2ficonta. THE WIND IN THE CHIMNEY. Over tho chimney tho night wind Bang And clinntod a melody no ono knnw. And tho woman topped as h*rl)n))* nho toaoel And thought of tho Olio Hlmlirtdlotiir Hhionlnut And Kald, iiu hor tour drops lnuiU nho forcud, ul luito tho wind in tho ohimnoy." Ovor iho chtmtioy tlio nlRhtwlnd ttnng And ohimtod a molody no onu Jcwiw. And tho child run an Id itH tlu-y cloKor.droW, " 'Tlsoomo witch that in cleaving tho hlnolt niftht. tliroujfhl 'Tla Bonio witch that is elpnvlnrf .the hlackr And wo foar tlio wind hi tho chimnoy.M Ovr tho ohimnoy tho nleht wind win And ulinntod n molody no nun know. And tli mnn iw ho at on bin hearth lielow Said to liiniRotf, "It will Hiiroly anow, And fuol in donr and wu^oa low, And I'll atop tho lank In tho chimney." Ovor tho chimney tho ninht wind sang And cluiHlod n molody nu ntm Unu*, But tho pont llMtonod and Hinllnd, for he : Was nmn und woman and uhil'd, all throci. And ho waid, "It 1h OcmI'm own harmony, This wind tJmt sinus in tho ohlmnoy," Brut Harto. AN ARTFUL DODGER. )rh. Steel Plate* for Xlollor., Tho progross mado in onginoorlng is notably exhibited in tbo fuot that of Into years iron plafos for tho construc tion of boilors linvo boon almost ontiro- ly Buporsodod * by homogeneous stool, pint oh, thoso having n greater tensile strongth tbnn iron pi a to s and a groater olawtioity and ductility. The standard tests now requiro a tonsllo strength of from Bfi,Q00 to 00,000 pounds porHqunro Inch that is, tbo quality of tho stool plutp is required to bo such that,a bur ono innh squaro would neoosflltnto a force of 6*0,000 pounds to pull it asun der, and in Huoh process tho ductility of tho steol would cause it to stretch some what, bo that at tho point of fracture thoro would bo a marked roduotion of area in tho bar, tho amount of this re duction deciding in a groat uioasurb the quality of tho steel as adapted to boilor construction. In making spooinoations for boilers, therefore, especially for high pressures, it has eomo to be a con dition that tho steel plates shall be of tho above named tensile strength per squaro inoh, and that tho reduction , of area at tho point of fracture under a test like tho above shall be not less than GO per cont that Is, tho metal stretched under the test or strain so that, on break ing, it Was loss than one-half tho orig inal area of the bar. Suah teats deter- mino the.quality,aud,ability of tbo steel platep when made up into a boilor to adjust themselves to. the expansion and. contraction of the metal caused by the Tu'rying temperatures to whlolithe boil er is'snbjeoted When it is set np and put-in twe.' ". fltory of a Stolon Watch and n Truly Peultent Thlof. Hoingriobnnid proud, tho old railroad mnguato woult\ givo a ronaouablo for tune if this iuoidont in his career hud never beoomo public. Ho had loft hi? offlcfl one afternoon, and in front of thi; building found a crowd, attraotod by 11 pasHiug prooossion. Ho wan proHsing his way through whon stopped by a brilliantly hnudsonto' young woman whoso faoo woro a troublod look, film wanted to ranch u Rtreofc in tho north western' part of tho city and was nt 11 loso what routo to tuko. Ho gallantly helped horoufc-ol.the crush, put hor oi: tho right car and told hor whoro ta gf! off. Wanting to know tho timo u fov miuntcs later, ho dovo into hia watol: prcirot, only to ilnd it unoccupind. /- little profanity wch'followed by r ohuukh>, for tho watch-taken was i> ohnap atl'aiv J10 was carrying whilo hi- timepioeo was being ropairod; Ho had never suNpeoted tlio bonntifu' young ludy, but' tho next day fiho np poared in tuara and restored the stqlei. watch.. Hho \va.y KoreJy preH.