Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 3, 1897, p. 7

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', '- #1 jjMtfpftf-tft-ft fiMtar taft Hum My ^!^Mb^:;|^Vfftifonr utdfctnt. Thii j u- ^#*^ ****W w**V ntdUlaal atvlft f^iM-******** * wy, bat wbU Hood'i ^ ^*tt*MWAdc*.,lh*t , . W^";V '^ pe^i;^1 *** * deorfwd th public, and K;:::: Wi with ito iapUtlv mtdfolnal merit, pv'Vfjtta P*oplhTbldtnf oonfldnc SP' V Jn > *&d *mjr Bood'a AuMpuilbt almost 5 ' -** Uxfllul<ra of U others. Oiiatomor* Want Hootfl. M W order Hood'i SanaptHUa In larga tltfag And UktlMoolj blood purlflw Moh a dronrlt ami bay In Iirn qoantl- wlthoaftrbk. ttteMUlngwrnpldlj oustcawn who boy It onoe art awo caUfo*Hoo4*lhaiiax*ttBM. W U- e Hood'i 8**p*cltl* taut poucu auttt tn ovdar to Mtaln iU popular- y. Iti Mli OMd all ilmUar prapara- ad Its mIm at* ofUn fcaard." Boumm A Bern, 6prt&gfl*ld, IWnoU. ThoiWMBd* ol dnsLta My Um Mun. Si? #!' . 'j' Sarsaparilla llbtbfjt-totiHtMOMTfV* Blood Pnfffar. apTMoply by q t Hood &Co Lowell, Maw. [oodfs puis is&xtiiiszsaig: M--..J.......,,. . Camp Palmer, . S. Golden Wiglo, of Buthven, has Iseon in this vicinity for tho past week r so buying corn and shipped two car loads from hero on Monday. .....-i ^ Cottam. Sidney KoIIet and Xj, Or ton,- spent Bnnday last with frionds in Windsor nd Walkerville. Miss Maud Fox, of Detroit, is spoud- ing a few weeks with Thomas Hill, our genial blacksmith, The Qosfiold North Ohooso Co. have ' sold 100 of the first half of August mako to Mr. Riley, of Ingorsoll, at 9 cents *>er lb. . The Misses Taokaborry, who have been visiting at Ashtabnla, Ohio, for a month, returned with Mr. Taekaberry, "Wednesday morning. Ohas. Snlall has sold his property in Cottam to Bobert Burling and intends to locate in Kiugsvillo. Wo are sorry to lose suoh a good oitizon. Mrs. J.T. Brown was spending a fow days with hor friend Mrs. James Bur- diok, of Essex, on the shoros of Lake St- Olair. 8ho roiurnod homo on Titos- James Bain, troasuror of Gosflold North, andfamily havo returned very much improved in health, aftor spend ing two 'weeks on tho shoroa of Lake Erie. Kobort Tate has just returned from Xondon whore ho has boon shipping cattle. This is the third carload this season, and will nhip another car on Monday next. , The Mothodiflts of Cottam, intond folding their Union Harvest Home Dinner and Tea next Tuesday, Soptom- l>er 7th, on tho lawns of Mossrs. James and Jolly. A good time is oxpootod. byflreoxt day night' In^dlarUin it mipootai: >.-j-J^-:\i-: ;'; .^:;:^::;'Ndrtii:;ia4*-V-':' Early planted oorn will be fit to out inafewdayfl. / George Bowman returned from Miohiffan laat Sflte^ay. : Mm. John Koble U Molting her daughter, Miss. Orion, atOlinda. Jeremy Johnson and wife, of Essex, called on relatives here last week. Mrs. IJee, of Eflflex, was yiBiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hesbon. Mrs. Laing and children, of London, are visiting with their uncle, James Oummiford. Mrs. W. W. Oolenutt, of Maidstone, called on her mother, Mrs. Samuel Sar gent, laat Monday. John Sutton has sold a iarm of 10 acres in theUth concession to R.Cooke. of Sandwich, for $3,600. Mrs. J. 0. Carter and son, Sidney, opent laat Friday with Stephen Mo- Oombs and wife, in Essex. Bichard Cowell, of the Middle Road, Maidstone, called on relatives hero lost Saturday and Sunday. Miss Carson, of Alpena, Miah., who was tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Meyers, has returned home, Mr. Harry Pearco, who taught tho school here two years ago, was married on Monday to Miss Adella Bodd, at Gosto. The MiBBOH Shorelandrotnrned homo Wednesday last after spending a pleasant two weeks' visit with Mrs. GL Bodello. Mrs. John McAllister, of Hartford, Mich., is here visiting her parents, James Oummiford and wife, and other relativoR, Mrs. Goo. Muloaster, of Camp Pal mer, and Miss Florenee Muloaster, of tonr visited B.I^oelait week. The farmera are busy threshing- a- round here. The grain is turning out well.'