&tip . . \'C/v-'"^vM ),. m^ jwxts for iheiRoyal, iM&^'M' v^ . vhe Lanoashire, abesi Inmraaoe CompanU in tha world jj^o a specialty of Insuring Farmtro- " ' to Loan at 5 and 5X percent, on Farm Insure qitw in Good Reliable ; , Companies, Essex Free Press. jj|W|CTT *v AULD, PBOFWIKTOW. MLY, SEPTEMBEB 8, 1897. fc and Vicinity. kjMol^BB, of thoBecord, was in town leeday. JSSu J)ibbbii left for Toronto Bun- JJMoAijbtbb, of Comber, -was in ion Wednesday, iatid Mro. Harry Wiglo left for itoMonday night. "i E. EnT.of Laird Ave.,has a day -which "were 180 buds. John Iaaxno, Dr. Gracey and 0. E. lor flpent Monday in Detroit. wanted to do general house tk. ' Apply to Mrs, (Dr.) Jenner. FbbePbesh will be sent to new ribers to January 1st 1898, for 25o. J, WioiiB. & Go. are offering bargainb in all lines of summer Raymond, of Leamington, is (c|hig a few days with her sister, S.T. 8haw. 7-lNTRp An apprentice to learn smaiing. Misses Hall and Faul, iSfijyfrooiileo. tf wt Thoy been Mrs. AnKBTiL, Manager of tbe Imperial u here, returned from his holiday ({Monday morning. %"[-0. CnuBOHand J. and E. Howard, ^wereTiaitingMr. Church's parents 'e>left for Detroitlast Friday. Kent, of the High School staff, 0 has been spending her bolidays in est arrived In town Tuesday even- and Mrs. Gracey, who have ,t the summer visiting G. E. Nay- d family left for their homo in i'oh' Wednesday. . G, L, OkassweijIjBb and two dren have been spendine a week t'friends in Amheretburg. ^ed homo on Tuesday, s. *Wm. Eiddiok who has (ting for the past week with '^OPulIer, Kuthven, returned Tues- ^yening on business* ii liriok for the brick Work around 0 new boilers at the waterworks g supplied by Hill Bros, from jr. brick yards at Elmstoatf. iss B. Bowen, of St. Thomas, who Jwbeon spending afow weeks with vjister, Mrs, A. 0. Stimors, return* ome last Saturday evening. _* and Mrs. Fleming and children, Lj'bave been spending their vacation ide-a-wee Cottage," Cedar Boaoh, ;ed home yesterday (Thursday). butter! shipments to the old. try! are reported as exceptionally just now, and the busineus of g export dead moat from.OUi- $irad export live stock is very brisk, J(H. Righaiu>sok and E. L. Park 5wnUVwill leavo on Saturday for xitd to attoud the "Industrial Ex pand will unite business with ^v.V.". . on MoSwhem, of Leamington, Renting the Peninsular Gold Min- "MdA Development Co*y of Ontario, id, did business in town last ay. J, E. McQueen and A. E. 1 have boou appointed local rate for tho Company*'- M.O.B. will issuo oheap exour- ngraiee to tho Canadian Northwest ;4$guflt 81st' good to return until fptier, 80th, and on September 14th )ct!ip'return until Novombor ltitk, at losing rates. Binflcnrth,Dauphi, faine, Eetovan, Moosomin and jS,;at $28; Calgary and Prince V,o,t #BG; MoOHojaw, Jtegina and iwn at'$30; Edmonton and Hod fjpajw wheat went below tho dollar pfejomei years ago a down east farm- ojrajd things all ut sixes and ho veil M iiBrfamily for moxe reasons than one. P9)qb tfero poor in figures and tho ?)j(tation:o u load of wheat when be was odd cents instead of a cloUarwas a severe tax on Siatheniatical abilities.' '"Whoat [(J always bo a dollar,'?* this farmor ^^i;;."because its so easy to ilggor ^flfioja; '$&. huhdred bushels, a hun- fd^nars andno time lost in figger- 7.$ie,'t Yiotorian . Era ExpoHition rapAtriftl Fair at Toronto, August f/^ptainber ttth, a rate of one ^'limited fare for the round ^^. Thomas and C. P. Br br ^i, ,T; H. #c B.; or Niagota 0!^)ates of sale, August diet ""jbif iioth inoluBiye, good to ti=|^ep^eiober 18th; Speoial ,. jihjar, lOthi arid 8th; Bates il'dpys as follows; Maidstone I^EroexiV^Bis;;,^^^^ ^^ "4iiti68 w#l not appljr via !Mondat next, Labor Day, will public holiday. Miss Katb Latno hao roturned from a visit to friends in Tilbury. Tsn duck shooting season opened last ^Wednesday, Seprt. 1st. ' Mibh T. MiiiUan, of Leamington, is visiting Miss Bessie MoDougail. J.-MtOahe, of Chicago, is visiting bis uncle, M. J. Wigle, this week. Mns. E. A. "Wisher returned from her visit to Welland on Monday night. Good girl wanted for general house work. Apply to Mns. H. P. Mabtin, M. J. WiaiiB & Co want 10,000 lbs first olaes buttor, and 10,000 dozen eggs. Pahties having business to settle with G. E. Smith & Co. will call on E, A. Wiamer. 