-:ed fo- money, had no ono to whom who oouli go for help nnd had yielded to w jiic montary impnlno. But her couscicnc gavo her no rest until sho repented i\utmado restitution. She had thrown h<*v fiolf 011 his mercy, and tho old gentk: man was uVeply moved. He insisted oi.- hor taking ^>a0, to bo returned if shf wan ovor in n position to repay, other wiflo to bo regarded us a;gift. Over* come by a joyful ronotion! kIio alme-;: faintod and would huvo fallen but fo: tho support of her houefnetor. When sho wuh gouo, bo felt as a rau.u who had "dono a good deed and wh on tho befit of terms with himself. Ho even .looker: in tho ghum to smilo congratulations ul himself. Thoro ho discovered that hi.-; big diamond pin.wan gono. Tbo long pookotbook was miuHing from tho inside pookot of hia coat. With a woak bmid ho roaohod for hia own $fi00 ohrouom- otor, and that, too, hud vanished. Ho told no ono but .\m wifo, whom ho HWbro to snorecy. That is bow tho affair got ont. Detroit JTroo ProHH. Scott's Emulsion makes the blood richer and im proves the circulation. It increases the digestion and nourishes the body. It cor rects diseased action and strengthens the nervous sys-, tern. In a word, it places the body in the best possible condition for preventing the germs of Consumption from beginning or continuing their, woirk. In that one sentence jis the whole secret. ( Book covering the subject very ithoroiighly sent, free for tl^e asking,^, ;'..;.; SCOTT * BOW*ft BaUVrttU, Oa*. ,/, RHAD0W OP A NAME BARRY PAINE?S -.TRIBUTE; JO, ttT,HB MEMORY OF CHARLES CHADBAND. ftflaerjo* ot a Talaajted Man Wftb Vf*w tha CogHomen of pie of IHokens^CelabrateA Charaetera ' Wrote woald Hot jpmblljn. nUlti&tti "ifflt At 4 o'clock on the morning of Easter Sunday nt hie home near Malvern Well died Charles Ohndband, .With tho name of Chad baud, thanks to Dickens, tho reading world is famil iar. It sia associated with oillunso, hy pocrisy and self seeking. At the very sound of the name the reminiscent grin starts on all faces. Ho is a national joko. But we pay for all our laughter, and we, have paid for tho Ohndband jest! I do not mean to say that tho un happy accident by which Dickens so- leoted the name of Ohndband for his impontor was tho causa of tho doath of Charlos Chad baud. It was not. Ho diod of an ordinary disease consumption, in fnot. But that unhappy accidont did overshadow the whole of Charles Ohad- band's life. It did prevent him from taking the place and fame to which he was justly entitled. It has prevented tho general publio from reading ono sin gle line of his very excellent works. As bis literary executor X have had no obpico but to destroy overy line,of his manuscript, in nocordunoo with his orders. Not a single oopy has been taken, and not ono word of his works that his friends roraembor may bo com mitted to writing. I do not easily be lieve in tbo existence of