. G. Grant and J, D. Hill were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Novin last Sunday. Hill Bros, are very busy shipping briok. They shipped a carload to Til bury last week. Miss Maggie Barnes has returned home from spending some days In Walkorvillo. with the Misses Webster. haa r i Brooker. . Melvin Lainbin moved into Samuel Osborne's house on the Oth con, last week. Mrs. Jas. Newman Is recovering from the effoota of the injuries received at the funeral of tho late J. T. Brown. Jack Gasooyne, one of Wm, Moe's threshing hands, had a lively ride and a narrow escape on Monday morning. As he was driving past the engine his horse beoaae frightened, ran away and riddled his cart all to pieces. He was unhurt. The social held on the lawn of Joseph Myres, on Thursday last, proved a grand success. The coolness of tho evening prevented some, but iee cream was in groat deraand.Tho proceeds were $12. To disposeof the remaining provi sions the members of tho congregation decided to havo a neck-tie social. Every one enjoyed themsolvos as usual. The girls brought tho neckties and paid for them and the boys ate the provisions. >( , * ) ii-. |h iv, mi;.t;{ Ocsfo. Misses McFnrland, of Toronto, are Visiting with their sister, Mrs. Mc Gregor, hero. Rev. G. B. Popo, formerly of Now Canaan, is now sfcationodat Saginaw and Bay City, Mich., in charge of the A. M. E. Church there. Key. C. W. Kennedy, of Wroxetor, conducted tho eorvicos in tho Gosto MothodiBfc ohuroh Inst Sunday. Ho left on Monday morning for Sboldon, O;, whoro he intendb to rosido perman ently. ,' ' J.P., on Monday, Rev. G. A.Gifford, Ph.D., of Essex, oOloatod at amarriagocoromony by which Mr. Bodd'sdaughtor, Adolla, was united to Edward H. Ponrco, of Hopo TownHhip, Durham Co. Only tho~;hwnodiato relatives woro proaout. Mr.. Pearoo formerly taught school at Kow Canaan and Edcar Mills. Tho young oouplo left on a wedding trip to v 'Niagara-. Falls. "0St Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, 7ohn Bodd Mi": VaS tho seen'o of a very pretty function ^K'-'i iftst 'Monday;"afternoon, it boing tho ifefe .occasion of tho marriago of .their daugh- *W: fcer, Delia; to E. H. Piorco, of Hopo ;,.-, Township,purham Co.Rov.Dr.Gifford, ^v. of Essex,performed the interesting cor- ISiLj embny.The nappy couple woro attonded rfe' : by J. H. Bbdd, the brido's hrothor, of w*:?|is.';.'Wuidsor, and Mios Stella White, of i'vGestor Little Miim Delia Moore,'of Wi\ .Braoebridge, was maid of honor and I* Jooked vory pretty while holding the ^ bride's bouquets. The handsome and 4ft:. mostly presents, which they ,were th ^';V; recipients of, show tho esteem in which '-1' ' the young couple are held hi the com- ^ij, munity. Mr...and Mrs. Pierceloftou Pj.v^the afternoon train for Windsor on """"' their way to spend, their honoymoon ^tvith Mr. Pierce's parents in Hope town- ^ hip. On their return thoy" will settle ^J^on'the farmat Gesto; The best wishes ^ oijali:Jtheir many friends for a long and jjJt';Jippy4'mttCTied!life\followihem.; SV^'^;1; .' ." '-' Walkerville, called on relatives hero last Thursday. John Moyors burned 20 acres of Alalko clover last Thursday; it contnin- od no seed and he thought it worthless for provendor. Mrs. J. C. Carter, and young son Sidney, spent last Friday in Essex, the guest of her undo and aunt, Stephen MoOombs and wife. Mrs. A. G. Bodclle has