85 2t D. J. Whitnby'b hat and cap sale will continue until Saturday night. Don't miss it. Mrs. Wm. Laino returned Tuesday night from visiting friends and rela tives in Welland, Tub man who christened the present type of gold fever Klondicitis has come protty near the mark. J. H. TaoKabbbby took a business trip to Ashtabula, Ohio, last Saturday and returned Wednesday. A.H. Smith and wife left Wednes day evening for Bat Portage, where they will reside permanently. OiUBLES Sterling, of Saruia, a former High School student here, vis ited friends in town last Friday. 0. A. Lohnes, of Taylor University, Upland, Ind., spent Sunday and Mon day with his siator, Mrs, H. M. Faul. Fob Saxe Bnggy and lumber wagon for sale at a bargain, nearly new. Apply to K. H. Milieu, Essex. 88 4t. IIkv, W. M. Fleming having returned after his holidays, there will bo aorvices in the Presbyterian ohuroh next Sab bath as usual. Waltbb Shaw returned to his duties atDiebel k Bricker's Monday morn ing, after spending his holidays at Ridgetown and other places. W. Ohuboh and son Wilbur loft for Toronto onTuosday. While thoro Mr. Ohuroh will take in the Fair. Wilbur will remain for some months attending tho Business College there. Anij parties owing G. E. Smith & Co. must call on Ei A. Wismer and settle at once. After August 26th all ao- oountswill be sued and costs added. At the instanco of J. B. McEwan, dog tax collootor,nine dilatory tax pay ers appeared beforo P. M, Beamon. Three were dismissed; the others paid up, Tiik Managor of the Groat Sonth Westorn informs us that the face traok is now in good shape for spooding horses. All, who wish to train their drivers, are woloomo to use the traok any or all the timo. Mibs Claka OrjVBit, who has just ob tained a second class certificate as tho result of a course of study in the Essex High Sohool, left on Saturday lnflfc for Windsor, where she took tho steamer Alberta for Algoma Mills, having been engaged to teach tho school there- , ** Ciue. M/ Johnston has sold Lis brother, Hugh M.dohnston, CO aoros of lot 18, Iflth con. of Colchester North, adjoining tho Town of Essex, for Sl.BOO.C.M. will movo to his now placo on the Talbot road in about two months. Jamkk Manning of Oxloy is said to be tho only fruit grower in Esflox coun ty who has a crop of peaches this sea son. He has been oferod $1,5000 for his crop but wants $3,000. Tho above roport has been going the rounds of tho press. Mr. Manning has only-16 bxiflhels of poachos in his orchard. Dn. Logan, of Movavinutown, and his Swodish wifo assisted tho Salva tion Army hero Saturday ovoning and Sunday. The Dr. playod the violin and his wifo accompanied him on tho guitar. Tho S.A. barracks woro woll fillod both in the afternoon and ovon ing sovvicos. Thoy loft for Windfior on Monday morning. 0. ,]. Gabdnek and family movod to Leamington on Wednesday last. His roaidonoo baa boon takon by 0. Krieg- hoJT, who will movo. thereto with his mothor about tho end of tho month. Mrs. Ida Hicks, of Detroit, who owns the houso now occupied by Mr. ICrieg- holi*, will movo back to Essox and oc cupy hor own roaidenoo. In the following townships viK: Sombra, Chatham, CamSon, Dovor, Gosiield South, Colohostor South and Muldon, which are oloso auarantiues, quarantine was removed on Friday last by order ofGovormcnt as far as fat hogs for immodiato slaughtor aro concerned, euoh Hogs can bo shipped without por- mii The oloao auarantine still oxists so far as all other olassea of; hogs aro concerned. Tiijb Knights of the Maeoabeos, of Oomb'or;, hold thoir annual parado to divine sorvlco in tho Methodist ohuroh ia&t Sunday. Visitirig brethren from Hebner Tent, No. 74, Essex* and Mer- Bea,Tent,No. 70, Leamington.were pre sent. There woro about One hunplrfld in line, headed by tbe Comber Brass Band. Thoy were addrossed by Bev, Mr. Kirkland who preached a very ap propriate sermon.;' The Essex contin gent returnod home, iibout 9 