goniUB, but I bolievo that Charlos Chad band had genius. Some, far more compotont to judge than I am, thought the Same As I watched tho last sparks dio out in tho big pile of burned paper it soomed a pity that so much work and such won derful gifts should bo all wostod for such a stupid, ignoble, maddening rea son booauso tho author had inherited tho name of a character in Dfokens. Ho Was vory sonsitivo, but, unlike most vory nonsitivo mon, bo Was not nffoctod or Vain. When I was first in troduced to him, ho said, laughing, that he was.no relation to tho original Ohndband. Ho rovolcd in Dickons and would quote tho original Ohndband freely, I had known him urlong~thno beforo 1 know that tho coinoidouco of the names gavo him any troublo at all. It was long boforo I could mako out why ho would not publish anything. He used to ciyo the moat absurd re n so us for his reticenco, and when driven into n corner he would say that ho was going -to\publiah, but not yot. Ono night, when I had just finished a long story of his, I implorod him to let mo tako it away with mo to London and soo what could bo.dono. "No," bo said. "No body would publish it." JC told him that it might bo rofusod by flvo mon out of six, but that tbo sixth would nftorward bo proud that ho had acooptod it. Thon, quito unexpectedly, tho socrofc came out, "No serious work," ho said, "could possibly do anything associated with tbo name of Chadbaud." Ho said it no light hoartodly that I thought he was ouco moro putting mo oft with a wrong reason, but I soon found that he was sincere. Ho imuglnod reviewers making josts about hisnnmpand owned that ho would not bo ablo to stand it. This surprised mo, for ho frequontly joked about his hamo himself, and so did his friends. Ho defouded himself. "That's different," ho said. "That is in conversation, among mon that X know. But X oould not hnvo Borao vul gar brnto who did not know mo at all doing the sumo tiling in cold print. It would present my btuff from tho wrong point of viow. No, tho associations of tho namo aro too strong. If you nro called Ohndband, yon aro called Chad- band, and thorn's an end of it. You may do what yon liko in private, bat you onu cpmo boforo tho public only as an intemporato, hypocritical, doliaious usfl, and in no othor character what ever. " . Ho would not hoar of 11 peoudonym or of 'anonymity. If hia work succeeded, tho soorot would ho found out, and ho would bo ashamed. If it did not suc ceed it was. not worth hia whilo to add to tho annual output of bad books. "Why mako all this fuss about nothing?" I said, ungry with his obstinacy. "If you thiuk.it matters one straw though it does not ohange your name oneo for nil and bo dono with it." Ho said that it would bo ehoor cowardice, and ho oould not dream of it. Very unfortunately, bo had privato moans. Povorty might huvo drlvou him to ovoroomo his HOiisitivonoHH arid to publish, Had ho dono bo it would hnvo boon curious to watoh tho growth of an entirely now Bet of associations around tho uamo Ohndband. X think ho was strong enough* to huvo redeemed tho uamo. Ho was unmurriod mud that ho did not boliovo in tho hereditary principles ns applied to jokes. Hifc real xoaoon, for not marrying was, of courso, tho dis ease of whinh ho died. He worked ox- coedingly hard, and, as ho know, to no purposo, Ho would not own that ho took pleasure in hia work. "No," bo aaid, "it's like smoking I gotno ploas- ure from .it,, butLihould miss it if I gave it up." He took enormous pains with his work and finished it as thor oughly as though it woro to constitute his appeal ,to tho world'on tho follow ing day. He kopt tho flual copy of everything he approved, hut his in structions wore that it was all to bo burned as soon as, possible aftor his death.