BlLi'3lr'*>i'*'^,,--,"*.,li,',;i 'r"' *i_a.L Hose *&* ^UJ4^/'of :;/BMbkB \.\;nnaef;|'tho i^^^iheBe^dftyo ' mutely Bay l^ij bi^U boy U w he Tor ; *W !; l^pBy^iUpW' .'lover eputlirn' J^tda Isn't a ciroumfltance to the kind ^^'"iosr ieveFw'e have hi Canada-jtwfc ^^^^waiili 'CJmfton. 'has" returned p^^iaWer being away for -some' tune ' tf' 'I|p!i?^g>/tPoiitanaent^for-.' impaired eye ttgmi8SBB Kaokbl and Ida NeBbitt, who b^d'beon visiting friends- in Learaing- ^ ^.w'd'EliigsviUe returned home last #,Tbb game of baseball,between Rath- ^^e^ and ^ ieamington at Leamington g^Op Tuesday, resulted in a soore of 20 to YljBitifororof Leamington. . gtj^^'one and two dollar bills are ^.' :]3eing put into circulation by the banks. ^'Jlany of. the old ones had, become k-tough-looking Bpepiznens. fe^ji/ipjtBjnr oonfiiatinjr' of Misses Annio iJgjikfljiSibvl Cunningham and Bertha Cbnpr droye but to Cedar OJeaoh, and ffififuit 'Wednesday very pleasantly. , S^obstthk, . Anderson & Co.'a Fall "fillinery opening takes place on Hept. ^Wrdiandfollowing,days. ; lady 'Sajibuld attend and see the new stylos in i|ipeadware ! " - Mv'-A'. Wt Gabdnbb and Master Herbert, HsVot 'Leamington,., wheeled to Oottam m j^atwrday evening arid to Essex on Sun- Mvflay'where they , spent, the day, the ^|^uqtsofU J., Whitney/ ^S^rThe work op the 'long distance tele- ^I>hdne is progressing favorably. The ^loabinethaa arrived, and is a beautiful feSiPftbly^be oompleted this week, tefeOAis.inthis.-.locality' ore below an ^r;Ay;>age.orpp eome yielding as low aa g/'.SO i)uslieis per acre.: Potatoes, which ^/iearlier in the season promised7 to te;' give ji large yield, are taming out very ^^'J. H. WiaiiEi of Essex,, opened up a fejli'grppery .business, in' Leamington last ^^fiatu^da>. It is situated on Talbot st. v'^ear.the' business centre arid has the .|^Jppopriata name of .."The Star". |^'3j.0<le;a many friends wish him sucoeefl. I^KBj^UiLEN has severed hie oonneo- ^|tionwith the firm of Forsythe, Ander- jS^fipn&Oo;, andhas leased the store of i^^ -late,"John T. Brown, Oottam. Mr. Millen' moved out thero jB$^;^e^neBday, A largeoirole of friends *v^'^|p^^^1"beir'depurtiiro from our midst, ^^|^'Somebody says, and the word is hpro- ipt^^th' paBsed along: Save your fruit pits tj^Jf'thpse from cherries, plums, peaohes l^aia appricots, towards the autumn K^peia fir^. A handful of those tossod |fj\^onrhe. opals will add a glowing flame V'^;'/ arid give out a pungent aromatic odor. |,S>;;;i, Robbins, of/Leamington, late ^0-; traveller -for the Leamington Flyatop ^^aniifaoturing .Company, has leased . fev: 'r^h^Ameriqan House and is now refitting ^/v^dTefurniBhing it. He-hopes to be ffh*;: readyVfor' tbe entertainment of the .f general public, by. the; first of noxt ^YweekJY ,'-. ijy'/j^xJKD, W. Smith, of. Leamington j.visited in town this week. Mr. Smith,. |y^:.-^qwaB formerly'iu the oinploy of J. fe| Mi Hicks here, but who has been in,. p|: ,;bijBiness for himself in Leamingtoii.for fe^spmfi',:months, has dispesod of his fM:;i?>britqh0r'business in Learn Morton arid fe intends goingtoihe NortHwest; M(gJ S%e sk-year-old adopted daughter of TO^jpJjas,i^oods, 10th concession of Mer- ^^BB^was fatally ;burnod on Saturday ^;^rtej,npori.v ; 'She was:, flaying with fe^atoixes/at the end of the, house; ,anfl .^JBei^fiie^toUer dresB,^8.-%ood8'hear-.* ^I^g'thei,'J screams -of the -unfortunate g^^d;-rah"to her;assistances SJie.quiok:; ^^i'plimged her. irito^'the banrelof'rain: w^^ter ^ear by,' bnt'the flames had done fm^^G^\.[dekdl^;:^ik'. : The ~ poor child "^ ^ing^ejd in-great pain, for about twenty iours^ when death bame .tib'-. her relief. t0^[':tn^a\; !'iqo^\\pla0e Von Monday ^SItf egiji|'ineetitig of the W.O.T.TJ. W^^i^J^p^0jr,.: 6|6pt/' 18th; .' 