a rose buh in bloom for the.second time this year; the flowers are vory largo, red, double and sextuple, perfect beauties. The Misses -Shorolaml, Florence, Edna and Ethel, who were visiting for a week with Mrs, A, G. Bodclle, left for tho parontal roof in Detroit, last Monday, ^ Tho Bingloy bill lias put a stop to tho ohnrooal burning horo as Mr. Sut ton finds he cannot sell his coal in De troit. He has shlppod his coal wood there to tho wood morohantsv Mrs. John McAllister and daughter, Miss Maud, of Hartford, Mich., and MrH. Title, of SummorviUe, Mioh., loft for their rospootivo homos Inst Monday morning aftor a week's visit with rela tives and acquaintances here. David Noble is on the warpath trying to soli shares in a Kloudiko Gold Min ing Co, Ho informs your reporter that ho purposos going to the Yukon in tho spring of 1808, provided tho doctors paos him and pronounce him frost proof. A number of our eitissens aro afflicted with KlondicitiH. It is a disoasod con dition of ft, portion of tho"hoad directly" under tho anterior inferior anglo of tho pariotal bono, Thoso who havo broad, or bullet Upads, ns tho lato lamented Honry Ward Booohor callod thorn, arc most liable to become nfHictod; long, high, narrow,unBohlHh heads seldom or never become afflicted with this marked abnormal condition of mind. Mrs. (Eov.) John E. Hunter, evange list, with their children, E. Crossloy, M. Mabel and Ethel B., aro visiting with horsietor, Mrs. Bichard O. Whit- more. Mrs. Huhtor dolivorod an "ex cellent address in tho Mothodist church horo last Sunday morning. Thoso who had tho groat ploasuro of listening to tho talontod lady pronounce it tho host and most earnest address., ever hoard' from that pulpit dolivorod by a woman. Tho boys who loft for tho golden grain Holds of tho Prairie Proyinoo two wooks ago havo boon hoard from, Thoy bocamo floparatod in Toronto and did not moot ugain until thoy arrivod in Winnipeg; however, the boyH got there all right. Ono of thorn in writing says tho North Shore route is something magnificent for grandeur and sublimity,' beyond powor of tongue, or. pen to cor rectly describe, and must bo seon appreciated by a suscoptiblo soul. Tho earth is said to bo gradually cool ing off and of course 'shrinking, because boat expands and cold contracts;.but- wo had no thought or idea that it was shrinking so vory rapidly. A Gosiield North farmer sowed eight acres of wheat last fall, so ho himself said. This spring he said it was seven acres, and last week he throKhod from tho grain 200 bushels. He says now it grow on only six acreo! Boys, take our advice: don*t start for. the Yukon river for a fow years on a wild gobse gold-hunting ex pedition. Wait awhile and if old Mother Earth, shrinks as .fast between the Yukon and Essex as this farmer's farm you will not have far to'go, and besides remember it is not all gold that glit ters; distance lends enchantment to tho vjow. Maidstone, Geo. D. Gray, of Ada, Ohio, is visit ing friends in this vicinity. Thomas Brown, of Essex, visited friends in this vicinity on Sunday. Mrs. Dahl is slowly recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Jos. Fourth is home sick with typhoid fever. Ho is under tho care of Dr. Jonner. Robert Groonway took very ill on Wednesday ovening with dysentery. Dr. Jonner is in attendance. The Epworth JJcaguo of tho Motho dist Ohuroh will givo a social in tho church this (Friday) evening. A good musical and literary programme will be given. Thomas Plant, whoso rosidenoe was destroyed by'fire a short time ago, is preparing to rebuild, Ho will havo a two story brick residence put up and .Wm. Dahl will do tho brick work. Tho Lawn social at tho