- Barry Pain in Black and White. Making- Antlquea. In a oaso before a London magistrate tho question was as to the ownership of. some antique ornlulu art idea, and two workmen, who stoutly claimed ,the articles,, said that they "made" them. To prove thoir assertion they set, to work in court and showed bow ormolu Was mode V'antique** with ptunidia powder. i^s^yyvyw^if 1 mseu on toe liT^il ^'2'? ^ZZ^T^^ Busiut Xowx Council mots tin the 1st and Bra,' Uuaaaaya in. each -month B p. m., at 1 Town Bol^aibet atx*:, o; J, Thomai, Mayor | ^OOutanivMB aaorn Towvsnnr ooonoil xtgultjCf nMetlridipn 1 a- Haa tiatumay In i/afciHe'^nhall, Gosto. John Th i AjO. Atifjiaon, OJark, Oeato V. O, GonyiBLD Noaffn towniuip oouaoii holds xo guloi;anft(at nBa^nn tho laisDattuday la ooh- mouin ac^htowD'httil,Cottam. Ohua, ItyUtlo, Keevfl; Isaao JaoKaou, ulork, uottam, Jf. O. _ RtAiDToK townBhIu ooouoU holds refpuar msetingB on tha laat natorday In eaoh month at tho lowuahlp hall.In tho Oth, cod. l^otor CJor- boli, lioovo; M. MoHub, OJors, Woodalao, I'.O Handwiou Soutu township counoll holda ro- AUltur mo*ujBfl. pu tho lot ttaturuuy la oaah uontht(u bowuaUiphail, oldeaafcl*. iildwara O'NolJ, itoove; Jouu Moyuabun, Ulojrk, Maid* atonoP.o. CHURCH DIRECTORY UaiuomBT. Djf. Glfford, J^ator. Borvioa vory auuduy ox ji u. 10. and 7 p. ua. Mabbau. BohoolaC a:aop. m. v, IS, Naylor, Uuporlntoua out oi aohool. Jiipworth Xjuguo pruyojr meacUv luoBday evoulns atH o'oloak. Ueae/al piayt* meeting on Thursday evening. Ououoa of KnaVA.NX> llov, A. h Bovorly la aumbout, tit. tu.nl'*, Kbbox. UivinoHurviot: oyory auuUa.y at Uti-ui.,7 o'clock p .wbunday. School at 1U a. m.- J-'Wity Uhurcb, JMOzch iildgt tiun day yohool at 1.4S p. m 'Vhu publio aro oor- dlaUyinvltod. fnuBBXTBatAN, W.M.DIemlag, Pastor. Bar' vioaaon tiabbatn otlia. ra. and 7 .Bo p. m.tiab oath Hohool ata:U0 p. m. 1'ra.yer cutetlugauil i'dutor'e blbio olu&a ou'Xueaduy at 7.30 p. ui. UopialUulou oa WodneBduv at h.lb p. m, iiAPTnJT Oucboq.~Hov.il. 1*. Oampboll, Paa- cor bJ. viooa ouuh UivbbutU ut Jl. a. in, und i p. ui. 1'rayut1 uioocms oa WudaoBdtvy ovujjIu* utbo'olOOJi. B V.l'- U. UutiUUS ou liVldn-y evoningat Bo'olook. Bdattt tree. Alt aro oor- dially wolaouiud, Komas Oatiioho. l'r, 0. K. MoGoe, Pautor. Boryioo ityory Olhor Bunduy uib.liUp. in. Bunduy aohool kx, Up. ui, Maidbtonh. High njuuaaud uoriaou ut 10.U0 u. ni uuiouhisiu ui^ t>. m.i baptlaiu ubU p. lu,, votipuruuud oouediatton at 7 p, m. U. hJ. Ma- Uu, V. I*. HaIjVatiow AWmy. Capt. Oltway and Llout, Coo m oouiuiund, UalvutUm maotloKfl Wud- utiuciay,'l'lmrauu> and Buuday oVotilnyajFtoo aud Jiluuy,buturday ovuuing and ll p.m. buuday; i^oti utjjju luovtiUHh tot jobntttiutia b rlduy uvuumy aud 11 a.m. Huuduy; Kuoo Drill 1 u.m. ovory Buuday. LEGAL. lii A. WIBMKll, Darriatur, Holloltor, Notary Him Public tto. Money to touu. OillceB,Uuu- atftu lllook, up-atalra.l-lbiiex. 