'Presi-: i^^^fiflt'Ohrirohi; i|i tjie ; ohair. ' The J|p$^ devotional ^^b^|^grwrbibli >eadini^ond> " .s^a^^npermtendents-ifoj: "y^r^pre^'eie^drr^'S #oifc i : ***^.-^aa';.-*hpn ;-;pro^ ^^^^^a ,.^mm............... Hat?tie Tedrow ^a* nnited in marriage to Fred Branton, Bpr. Mr. OlatwoW oliloIatinK, The bride -Vas irapportW: the gTopm: Fred is a son of pr. Bran- ^i:;pf^^i^n^;a^;';TO time employed as aalesmari at Liebel & Bricker's store;" The bride also'is well to'pwn:in Essex;;'; Mrii^^^'Mark .i?e-; Oew arid G. A. Ohuioh' attended the wedding^^ " '" ""J". '.'ri"': .. ABOpia'o'plock on ^Friday morning I ost.a'thief entered the generalatore of /Diebel & Brielcej1; by breitogtke glass in one of the front doors and climbing through -the ^ openlniBr. After getting about $200 worth of ready made olotji- irig he returned to the street and pro- buring the'.cact of J. A. Franois, loaded the clothing therein and started up the street. "When opposite the Aberdeen Hptel, he was aoppstect by Mrs.George Sears, who was going over to her sister's, Mrs: Frank Fobs. . Mrs. Sears asked him what he had in the cart to which he replied that it was cloth. Mrs. Fobs was in the front of her store and, she and Mrs. Searsfollowedthe man around the corner ot Victoria, steeet, but he had got only'as far as the .P. O., when he dumped the! cart and clothing into the ditch and made his escape; The night was a beautiful moonlight one and Mrs. Sears got a good look at the, cul prit, but beingmosked could not tell who he was. He was a short thick-set man. Diebel & Brioker offer a regard of twenty five dollars for the arrest and oonviction of the guilty parties. , Geato. There was a social in the Methodist church hero Thursday evening under the auspices of the W. O. T. TJ. The proceeds go towards paying for the papering and decorating which has just been completed by E. Smith, of Essex An enjoyable time was Bpent. / North Ridge. Lewis Williams attended the Fair in Toronto last week. Sandy-Henderson is attending the "V^estern Fair at London. David Meyers and wife attended the fair in Toronto last week. George Mulcaster and wife, of Camp Palmer visited relatives hore last Sun day. James Bainj wife an^ daughter,; of Oottain, visited at 'Wnx.. Beives' last Sunday. Feter jGIlboo, Bobert Hoggins and Oharles Lippatt oomhienc'ed cutting their corn last week* , James Oummiford and wife called on relatives in Oliuda last Friday and on their son Windle in Woodsleo on Satur day.- Ernest Hopgood'shot a fine young' eagle last Friday morning. The wings when extended, measured six feet from tip to tip. ' Mrs, Richard Mulcaster, of Essex, called on relatives on Monday*. Ilugh Johnston, of Essex, called on friends here lost Sunday. A great number of people are ill around here with a mild type of inv iluonza. *It begins with a sore throat and ends up'with a severe cold. , Wm. Reiye's little girl met with a very serious accident last Wednesday. Aa she was playing upstairs she acci- dently fell over the. baruiifltbr to the floor, over, eight feet below. She was unconscious for. some time* Dr. J- W. Brie&was quickly called in and wo aTo pleased to be able to report that she. is now quite recovered>from the offoots of her fall.; ; :.." Births/', . "',;.' Kelly At McGregor,, on Tuesday Sept. . 14th to Mr. nntl Mrs. Vclmer Kelly, a duufihter, ; '.. - , MchAULANE At Essex, on Monday Sept. ' 13th to Mr. nnd Mrs, Hiraiii TUcFarfane, a daughter. / .' ... ' ." poriGR Donsbs'-TTln Leamington, at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. ,. : 8th, Mr: Henry Dodfie .and Emily O. Dobsoni both of Gosfield ;Nbrth, / Essex Markets. September iCth. @ Wheat, redj per, bush...$ Wheat, winte.........;.*,.. Corn...... ......