Parsonage Wednesday evening was a marked suc cess. Addresses woro delivered by Rov. Dr. Gifford, of Essex, and G, D. Gray, of Ada, Ohio. Tho Sabbath School funds were -augmented by about $i(S; Last Wednesday aftomoon Walter Oolenutt nipt with quite a serious ao- cidoiit at Albert Wiemer's threshing. He wntf afmisting to raise tho straw- carriers whou tho chain (dipped allow ing tho whole weight to fall upon his head and shoulders knocking him in sensible and severely bruising his head. Ho was carried out for doad but soon rooovorod consoiousnoHs and was taken home. Ho is yet suffering from tho effects of his injuries IP TB Mr^^ We B^e^ to rie that John Murray 'is able,i<p beojit again. Mi*6 R*nd*U,;-off visiting her uncle, Amos Lesporanoe. The Epworth League will hold their monthlv_Jiterary on thet 7th of this month. , ' Fred Lesperance and[Miss Vick Lovie were married in Detroit on the 28th of August. Miss Lizzie Healy, of Cleveland,. Ohio, Is here on a visit to Miss Jennie Fitzgerald. A large number from here attended the picnic at Whitson settlement/last Wednesday. Miss Mary Donovan, who has been visiting friends in Cleveland, has re turned home. Mrs. Fred Harvey, of Detroit, and three children, are visiting friends and relatives here. TheK. 0. Bohool, which was closed for the past week on account of diph theria, is now opened again. Mrs, J. T. Mnllins. who spent the summer with her father,. J. A. Hogan, has returned to her home in Chicago. Augustus Vick era' little girl is very low with malignant diphtheria. One child died two weeks ago with the same disease. A marriage license was granted In Detroit on Saturday to Frederick Les- poranco, Woodsleo, and Miss Victoria Sauve, Belle River. Miss Ethol Thompson, of Windsor, has returned home after spending a week with hor cousin, Miss O. Buck- borough, at Wm. Sohoploy's. i ... i. ., . i " . . BirtliH, Gregory At Essex, on Sunday Aug, 39th to Mr. and Mrs. Rol>crt Gregory, a son. SuLUVAN In Sandwich South, on Satur day, Aug. z8th to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sullivan, a son. I^^m^^m^^^ |iSy and see the"'06ib^'ai:;.'SiW tion of New Dress Ctoods S Mantles THE GREAT CORNER Dress price fllarriftgu. PkArce At the residence of the bride's father, in Gcsto, on Monday, September 30th, by Rev. G, A. Gifford Ph. D.", Mr, Edwin IL Pearce, of Hope township, Durham Co., to Adella Rodd, youngest daughter of John Roild, J.P., of Gesto. Deaths. JO.VKS In Gosfield North, on Thursday,Aug, 26th, Mrs. S. B. Jones, aged 06 years. t Essex Markets, September 2rd. South Woodsleo. A new platform has boon erected for tho Bcalos. P. B, Tester has oponod up a now grocery in town. Nathan Smith, who has boon ill for some timo, iti ablo to bo around. ' Oummiford & Molutoor have put a now platform in front of thoir mnohmo shop. The Epworth League will hold thoir regular litorary on Tuesday evening next. Quito a number of our citizens ox- ourted to ICingsvillo on thoir ciyio hol iday. Miss H. Bailey, of Jackson, Mioh., is visiting with hor sistor, Mrs. O, Dawson. Bov. James Huasor, of Louisvillo.oo- oupiod tho pulpit of. the Mothodist ohuroh hero Sunday morning. .,'!, Mrs. Coorero Taylor was taken sud denly ill with inflammation jpf tbo atomaoh at tho B. T. of T. oonoor.t last Friday night. Lewis Bpbius has startod up ji now bu toher business in town, We hopo to soo him got a -littoral share of tbo pat- ronago of our oitizons, Bov. John Keelnnds, who was a few yoars ago stationed at South Wbodsloe and who ia now rosiding at Strathroy suporamiuatod,on Priday last uninten tionally took a dose of Bolladona Una- ment which nearly cost him his life but with timely aid of throe medical, nien