4-1 v h#,poi xaoaei __.J'*Oi.'f____, Khx 0ntre '-ttrsjrj. CrjAUKK, COWAN, BAKTL1V1' & BAliTLKT, llatrristoru, oto. OlUooa Uodbury liloak, WlndHcr. 1'riyuto ruudu tolouu. A. ll.OniWKU, li, li.il. U,K.COWAN,U.r.A. W, A. ISXUTWl, A.li. lli-UTLUT, 11, A. HMNltV O. WAXiTKUB L,Ij.1] Attomoyaad Couuiailo]' ut law, Solicitor lu Oliaucory, Troatorlu Adiuh-alty, mtaut Uolioitor, OJlloo, Ohambor oi Coiimituco Building, XJutroit, Mich, {Canadian clabuB against peirtious lu tbo Uaitod titatoa ooiluoi d,j , KaforouooHi Impecia/l Hank, KaaoiC, Out, . J. 3j. Peter's, Out. ,En<i.. littrriaUr, oto., Wiudaor, H.A, Wlutuor, Koq.' Barrister, otc4, Kbhox, Out D MEDICAL. IIS. BltllilN Si BHIKN. Jhh. Virion, M. D., Ij. 11., 0. P. H-, Rraduato of Queou'y UnivovBlty, Kiutfatou, uienibor of Ool- lu(jo of Phyuioiaus aud tJu^oone,Ontario. Grad- unto of Jow Vork 1'otit Graduate Medio ul Col- loo. \^ J. W. Brian ^r. ., 0. WT.. V. T. M. fl. Honor Hi-aduuto of Trinity Modloul Collo^a. liouojr ymduato of Trinity Univorelty. Membor of tho (Jollojidof 1'tiytiloiituf) and BurCaoutl, Out. Orad- uato of .Now Vork 1'oafc Qruduato Modioal Collogc. k Ollloo over iSflaex Mudioal Ball drug storo. CouBUltation rooms, both on ground Uoor aud tltfltilat above. a'olopbono,'iu both ollloo and rouldouoo. All calls atboudod Uj from ofllao, driiff Btora, or rustdoucoB. Hosldouoou, Talbot Htritot, near fair Ricouuda and adjoining Vutiu I'utiuu Om(jo. DH. J, lu. JJ^NKlt, Auaoolato Oorouor for tho County of Ebbqx. J, Karlo Jounor,M. i),0,M., Trinity Univor- slty; M. C. I*, and ti. Ontario; hia. Koyul Gollogo riiyaldiaua, Ijondou, lung.; Ibc BoboLumhlp and Gold Modaltst, Trinity (Jollogo, lbtui; aopolntod Boubo Phyuiolau aud Burgoou, Toronto Uonoral Hospital and Kosldout Aooouabour Burnsldo Lylug-iu Hospital, Toronto, lflti-l. Specialty, din- oanouof woniuuttndobildrou. Itosidouco,houuo latoly oooupiad by Dr. Dowar, Talbot at., Ubbox. Oflloo In Imperial Bank. Xtlook, Ground iloor, ox>poiiltu Tbornu'a druy atom, Madluiuos dlB* poiiHud in tbo ollloci, Tolopbono conuoctiou with botli ollloo aud raidduuoo. I'rivato tolo- iilaiuo liuo butwoon Cyril Puguotto'u houao and Bull Kounody's bouso and otUoo. at Pariubtto btution on tboXi.ki & 1) lilt, NiKbfcaallaattondod to ut ollloo orroaldouoo. r\K. J. T. SOAflaUVIXIiia, M.D.. 0. M., M.O U l*. & H. Out. Graduate of 'Xrluity Oidvor- aity. U'uilow of Trinity liodloal Oollogo, Toron to, Out. Omoo aud Itoflidonoo lfoui.0 latoly oouuplud' by tbo lata Br. Goorgo AIoKoukIo, Talbot bt. JJbbox, Oat, DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, I). D. S., L. JD. S. Graduate m in Dontiotry, ltoyul Collago oi Boutul durjoous, Ontario, und Univoruity of Toronto UiiurfltiB, tuodorato. Ollloo, ovor Idiaox Moul- oai Hall, Talbot utroot,-Uunux, lB-lv VETERINARY. WH. BICBAilDSON, VBTIilKIKABY GUH- GKU-N. Honorary graduuto of Ontario Votorinary Collogo, Toronto; moruhor ot Ou tario Votorinary Alodlaal Bocluty; -Diplomiat In Bontittry; troata all didoauoa ot domosUoatud anltnals; outilo do ho mod bv tho latoab improvoa Loavltt olippor Calls by tulopbono or tolo- grtniti proajptly attaudod to. Ituuidoucu.tbrou uoorsoaut of gristmill; otftoo lu post ^ffioa building; Uhhox