o'clock having had to drive around by Cottam onaecount of the^ 1w5:a GtBL wanted for general house work- Apply at the Aberdeen. Miss Hatttb Rush returned from Cedar Beach on Saturday evening. Kim 1, Kum all, an git ur fazes took, 8 fur a i, at KrieghoflTfl* gallery. Godwin. WiaLB, his sister Lily and Clifford Gifford took a trip to KingS- villelaat Thursday. Misa EnxiA Manwino, of London, is spending a few weeks with her brother, Principal Manning. Gildhbt and Lewis Piumhau and John Eodidoux, of Amherstbnrg, visit ed for a few days with friends and relatives, this week. WEKAMTmakefaoesbutwekantokemdo ntmatterowansomthaisthrefurtwentynv ecentsatkrieghofisgallery. Fbane Giiebn left on Saturday last with a oar load of live hogs for Mon treal, returnjng on Wednesday. Mns. Frank Gbben and children, who had been visiting at her old home at Wellandport, have returned home. The Publio Sohool of Essex opened on Wednesday with a very large at tendance, nil the room being nearly full. , Hits. CiiAs, Hannan and two child ren who have been visiting for a month in Grand Rapids and Mancelona, Mi oh., returned home on Tuenday. Mns. Dr. , Kirkkr, of Detroit, who has been spending a few weeks with John Laing and family, left for her home in Detroit on Saturday night. The warden of Essex County has nominated Harry Boll, of Oxley, as the county Student to the Ontario Agri cultural college at'Gnelph. HointondB going to the College in Ootober. C. L. CnABswBtiiiEB, B.A., Principal of.tho High. School, who has been spending his holidays at Moon River, Bbsseau and other parts of Muskoka, returned on Saturday evening. UttitnEivr AniiBN, whose wheol was damaged by a fall which he received in trying to avoid a collision with a shunting freight train, August 18th, is entering action against tho M. 0. 11. for damages. Mns, W. Swinaktom, of Warder, Idaho, who has been visiting her brother W. H. Richardson and other friends in town and vicinity, went to Toronto last Saturday, whore she will visit the exhibition before return ing homo. Sticky: fly-papAr-usod in summer' is said to make an excellent mouse trap. Lay a nheot of it in front of hole from which the mice emerge, and it will hold them until you capturo them. The samo paper can bo used again and again. This is better than poisoning thom, allowing them to retreat to thoir holes and there decay. A BTIUN015 state of affairs exists at Wallacoburg. Tho county acknow ledges no responsibility for tho costly swing bridgo there, and the town de clines the ownorship. Tho result ,is tho old oarotaker has doolarojt himsolf tho owner and threatens to charge parties crossing it, and will only swing it for so much a swing. Bidgotown Dominion, Last Sunday morning a west bound freight train was dorailod two milos east of Comber, by an axle brooking, Throo coat cars woroditohod and totally wreokod while four more woro badly broken up. All traffic was. suspended until about throo o'clock whon tho track was cleared sufficiently to allow the fast mails to proceed. Th throsbing Reason is now on, and ownors of steam throshors should see that their smokes tacks are properly protootodbyBoroons, so called for by law. Anythroshor who nogleots this precaution is liable to a heavy Hue and imprisonment. Farmers aro also warn ed not to allow a traotion engino hiteb- od on to h clean or in thoir barn, as this is n violation of tho condition laid down in all insurance policies. . Foit tho Western Fair at London frotn Soptombor Othto 18th, theM.C.E. will oner a rato of ono first-class limit ed faro for round trip, good going from Septembof 10th to 17th, good to return until Soptember 30th and on Soptombor 18th and 15th special oxenvsjons will bo run good to roturn until Septombo 20th at following ratos: Woodaloo, S2.CT; Maidatono, Edgars, &3.