serious results woro prevented. Tho B. T. p T. entertainment held on Friday evening was a grand success. The following programme was attend ivbly listened tp: Opening, an instru mental soioction by the Dickson fam ily; rooitation, "Prohibition;" MrB, Goo, Taylor;.'quartette*' Mrs. D. E. Young, Mrs. J. Molnteer. Charles and Angus Taylor; picoalo solo, Mr. Dick son; speech, Rev. W/H. Shaw; recita tion with tableau. Little Jim, tbe col lier's son, Chos. Smith; selection (in strumental), Diokabn family; instru mental selection, ' Miss L. Molnteer. The meeting, was closed with VGod Save the Queen." , Wheat, redj per bush...$ @ Wheat, whito............... Corn........................... Oats........................... Timothy seed............... 1 20 Cloyor seed.................. 8 00 Hay, por ton............... 5 00 Alsike........................ BOO Beef, dresHed............... 4} Pork, live weight......... Mutton..........-............ 4 00 HidoH........................ 8 76 Chickens, por lb.........., 07 Butter........................ 18 Lard......................'....... 08 Eggs, per doss............... 00 Potatoes (now).............. 83 82 27 20 25 00 00 00 05 00 no 00 07 14 08 00 60 Over 60 Parisian French Novelty. CoaEumes to select from, ranging in from $4.65 to $12 for each Dress. 25 Pieces of two-toned Fanoy Dress Goods, 42 inches wide, worth regular 87Jo. per yard for 80o. per yard. Bpeoiol values in Priostloy'a Black Dress Goods, Serges, Lustres, Velours, Black and. Colored two-toned Broadcloths, Whip Cords and Bouoles. * * . " 100 Ladies' Now Mantles, tho latest crea tions, in Black; Brown, Fawn, Green, Navy Bluo, and Grey,, prices from $3 up to $15 each. HOSIERY. Wo aro ia receipt of tbose standard brands of almost everlasting IBIaok Ribbod Cashmere Hose, double knees and toes,, for Ladies, Misses, 13oys and Children. Groat values in Winter. Ladies' Vests, for Fall and m 1 ' / t -> - 1 :< Our Grocery Dept is filled with Low Prices. Choice Grocories at AetoniflhinglyS The Great Corner Store. NOTICE, Wc arc now. buying corn at Walkerville and paying 25.cents pcrbualicl for No. v, .Hiuam Walkkk & Sons, (Ltd.) Walkerville, Tune 8th, 1897. CANADIAN o IPacific Ky. J-IARVEST-^^ EXCURSIONS. MANITOBA AMD THE' CANADIAN NORTH-WEST TO m Don't be talked into buying a StoveJ tkat -won't suit yon and paying twc|t prices for it wlien you can buy .# better article in your own town al? an honest"price. I . "'TIS 'M W. H. Richard^oiil Good to uo on AugUBfc 31nt, foturti until Ootobor iiftjh ; cood to so on Boptombor 14to. votuvn until Noveiubor 17th ; from all stations In On tario, Onaplntf, SauliJ tite Mario, Windsor and ICaHfc. For rrtos, map3, tlmo tables, pamphlota and full Information, apply to any Canadian X?ooMo Railway Aaont, orwrltt) o. k.mophkhbon, l, Kiufl Ht. Mast, Toronto. Schools^- Ro-oponod and the ..... Essex. Medical Hall HasEoooivod a Largo Supply, of School BookH for Public and .' . .High Schools, Also an Assortment of Btati onery iu All Linos of . . . Inks, Lead Pencils, Scribblers, Drawing Books, Writing Pads, Counter Blotters, ; Day Books, &e> &c- ESSEX Continues doing business at the old Stand-.-"--" w Hardware, 5toves and Ranges, i Do[you Want ANewBuggy^w Or your Old One itit^ll tfSfi M^" flWSP^^RtlS^IS^Pfflr ......Phamiacist, s ; ;. If bo youoarinofe do bettor than by calling at the: ., --k^f-%W scbanids,employed, we can gnarantee allworb to b4 fi?r particular.^........;;.....,.;,". >-^-':^^M We are prepared to do all kinds bf:>'Bepaiiriiig*ii3idndiQ^'-]^||^j^ . 11 IjiLI V'lt^!!yMiiifa TAtiBpT-s*.; :Bsaie^ Having; the best Meobon olaaa in every m.....

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