intlrxijurj, illrootly oppouiiu. LAND SURVEYOR. J AUKS H. LAIKD, ProvluoJal Laud Burvoyoi and County JOuginuor, JiIbbox Out. Uuloe, Uuuatan Blook, up-atalra; AUCTIONEERS. HHNKY HKDltlCK, Auctlouoor. Bales promptly uttondod to. Address, Bouth Woodaloa, Out. Pejrfloiia desiring to uooure ma may loavo word at tho Fjikk I'ubbb olfioo. tf. M. HBBttXOH. D. BmOLAtU, LIOBH8BD AUCTIONEER for tbu County of Ebbox, Bialiilof Eighth Bivislou Court. All kinds of Farm and o&ar. Huloo ooiiduotod promptly, ltatoa reasonable/ aud lurliiubod on aDpHoatlon. EnquirerB may,1 apply at W. D. Beaua&n's oUloa. or as the offlco 't' r ot Bivislou Court OlOrH.Wm.Luiog. E. LIOENSBti. Xi. PAitK ___________....... o*nMrIiiahardaon-Blit;, Euix, ISSUER OF HABaiAOB 14 ^. iux,;On%r^p MBABBBTT. iaauer of Marilaga Idoenae iti CommisBloDorin O.J.,eto. Oetto, On% fL W.D- BE AM AN, w$% Issuor of Marriage IiloouBCB. IsBnranoe agaflt/ Nlghtofnoo at Dwelling. ' d , TALBOT BTBBBT, KBBEXi $ ^^^Ji^RTjAKIMO. HPTjUMMBB. Undertaker aad nurcltmeJ - Dealer. Coffins,' noma and laotory > ode' from$8toB0. '-"---------------- rnr^ MoQragor, ..Ont. '>H?te SOCIETIES ., r o. o. f.-bntepS[SBW^ 1* mootsovory Thursday evening at aOOm-, Oddfollows' BaB, In third atorcyBunatan Wok; | Visiting meinberauf othor lodges will reoerreW fraternal weloome. FKK0. GILBOE, N. Q, . OBNTBAXj KNCAMPMJ3NT. No. 60. meetaUf^.. OddfolIowa'HalUDauBtan Block, on the fbart$$ and third Tuesday In eaoh month. Visitors oor- % dlally received. Members ot sabordlnate lodgea :^i In tilt, jurladiotiop, invited to joiiu .O...j; HANNAN, O.P., G.F.HILL, Boo. ,f \i Friday ovoning In ovory month for brt" .: . gudo ruoatlng und third Friday for practice Iff tho Firemen's room in the Stone bolidinftV; wj. Jas. MoMurray, Cnief; Bam, Smith, Captain; ;>$ Job. Bloto, Lloutenant; Worron Loe. SaoxetoiVJ 'M) Fred. Hyatt; Treasurer. i T^i OUBT BOYAL, NO. 332. I. O. F. ~~TT Moots second and fourth Tuesdays in each mouth in l. O. O. P. Hall at S o'clock p. hi. Vlbitiug brethern will bo given a fraternal wel come. VV.J.Bowar, O. B., W.O.Shaw, U.S., M.J.WIglo.C. B. B.C. It. A.BaiDS.Fln.eeo,, and Troamirer. ......._ :-M Detroit....... Wiudaor.... Pol ton........ Maldntouoo Essex.,....... Woodaloo,,. BuBcomb .,. Corabor...... ltfdgotown.. Kodnoy....... Bt. Thoraau a. m. The Niagara'FalltliteU. aoma east Taking eCfoot Uay.lBW. Moil Exp. Exp.AccomMlxeai:5' a.m. B.QO CfiO B.oa 0,10 o.:jo 0.42 0.00 7.00 B,20 MO 0.60 a.m. 0.Q0 a.m. laoo lO.Ufi 7.18 11.00 p.m. 4.40 6.00 6.10 fl.28 B.37 -fr.60 8.47 10.00 rtOINCt WK8T. Kxp 12.20 V2& 0.05 7.10 7.B8 H.iQ 4.00 u a 4B0 4,43 0.35 0.51 0,10 10JO 1I.M 3J35 si London......... Nfc. TliomaB... Boduoy....... ltidgotown..... Coinbor..........' Busconib....... Woodaloo....... Esaox,........... Muidutouo Or Polton..........., Windsor____. Botrolt........... p.m. 12.10 Q.40 s.na 4 07 5.28 .40 fi.oO QM O.H (J.24 C.4G 7.10 a.m. a.m. U.40 o.ao Mixed 4.m 0.43 10.GB 0.05 11.30 O.Oo 7.0B 1S.UB 12.40 a.m. 0.15 0.15 7.11 7.D7 8.'W 0.D9 0.19 9.83 0.43 0.84 IC.1B 10.3C AiniiiorNtburit Jjocal Trulu*. p.m. B.0& (I.H 0.21 G'23 0-40 0,46 WKBT a.m. ajn, 11.40 7.Uft teABT m m m 6-80 7.87; 8.47 ia.40 Las1. ;-s^ 3 00- "M 8.20 ..?M mrJ :"M J# 4.00 n.c2 l'AOO 12.10 1%36 1&.40 7.IM 7.40 7.42 8.00 0.05 "RettoX' Kiigars fiios L K & 1> K Xing 6.47 .MeGregor - .11.45 Gordon 8.US AmborHtburg 0,20 All trains arc run on central standard time, wbloh is elxty nitnutofl alowor than Ebboi time. For information and ratea to colon ists moving wost ojiply to John Q. La von, PaB- songor Ationt, Hfc, Thomas. O. W. Buggies, Gen-1 oral Puaflongor nun Ticket Agent, Chicago 111 orA.O.Btbuors, Agent. Essex. ' 'm L.H.