&0; McGregor; S9.60. tf A MiSBiiAnijM impostor is working his gamo on Bomo.of tho towns of Essex soiling from house to houso a salvo which ho guarantocH to cure warts. All sensible people know that the only way to removo a wart is to rub it with half a potato, wbioh is afterwards to be buried by. a orossoyod-ttegro in tho northwest corner of a graveyard at midnight, during tho dark of tho moon. A.S the potato decays the wart will dis appear.. The salve in tin boxes is a d elusion and a snare. Winnipeg Free Preas:-rThe dwindle of a Klondyke fortune of $180,000 to $5,000 may cool the ardor of many who have filled themselves with the -notion ot getting into Yukon as fast as.posaible. If we could get at the truth, it would, probably bo found that all the stories oi big money were tainted with exag geration almost as great. There is mare gold in a Manitoba quarter sec-, tion, if indnstripnsly worked^ th^n In' the' test olftim jn ! ttie ^pndyicei It. Rings, ^ings. Engagement and Wedding Binga Reduced Prices for 30 Days*...-------- * Inauer of Marriage Licenses. D. J. WniTNEit will continue his sale on sugars for another week. Kev. M. P. and Mrs, Campbell were visiting in Windsor on Monday. Miss Maby H. WioxiB, of Kingsville, is visiting hor brothor, M. -T. Wiglo. Second hand buggy aud cook Btoye for sale oheap, Geo. Liokman. 83- 4t G. E. FonflYTiiE left on Monday on a business trip to Montreal and Toronto. N. Stonb, of Highgate, visited his brother~JLE. Stone, Tuesday ovening. He returned Wednesday morning. Mrs, P. Oijauk aud daughter Ellen left on Saturday last to visit for a week with friends and relatives in Chatham. A, B. Cubhino, of tho High Sohool staff, and wifo returnod 'Monday evon- ing after spending the holidays in Wellington County. W. M. DbCbw has sold out his busi ness here and will sell now his stock of lumber at a greatly reduced prieo. Call and see his stock early, Pabttbs will need to keep a sharp lookout for the Dominion bank bills stolen from the Napanee Bank, aa they are not countersigned and therefore worthless; Tho burglars will no doubt try to float them as speedily as possible.' Mns. S. B. Jonhs who diod in North Gosfield on Thuraday last at tho ripe old age of 80 years, was interred in tho Cottam oomotory on Friday after noon. Rev. M. P. Campbell and Bev, Jacob Hor conducted tho funeral core- monies. Taa price of hogs in oastorn markets has taken a drop but A. J. Groon ship ped a carload on Saturday last for which $5 per owt. was paid. Ho is go ing to ship nnother carload on Monday next and will pay $5 per owt. for it. In other parts of tho country tho prico has dropped to &t.7f> and less. An advertisement will bo found in another column of tho Peninsular Min ing and Development Co. of Ontario, limited. This company is apuroly Cana dian one and the direotors purpose sending an expedition to tho Klondike next spring. Stock is now selling at 5 cents per share but tho prico will bo advanced on Soptombor 15th. It is notod as a singular fact that, while most of tho Htreot bioyclo acci dents last year rosultod in injury to pedestrians, this season it is tho wheel man who is gonorally hurt, It would seem, as if the pedestrian had booome expert in tho art of dodging and tho wheelman moro rookless in his scorch ing. Tub Laing, Bitchie Co. of Ebhox, Ltd., shipped 'oil Tuesday a quantity of hay fork oarriora, stacking outfits, and pulloys to A. W. Proutico, of Westraw, Marvis, Lanark, Scotland. This is the first shipment to tho old country this iirm has mndo nn'd show not only thab.their goods are right in-quality, and prico but. also that the world is beginning to find out this fact., Thk Ladies' Aid Society ojf tho Metho dist ohuroh, Essex, to tho number of forty took posapssiou of the residence of C. .T. Gardner on Tuesday evening, and spent a f 0w hours in a social manner and expressing approoiation of the valued services of Mrs. Gardner in con nection with the church,, temperance and charitable work of the town, and regret at her departure. Many ' good wishes will follow her in her new home. The following books are on the teachers' readjjng course for the school year 1897-98 Teaching the language- Arts, Hindedale; , Education of the Greek people, Davidson; the old regime in Canada, parkman. J Candidates for admission to .the Normal eolidols in August,1898,.and January, 18Bft will be examined hi.these: books. No teacher in Essex shoitld fail to road the book first jaaiaedi. 