*..;.....,..,.. Oats....;.';....:....,......;.;, Timothy fleed..,-,..'....,... 1 90 Oloyer seedv^........,,..;.. 8 00 Hay, per tori.........:.....: .5 00' Alsike......... ......... ...... 8 00 Beef, dressed............... 4J Pork, livoweighi...,..,., ;j T, ____ Miitton.....:. ...... ......*;. 5p Ohib'keris^'per.tb/.i.',;.;-.' ^.'OT, Bn^e^i...v.M^;..,'f.;..'....;\;:;;;; .,18,';;;:>'!:;^4' ;Lardr^^ 1 m'M 08,: ,..:"1".v-v08: Egge, per doz...............' : 00 :: 09' ^otetdeB^Cne^)...;^.;^"-^. ffi 80 86 :80, ':-:.'.-9lv 1,35 4 00 0 00 4 oa 05; 6 00 ..... :.are';ii6w; 8j- PrankJifoOarthy, repairing two bridges on Talbot road in TVard 4, $31; JHier^y.]tfe1^:^^^ iitti;oori road Jos priiaojiejv ife, pau^gvbridge^d^er .^."p'Opiun'eir^Creek Drain on read the same to !be charged to the dram ^henrepairedr85; Wrn Bftttersby, ^ aoroHsBase4me on thellth; oon road inAVftrd).$5.75;"V7in^ Battcorsby biifee over the^P'Oonnell Drain on thti lltli con road the same charged to the drain^ wbien repaired ?80; A J", Halfprd balanoe "on.MoPherspW; Drain survey, $20; Downing drain award D and W *37; Court of Revision onMoPhersbn Drain repair, 64.; The following apcounts were paid.for gravelling on0BBin Ward 1: John M O'Neil 94.60, J E McCarthy 4.60, Or Holden K60, Henry O'Neil J4;50, Fred OfNeil U. 75, John , Dawson U. 50, A Oavanaghillo, Frank O'Neil 13, Geo Hartleyv61j John S. Plant, putting in anew culvert.on'theBaserline arid re-, pairing one on the 11th con road, S8; Edward O'Neil, for charity, $5; Michael Bbbinson, Township's portion of Moore Drain D and W $15.80; Leon McAuliffe; serving copies of the MoPherson Drain repairs by-law, 98, Frank O'lfeil, filing pathmaster's list for 1897, *1; A Oole Lynch contract on "WeBt Townljne and Pike Greek -Drain repairs/ 825; John Ferry 83.00 and, John Lynch $60 on West Townline and Pike Greek Drain repairs; A Cole $9.80, Wm.Cole $10.95, and Luke Wahon^lO on the 7th con drain repairs. ' Moved by Mr Shuttleworth,seconded by Mr. O'Koefo.thnt A JHalfordbe in structed to examine the lot 13, 8th con, complained of hy Messrs Moritreuil and Hurley, Tinder the pro visions of the drainage ; Act 1804, and report at the next meeting of the coun cil; Carried, , Moved by Mr Shuttlew6rth,seconded by Mr Greaves that the tender of John Houson for $315 for section 2, and of John Sullivan for $300 for section 1, on the MoPhers'on Drain repairs be accept ed and the Reeve be instructed to sign the contract and attach the - corporate seal thereto. rCarried. Moved byMr 6'Keefe, seconded by Shuttleworth that Michael O'Keefe be granted his Statute Labor of lot 10, in 0th con containing. 65 acres, for work performed in 189flby.order of Edward Moonoy. Carriec). Moved by Mr.Shuttlbworth,Beconded by Mr O'Koefe that S S No 5 ho-giyen 16 loads of gravel at 10 cents per load. Carried. The sum of f 3.50 was paid to Treasurer for same. Moved by Mr.Shuttlewbrth,seoonded by Mr O'Keofe.that the.Township pur- ohase^ acre of gravel from A, Oole at. the rate of 3800 per acre. ^Carried. The commissioners on fltkijiue outlet recommended the sale of 6th Line out let. ' -: Moved by Mr Shuttleworth, seconded by Mr Greaves,that the commissionerfl be authorized to re-sell the O'Gonnell contract on the 9th Line outlet.-"Car ried.; -\ ;' Moved by Mr Sbuttiewbrth,seconded by Mr .Greaves, that J. O'Keefe be em powered to grant a lease of Statute Labor to Henry Mahoney on the 11th con road.