&D.R.Ry, TIMK TABLK NO. S3, taking effect M6n'da3'$| Bopt. 37,1800., Tralnsrun by Kastorn BflSaSr^^ltJ ard Timo, Daily except Sunday .,*'.\"| . :.;-.;;-,- >"\JI o .9' d Ui A M,A M 0.ii3:12,00 0'.83 J3.30 OJBO 18 40 0.4!l|l2.4A U.5)) 0.67 1002 10.01) 10.1(1 10.37 10,117 10.4a 10.BR 11.11 11.20 U.2A 11. IU 1US U:E0 H.tSC 13.04 ja.n 12.10 la.yfi 1'. M. r-M fl;2o 0.27 0.11O (Will 12.CU (J.47 l.IOig.Bl J.JO 060 i.aoi7.in l.fiO 2.03 2.315 2. BO il.JB 4,10 4.28 4.40 0.0H 6.M B.i'i B.t55 0.05 01B O.tlG .4r. 7.00 7.17 7.07 7.117 7.44 7.M B.C0 8.17 a.i>y H,ii2 1M0 S.47 a.BU 000 0.67 0.12 V20 0.111 Btiwons, Bop Walkdry'Io Ar Walkorvlllo Juno, .........Poltou......... ......I Oldoastlo...... ......I Paqaotto...... ......McGregor...... , f Now Canaan... ... 1 Marnbflold ... ,..... Harrow ...... .,......\ Amor......... ,,.... KuigBvllle...... ...... It nth von . .., ... Leamington ... ......Wheatley ...... ......i Houwlck...... ......Coatawortb ... ,.,..4 Glonwood..,;,, .........Morlln , ,, ...... Bandlapn ...... ...fCodarSpriuga... Bleu holm Jnnot'n ...... Blonhe'm...... ........-IWilLie......... ar Bidfiotowu.Dfcp o A M 0 10 0 03 8 67 6 08 8 47 8 43 8 SB 82U 822 8 11 8 01 7 61 7 40 7 21 7 Ifi 7 10 7.'00 0 52 0 45 am 6 24 8 21| 6 10 fl-00 Jt.M, A M o.&o BJW B.17 B.r8 .00 4.46 '4.S3 m 4 2St 7.03?i 4.G0 S.45 8.16 3.40 I.M 1,88 1.1B 12,30 12.21 12.1fi 12.00 11.28 31.20 11J5J lOiit, 10.00 a. at. imM 7.33 7.WJ 7.29 ,747/1 ,7ao:' 9M.a ftB- -"' 0.1b,,, 8.00 a:; 6.61 U 0.40 V 6,80 ,6:88 Sf ^ Flag Btatlonn.' Trains atop only when there'^| aro pasHonoora at or for tbeBo Btutioue.f Mixed."-' trains are at al tlmos subjoac to he aapoelled '-.;-,; WM WOOLLATT. General NUporlntmd6n'i:% Do You Want ' To' Drive anywhere, If bo, you want a Good'.' ( %M .........end the place to got it la at ,,-"ii"'^fl JOHN McDOllSAW*1 JOHN GORULEY, LIOlCNStCD AUCTIONKEK for the County of Kbbox, AU kinds of farm stock sales, etc, oonductod promptly and on short notice. Bates reasonable, Persons desirable to arrange sales may do so by calling at tho Fobs Fbbsb office or by applying to .. P.O. Box 100 - ,: vJUuaex.'Onb. |7BANK MoOLOBKByi Matdstona, tnlrty. Pi, lovcnyoara'expaiienoeaoana-aotiioc^ariD thaCounty of Eaaox. Sales oondacted promptly. and-on' reasonable termB*1 Parties ddalring-to fix the: da+e, tor a> sale cau se tbe^alvojka, drive by efUnng-ot the Fuss PMbbb oflico. We' havfeorranged^lthi^rt^qUi^FTM drui yrankMoOIokeytMaUttoneCrosa.Qnt " Livery. Sale & Feed Stable! 'W^v Good Hostlors In attendanco day'and nlghtA':;|| HORSE-SHOEINfl .;. OX; lb thin branoh of our baalirfl^'j^if."^>:i;i class Workmen and will gnarantcfl aWtf in Shoeing HoraiB that Interfere. Over-' to have Corns or Oontrootod Feet.;: We rx.-^. Bpoolalty of Bboalpg Boad and- Tragic HSlgj: tST Telephone ^P^^f^-^-^^^^m GENTS wanUbg ,prontable emi _ through tha anmmoran-t&A ikt we have nawost Bnaaiao^rS9'm :ndnew8as4Po^ths^;B| ( "'on .WrUejuatojaoa/ori