'S.JX*,'.-'tfa0l-, fttfoyo1 .;.lij?i.V 'it sbow.B'bieaily ^w^V^^i^Uttwiir.; Ash" Butter, m*& t 'sm And ^>> Potatoes Taken in Exchange FOR Q0OD5 '.w, ^^ At WHITNEY'S. :^.'f: e fftl e Peiiinsular^ -^ Gold Mining and Development Co,, (OF ONTARIO, LXMaTED.) Incorporated under tho Laws of tho Province of Ontario. Head Office, - Loamington, Out. . Nou-Poraoual Liability. AUTHORIZED CAPITALIZATION. 900,000 sharos pur value 91-00, fully paid up and non-assessable. 200,000 shared not aside for development, purposes. A limited number is now. in tho market at &' oenta par aharo. Tho Company will advance the prioa of stock on Soptombor Ifith- OFMOBKB. PrcBident OOHN A. ATJLD, Esq., M. P. IP., Amheratburg. 1st Vioe-I?rea. DU. W, A. PlPEll.Esq.. - Loamingtou. 2nd Vioe-PrsB.-OHAS. G. POX, Efiq.( Dist. Rep. KfngsviUe. 3rd Vioo-Proa, a, E. JOHNSON, Enq., Mayor, Leammgton. Managor RI0HABD TRUAX, Esq., - Toronto. Booretary-Treaanter HUGH MoBWEEN, Esq.,Leammton. Bankers. Consulting Engineer* Tho Trailers Bank of Canada. E. Wallace, EBq., Toronto. Bolioltor for tho Company. . W. T. Eaatoni-Leamington, DlttECTORS: --* 1 . < JobuAAuld, Biw-'MPP. Amhflwitburtf, Obavloa Q ^'ox, Dlattiot Hop,. KmnsvUle. l^r W A PIpor, Esq, ljoaaiinBton J B Jobnsou, EBq., Mayor, liOamiDKton Rlohard Truax, Mwi. - v Toronto HUBhMoSwoon.Emi, - rjeamiatoB Drl)HPUer.BlQ, - - Ohip>q, 111 W B Sutton, Esq; - - Loadoa W J Girlinfi, Esq, - - Manoboator, England JibIj Dunn, Eflfl, Lumberman, .Maokhma, Mlobt O 13 Sweeney, Kh<i, Capital I ut, - Detroit. Allah W 0 Crawford, Khii, ilauufaofcarer, - Tilbury liQamiagtoa. '3; Hottjuinia Koble, ^armor, Juiudh Pleher, Keq, Publisher, Jjonmiugtiot Thos W Maliierney, Engineer, Datroic, Mloh ' TTlie Klondyke, Bonanza aud Eldoraao Gold Fields. The Pouinsalar Mining and Development Gompauy of Outatid, Limited, has bett organized for th" purpose of exploring Iooatin.and working mineral lauds arid tn Yukon will be the prinoipal field of its operations. Descriptions of this wonderful country and its groat deposits of Gold have filled ooluma in the Oanadian and America* press and tho Dominion Government bus confirmed tbe faotn. American uyndioata* that sent men to that reffiou have reaped enormous profits in a very short time. Owing: to the diffioalties in transportation aud proouring food only Btrong eyndioates auot oapitalista can Bacoossfully operate in that reRion. The Yukon Gold Fields am afctraotlnff the attention of the civilized world. The Placer Mines are richer ton tlmea ovor than any hitherto discovered, and every man abould have bis share of thto- Klondyke Gold. I( he oanuofco for it himself, he oan pnrobaee from 100 to 1(00 shares of this Company's-Btock for five cents per abare up till September 15th, which it will be advanced to from 25 QQtils to 80 cants por shire. This Company Js now obmplatind arrangemsnta for a atrouR party to proceed aa Boon as possible to tHei Klondvke and Yukon. It will be thoroughly equipped in e*ry respeot, Rood groundl will be aeoured and miainftoporatioQB will be pushed witrjfvlRor. You will observe) \:m ;' ^ -:-m "' V\: '. \i --r^" m or Durohasiufc of expensive roaohinery, ihorefore oaroblof exp^nBe will be lu pettin/c ( .:ff.^M our men on tbo grouna. We say to 6he investor that our ohanaes of^ maWngr large an*:...;,, jv?^l Quick returns out of Placer Mining ia tWfOty times greater than any other, .:B&yqpr?:".>v.rS Johnson of lieaminRton, VIoe.Prea. Cv of Uenea, will take charge of the expedition aud will-acp aa maoagersfor the qpmtapf^vtev^S Tbev are both large stockholders.-", Only a limited number of promoter** shares )W:&}<W\$m 5 cents eadh to-pay for preliminary expensesof eawipDoenVeto.^ ^e.^pbito;ba::.ab^,?,TY^^ to pay every investor whoputa in 10, 200 ; and every 8100,,3,0p0^the first,waepp;.).^^-^ ibputa in 10,"8200 ; andTevery 8100, $3,000 the first, waspi) **zr ' All who wish to join this Company's Klbndyke.expedition party rr*ast place be sound Id be^aim and well recommeuaed,;WiU shares of Btockaft fi cent?, 9350. Fojf fortW|tf|^ Leamington, either ia.peisojjuDr:by-to^^