-*-Oarried. : Moved by Mr Cavanagh,seconded:by Mr 9huttleworfch, that each member of the Council and Clerk be paid $3 for Court of Beyision on MoPherson- drain repair. parried^ Aloved by Mr; Oavanagh,seooride4 by S^r Greaves, that the ; following pre amble and resolution' be adopted. Whereas the snifflcienoy, of the followr ingonlyerts: -At7thcontlrain mile east of Peltouj Gzpwski Ih-ain one^half mile west of Maidstone !arid .Maiden Bbad one-<inarter/ mile- east, of .Maid stone, under the lino of railway of Canada Southern Railway Gpmpariy, hayebeen^n dispute tetweon the' Muni- oipalty and the said Railway Company,, .And Whereto; thp Township En^irieeri has/'after ahirivestigationi^ecommend^ ed that: As to thfe, 7th con a 48, inch ^on-pipe be flubefcitated for the present pipe, rai,the sole expense of the! .Obmpanynidia^ of by'A'JHaUprc1rTb^n ' A;'s .to^^^oWsW^Draiii \&:^ia^p^:ii^r ^r^ipWheipiacea straight line with, the drain s^nd that the,present mode of carrying water a- cross the lands of the Railway Company Straw ^ts for! M Sailors fot Women and '?.,: !*.'$'/& Summer Ooatt^^ for- Men and Boys,.-' .' LadieB' Vests, Pariasols, Fans, Fine All-Wool Challies. &o. ;; : " ":\>M$$M dome ESarly and Sectire the Ghoice of these CW ^-.^-'."v^r^'i wane s. #*We Want 10,000 dozen. Fresh Eggs, and 10,000 lbs. Firet-olass Butter in exoli for goods. ' . ":-%iw Our Premium Goods are the, finest-to be had. Yours For Bargains, .'AY.' .J. WIGLE&C m DTT2TBT-a.1T BLOCK. SSSSS. ,-,_ v^ SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, G&PS, ROOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES Dress Goods. Latest Shades,,at 26g per yard, all^ia, Black Lustres as low as 25c per yard, v rG>M*$$$k .; . WiMM ",". "- r^Cw'r^m GLOTHING. ;. . 0 BOOTS and SHOBSli We handle nothing hut best makes at the lowfeist1 prices. mi Latest Styles in Straw and^FeLt Hats at very lpw prices ^ Special Line Ladies^ Oxfordi T. for .$1/.',. 'Men^sBrogans^for1^!^ ices.: [Mim ;.r*::' We Lead the Trade in best G-oods at 16wje| prices. Try our 25c Tea and if not proven money refandedi.-'iV^M *<s- Highest Price>Pa(d for Wool and Produce, sole expense of the company and at depth to be approved of by A J Halford, .Township Engineer. Therefore be it resolved' that^ the Canada. Southern Eailway Company be requested to carry but the above recommendations, and that the",Treasurer of this Municipality pay the sum of, twenty-five : dollars: io' the said Bailway Company upon .their ohief Engineer writing to the Olerk; of ;tnis Municipality that the.:above .re-, oommeiidations have been carried out. .Carried.., .' All pathxnaBters are requested to re ctum their-lists on pr before meeting of the Oouneil. Applications will be received at next meeting; for colleotor. < ":," Oonnoil adjourned. ' ;;_;.-'., Great Soutji Western Exhibition, at Essex Town, on Tuesday, iWednesdayand Thurs day, September aSth, QptTii an^oth. , Rochester and Maidstone Agricultural. So ciety, at Belle River, on Tuesday and Wed' nesday, October I2th and; 13th. ".' . . Colchester South Agricultural: Society, at Harrow, on Tuesday and'Vyednes4ay,Oclobr mhand r3th. ; The Shoe Business of this Store l^a^heeriilrai^ on its Merit- htiyinif?| " '^ A"waIdeptIaiMhocl "Collegiate iinU pre - oaratoty Studlie*.. . 'Miwlc, 'Fine;; Art, rKlocutlori.BuiIoiiM. Moral and ^sthetki AdvaDWcci. Affill-, 11 1 [ . rn^rn ' oted, with VIciotU Uoivfity^Con^cUP^df (ivwi<eJgh( acre pijik; hqyr ^icr ^driuaatmtedutal^ WOODI8 >' v'<^ to "onro'aU forma of.'Jfcnmii m s:srii^~s *^vi$m Selling: on feraM gu'inent.ihati-Is;::ia^Mfj Of haying; the newest arid Selling :bn the ^ margin of Prpfit is all the argumentVthatijan^ ;,fpr(,::;br3sk.,Brfes>';;^"'.-r y '. ^y^^i^ The more you compare Goods and: pHcefti^^^tM pertain you will be ;tp.^spend'-"'.your\ndne^'^i^i|^ We. want yoar Trade an4 we qSer:jAW-^ii^i^k rarBigu ot, the .golden;" .Bbot^WmTNEX'. BIiOdkj'-'BSSB^l'J^}^^!^ '-- i^ --- '../* ^'1?-^is5i#iM ! ':'. ^^I'YV'fe'Bttpm'Bpfe'^pWH'fAifi ;lla^^G)^a^cie ^vy-y^y . . v-v!-^^^M " '^v-^l^El^toiM